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Eric Clapton and his music

Тема: Eric Clapton (Эрик Клэптон)

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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: AlexIV   Дата: 23.02.06 02:49:56   
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А вы слышали, как Фредди Кинг играл Hideaway Клэптона? ;-)
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.02.06 02:57:44   
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>Hideaway Клэптона
Да ужжжжжж... Про Фредди он и не слыхал наверно...
Тебе же Джимми объяснил... СРВ лучше всех, особенно черных! :))
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: Jimmy Page   Дата: 23.02.06 21:05:47   
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Основное достоинство чёрных музыкантов в блюзе-это их голос.Так у СРВ идеально получалось подделывать голос негра.Я когда первый раз его услышал,подумал ,что негр поёт:)
Клэптон тож подделывает хорошо.Но похуже.Видать ему этого не надо для того,чтобы блюз играть.
У меня на диске есть три вариации этой песни-Эрика с Блюзбрэйкерами,Фредди Кинга и СРВ.ИМХО у Стиви-The Best.
На втором месте -Клэптон.
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 24.02.06 02:06:00   
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2Jimmy Page:2Jimmy Page:
>у СРВ идеально получалось подделывать голос негра
Значит ты негров не слышал...

>вариации этой песни-Эрика с Блюзбрэйкерами,Фредди Кинга
Друг мой... Фредди Кинг её СОЧИНИЛ...
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: Jimmy Page   Дата: 24.02.06 11:37:30   
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~>Значит ты негров не слышал...
~>Друг мой... Фредди Кинг её СОЧИНИЛ...
Можно подумать,Hideaway-композиция масштаба "Лестницы в Небо".Три аккорда,стандартный рок-н-ролльный ход и гонялово пентатоники в 12-й позиции.Типичная импровизация.
Ладно,закончим этот спор.Ни я вас не понимаю,ни вы меня.
Eric Clapton and Ringo Starr live !?!?!?!?
Автор: Leonid   Дата: 24.02.06 14:16:15   
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Привет всем!
Мне недавно один человек сказал, опираясь на какую-то английскую энциклопедию Эрика Клэптона, что на его концерте 14 июня 1977 года, на песне Badge Ринго Старр играл на тамбурине. Я в принципе нашёл. человека, у которого есть бутлег с записью этого концерта, но в комментариях имя Ринго не значится. Никто не знает из вас точно - играл ли там Ринго?

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Eric Clapton and Ringo Starr live !?!?!?!?".
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Eric Clapton and Ringo Starr live !?!?!?!?
Автор: Pit Best   Дата: 24.02.06 14:16:15   
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Если я не ошибаюсь, то эту песню Джордж с Эриком написали специально для Cream. А выложить куда-нибудь можете?

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Eric Clapton and Ringo Starr live !?!?!?!?".
Добрый профессор  
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 24.02.06 14:24:40   
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2Leonid 2Leonid
>Никто не знает из вас точно - играл ли там Ринго?
Играл. Вот фото подтверждение.

Выдержка из "Eric Clapton The Memorabilia"
- JUNE 1977 14 Le Pavilion, Paris
Ringo Starr joins Eric on tambourine for "Badge"

Бутлег можете не искать - качество там отвратительное.
Eric Clapton Announces Summer European Tour
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 24.02.06 14:30:41   
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Eric Clapton Announces Summer European TourEric Clapton Announces Summer European Tour

Tour Kicks-Off in May With Stops in 13 European Countries

NEW YORK, NY--(MARKET WIRE)--Feb 24, 2006 -- On the heels of his latest album, "Back Home," Eric Clapton hits the road again launching a just announced world tour beginning in Europe on May 5 and travelling to 13 European countries with an already sold out 7-night run at London's Royal Albert Hall. Additional news of this tour will follow shortly, including announcements of several exciting tour dates featuring venues never-before-played by Clapton and his band.
Clapton has assembled an impressive band, including several album collaborators. The 2006 tour band will consist of: Eric Clapton, Guitar, as well as Doyle Bramhall II and Derek Trucks also on Guitar, Chris Stainton and Tim Carmon on Keyboards, Willie Weeks on Bass, Steve Jordan on Drums, The Kick Horns: Simon Clarke, Roddy Lorimer, and Tim Sanders on Brass, and backing vocals by Michelle John and Sharon White.


