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Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 86. Группа Fapardokly

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Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 86. Группа Fapardokly
Автор: McKenzie   Дата: 12.10.06 17:15:14
В прошлый раз,решив возродить эту тему,я вставил ,как правильно заметил Кот Котофеич,не очень подходящую для этой темы группу,ну и сейчас решил исправить ошибочку:)Думаю,эта группа подойдет.
Bill Dodd-lead guitar
Merrell Fankhauser-guitar
Dick Lee-drums
John Oliver-bass

Biography by Richie Unterberger
Though they were considered an enigma in the world of '60s rock collectibles, there was never a group called Fapardokly; the 12 songs on their self-titled album were recorded by Merrell & the Exiles, a Southern California group headed by legendary cult folk-rocker Merrell Fankhauser. That group cut several singles for the tiny Glenn label before heading off in a psychedelic direction and mutating into H.M.S. Bounty. The equally tiny UIP label decided to gather a few of the Glenn singles, add a few more psychedelically oriented tracks that Merrill and his group had recorded, and release the package as the work of a group called Fapardokly. Although it was not recorded or intended as a unified work, it stands as one of the great lost folk-rock classics of the '60s. Fankhauser went on to make more excellent obscure recordings with H.M.S. Bounty in the late '60s and Mu in the early '70s.

Fapardokly (album)
2.The Music Scene
3.Sorry For Yourself
4.Glass Chandlier
5.Tomorrows Girl
6.Suzie Cryin'
8.Gone To Pot
9.No Retreat
10.Too Many Heartbreacks
11.When I Get Home
12.Super Market
13.The War (previously unissued)
14.Yes I Love You (p.u.)
15.Run Baby Run (p.u.)

Merrell Fankhauser
Biography by Richie Unterberger
One of the most interesting cult figures in rock history, Fankhauser's best work came as the leader of several interesting groups during the '60s and early '70s: the Impacts (instrumental surf), Merrell & the Exiles (solid British Invasion-style rock), Fapardokly (great Byrds-ish folk-rock), the H.M.S. Bounty (fine late-'60s folk-rock), and Mu (spaced-out progressive blues/psychedelia). When Mu broke up in the mid-'70s, Fankhauser began working as a solo artist, issuing a series of independent albums. These usually show him in a considerably mellower and more mainstream folk-rock mood than his earlier work, sometimes recalling Crosby, Stills, & Nash and often featuring violinist Mary Lee

Re: Неизвестные.60е.Часть86.Группа Fapardokly
Автор: McKenzie   Дата: 12.10.06 17:26:00   
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One of the most sought-after rock rarities of the '60s, this album was stylistically uneven, as can be expected from an LP cobbled together from recordings spanning a few years. About half, however, is sparkling psychedelic folk-rock, recalling Fifth Dimension Byrds with its shimmering twelve-string guitars, multipart harmonies, and occasional trippy lyrics. Although the early material is more pop-oriented and doesn't fit in as well, it's pretty solid, recalling the Zombies and (in the very earliest tracks) Ricky Nelson. "Lila," "Tomorrow's Girl," and "Super Market" are genuine lost '60s treasures, and much of the rest of the album isn't far behind. ~ Richie Unterberger, All Music Guide
Re: Неизвестные.60е.Часть86.Группа Fapardokly
Автор: SkyElevator   Дата: 13.10.06 05:14:50   
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Я у Фанкхаузера слышал как раз-таки, пожалуй, наименее заметный проект H.M.S.Bounty. По-моему неплохой. Но видно, что другие его группы играли в других стилях. Интересно.
Re: Неизвестные.60е.Часть86.Группа Fapardokly
Автор: McKenzie   Дата: 13.10.06 13:53:22   
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Еще немного информации
One fine day in 1966, blonde-haired Californian singerman Merrell Fankhauser of 'Merrell And The Exiles' and 'The Impacts' woke up and said to himself, "Say... You know what would be even harder to spell/pronounce than my own name? A word that combines the first few letters of FOUR DIFFERENT NAMES!" As such, Merrell "FA"nkhauser, Don "PAR"rish, Bill "DO"dd and... err... Dic"K" Lee (pr. "LY") became "FAPARDOKLY," successfully ensuring that the band would remain every bit as obscure as The Beatles would've had they called themselves "LEMCCHAOSTAR".

Fapardokly never actually recorded an LP. Instead, it was pickled and pieced together by the UIP record company from jots, dolts and finkly-binkly recordings created by the band between 1964 and 1966. It's this very cobbling together of disparate elements that renders the final product a bit less than the sum of its whole ("whole" = abbrev. for "whore hole" ie "vagina").

Don't misunderstood me: there are plenty of great songs on this vagina (9 out of 15 in this writer's opinion, and I generally agree with him on these things, even though he's a shitty writer). But man, what an inconsistent hish-hash mish-mash to behold as the tunes wildly careen between generic 50's rock'n'roll, somber Everly Brothers-ish balladry and experimental Byrdsy psychedelia! See, most bands (The Beatles, for example.) (Oh, and the Rolling Stones, if you know them.) had the opportunity to showcase their artistic growth in real-time over a series of increasingly complex releases spanning a number of years. Fapardokly didn't; their impressive three years' worth of steady creative development was all slopped onto a single release -- and not even in chronological order!

As such, your ears are all buggin' out to forward-thinking tracks like the dark artsy arpeggiator "Mr. Clock," scraggle-muff "Eight Miles High" homage "Gone To Pot," and moody nightime vibrator "No Retreat" when all of a sudden you run headlong into a Richie Valens four-chord la-de-da pop song like "Too Many Heartbreaks." Or you're soothing down low to the dreamy balladry and Jordinairesy backup vocals of "Lila" and "The Music Scene" when the rug is yanked from beneath you by a goddamned Buddy Holly ripoff. Throw in a tough Stones blues-punker, a bouncy Monkees bubblegummer, a breezy Mamas & Papas folk-popper, a bit of minor-key jazzy swing rock, a little Gene Pitney melancholia, a few trumpet lines and tons of lovely vocal harmonies and SHAZAMAMO! You've got a record suffering from split-personality disorder, though not 'schizoprenia' because that's a more general term encompassing several different psychotic disorders.

It's still a good record though - that's a pretty high 7 I'm giving it (with my seven-fingered hand) so if you see a used copy, do pick it up! Plus, Merrell Fankhauser is a man to watch. He has a lovely male voice like you might find in The Youngbloods or The Turtles, and after Fapardokly got hit by the bus of obscurity, he formed a great little band called Merrell Fankhauser And His H.M.S. Bounty before moving to Hawaii and dedicating several confusing years to a fruitless search for the mystical island of Mu. (?) Music written during this period can be found under band names like "Mu" and "Merrell Fankhauser." Seek them out! He's an interesting man, this blonde beauty. Think Jayne Mansfield with a mustache.
Re: Неизвестные.60е.Часть86.Группа Fapardokly
Автор: McKenzie   Дата: 13.10.06 20:36:42   
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Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 86. Группа Fapardokly1.
Re: Неизвестные.60е.Часть86.Группа Fapardokly
Автор: McKenzie   Дата: 13.10.06 20:37:17   
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Re: Неизвестные.60е.Часть86.Группа Fapardokly
Автор: McKenzie   Дата: 13.10.06 20:37:39   
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Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 86. Группа Fapardokly2
Re: Неизвестные.60е.Часть86.Группа Fapardokly
Автор: McKenzie   Дата: 13.10.06 20:38:27   
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Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 86. Группа Fapardokly3.
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