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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.03.07 10:47:23   
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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.04.07 10:30:16   
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Exclusive: Unseen Beatles photo

Beatles fans always knew John Lennon as "the one with the glasses".

But this rare picture shows Paul McCartney wearing a pair of thick horn-rimmed specs while deep in discussion with the band about their classic album Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

With a little help from my lens: Ringo, left, Paul, George Martin, John and George at Abbey Road Studios in 1967

The previously unpublished photograph is one of a rare set taken as The Beatles worked at Abbey Road studios in North London.

Friends of the singer say McCartney rarely wore glasses because it was part of his friend John's image.

"He was always conscious that John was famous for his glasses," said one friend. "He felt that it was important to maintain their image and John's glasses were part of that.

"His eyesight is also pretty good, so he didn't need to wear them much."

Few other photographs of McCartney wearing glasses exist. He wore them occasionally in public during the Sixties, and on the front cover of a Beatles fan magazine in 1964 but has not been photographed wearing them since. A spokesman for McCartney last night said he did not wear contact lenses, nor wore glasses in private.

The image is one of 40 taken by celebrated photographer Frank Herrmann on March 30, 1967, and features in an exclusive spread in The Mail on Sunday's Live magazine today.

Photographers were rarely granted access to the Fab Four in the studio and the negatives from this session were later lost.

Our pictures have been painstakingly recreated from contact sheets kept by Mr Herrmann, who said: "It was obvious they weren't comfortable with me around. Abbey Road was considered a private sanctuary."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.04.07 09:45:54   
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April 3, 2007 -- Daily Mail

Heather dances with her little star

Competing in a reality TV show is a tough business, but dancing with her daughter brings Heather Mills welcome relief from the challenges she faces as a competitor on Dancing with the Stars.

Beatrice is dressed for the occasion in a pretty yellow mini-ballroom gown, the same colour as the dress her mum wore later on in the recording of the show.

The two enjoy practicing their dance exercises, using a metal railing for a ballet barre, in the backstage area of the studio lot where the popular reality show is filmed.

And Beatrice is happy to follow her mum - now a near expert dancer - who takes the lead.

The estranged wife of Sir Paul McCartney has won consistent praise for her daring and energetic dance routines on the programme with partner Jonathan Roberts.

Following last week's spectacular backflip, in this week's performance, Heather did a cartwheel, and the pair were awarded joint highest score.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.04.07 09:46:20   
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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.04.07 11:36:14   
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This photo supplied by ABC shows Heather Mills and Jonathan Roberts jive dancing on week three of 'Dancing with the Stars,' in Los Angeles on Monday night, April 2, 2007, on ABC . During a interview with E! Entertainment Television's 'E! News' on cable TV, airing Tuesday night, April 3, Mills reveals a new prosthetic leg had to be made which enabled her to 'bounce' on her left side, thus making the jive choreography a little more manageable. The leg was designed and fitted in only 2 days, not the usual 4 week turn around. She ended last night's competition in a 4-way tie for first place -- all with only 9 hours of rehearsal time on the new prosthetic. In the interview with Ryan Seacrest, an emotional Mills also talks about her pending divorce from Paul McCartney
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.04.07 20:43:24   
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April 4, 2007 -- Daily Mail

Macca's boy shows he's a chip off the old rocker

Sir Paul McCartney was out on a night out on the town with his children - son James, 29, with Sir Paul, and daughter Mary, 37. They went to Cecconi's in Piccadilly for dinner. (WEBMASTER'S NOTE: This was a birthday party for Mary's son Arthur who turned 8 yesterday)

<--- Chip off the old rocker block: Sir Paul with son James, 29 on a family evening out. They were joined by James' sister Mary and her husband Alistair Donald.

It was the latest family night for Sir Paul, who has spent more time with his older children, including daughter Stella, 35, since his split from Heather Mills.

His youngest daughter, Beatrice, three, is in Los Angeles, where her mother is taking part in American reality TV show Dancing With The Stars.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.04.07 20:44:11   
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Paul's photographer daughter Mary with director and television producer husband Alistair Donald.

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.04.07 09:28:26   
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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.04.07 16:40:50   
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New photos of Paul 'posing' outside Cecconi's restaurant (in Mayfair - London) last week where his grandson Arthur had his 8th birthday party.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.04.07 09:59:05   
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Хизер Миллс приглашают ведущей на телевидение

Бывшая жена Пола Маккартни Хизер Миллс получила множество предложений от американских телепродюсеров после своего запоминающегося выступления в телешоу "Танцы со звездами", пишет The Daily Mirror.