May 5 2006 (Fri) Le Cannet La Palestre

May 8 2006 (Mon) Glasgow SECC
May 9 2006 (Tues) Manchester MEN Arena
May 11 2006 (Thurs) Birmingham NEC
May 12 2006 (Fri) Sheffield Hallam FM Arena
May 14 2006 (Sun) Nottingham Arena
May 16 2006 (Tues) London Royal Albert Hall
May 17 2006 (Wed) London Royal Albert Hall
May 19 2006 (Fri) London Royal Albert Hall
May 22 2006 (Mon) London Royal Albert Hall
May 23 2006 (Tues) London Royal Albert Hall
May 25 2006 (Thurs) London Royal Albert Hall
May 26 2006 (Fri) London Royal Albert Hall

May 28 2006 (Sun) Paris Bercy

May 31 2006 (Wed) Antwerp Sports Paleis

June 1 2006 (Thurs) Rotterdam Ahoy

June 3 2006 (Sat) Frankfurt Festhalle
June 4 2006 (Sun) Stuttgart Schleyerhalle
June 6 2006 (Tues) Leipzig Arena
June 7 2006 (Wed) Berlin Wuhlheide

June 9 2006 (Fri) Surrey Hampton Court Palace Festival
June 10 2006 (Sat) Surrey Hampton Court Palace Festival

July 7 2006 (Fri) Lucca Piazza Napoleone
July 8 2006 (Sat) Perugia Arena Santa Giuliana
July 10 2006 (Mon) Verona Arena

July 13 2006 (Thurs) Cologne Arena
July 14 2006 (Fri) Dortmund Westfalenhalle

July 16 2006 (Sun) Vienna Stadthalle

July 18 2006 (Tues) Budapest

July 20 2006 (Thurs) Prague The Arena

July 22 2006 (Sat) Munich Olympiahalle
July 23 2006 (Sun) Mannheim SAP Arena
July 25 2006 (Tue) Hamburg Colorline Arena

July 26 2006 (Wed) Augustenborg Castle

July 28 2006 (Fri) Oslo Spektrum

July 29 2006 (Sat) Stockholm Globen

July 31 2006 (Mon) Helsinki Hartwall Arena
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 25.02.06 12:38:37   
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На 20 июля мне купили билет...
Осталося найти спонцара, хто купит билет до Праги...
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: dimon87   Дата: 26.02.06 23:17:01   
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Всем привет ! Где-то году в 1997 была выпущена серия "Полный путеводитель по музыке", такие книжечки размером с компакт-диск, в том числе и выпуск про Клэптона, может кто подскажет, где сейчас еще можно достать ?
Добрый профессор  
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 26.02.06 23:21:58   
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Это не Полный путеводитель по музыке, а... Это не ""Полный путеводитель по музыке", а...

THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE MUSIC OF ERIC CLAPTON by Marc Roberts. As New, still shrinkwrapped, PB, 1995, Omnibus Press. 160 page photo illustrated book that covers Clapton's career from 1964 with The Yardbirds to his "From The Cradle" album in 1994. 8 color pages, plus many B&W photos, including all the album covers. Every song is annotated with release dates listed for each album. It's a impressive little volume, CD size.
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: Кир Гуцков   Дата: 28.02.06 15:38:08   
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Не знаю - может, и было такое... В общем, Бог с Диком Симмсом, 1975.Не знаю - может, и было такое...
В общем, Бог с Диком Симмсом, 1975.
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 28.02.06 18:45:36   
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2Кир Гуцков: Было-было и не раз... :) 2Кир Гуцков:
Было-было и не раз... :)
Добрый профессор  
Otis Rush & Friends featuring Eric Clapton and Luther Allison: Live At Montreux 1986 DVD release
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 01.03.06 00:51:27   
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И еще раз...И еще раз...

