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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters

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Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 30.07.05 17:10:09   
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2Primal Scream:
>Roger Waters
>Pink Floyd's bass man on the blues and the Floyd
>reunion at Live 8

Праймал. Было уже!;)

ps Посмотрели бы на пару страниц раньше;)..
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 31.07.05 01:07:27   
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Новая фотка Новая фотка
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 31.07.05 01:11:12   
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Ой:))..  т.е. вот эта;) Ой:))..

т.е. вот эта;)
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Tonic   Дата: 31.07.05 03:10:42   
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>т.е. вот эта;)
Ну ты шутник! А что, похоже =)))
А вот Роджер тут выглядит ужасно... да ещё и глаза такие!
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 31.07.05 03:21:36   
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>>т.е. вот эта;)
>Ну ты шутник! А что, похоже =)))
>А вот Роджер тут выглядит ужасно... да ещё и
>глаза такие!

Ну уж как сняли...

ps А Здесь просто один в один!;)

Как говорится, найдите 10 отличий!=)
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Tonic   Дата: 31.07.05 03:58:44   
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>ps А Здесь просто один в один!;)
>Как говорится, найдите 10 отличий!=)
Да, я давно подметил, что они братья =)
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 01.08.05 14:03:10   
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>>ps А Здесь просто один в один!;)
>>Как говорится, найдите 10 отличий!=)
>Да, я давно подметил, что они братья =)

А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 01.08.05 14:58:08   
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статья про сайт Fleeting Glimpse и его создателе

кому интересно))
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 01.08.05 15:05:07   
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Концерт 24 Июля 1968 в Scene Club, NYC  Родж неистовствует Концерт 24 Июля 1968 в Scene Club, NYC

Родж неистовствует
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 02.08.05 00:30:43   
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2Leonid Gourov:
>Если сможете скачать вот это -

Отличного качества видео!

Все, у кого нет ещё, советую скачать эту версию - лучшее, з тех, что я видел!

ps Советую скачивать ftp-шником или Коммандером. К этому сайту не так то легко зацепиться.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 02.08.05 05:16:05   
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1 августа вышла книга фотографий, посвященная Live 8. В нее войдут около 300 фотографий, сделанных на концертах и вступление, написанное самим Бобом Гелдофом (Bob Geldof). Это будет единственное официальное издание, посвященное событию. Будут опубликованы фотографии из-за кулис, снимки с разных концертов, высказывания исполнителей.1 августа вышла книга фотографий, посвященная Live 8. В нее войдут около 300 фотографий, сделанных на концертах и вступление, написанное самим Бобом Гелдофом (Bob Geldof). Это будет единственное официальное издание, посвященное событию. Будут опубликованы фотографии из-за кулис, снимки с разных концертов, высказывания исполнителей.

Целью издания является напоминание о благородной цели акции, за которой следило 85% населения Земли. Книгу можно заказать за £15,99 в Интернете.

По материалам: Neptune Pink Floyd

Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Луиза   Дата: 02.08.05 05:22:26   
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>Новая фотка

И вправду есть общие черты :)))
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 02.08.05 05:28:06   
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>>Новая фотка
>И вправду есть общие черты :)))


поэтому седину оставил:)))
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Луиза   Дата: 02.08.05 05:34:01   
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>поэтому седину оставил:)))

Наверняка :))))
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 02.08.05 15:55:37   
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Legendary Pink Floyd cover artist Storm Thorgerson's "Taken by Storm" exhibition is continuing around the US, and Saturday night was the premiere of the Los Angeles show. Brain Damage's Michael Soucy sends us this report from the show...along with some pictures from the event:

I attended the Opening Reception of "Revolutions: Artists Who Rocked the World of Music Industry Graphics" last night (July 30, 2005). It was a special private reception for artists and music industry personnel to preview the artwork, and enjoy a free concert by Michelle Shocked (a low light photo is below).