Тогда Миллс, у которой, как известно, ампутирована нога, поразила публику, исполнив на своем новом протезе в паре Джонатаном Робертсом танец под джазовую музыку.

Сообщается, что Миллс пригасили ведущей в популярное телешоу "Larry King Live" на канале CNN. Кроме того продюсеры хотят, чтобы она приняла участие в популярных программах "Ацкая Кухня" (Hell's Kitchen) и "Я знаменитость, заберите меня отсюда!" (A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here ).

Тем не менее, по словам одного из друзей Миллс, она еще не определилась, что намеревается делать в дальнейшем. Миллс успешно прошла два конкурса на "Танцах со звездами". В частности, поле джазового танца она набрала 24 балла из 30 возможных и оказалась в лидерах.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.04.07 20:37:13   
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Charlotte Church is Heather Mills McCartney sketch

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.04.07 20:40:40   
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Songs for Heather by Stevie Riks (Macca Impersonator)

Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: bk   Дата: 12.04.07 21:15:59   
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"Lady McCartney
You can kiss my feet..."

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.04.07 10:23:39   
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В рейтинге самых дорогих разводов баскетболист Майкл Джордан на первом месте

Американский журнал Forbes опубликовал рейтинг самых дорогих разводов. Возглавил его знаменитый баскетболист Майкл Джордан – он выплатил бывшей жене половину своего состояния - более 150 млн. долларов. Немногим меньше был вынужден отдать при разводе композитор и певец Нейл Даймонд. Третье место занимает режиссер, лауреат премии "Оскар" Стивен Спилберг, у которого первая жена отсудила 100 млн. долларов. Следующие две строчки занимают актеры Харрисон Форд и Кевин Костнер, которые оставили своим бывшим женам по 85 млн. и 80 млн. долларов соответственно. Шестым в списке оказался недавний громкий развод Пола Маккартни с Хизер Миллс. По данным журналистов, сэр Пол, чье состояние оценивается в 700 млн. долларов, заплатил своей теперь уже бывшей супруге 60 млн. долларов. В десятке знаменитостей, понесших финансовые потери при разводе, оказались также Джеймс Кэмерон - 50 млн., Майкл Дуглас - 45 млн., Лайнел Ричи - 20 млн. и Мик Джаггер - 15 млн.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.04.07 20:39:14   
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April 14, 2007
Heather's foursome with slush fund prince

Former hooker Heather Mills McCartney once enjoyed a sex-for-cash foursome with an Arab prince and TV actress at the centre of the BAE slush fund scandal.

Party fixer Ros Ashley has revealed shocking details of the orgy when the tramp who became a Lady - as rock star Sir Paul's wife - joined Prince Turki bin Nasser, stunning Karajan Mallinder and another hooker in bed for £1,000 ($2,000) each.

She told us: "I couldn't believe my eyes when Heather FLOUNCED into the prince's hotel suite, STRIPPED down to her pants and PARADED up and down flashing her big boobs.

"The prince looked shocked. It was so brazen and unclassy."

Ros - a long-time mistress of arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi - unveiled the Mucca link after it was claimed that former Lovejoy star Karajan and her pal Anouska Bolton-Lee had mortgages and other bills paid from a secret £60 million ($120 million) fund allegedly set up by BAE Systems, Britain's biggest defence contractor, to clinch a massive deal with Saudi Arabia.

Her bombshell revelations tell how Macca's estranged wife Heather:

REVELLED in group sex as she plied her trade at luxury hotels with wealthy businessmen,

SHARED billionaire Khashoggi as a client with Karajan, taking it in turns to bed him, and

EARNED a reputation as crude and tarty, even shocking a fellow hooker in a lust-packed lesbian romp.

Ros, 49, recalled the four-in-a-bed session at London's Dorchester Hotel and told us: "It was the early Nineties and the prince had asked me to arrange for the girls to come.

"On occasions like that I'd invite my friends but I would also call up the madams and get extra girls laid on.

"Heather, Karajan and the third girl, Petrina Montrose, got £1,000 ($2,000) each in cash to sleep with Turki. But he'd also pay for his Arab workers to go with girls as well.

