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The Clash (КЛЭШ)

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Автор: Mary-Key   Дата: 06.06.05 20:11:23   
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Горыныч: она самая, марлиевская :) Ещё раз скажу, мне не только сам дуэт понравился, но ещё и именно их кавер. Хотя страммеровская партия там, в общем-то, ничем не отличается от его личного кавера, который записан на его Streetcor'е.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.07.05 02:03:38   
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Plaque for Clash legend Strummer

The friend who arranged for a tribute plaque to Joe Strummer on the house where the punk legend wrote his first song admits he would have hated it.
But Richard Frame was determined to honour him at the south Wales bedsit where they lived together before Strummer found fame with The Clash.

Strummer died suddenly, aged 50, three years ago and his widow Lucinda Mellor was in Newport to unveil the plaque.

"He would have been very embarrassed and cross with me," smiled Mr Frame.

A CD and green vinyl record of Strummer's first tune, a folk number called Crummy Bum Blues, along with an interview he gave at the Glastonbury Festival the summer before his death, will be released by Mr Frame later this year to benefit young homeless musicians in Newport.

The recording is rough and ready, but Strummer's distinctive growl was clear when it was played outside the house at the unveiling of the plaque: "Joe Strummer lived here 1974."

The star's widow and 13-year-old stepdaughter Eliza - wearing a Clash T-shirt - joined a group of fans and old friends at the unprepossessing three-storey house in Pentonville for the ceremony.

Strummer spent about a year in the area in 1974, where he was known as Woody in homage to his hero, Woody Guthrie, the American Depression-era folk singer.

It was there that the long-haired art student taught himself how to play guitar and joined his first band.

Cropped hair

But within two years he saw the Sex Pistols, cropped his hair, and teamed up with Mick Jones and Paul Simenon to form probably the most influential and successful punk band.

Mr Frame, now director of Newport single homeless project Solas, wanted to ensure Strummer's legacy was recognised where it all began.

Lucinda, who runs a West Country-based music charity for the young, Strummerville, told the BBC News website: "I feel rather emotional, actually.

"I'm very touched by what Richard and his friends have done. Joe would be overwhelmed, and I would never have thought anyone would have done this."

Strummer, who died of a heart defect just before Christmas 2002, played with other bands after The Clash split in 1986, including his own group, the Mescaleros.

Lucinda said he rarely indulged in nostalgia, and she knew little about his time in Newport.

"He would say the past is like treacle, and he never talked very much about it. I never heard the same anecdote twice."

But she realised how much he had enjoyed his Newport days when he played in city club TJ's a few years before his death. "He got really animated when we came over the Severn Bridge and was so excited to be here," she said.

"What I do know is that he was happy here and there were major decisions he made here which affected him for the rest of his life. He decided he wanted to be a musician here."

Mr Frame recalled how Strummer was initially rejected when he wanted to join local band The Vultures.

"They didn't think much of his guitar playing or singing, but the one thing he had was a drum kit, and they agreed to let him in as long as they could use it."
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.07.05 02:04:46   
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There were major decisions he made here which affected him for the rest of his life "There were major decisions he made here which affected him for the rest of his life"

Joe Strummer's widow, Lucinda
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.07.05 02:05:20   
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Strummer formed the Mescaleros after The Clash broke upStrummer formed the Mescaleros after The Clash broke up
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.07.05 02:05:56   
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The house bearing the plaque is close to Newport rail stationThe house bearing the plaque is close to Newport rail station
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.07.05 02:06:30   
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Old friends, fans and media gathered for the unveilingOld friends, fans and media gathered for the unveiling
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.07.05 02:07:04   
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Joe Strummer's stepdaughter Eliza and widow Lucinda Joe Strummer's stepdaughter Eliza and widow Lucinda
Автор: Mary-Key   Дата: 29.08.05 23:01:08   
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А 21 августа был день рождения Джо...

Ребят, у меня такой вопрос. Нет ли у кого фильма "Rude Boy"? Возникло большое желание посмотреть :))...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.11.05 14:48:12   
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Клэш выпустят в следующем году первый с 1985 года альбом. На месте Джо Страммера - гитарист/певец Rancid Тим Армстронг.
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 29.11.05 16:35:38   
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2Primal Scream:

>Клэш выпустят в следующем году первый с 1985
>года альбом.