Eagle Rock Entertainment announces the March 21 release of Otis Rush & Friends featuring Eric Clapton and Luther Allison: Live At Montreux 1986.

Though he was born in the Mississippi delta, guitarist Otis Rush was most at home in the 1950s Chicago blues scene, where his deep, rich sound made him not only one of the premier players of his time, but a key influence on later British blues-rockers like Eric Clapton, Peter Green, and John Mayall. Rush honors both traditions with this concert recorded at the prestigious Montreux Jazz Festival in 1986, performing with his fellow Chicago bluesman Luther Allison and their mutual protégé Clapton for a stellar evening of red-hot electric blues.

There's no one quite like Otis Rush. Eric Clapton was instrumental in bringing Rush to Montreux in 1986. Rush coaxes, cajoles and sweet-talks those notes out of his beloved guitar. His singing is pure church...only with a lecherous edge, because you know what he's talkin' 'bout! The blues of this man will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Yet when he's joined onstage by Eric Clapton, "Slowhand" makes the entire chemistry of the band start to boil and bubble over. Three songs later, Clapton's rockin' - hard - and out comes another Chicago legend, Luther Allison. When Allison, Rush and Clapton all go upper-string wild simultaneously, all hell breaks loose and the crowd goes certifiably nuts. To see these three men, joyously young and in their 1986 prime, working out so strenuously, is to know the magic of the blues.

Title: Otis Rush & Friends featuring Eric Clapton and Luther Allison: Live At Montreux 1986
Source: DVD
Run Time: 89 minutes
Release Date: March 21, 2006
Record Label: Eagle Vision

01) Tops
02) Will My Woman Be Home Tonight
03) Lonely Man
04) Gambler's Blues
05) Natural Ball
06) Right Place, Wrong Time
07) Mean Old World
08) You Don't Love Me
09) Crosscut Saw (feat. Eric Clapton)
10) Double Trouble (feat. Eric Clapton)
11) All Your Love (I Miss Loving) (feat. Eric Clapton)
12) Every Day I Have The Blues (feat. Luther Allison & Eric Clapton)
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 01.03.06 17:51:12   
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The Robert Cray Band will open for Eric Clapton on his summer European tour beginning with the May 8 show in Glasgow.

The five-time Grammy Award winning Robert Cray has enjoyed an accomplished career that spans nearly three decades, and recently celebrated the 1,000th performance with his band in early 2005. Working with legendary Grammy-winning engineer, Don Smith (The Rolling Stones, Miles Davis, LeAnn Rimes and many more), The Robert Cray Band's latest project, Twenty (produced by Cray and his keyboardist Jim Pugh), finds the ever-popular group exploring an array of musical settings and drawing on diverse influences from blues to rock, gospel and soul music.

Rolling Stone Magazine has called the CD "Cray's strongest album since Strong Persuader," stating, "Cray did more than his fair share to keep roots music alive in the Eighties, so it's encouraging to hear him sounding so on his game twenty years later."
Allman and Clapton Are Playing With Trucks
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 02.03.06 17:49:26   
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Three things worth knowing about Derek Trucks: He is young, he is a
veteran, and he is the most awe-inspiring electric slide guitar player
performing today. That may seem both a bold and contradictory claim; let's
take it one step at a time.

A youthful 26, Mr. Trucks played his first paying gig at age nine in his
hometown of Jacksonville, Fla., and at 14 began building the band he
currently leads. Since then, he has toured under his own name, jammed with
guitar heroes like Buddy Guy and Joe Walsh, and, since 1999, been an
integral part of the Allman Brothers Band (which includes his uncle Butch
Trucks on drums) filling the role originated by slide guitarist Duane
Allman, who died in 1971.