"And for making sure I gave him a good evening, he'd give me a present, about £3,000 ($6,000) in cash.

"This was the first time Karajan had met the prince. She and Petrina were in his bedroom talking to him-but Heather was desperate to vie for his attention.

"We were outside and she asked me, 'Where's the prince?' I told her she couldn't go in and said, 'It's private.'

"But she marched in anyway and started flaunting herself.

"Karajan remarked how good she looked and Heather said, 'Yes, I've been working out in the gym. Look, I'll show you.'

"That's when she stripped off and waltzed up and down.

"She had an amazing figure but her behaviour was so brassy. I walked out and left them to it." Petrina, 38, took up the story and told us: "The prince was lying naked on the bed with the blonde girl (Karajan) between his legs.

"Heather was naked on the bed, kneeling next to the prince's midriff. I took off my clothes and joined them. I knelt facing Heather and we performed a sex act for him.

"Then all four of us played together on the bed before the blonde had full sex with him."

Ros added: "Heather and Karajan both had sex with my Arab friends and were handsomely rewarded with cash and jewellery.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.04.07 20:40:33   
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"The men don't like to think they're paying for sex. They want to think the girls like them for who they are.

"Karajan was Turki's favourite. He saw her quite a lot after that. She went to Los Angeles with him and he regarded her as a friend."

But the Dorchester orgy was not the only time Heather and Karajan shared clients.

They BOTH had sex with billionaire Adnan Khashoggi on the same night, shortly after Heather was first introduced to him in the late Eighties. Ros said: "The two girls met at an Italian restaurant in London when they were invited to dinner with Adnan, me and some other guests.

"I was married at the time and no longer his lover, but we have remained lifelong friends.

"Karajan didn't like Heather. She found her very loud and brash and thought of her as just a common working girl.

"But Adnan took them both back to the Hilton and slept with each of them individually.

"Heather went off at the end of the evening, but Karajan stayed with me at the hotel for another four days and continued to have sex with Adnan.

"He and Prince Turki both preferred Karajan because she had so much more class than Heather."

Ros - now writing a tell-all book about her exploits - then recalled the first time she met Heather, now 39. "Adnan was staying at The Grosvenor House Hotel and I'd travelled down to London to meet him. He told me he'd arranged for a selection of girls to sleep with him that night. He jokingly said they were in the 'holding suite' and asked me to check them out. One of them was Heather-she'd been sent by her madam.

"She was the second girl to go into Adnan's bedroom- wearing a mini-skirt and jacket with nothing underneath. She stayed in there for about 40 minutes.

"When she came out she had in her hand an envelope stuffed full of cash. In 1988 Adnan invited me to celebrate his birthday at his home in Marbella. Heather went over as well and was paid £2,000 ($4,000) for sex with him and another girl called Joanne.

"Joanne told me that when they were all in the bedroom together Heather suggested lesbian sex. Joanne was quite shocked and certainly felt that Heather was carrying out the gay side of things with real conviction and sexually enjoying it to the full." Another of Ros's friends, Denise Hewitt, has told the News of the World how she had a bisexual threesome with Heather and yet another member of the Saudi royal family.

She revealed that Heather received £5,000 ($10,000) in cash, wrapped up in two polythene packets, for five hours with the prince.

And Denise detailed how Heather's client list included members of the Maktoum horse racing dynasty.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.04.07 09:22:59   
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История одного падения
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.04.07 09:23:39   
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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.04.07 20:32:24   
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Divorce will cost Sir Paul McCartney close to £100 million ($200 million), according to one of Britain's leading financial experts.

The former Beatle will lose £30 million ($60 million) in his settlement with estranged wife Heather Mills and more than double that amount on legal bills and loss of earnings.

His costly year means he will drop 63 places, from number 65 last year, to 102 on the annual Sunday Times Rich List.

The list, to be revealed in full later this month, will partly feature tonight in an ITV1 documentary called Britain's Rich List.

Co-presenter Dr. Philip Beresford, who has compiled the billionaires' guide for 19 years, said: "Sir Paul has dropped so many places this time based on a special adjustment for his settlement."

It is the first time in the list's history that Sir Paul has not featured in the Top 100. But Dr Beresford said: "When Apple EMI finally announces a deal about The Beatles's back catalogue, he should quickly find himself sitting back near the top again."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.04.07 20:54:54   
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