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Eric Clapton and his music

Тема: Eric Clapton (Эрик Клэптон)

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Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.08.05 20:31:33   
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>Коль, может тоже отрейтингуем? ;))) У меня все
>концерты есть, ОЧЕНЬ прилично...

Это типа "я книгу не читал, но скажу..."?
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.08.05 20:32:22   
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На самом деле я уверен, что это БЛЕСК и БУРЛЕСК!
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.08.05 20:47:34   
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2Primal Scream:2Primal Scream:
>Это типа "я книгу не читал, но скажу..."?
Ну я то читал... Как минимум прослушал 4 тома "аудиокниги" :р
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 17.08.05 21:01:54   
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Чего спорить. Посмотрим конечный результат, типа, что выберут для ДВД ответственные за енто дело товаришчи. А то много в рецензиях на другие ДВД приходится читать типа: я был на концерте, это был блеск, а тут то нетак и это не так...
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 17.08.05 21:05:10   
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Primal Scream
Коля, я как раз и задал вопрос по этой ссылке. То что там пишут фаны это еще не аксиома. Почему на другом сайте Юниверс на эту дату назначен давно вышедший Farewell...???
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.08.05 21:20:09   
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Саша, Cream Live на этом cduniverse тоже назначен на 4 октября
Добрый профессор  
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.08.05 21:38:28   
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Вааще, на мнение фанов нельзя смотреть, тем более после концерта, тк там магия присутствия и живого звука. Вот. Вааще, на мнение фанов нельзя смотреть, тем более после концерта, тк там "магия присутствия и живого звука". Вот.
Судя по записям: 1й концерт - в напряге, остальные сыграны легко и непринужденно.
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.08.05 09:01:47   
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B.B. King ranked Number Three behind Jimi Hendrix and Duane Allman in Rolling Stone magazine's most recent poll of rock's best guitarists. King told us that he was honored by the selection, but would not have placed himself so high: "Well, I liked it very much, but I learned a long time ago you don't... Any time people are positive with you, the critics, you let go. But had they asked me, I wouldn't have put me nothing like up that high. I would've thought that Eric Clapton and quite a few others would've gone ahead of me there. But, since they said it, hallelujah!"
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 18.08.05 15:48:46   
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2Primal Scream:2Primal Scream:
Ну что на это сказать... С одной стороны он прав, с другой -нет.
Если слушать то, что он вытворял (как гитарист) до 80х - то он неправ.
Если "после" - то прав :)))
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 18.08.05 16:00:42   
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Теперь все ясно... Надо брать!Теперь все ясно... Надо брать!

Track listings for Dual disc version of Back Home

1. So Tired (Album Version) 04:48
2. Say What You Will (Album Version) 04:35
3. I'm Going Left (Album Version) 04:03
4. Love Don't Love Nobody (Album Version) 07:13
5. Revolution (Album Version) 05:06
6. Love Comes To Everyone (Album Version) 04:34
7. Lost And Found (Album Version) 05:20
8. Piece Of My Heart (Album Version) 04:23
9. One Day (Album Version) 05:20
10. One Track Mind (Album Version) 05:04
11. Run Home To Me (Album Version) 06:17
12. Back Home (Album Version) 03:33
13. So Tired (Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround) 04:48
14. Say What You Will (Dolby Digital 5.1 Sur 04:35
15. I'm Going Left (Dolby Digital 5.1 Surrou 04:03
16. Love Don't Love Nobody (Dolby Digital 5. 07:13
17. Revolution (Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround) 05:06
18. Love Comes To Everyone (Dolby Digital 5. 04:34
19. Lost And Found (Dolby Digital 5.1 Surrou 05:20
20. Piece Of My Heart (Dolby Digital 5.1 Sur 04:23
21. One Day (Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround) 05:20
22. One Track Mind (Dolby Digital 5.1 Surrou 05:04
23. Run Home To Me (Dolby Digital 5.1 Surrou 06:17
24. Back Home (Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround) 03:33
25. So Tired (Dolby Digital Stereo) 04:48
26. Say What You Will (Dolby Digital Stereo) 04:35
27. I'm Going Left (Dolby Digital Stereo) 04:03
28. Love Don't Love Nobody (Dolby Digital St 07:13
29. Revolution (Dolby Digital Stereo) 05:06
30. Love Comes To Everyone (Dolby Digital St 04:34
31. Lost And Found (Dolby Digital Stereo) 05:20
32. Piece Of My Heart (Dolby Digital Stereo) 04:23
33. One Day (Dolby Digital Stereo) 05:20
34. One Track Mind (Dolby Digital Stereo) 05:04
35. Run Home To Me (Dolby Digital Stereo) 06:17
36. Back Home (Dolby Digital Stereo) 03:33
37. Back Home Epk (Video) 20:00
* CD plus DVD
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 20.08.05 22:52:01   
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From sex and drugs to domestic bliss
(Filed: 20/08/2005)