In recent weeks, rock radio has leaked the news that Mr. Trucks will be
part of Eric Clapton's handpicked touring entourage for most of 2006. "Last
year I started hearing various rumors that Clapton might be looking for a
slide player, and then I got a call to come out to Los Angeles," Mr. Trucks
said recently from a hotel room while appearing in San Francisco. "To hear
his guitar sound! He's one of those guys who's been able to keep his tone.
It was the same hands, the same technique. You remember really quick why he
is who he is."

An obvious question: Will they re-create "Layla," the timeless rock anthem
from 1970 that featured Duane Allman alongside Mr. Clapton as Derek and the

"Eric brought up the Duane connection, but it was more off the cuff. It
would be a thrill to play those tunes with him, but I think once the band
gets together it will kind of lead itself. I know when and where I'm
supposed to be for rehearsals, and that's about it."

The recent release of Mr. Trucks's sixth album, "Songlines" -- which will
itself require time on the road -- promises an exhausting year ahead. But
Mr. Trucks's commitment to his own group is steadfast. "I could feel it was
a real turning point while we were doing the record. We grew into a band
making this album, rather than just capturing a live performance in a
studio, which is pretty much what we've done till that point."

Mr. Trucks is proud of his groove-producing sextet, whose musicians range
from men in their 20s to one in his 60s. Singer Mike Mattison,
percussionist Count M'Butu and keyboardist-flutist Kofi Burbridge are
recent arrivals, while bassist Todd Smallie and drummer Yonrico Scott
started with the guitarist when he was in his mid-teens. "The last three
years it's been snowballing. I think everyone's starting to realize that
the band is forming its own sound now."

Combine the band's progress, the new album, and the Clapton world tour, and
add an appearance this coming Friday on Conan O'Brien -- his band's
national television debut -- and it seems certain that Mr. Trucks's career
is poised to reach a higher level. Whatever happens, he's already drawing
to his concerts 20-somethings who regard the Allmans, Mr. Clapton and
similar '60s stars as progenitors of the current jam-band scene, as well as
gray-haired rockers who heard those bands in their prime and still prefer
their music with guitars out front and a solid blues foundation underneath.
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 02.03.06 17:49:52   
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Yet whether it's blues-rock or jam-band, Mr. Trucks bristles at being
confined to any one musical category. "There's not a scene I really am head
over heels about. I don't think there's any that completely fit the bill
for what we're trying to do, you know?"

Mr. Trucks's new album opens with a rousing version of jazzman Rahsaan
Roland Kirk's "Volunteered Slavery," leading to the Southern soul of "I'll
Find My Way," the electrified Delta blues of "Crow Jane," and eventually
Caribbean rhythms and an Indian raga. "I think there's a way to incorporate
all these styles that the band is playing so that it's more of an original
music and not just a collision of different genres."

When Mr. Trucks appears live, the band's set lists are as diverse as his
recordings. When he slips a small medicine bottle onto his finger and
touches it to the strings, his guitar is the thread pulling it all together
with an unhurried fluidity that reveals a musician who has learned to speak
through his instrument. That he chose to focus on slide guitar as a
pre-adolescent has much to do with it.

"The first connection I had with it was listening to Duane Allman on the
Allman Brothers' 'Live at Fillmore East' and to [bluesman] Elmore James.
The sound just really struck me and made me want to do that. That, and
having small hands. When you're nine years old, it didn't hurt as much to
play slide.

"Later on I felt like it was pretty much only with the slide that I could
get out what I was trying to do musically. It's a fretless instrument, so
you can get all the little nuances that vocalists get that you can't get on
other instruments."

Mr. Trucks found that what he was attempting on slide guitar had little
precedence: The majority of slide specialists who came before him had kept
to an established blues-rock approach. "As an instrument, it has territory
I could really explore," he says, "while with the electric guitar, after
Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan, you have just a thousand clones out
there. The slide guitar really is kind of untapped."