I was lucky enough to obtain an invitation from a good friend in the record store industry, and was most excited to see that the evening featured a special showing of "Taken By Storm: Album Art of Storm Thorgerson". The actual event is open to the public from July 31, 2005 to October 9, 2005 at the Forestlawn Museum (1712 South Glendale Avenue, Glendale, CA 91205).

I was hoping to meet Storm at the event. Unfortunately, I was told by one of the hosts that he was not well enough to make the trip. However, they had signed postcard books and signed prints available for sale (I drooled over them for a while, but the prints were a bit too pricey for me).

Most, if not all, of the same items are available to buy through the event website:, which will also soon be updated with details of other venues to come on the tour.

There was a nice "Taken by Storm" banner as you walked in to the room (photo included with me standing next to it, holding the limited edition 54 page Revolutions program which contains only 4 pages dedicated to Taken by Storm). There were many wonderful presentations of his Pink Floyd covers as well as other artists.

My favourite item was the beautiful stained glass Dark Side of the Moon panel that was set in a wall and backlit (photo here with me standing next to it, holding a couple of Revolutions posters that were given out when guests signed in). Apparently, it is the actual panel that Storm commissioned for the 30th anniversary CD cover. As you can see, it is quite a size - certainly much larger than many people expect.

We'll have more news about the tour as it moves around the country, and indeed, the world! The official site for "Taken By Storm" can be found at

Date news posted: 1 August 2005
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 02.08.05 15:57:26   
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Live 8 book
(dummy cover)
Today (1st August) sees the publication of the only official Live 8 book. Coming just under a month after the worldwide concerts, the book itself was put together in just seven days, to ensure that it would be ready so soon after the event.

Despite the speed of production, this book is a wonderful, quality record of the day. With a foreword by Bob Geldof and over 300 colour photographs, this charts one of the most momentous days the world has seen in decades. From Geldof's initial reluctance to stage another Band Aid concert, to the lead up to the shows around the world, and the day itself, this book is a unique record of an event witnessed by over 85 per cent of the world's population.

The book also contains backstage images, exclusive photographs from the concerts around the world, reflections and quotes from the many performers. Naturally, the Pink Floyd reunion gets plenty of mention, with the final cover featuring seperate shots of David Gilmour and Nick Mason on the back, and a great grimace from Roger Waters on the cover. The image to the right is the pre-production version, which has changed for the edition reaching the stores.

Inside, there are a number of pictures of the band in action, some of which haven't been seen before, alongside quotes from the members of the band (in particular, Nick). There are also some backstage shots and portraits, including one of David being kissed by Paul McCartney!

The paperback, with a UK list price of Ј15.99, is being sold in aid of Live 8, with Ј5 from every copy sold going to the charity. So, another good reason to snap up a copy!

The book can be ordered through the following special links: Amazon UK, Canada, France, or Germany.


Date news posted: 1 August 2005
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.08.05 03:27:41   
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We start a general wrap-up of smaller news items, relating to various Pink Floyd activities, with an amusing and somewhat unexpected one!

The UK-based betting firm, William Hill, have opened up a seies of books on the 2012 Olympic Games, being held in London. Among the bets is: "Who will be Number One" in the UK singles charts at the time? They list Pink Floyd as second favourites at 50/1! Maybe they know something we don't?! It is really quite funny. The full list of odds can be found through this link - look to the bottom of the page. Thanks to Kevin De Ornellas for letting us know about this!


The September 2005 issue of the UK's Mojo Magazine, out today, features a nice double page black and white photo of an early, pre-Pink Floyd Sound line up. The picture shows Syd Barrett and Roger Waters alongside singer Chris Dennis and guitarist Bob Klose, and has not been published elsewhere.

The photographer, Sebastian Jenkins, recently found the proofs of the pictures. He said: "At the time, who the band were didn't mean much to me. I just took the pictures and left." The picture in Mojo shows the band in mid-performance at a private party in a house in Oxshott, Surrey "some time in 1964".

This month's issue also covers Bob Dylan's career in depth, and has interviews with the likes of Paul McCartney, Kraftwerk, and more... It is available in the UK now, and in selected outlets overseas.