- что-то ничего про альбом не обнаружил. Турне.

Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.11.05 16:41:00   
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Где турне, там и альбом. По крайней мере "живой".
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 29.11.05 16:46:57   
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>Где турне, там и альбом. По крайней мере "живой". - на хрен, на хрен!!! однозначно.

если только в виде бутлега выложить в сети.

А что с "Ваниллой" - пока так и не вышло?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.11.05 17:05:33   
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Вышли 15 из 19 "ванилл" на London Calling: 25th Anniversary Legacy Edition
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 29.11.05 18:32:23   
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Что, по новой London Calling покупать из-за этого? Хитры козлы. Нет чтобы отдельным релизом, по человечески.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.11.05 19:11:22   
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Там еще 3-й диск - DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.11.05 22:55:30   
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THE CLASH The Ultimate Review (2005 DVD released as part of the 'Punk Icons' series, features at critical review by a panel of music experts led by Don Letts, this draws on extensive rare footage, much of it unavailable on DVD including the 1983 US Festival [Mick Jones' last gig with the band], includes 'London Calling', 'Know Your Rights', 'Should I Stay Or Should I Go' and more, running time approx 67 minutes). THE CLASH The Ultimate Review (2005 DVD released as part of the 'Punk Icons' series, features at critical review by a panel of music experts led by Don Letts, this draws on extensive rare footage, much of it unavailable on DVD including the 1983 US Festival [Mick Jones' last gig with the band], includes 'London Calling', 'Know Your Rights', 'Should I Stay Or Should I Go' and more, running time approx 67 minutes).
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 31.01.06 20:20:46   
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Punk director Temple shooting Strummer documentaryPunk director Temple shooting Strummer documentary
Tue Jan 31

NEW YORK (Billboard) - Director Julien Temple, best known for the Sex Pistols films "The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle" and "The Filth & the Fury," is working on a new movie about the life and career of late Clash frontman Joe Strummer.

Via a slew of archival audio and video footage, interviews donated by journalists and recordings of Strummer's BBC Radio show, the Clash legend will essentially narrate the film.

Now in the very early stages of production, the project will also include new interviews with producer Rick Rubin, Clash guitarist Mick Jones and bassist Paul Simonon, as well as members of Strummer's pre- and post-Clash bands, the 101ers and the Mescaleros, respectively.

Temple was a longtime friend of Strummer, whom he first met during the 101ers years. He's making the film with the blessing of Strummer's widow, Lucinda.

"We didn't have a memorial concert or anything for him," Temple told "So this is something that I wanted to do. Three years on, it's easier for me and all the people involved to deal with it actually."

Strummer died of a congenital heart defect in December 2002, just three months before the Clash was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The following year, his third album with the Mescaleros was released.

Strummer's honesty is what makes him a great film subject, according to Temple. "He was very connected to other human beings, and he never lost that in the way some stars do," he said. "He believed that music could change people's lives, and he proved that in a way that most people don't get near. He touched all types of people all over the world, and that came from his honesty and his warmth."

North American journalists and filmmakers with audio or video footage of Strummer are being encouraged to contribute their recordings to the project. To do so, email Sam Dwyer at;_ylt=AkeHZ3EMjRU1jcs_V5HcwwOVE...
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 01.02.06 12:50:31   
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Думаю, что у Темпла получится хороший фильм. Мужик реально в теме, а не какой-нибудь хрен с горы.
Автор: Mary-Key   Дата: 01.02.06 23:34:30   
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А фотка в статье именно из фильма или абы какая?
Похоже на немецкий фестиваль в августе 1999 года...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.02.06 07:22:34   
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>А фотка в статье именно из фильма или абы какая?
>Похоже на немецкий фестиваль в августе 1999 года...

Подпись к фото такая: Joe Strummer, former front man for punk band 'The Clash' performs on stage on the second day of Glastonbury in this June 26, 1999 file photo.
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