Onstage, Mr. Trucks is unorthodoxy in action: Often his right hand snaps,
more than plucks, the strings. Unlike most guitarists, he plays straight to
the amplifier without pedals or special effects, yet can elicit the breathy
detail of a saxophone or the growl of a well-tempered chainsaw. On his new
album, he produces a grating, oil-drum effect on "Mahjoun." On the "Crow
Jane" track, he follows the vocal so closely that it is moments before it
registers that the melodic line has been assumed by the guitar.

"I try to be ultra-sensitive with whomever I'm playing, even the guys that
I've played with for 10 years," he says. "I think part of it is I don't
want to feel like I'm completely comfortable, so I just keep working at it."

Today, Mr. Trucks still resides in Jacksonville, where his father bought
him the garage-sale guitar that started him on his journey more than 17
years ago. He and his wife, the singer-guitarist Susan Tedeschi, are
raising two children while pursuing their respective careers. (Mr. Trucks
added lyrical touches to Ms. Tedeschi's latest album, "Hope and Desire.")

Among his generation, Mr. Trucks is an anomaly: a rising rock star who is
unpierced, untattooed -- a long blond ponytail his most outstanding feature
as he closes his eyes and works his guitar in concert. Don't expect any
windmill strumming or stage leaps. (Of the recent Grammy Awards broadcast,
he says, "You had all these superstars on stage and everyone was trying to
make their big moment count. It's just not musical, man. At least sing in
tune!") Like many of his musical heroes, he favors art over artifice,
musical growth over grand, momentary gestures.

"They all stayed students, you know? They're always learning. Playing with
the Allman Brothers I get that feeling, especially with [drummers] Jaimoe
and Butch back there. They've been at it almost 40 years and they're not
resting on their laurels. They keep that fire burning."
Добрый профессор  
Kornerstoned: The Alexis Korner Anthology 1954-1983
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 04.03.06 12:47:33   
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Castle Music announced the release of Kornerstoned: The Alexis Korner Anthology - 1954-1983, a 2-CD set laced with copious rarities and material which debuts on CD for the very first time.Castle Music announced the release of Kornerstoned: The Alexis Korner Anthology - 1954-1983, a 2-CD set laced with copious rarities and material which debuts on CD for the very first time.

Alexis Korner's role in the development of UK Blues, R&B and Rock cannot be overstated, and this set pays homage to the great musician. Featured sidemen/guests include Keith Richards, Eric Clapton, Paul Rodgers, Chris Farlowe, Davy Graham, Long John Baldry, Robert Plant, Cyril Davies, Peter Thorup, Zoot Money, Duffy Power, Dick Heckstall-Smith & many more.

Artist: Alexis Korner
Title: Kornerstoned: The Alexis Korner Anthology 1954-1983
Source: 2-CD
Record Label: Castle Music
Release Date: around 27 March 2006


Disc 1 - THE EARLY YEARS (1954-69)

01. Midnight Special (alternative take) (previously unreleased) - The Ken Colyer Skiffle Group
02. Roundhouse Stomp - Alexis Korner's Breakdown Group
03. Rotten Break - Alexis Korner's Breakdown Group
04. Kid Man - Alexis Korner's Skiffle Group
05. County Jail - Alexis Korner's Skiffle Group
06. 3/4 A.D. - Alexis Korner & Davy Graham
07. She Fooled Me - Blues Incorporated
08. I Wanna Put A Tiger In Your Tank - Alexis Korner's Blues Incorporated
09. Rain Is Such A Lonesome Sound - Alexis Korner's Blues Incorporated
10. Blaydon Races - Nancy Spain with Alexis Korner & His Band
11. Up-Town - Blues Incorporated
12. See See Rider - Alexis Korner
13. Blues A La King - Alexis Korner's All Stars
14. Sappho - Alexis Korner's Blues Incorporated
15. Taboo Man - Alexis Korner's Blues Incorporated
16. I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man (live) - Alexis Korner's Blues Incorporated
17. Woke Up This Morning - Alexis Korner's Blues Incorporated
18. Please, Please, Please - Alexis Korner's Blues Incorporated
19. I Need Your Loving - Alexis Korner's Blues Incorporated
20. Big Road Blues - Alexis Korner's Blues Incorported
21. Louise - Alexis Korner's Blues Incorporated
22. Rosie (alternative take) (previously unreleased) - Free At Last
23. Mary, Open The Door - Alexis Korner
24. Steal Away - Alexis Korner & Robert Plant
25. Mighty-Mighty Spade & Whitey - New Church


