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GLAM ROCK - made in UK!

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Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: Vergilii   Дата: 10.01.15 12:38:14   
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>Как и Golden Earring тоже глэм ?

Похоже, теперь всё Glam, если артист не в рубище или совсем без одежды...
Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 10.01.15 15:54:21   
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Golden Earring,конечно,хорошая хард-роковая команда и я случайно не обратил внимание,что superasd2 её не исключил из общей массы глэм-роковых музыкантов.
Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: superasd2   Дата: 10.01.15 16:04:09   
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Золотые серёжки – это же чистый гламур!!! :) (Шучу – я их не заметил...)
Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 10.01.15 16:25:06   
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Что-то до них мы пока никак не добирались,а было время,когда ни одни дискотека без них не обходилась..
Лмчно я больше считаю их поп-рок группой,но многие музыкальные порталы зачисляют их в список глэм-рок исполнителей.
Наверное из-за того,что авторами многих их песен были легендарный хитмейкеры Чинн и Чапмен.

Hurley introduced the band to composers Nicky Chinn and Mike Chapman (aka Chinnichap), who also wrote songs for glam rock contemporaries Sweet, Mud and Suzi Quatro, as well as for Hot Chocolate. At first "Chinnichap" turned them down, but Hurley's tenacity eventually convinced the composers/producers to give the young group a chance. Hurley and Chinnichap started working intensely with the band, and suggested yet another name change, to "Smokey". An attempt to dress the band up in leather clothes (similar to Suzi Quatro) was dropped, and the four won acceptance for their jeans outfit.

They purchased new instruments and in late 1974 began recording sessions for their debut album Pass It Around which was released 14 February 1975. The album spawned the title track as a single but failed to gain significant attention from the British audience. In April that year Smokey opened for Pilot on tour.

On 22 September 1975, Smokey released their second album Changing All the Time. This LP sounded much softer than the debut, contained string arrangements on some songs, and heavily leaned toward acoustic guitar arrangements with close harmony vocals, which became their signature sound. The first single from the new album, "If You Think You Know How to Love Me", quickly became a big hit in many European countries, peaking at No. 3 in Britain, and won Smokey a wider audience. They followed it with "Don't Play Your Rock 'n' Roll to Me".

Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 10.01.15 17:57:00   
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Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: superasd2   Дата: 10.01.15 19:08:34   
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Некоторое время группа называлась Smokey, но затем была переименована в Smokie, по-видимому, чтобы их не путали со Smokey Robinson.
Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 10.01.15 19:39:39   
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Немного из истории глэм-рока от блоггеровНемного из истории глэм-рока от блоггеров
Love it or hate it, we have all felt the influence of Glam Rock, whether it has been through music, the style, the theatrics of it all or just because you’ve had a mullet and teamed it with glitter and various shiny materials. Yes, Glam Rock literally took the world by storm during the early to mid-seventies, when its influence fed into punk, glam metal and New Romantics, and it eventually disappeared into the background but not forgotten, having been revived periodically since then.
David Bowie and Marc Bolan,1977
Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 10.01.15 19:40:50   
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Glam Rock came out of period of time that saw the world’s of pop and rock collide, making a statement in both sound and style, opting for outrageous clothes, hair and androgyny to separate them from the masses. It was the amalgamation of rock’n’roll, psychedelic folk, pop rock and progressive rock, where the glam factor became increasingly evident and English bands adopting certain aesthetics and stage personas. Glam Rock was as much about style as it was sound. But who was it that had the best style? Here is Swide’s quick guide to the names and faces of an unforgettable music genre that is still influencing musicians today.

David Bowie

Starting with David Bowie, he gained popularity when he stepped out with his alter ego Ziggy Stardust, taking his audiences on a journey with the concept album ‘The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars’. But it was in 1969 that the star of David Bowie was truly born, with the release of ‘Space Oddity’, leading him on to the be the experimental icon that we know today.
Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 10.01.15 19:45:44   
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Wolverhampton’s Slade also came off the back of the music of late 60s, going on to be hugely popular and influential in England, creating iconic records that are still played around the world today. With singer Noddy Holder’s voice and guitarist Dave Hill formidable glam style, the band created hit after hit during the early 70s and style statement after style statement. If you think that you are unfamiliar with the sound of Slade, just think about old Christmas records and one with an intro of ‘IIIIIIIIIIT’S CHRISSSSSTMASSSS’… sound familiar? Well, above is another one of their huge hits ‘Cum On Feel the Noise’. They split in 1992, but Dave Hill to change the lineup and reform as Slade II.

Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 10.01.15 19:48:35   
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Responsible for the songs ‘Get It On’, ‘Jeepster’, ‘Hot Love’, ‘20th Century Boy’ and ‘Metal Guru’, T Rex came out of the same scenes as David Bowie and went on to change the face of Britain’s music scene. Their hits went global, with their albums Electric Warrior, The Slider, Tanx etc and also the iconic ‘Children of the Revolution’ that was a stand-alone single. The band was equally as famous for the drama that went on behind the feather bowers with Marc Bolan and Steve Peregrin Took constantly coming to blows over the direction of the band and how they band moved forward from their original folk-rock roots. The band broke up after Marc Bolan was tragically killed in a car accident but the impact of their music, message and style are as relevant as ever.

Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 10.01.15 19:52:23   
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Before Glam Rock lost all its hold on the charts, America picked up on the scene and the New York Dolls were born. What we had here were inklings of what was to come from the emerging punk scene but with the outrageousness that music lovers had come to expect from Glam Rockers and what went on to be called protopunk. Their aesthetics varied massively throughout their career leaning heavily on androgyny to push their message but later opting for more of a stripped-down look. Their heyday was in the mid-seventies but they went on to created music and even reformed for a tour in 2004.

New York Dolls

Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 10.01.15 20:20:27   
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Now these guys are not essentially Glam Rock but they did have a brief foray into the genre. Break ups and make ups is how Iggy Pop and The Stooges played their game and it was during one these rough patches that Iggy hustle up with the likes of David Bowie. Their relationship in the 70s influenced Iggy heavily and saw the pre-punk star reform with The Stooges, releasing their Bowie penned Glam Rock LP ‘Raw Power’. The elements of the genre build the core of the album but there is no denying that this was just a stepping stone towards bigger things for the band who went on to be globally successful with their protopunk and punk records. Also in America, you had artists who started to push Glam Rock in another direction, heading towards genres like Glam Metal and Hard Rock.

Iggy Pop and The Stooges

Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 10.01.15 20:24:44   
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Alice Cooper’s Glam Metal

A purveyor of Glam Metal was Alice Cooper who took the showmanship that was associated with the style of Glam Rock genre up a notch, drawing upon horror aesthetics and huge theatrical stunts. Never seen without a thick slick of black makeup, Cooper’s career has spanned six decades, dabbling with acting, golfing and being a radio DJ. Not bad right? Well, Alice Cooper’s career is known for being the one to have ‘transformed the genre’ of rock’n’roll permanently. Whether he was prancing around with snakes, beheading people on stage or threatening audiences with his cane, Alice Cooper holds a place in the hearts of millions for being the nicest guy in rock. He is still performing to this day.

Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 10.01.15 20:26:44   
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Before breaking it big time, the colourful lads from Kiss were experimenting with sound and style until they signed up with Casablanca Records. It wasn’t until their second record which became poppier and ‘cleaner’ sounding did Kiss see things take a turn for the better. While the makeup and appearance of Gene Simmons and his fellow band mates first caused audiences to laugh, the younger, more open-minded generations found something deliriously exciting about their stage presence and sexually charged lyrics. But, essentially, it was their theatrics and bold style that pushed them into the global consciousness… oh and Simmons’ tongue, of course.

Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 10.01.15 20:36:16   
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Naturally there are many more faces in Glam Rock that need to be mentioned, Roxy Music, Sweet, Gary Glitter and even Elton John.

So, as you can see, Glam Rock is more about a sense of style than it is the music, giving anyone and everyone the chance to mix things up and play with their stage personas. Time to whip out the glitter and platforms, guys. And if you’re stuck for ideas, you can turn to the cult musical ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’ which just oozes with the aesthetics of Glam Rock as well as supplying us with a killer soundtrack… get ready to sing along.

Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: Михеев Павел (Снегири)   Дата: 10.01.15 21:34:08   
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2игорь комсомоленко:

> Wolverhampton’s Slade also came off the back
>of the music of late 60s, going on to be hugely
>popular and influential in England, creating iconic
>records that are still played around the world
>today. With singer Noddy Holder’s voice and guitarist
>Dave Hill formidable glam style, the band created
>hit after hit during the early 70s and style statement
>after style statement. If you think that you are
>unfamiliar with the sound of Slade, just think
>about old Christmas records and one with an intro
>Well, above is another one of their huge hits
>‘Cum On Feel the Noise’. They split in 1992, but
>Dave Hill to change the lineup and reform as Slade

Скудновато про Slade, если ссылаются только на две песни :-)
Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: Михеев Павел (Снегири)   Дата: 10.01.15 21:35:39   
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:-) М. Болан.:-) М. Болан.
Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: Михеев Павел (Снегири)   Дата: 10.01.15 21:36:15   
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Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: Михеев Павел (Снегири)   Дата: 10.01.15 22:56:34   
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Подвернулось приятное фото.... David Bowie & Marc BolanПодвернулось приятное фото....
David Bowie & Marc Bolan
Re: GLAM ROCK - made in UK!
Автор: Юрий Осташков   Дата: 10.01.15 23:02:20   
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    * Suzi & Noddy.
* Suzi & Noddy.
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