Eric Clapton was an out-of-control womaniser for whom love was just another addiction - then he went to a party in LA, and everything changed. He talks candidly to Robert Sandall about his rakish past, his new family and his latest album

It's day four of Eric Clapton's week off from paternal duties, and the born-again family man doesn't know what to do with himself. On Monday his 29-year-old American wife Melia flew to Columbus, Ohio, with their three small daughters to spend some time with her parents - leaving him to, well, whatever it is that 60-year-old rock stars get up to when left to their own devices in gated mansions in the Guildford area.

New man: Clapton's days as an alcoholic womaniser are over

Today so far has been much like any of the other rare days Clapton wakes up alone in the rockbroker belt: he rose early, jumped into the black Porsche and drove to his townhouse-cum-office in Chelsea. "I just can't be on my own in the country without the family, it's dreadful," he grumbles. "In my perversity I was really looking forward to this week, and now I'm climbing the walls. I can't wait to get on the computer to do the webcam and see the girls and talk to them. All I ever seem to do is drive to London, make up things to do till the evening and drive back again."

In fairness, Clapton will be usefully employed this morning talking about his new album. Then again this is unlikely to assuage his separation anxieties because the album is called Back Home and most of the songs on it deal with - guess what?

There's a jokey tune about him being kept awake all night by feeding babies (So Tired), a finger-picked acoustic hymn to domestic tranquillity (the title track), and any number of loving odes to his second wife, Melia, whom he married in 2000. It's the most clearly personal set yet from a musician whose best-loved songs - think of Layla, Wonderful Tonight and Tears In Heaven - have always spoken from, and of, the heart. "This album had to be about the family because what else in my life could I sing about? I don't have any interest in politics."

Back Home has been three years in the making and it was, he says, a struggle to finish. The music, which he sketched out with his regular writing partner Simon Climie, came easily. A tour of vintage R&B styles with a dash of reggae, a mandatory slow blues and some outrageously flash solos that put most young guitar-slingers firmly in their place, Back Home sounds like effortlessly classic Clapton.

But the lyrics were a nightmare. "Writing about a relationship that is productive and successful and loving without being boring or self-indulgent is difficult," he says. "It's so much easier writing in anger or sadness about something that's gone and lost. I kept stopping because I didn't think it would work." In late 2003 Clapton's first break took him off to France on his own for a week to write half a dozen lyrics. He came back with just one. So he promptly went into default mode - the blues - and knocked off an album of Robert Johnson covers, Me and Mr Johnson.

Last October, after several more months of agonised pencil-sucking, he came up with another cracking displacement wheeze: he decided he would re-form Cream. "That was very much a part of this album. It was born out of my home life, because what happened when I started to enjoy being a member of my own family was that I looked outside of it and thought, 'Where can I apply this?' And Cream are one of the few bands from that era that can actually re-unite because we are all alive and just about in good health."

Power trio: Cream, from left, Jack Bruce, Ginger Taylor and Eric Clapton

With that project jogging along in tandem, he finally delivered Back Home in February of this year. The Cream's Albert Hall concerts he thought were "all right", though he says he can only remember the last one because he had terrible flu for the first three.

This new, self-effacing Clapton looks every inch the family man.

An informal uniform of jeans, white T-shirt and sneakers has replaced the rock-and-roll gigolo gear he wore on the covers of albums such as 1987's August. Farewell Armani suits and floppy coiffure: with his weatherbeaten, beardy visage, wire-rimmed specs and tufty, bed-head hair, he could pass now as a regular middle England dad, the sort you would hardly notice in a DIY superstore, or a country high street.

