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Today In The Beatles History

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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 01.07.14 21:25:49   
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Ringo Starr, George Harrison, John Lennon and Paul McCartney of the Beatles rest between takes in Studio Two at Abbey Road in London during the recording session for the single 'She Loves You' on July 1, 1963. Getty Images Ringo Starr, George Harrison, John Lennon and Paul McCartney of the Beatles rest between takes in Studio Two at Abbey Road in London during the recording session for the single 'She Loves You' on July 1, 1963. Getty Images
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 01.07.14 21:29:53   
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Norman Smith, engineer for both She Loves You sessions(and George Martin)Norman Smith, engineer for both She Loves You sessions(and George Martin)
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 01.07.14 21:47:16   
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The date of this photo is July 1 1963 and look at all of the fans who are already hanging around EMI while the Beatles are recording. The date of this photo is July 1 1963 and look at all of the fans who are already hanging around EMI while the Beatles are recording.

Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 01.07.14 23:54:49   
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1 July 1963, inside EMI Studios. Their July session dates having been publicised in advance by the weekly pop papers, police twice had to be summoned to Abbey Road when the Beatles came to record, so many were the fans outside. One girl managed to penetrate studio two before the ‘She Loves You’ session, almost reaching John (seen here chatting to balance engineer Norman Smith.)1 July 1963, inside EMI Studios. Their July session dates having been publicised in advance by the weekly pop papers, police twice had to be summoned to Abbey Road when the Beatles came to record, so many were the fans outside. One girl managed to penetrate studio two before the ‘She Loves You’ session, almost reaching John (seen here chatting to balance engineer Norman Smith.)
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 02.07.14 00:34:07   
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1 июля 19661 июля 1966
Концерт Битлз:Ниппон Будокан Холл,Токио,Япония
18.00,Пятница (48 лет назад)

Битлз дают два концерта в Ниппон Будокан Холле в Токио,Япония,в этот день.
10 000 поклонников Битлз из Японии увидели эти концерты.Первый из них был заснят компанией Nippon Television,концерт транслировался вечером по каналу NTV
Channel 4 в программе The Beatles Recital.
Битлз исполнили свой сет-лист тура 1966 года: Rock And Roll Music, She's A Woman, If I Needed Someone, Day Tripper, Baby's In Black, I Feel Fine, Yesterday, I Wanna Be Your Man, Nowhere Man, Paperback Writer и I'm Down
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 02.07.14 00:43:02   
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1 июля 1966: 1 июля 1966:
Концерт Битлз: Nippon Budokan Hall, Токио
July 1st 1966. (Photo by Robert Whitaker/G​etty Images)
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 02.07.14 00:54:50   
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Photograph from Mainichi Shimbun. 1966. 雑記帳 Zakkichō (Notebook). 1 July, p. 15 (Showa 41, 7.1 Friday).Photograph from Mainichi Shimbun. 1966. 雑記帳 Zakkichō (Notebook). 1 July, p. 15 (Showa 41, 7.1 Friday).

Photograph Caption: Police below the stage are decisive

Copy: Beatles climb the stage. Screaming and crying voices reverberate to the high ceiling of the Budōkan. Just at that moment, policemen jump up around the stage, and are crouched down between the seats.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 02.07.14 00:57:08   
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Японские битломаныЯпонские битломаны
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 02.07.14 01:31:59   
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Пол перед концертом Пол перед концертом
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 02.07.14 01:33:29   
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Beatles perform at the Nippon Budokan in Tokyo, Japan in 1966Beatles perform at the Nippon Budokan in Tokyo, Japan in 1966
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 02.07.14 01:36:11   
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John painting at the Tokyo Hilton, 1966. (The hand next to him belongs to PaulJohn painting at the Tokyo Hilton, 1966. (The hand next to him belongs to Paul
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 02.07.14 01:38:49   
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Битлз в ТокиоБитлз в Токио
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 02.07.14 01:46:18   
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At the Tokyo Hilton, 1966At the Tokyo Hilton, 1966

Robert Whitaker: “Again, it’s with that 21mm lens. You can get so much in, and the detail and depth of field are amazing. The Beatles couldn’t leave the hotel, and they were very keen to see as much of the best arts that they could, which was obviously difficult. They were interested in majorly exotic pieces to take back as presents. A whole bunch of people were invited, again by the promoter, to bring in a series of beautiful objets d’art of Japan. That’s a picture of some of the pieces that were brought in for them to purchase and, yes, they did buy some of them.”
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 02.07.14 01:48:13   
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John and George at the Tokyo Hilton, 1966John and George at the Tokyo Hilton, 1966
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 02.07.14 01:57:47   
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At the Tokyo Hilton, 1966At the Tokyo Hilton, 1966
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 02.07.14 01:59:16   
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John viewed Tokyo City from the window in Room 1005, Presidental Suite, Hilton hotel, 1966.John viewed Tokyo City from the window in Room 1005, Presidental Suite, Hilton hotel, 1966.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 02.07.14 02:01:02   
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At the Tokyo Hilton, 1966At the Tokyo Hilton, 1966
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 02.07.14 02:02:01   
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John Lennon, Tokyo, 1966John Lennon, Tokyo, 1966
Bob Whitaker: “Paul and John were both very interested in Japanese paper, and of course they all did a painting there in their hotel suite. There were no girls around, no groupies, they were all phoning their wives and girlfriends, listening to Revolver, and smoking a joint or two while they were painting.”
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 02.07.14 10:10:59   
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1 июля 1963
1 июля 1963
За четыре часа Битлз в лондонской EMI Studios записывают новый сингл She Loves You/ I'll Get You.
Сингл этот станет необычайно популярным и первым у битлов будет продан в количестве более миллиона копий.

Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 02.07.14 10:12:37   
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1 июля 19671 июля 1967
Альбом Битлз "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" номер 1 в США,первую неделю(US Billboard).
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