01. Whole Lotta Love - CCS
02. Tap Turns On The Water - CCS
03. Hellhound On My Trail - Alexis Korner
04. Gospel Ship - Snape
05. Ooh Wee Baby (live) - Snape
06. Wild Women And Desperate Men - Alexis Korner
07. Vicksburg Blues - Alexis Korner
08. Get Off My Cloud - Alexis Korner
09. Robert Johnson - Alexis Korner
10. The Gambler - Alexis Korner
11. The Love You Save - Alexis Korner
12. Pinetop's Boogie Woogie - Alexis Korner & Rob Hall
13. Hey, Pretty Mama (live) - Alexis Korner & Friends
14. Lining Track (live) - Alexis Korner & Friends
15. Hammer & Nails - Alexis Korner
16. Key To The Highway (live) - Alexis Korner with Colin Hodgkinson
17. Blood On The Saddle - Alexis Korner with Colin Hodgkinson
18. Juvenile Delinquent - Alexis Korner
19. Mean Fool (live) (previously unreleased) - Alexis Korner

Eric Clapton plays on Hey Pretty Mama which is taken from the Alexis Korner and Friends live album recorded at Alexis' 50th Birthday party in 1978. Sanctuary Records will probably re-release the album later this year in full !


(Обложка этой пластинки добавлена. Так же Эрик играет на Hi-Heel Sneakers и Stormy Monday)
Cream: Disraeli Gears Classic Album DVD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 04.03.06 12:49:14   
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CREAM was rock's first true super group. Combining the extraordinary talents of ERIC CLAPTON, GINGER BAKER and JACK BRUCE, this power trio became the template for many hard rock acts of the seventies. The band remains a huge influence on the genre even to this day.CREAM was rock's first true "super group". Combining the extraordinary talents of ERIC CLAPTON, GINGER BAKER and JACK BRUCE, this power trio became the template for many hard rock acts of the seventies. The band remains a huge influence on the genre even to this day.

Powered by hits such as "Strange Brew" and "Sunshine of Your Love", Cream's second album, DISRAELI GEARS, moved the band beyond the blues into hard-driving, psychedelic pop. This was the album that not only broke the group in the United States but also established Clapton as an international superstar.

This addition of Disraeli Gears to the acclaimed Classic Albums series features brand new interviews with Clapton, Baker and Bruce, along with lyricist Pete Brown, Atlantic Records founder Ahmet Ertegun, John Mayall and Manfred Mann. Also included on the DVD are acoustic performances, original studio tracks and archival live footage.

Artist: Cream
Title: Disraeli Gears Classic Album DVD
Source: DVD
Record Label: Eagle Vision
DVD Release Date: around 4 April 2006

01. Strange Brew
02. Sunshine Of Your Love
03. World Of Pain
04. Dance The Night Away
05. Blue Condition
06. Tales Of Brave Ulysses
07. S.W.L.A.B.R.
08. We're Going Wrong
09. Outside Woman Blues
10. Take It Back
11. Mother's Lament

Bonus Features:
* Additional interviews and analysis of the tracks.
* EXCLUSIVE ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCES of "Sunshine Of Your Love" and "Outside Woman Blues" by ERIC CLAPTON.
* PREVIOUSLY UNRELEASED FULL LIVE PERFORMANCES of "Tales Of Brave Ulysses" from the Revolution Club in 1968 and "We're Going Wrong" from Paris in 1967.
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