The change was a long time coming. It began with the appalling, accidental death of his four-year-old son Conor, who fell 700 feet out of a window from his Manhattan apartment in March 1991. And it ended seven years later in Los Angeles when Clapton started seeing the only woman with whom, he says, he has ever enjoyed a genuinely equal relationship, an American of Korean-Irish parentage, Melia McEnery.

Prior to meeting her, Clapton was, by his own admission, an out-of-control womaniser for whom love had become just another drug. Following the break-up of his marriage to George Harrison's ex, Patti Boyd, in 1988, he embarked on a frantic dating spree which saw his name "linked" to a succession of models, actresses and rock chicks, including Naomi Campbell, Sharon Stone and Sheryl Crow. Well, it was probably better than moping at home. But it wasn't good for his soul, he found.

"I used to identify my self-esteem with sex. Girlfriends became a way of avoiding being with myself. I'd see a woman in a room and I'd be magnetised and usually that would be dangerous, because I don't think you can be any good to anybody unless you're OK on your own."

With Melia, by contrast, he played the perfect gent. "I started asking her out, and we became friends. And with her I found I was able to respond to something that was actually good for me."
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 20.08.05 22:52:18   
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They met at a party in LA in 1998 thrown by Giorgio Armani, Clapton's partner in the Crossroads re-hab centre on Antigua. Melia was working for Armani at the time and she and others in his staff had been asked to host the event on the strict understanding that they were not to fraternise with any of the guests.  So Melia came straight up to me and said, 'My uncle's a big fan of yours, can I get your autograph?' And that was that. There was something about her… strength. She occupied her space with absolute authority. It was clear that even though she was half my age she was capable of being an adequate partner for anybody. They met at a party in LA in 1998 thrown by Giorgio Armani, Clapton's partner in the Crossroads re-hab centre on Antigua. Melia was working for Armani at the time and she and others in his staff had been asked to host the event on the strict understanding that they were not to fraternise with any of the guests. " So Melia came straight up to me and said, 'My uncle's a big fan of yours, can I get your autograph?' And that was that. There was something about her… strength. She occupied her space with absolute authority. It was clear that even though she was half my age she was capable of being an adequate partner for anybody."

Falling in love properly for the first time was one thing, but starting a family was another. Clapton's experience of his own parents did not make fatherhood an easy or natural role for him to adopt. He hadn't enjoyed a close relationship with either of the mothers of his two previous children - Conor who died and Ruth, now 22 - and, regrettable as this was, he had a readymade excuse.

An illegitimate child born at the end of the war, Eric Clapp was brought up by his grandparents and told that his mother Patricia was his older sister. He never knew his father. In 1997 he was confronted with evidence, which he doesn't find convincing, that his dad was a Canadian ex-serviceman, Ted Friar, who died in 1985. The only person who could confirm the truth of this was his mother Patricia.

"She was non-committal. And much as I loved her, I don't know whether she wanted to tell me the truth. I didn't press it with her because I sensed I was treading on thin ice. And I don't know if this is my suspicious nature, but I wonder if anyone was telling the truth, or even if they really know." Patricia died the year he married Melia, just after the birth of their first daughter, Ella.

The Claptons have since had two more girls, Julie Rose, who's now four, and Sophie, six months, and while he's thrilled to be the head of a real family at last, it took a thoroughbred bachelor such as himself a while to get into it. "At the beginning I was scared and not really sure. It was like, 'What's this going to be like when they're teenagers and I'm 70?' That's something I ought to try to put in a song one day."

The family love the new album. Melia's favourite is Run Home To Me: "She only has to hear the opening and she starts to cry, and me too, because that song is about us sitting on the stony beach in Bognor in winter. It was cold but beautiful and nobody was there and it was the most real picture I had of us becoming a family. That was the moment of realisation."

Julie Rose, on the other hand, prefers the album's jolliest number, One Track Mind. "I didn't want to put Melia on the spot but I would run things past Julie, singing words to her, and if she sang along then I figured they were OK. She actually chipped in a few things on that track," the indulgent dad smiles proudly, then the grizzled old pro remembers something. "She's not credited though."