The September 2005 issue of the UK's Q Magazine, out today, has a disappointingly small feature on the Live 8 concert in London, which of course mentions the reunion of Pink Floyd with Roger Waters.

The coverage of the band themselves is quite small, but accompanied by a nice "farewell" shot that hasn't been shown elsewhere (although similar to many others). Nick is quoted as saying the reunion was "remarkably civilized" whilst lounging on a sofa backstage, and there's a picture of David Gilmour with Jake Shears (Scissor Sisters), backstage.

The magazine also includes exhaustive coverage of Nirvana's last days, in a 27 page special, and an interview with Paul McCartney about The Beatles and more. It is available in the UK now, and in selected outlets overseas.


Of interest to collectors of Floyd covers, Bruce Hornsby has just released a DVD in the US entitled "Three Nights on the Town". On this DVD he plays a cover of Comfortably Numb in the middle of his song, Fortunate Son.

At the end he also tells the story to the audience about how he was invited to do the song with Roger Waters at the Guitar Legends festival, and how it gave him chills which prompted him to write Fortunate Son.

There are also some shows available to download in full, at where he does the Comfortably Numb cover. Our thanks to Jonathan Still for the info.


Finally, not really a must for Floyd fans, but it might amuse you to hear that "Comfortably Numb" is listed as the 14th most depressing song ever, according to author Tom Reynolds in his new book "I Hate Myself And Want To Die".

Written with tongue firmly in cheek, it's got some pretty funny satirical outlooks on certain songs, that he has deemed depressive, including Celine Dions "All by Myself", Barry Manilows "Mandy" and Joy Division's "Love Will Tear Us Apart"

On "Comfortably Numb", which he has put under the sub-heading "I'm telling a story, nobody wants to hear", he explains the back plot of the album very descriptively: "There's this rock star named Pink. And a big wall. OK, you're set".

The book is out now if you want a chuckle, or indeed to compile a truly gruelling compilation! Our thanks to Phil for the info.


Date news posted: 3 August 2005

А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.08.05 04:10:09   
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Закончились подговотовки к выпуску книги Джона Харриса "Создание Шедевра Пинк Флойд, The Dark Side Of The Moon". Оформление обложки создано Стормом Торгесоном.

Книга будет выпушена в твёрдом переплёте. В ней проводится глубокий анализ альбома, и возможно книга появится в свет уже к концу сентября/ началу октября.

По многим показателям, эта книга станет ценным дополнением на книжных полках.

Вот, что говорят издатели об этой книге:

"Закулисный", глубокий взгляд на создание одного из величайших шедевров звукоизвлечения и самого коммерчески успешного альбома всех времён, Dark Side Of The Moon Флойд - это один из самых почитаемых в мире альбомов на все времена.
Изумительное по звучанию ошеломляющее исследование таких тем как: безумство, тревоги и отчуждения, было продано в количестве более 30 млн. экземпляров по всему миру, и по сей день продающееся по 250 тыс. копий каждый год. Кроме того, возможно самый полноценно реализованный и элегантный концептуальный альбом когда-либо записанный, DSOTM была также самой технически продвинутой виниловой пластнкой в своё время. Он и по сей день звучит как очень современная пластинка.

Изумительная смесь волшебства студийной работы и беспредельного новаторства, DSOTM освещён исследованием Джона Харриса краткой истории группы. Его мастерсво рассказчика, и искусное обозрение наследства альбома, как например, мощное влияние на такие группы как Radiohead и Nine Inch Nails.

Книга включает в себя оригинальные интервью с каждым членом группы - басистом и основным автором Роджером Уотерсом, гитаристом Дэвидом Гилмором, клавишником Риком Райтом и барабанщиком Ником Мэйсоном - книга DSOTM - обязательное приобретение для миллионов фэнов, которые хотят узнать больше о самом коммерчески успешном, альбомом вне времени и самым таинственным, который только создавался.


От 3 Авг. 2005

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Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.08.05 04:23:03   
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Группа в 1968Группа в 1968
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 04.08.05 04:26:09   
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