'Back Home' is released on Aug 30.
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 20.08.05 23:00:44   
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BB King & Eric 2005... The thrill is NOT gone!BB King & Eric 2005... The thrill is NOT gone!
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 22.08.05 17:55:21   
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British rock legend ERIC CLAPTON's new album has been inspired by his constant sense of lethargy - brought on by the birth of his fifth child.

The 60-year-old musician feels so sleep-deprived due to being a father of three young children with wife MELIA McENERY, he has penned a tune called SO TIRED with lyrics, 'My mood is getting snappy/ Daddy won't change no nappy/ And I'm so tired.'

He says, "Now I wake up naturally at 6am and I don't go back to sleep. It's changed my life entirely. But I love it - there's no complaints.

"Sometimes I'm really tired. But my poor wife's in the thick of it all the time. I can get away, but that's life, isn't it."

Clapton and his 29-year-old American spouse have three daughters together, four-year-old JULIE ROSE, two-year-old ELLA MAY, and six-month-old SOPHIE.

He is also father to RUTH KELLY, 19, following a brief affair with her mother YVONNE - but tragically his only son, CONOR, fell to his death from a 53rd floor apartment in 1991 at the age of four.

However Clapton enjoys spending time with his children and adds, "It's part of the deal. When you get home and they run up to you, there's nothing like it".
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 22.08.05 18:14:10   
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Eric Clapton and his music:)))
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.08.05 17:55:29   
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Секретнейшая информация, от наших агентов... + обложка!Секретнейшая информация, от наших агентов... + обложка!

Cream Reunion
Historic Royal Albert Hall Concerts Arrive on DVD and CD October 4, 2005
Distribution Source : Market Wire
Date : Monday, August 22, 2005

NEW YORK, NY -- (Market Wire - Aug 22, 2005) -- On the heels of four hugely successful nights at London's Royal Albert Hall, the eagerly anticipated Cream reunion arrives on DVD (from Rhino) and CD (from Reprise Records) October 4th, 2005. In what was billed the must-see show of this decade, legendary rock group, Cream -- Ginger Baker, Jack Bruce and Eric Clapton -- reunited for the first time in 20 years. These triumphant reunion performances were brilliantly captured on HD and 5.1 surround sound for the DVD and CD releases. The DVD will feature alternate takes of favorite songs, along with the only band interviews about the historic reunion.

Cream formed in 1966 and disbanded in 1968. In just under three years, the band produced three seminal studio albums, "Fresh Cream" (1966), "Disraeli Gears" (1967) and "Wheels of Fire" (1968) and secured worldwide acclaim and commercial success with their unique take on electrified blues. The band were a prolific and thrilling live act and toured incessantly in their short, but remarkable, history. The last time the band played together was in 1993 when they were inaugurated into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Los Angeles.

DVD Street Date: October 4th, 2005
DVD Price: $29.99
Length: 2 DVD
Set Label: Rhino

CD Street Date: October 4th, 2005
CD Price: $24.98
Length: 2 CD Set
Label: Reprise Records
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 24.08.05 17:12:42   
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2 SergeK & Primal Scream
И все же, дорогие мои, на 4 октября пре-ордеры принимаются только на СD "Royal Albert Hall: London May 2-3-5-6 2005".
Смотрите ссылку:
А 4 октября выйдет из DVD лишь повторный Farewell Concert. Смотрите там же в списках DVD.
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.08.05 17:20:31   
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2Alex Red:

Саша, я же давал ссылку на предыдущей странице топика. Возможно, ты не обратил на нее внимание.
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.08.05 20:00:03   
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ERIC CLAPTON fears his new album BACK HOME will flop - because he was too happy during the writing period.

The 60-year-old guitarist is convinced his most acclaimed works were a product of his melancholy outlook and was shocked when his new wife MELIA McENERY inspired him to write up-beat songs.

And he difficulty not boasting about his wonderful family.

Clapton says, "This album had to be about the family because what else in my life could I sing about? I don't have any interest in politics.

"Writing about a relationship that is productive and successful and loving without being boring or self-indulgent is difficult.

"It's so much easier writing in anger or sadness about something that's gone and lost. I kept stopping because I didn't think it would work."

Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 24.08.05 20:27:32   
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2Primal Scream:  2Primal Scream:
Требуем срочного развода и перезаписи альбома!!!
Вернуть назад всех любовниц и алкоголь!!!
Больше "мач изи врайтинговой" музыки!!!
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