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Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE

Тема: Битлз - Love (2006)

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Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 21.04.06 13:06:33   
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2Primal Scream:

>В любом случае
>все выйдет на аудио и видео.

Всё же такие вещи желательно лицезреть воочию...
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.04.06 13:13:29   
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2Голубяка:  Тогда добро пожаловать в игорную столицу Америки!2Голубяка:

Тогда добро пожаловать в игорную столицу Америки!
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 21.04.06 14:29:30   
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2Primal Scream:

>Тогда добро пожаловать в игорную столицу Америки!

как говорится, хер мажЕсти!
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.04.06 09:22:27   
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Пока шоу "Солнечного цирка" на подходе, всем стоит взлянуть, как актер Крис Блисс фантастически жонглирует под финальную сюиту с Abbey Road. Просмотрено уже более 2 млн раз! ЖЕСТЬ!!!
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.05.06 23:11:22   
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Большая премьера состоится 30 июня. Ожидается, что Пол, Ринго и Йоко почтят ее своим присутствием.
На прошлой неделе Пол лично посетил место событий и всецело одобрил постановку.
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.05.06 08:00:44   
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Видео - скоро
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.06.06 15:00:54   
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Here Comes The Soleil Here Comes The Soleil

by Bruce Spizer, Beatles author and historian

<-- George and Giles Martin
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.06.06 13:19:02   
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In early May, eight weeks before the show's opening, Giles Martin gave Rolling Stone an exclusive listen to the complete score of Love. Here are his comments on each of the tracks:

Overture: ''BECAUSE'' -- just the vocal track, with bird effects.

''This plays with the lights still up, to get the audience into the mood.''

Then the lights come down to the sound of the ''endless piano chord'' from ''A Day in Life'' played backwards, the opening chord from ''A Hard Day's Night,'' the Abbey Road drum solo, all over audience screams recorded at Shea Stadium, leading into

Track 1: ''GET BACK'' -- ending with strings from ''Glass Onion,'' with ''Hello Goodbye'' mixed in

''We wanted to start with the Abbey Road drum solo because it's bombastic and the Beatles are so often not thought of as a rock band. So we went and did a big rock opening -- it was great to create a sort of live Beatles experience.''

Track 2: ''ELEANOR RIGBY'' -- with a newly structured string intro

''All the songs are the same, not changed. You don't think about anything but what will be right for the Beatles -- my dad has the ability to say, 'if we were doing this then, this is how we would do it.'

Fades into the guitar from ''Julia,'' a piece of ''Strawberry Fields Forever,'' the strings from ''A Day in the Life''

Track 3: ''I AM THE WALRUS''

''People ask about unreleased material -- the fact is, pretty much all of it has been released, and what hasn't, you go, 'ooh, do we really want to put that out?' ''


Track 5: ''CAN'T BUY ME LOVE''

Track 6: ''A HARD DAY'S NIGHT''

''The challenge of the early stuff is that it was all 2 track or 4 -- and on the 4-track recordings, they wouldn't always even use all 4. So we took the Hollywood Bowl recordings and decided to experiment with those. We matched the studio versions to the live recordings and they were actually all in the same key.

''The production on stage is like 'West Side Story' on speed. We used shorter versions here, but it'll be the full songs on the album.''

The introduction from ''Sun King,'' played backwards, leads into

Track 7: ''SOMETHING''

''Some of them really needed to be left alone. The idea was to get that experience that I got when I heard the tapes, to just hear them playing.''

Track 8: ''BEING FOR THE BENEFIT OF MR. KITE'' with laughter and screaming from various sessions, accordion from ''Cry Baby Cry,'' lots of "pissing around'' that was on the masters

Also ''Good Morning Good Morning'' sound effects, laughter from ''Piggies,'' noises from ''I Want You (She's So Heavy)'' and ''Helter Skelter''

''We wanted a dark circus, something that would evoke the troubles they had in the Deep South, and in the Philippines, on tour. The stopping of the Beatles as the Fab Four, touring band. We did it not for indulgence's sake, but because it suits the show -- 'Kite' should be darker. It's quite heavy for Vegas, and we had to fight for that. The Beatles weren't soft, and the last thing we wanted was 'The Beatles-play-Vegas,' something that was just not cool at all.''

Track 9: ''HELP''

''We found out they rushed the mix, did it somewhere that wasn't Abbey Road. We needed to get out of mono, since we're all out of a mono world.''

Track 10: ''YESTERDAY'' ends with ''Blackbird'' intro into

Track 11: ''GIRL'' with a drone from ''Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,'' a drum roll from ''Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite'' under the chorus, and a guitar figure from ''And I Love Her''

Track 12: ''SHE'S LEAVING HOME''

''These all kind of go together. Paul was kind of ambivalent about using 'Yesterday,' but Dad wanted it in the show, he thought people would be disappointed if it wasn't there.''

''The starting point was to not do the '1' record. We're not doing badly getting obscure songs in. We wanted more a portrayal of their innovation than of their success.''

Track 13: ''STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER'' crescendo at end includes ''Penny Lane,'' ''In My Life,'' ''Piggies,'' ''Hello Goodbye'' all weaving in and out over track

''We spent more time on this than anything else in the show. Dominic (Champagne, the show's director) wanted something to show the creative process on stage. We found as many versions as possible, starting from his first recording at home -- Yoko had the tapes. We spent all this time finding versions and matching the keys -- with one take coming under another, all overlapping, always more than one going at all time.

''We were under pressure from people to change things, to make things different. Ringo loved this -- he loves anything where I have his drums up. Paul said, 'I'm pleased, you've been so sensitive to what the Beatles are about.' It's the best job in the world to have license to play around with all these masters.''
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.06.06 13:22:56   
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Track 14: ''WITHIN YOU WITHOUT YOU'' over the drums from ''Tomorrow Never Knows''Track 14: ''WITHIN YOU WITHOUT YOU'' over the drums from ''Tomorrow Never Knows''

''This was the first thing we did. We played it for them, and they said 'we want more like that!' We had to remind them, 'Fellas, you know that on most songs you did actually change chords!'

George Martin: '' 'Within You' is not the most memorable song, but it's much more interesting with that rhythm.''


For the introduction, the organ is ''chopped up to one note at a time, moved up an octave''

Later, horns from ''Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band''

''The intros are important, setting the mood is important -- the one thing that people don't want is to just feel like we're playing a CD.''

Track 16: ''OCTOPUS'S GARDEN'' starts with the strings from ''Good Night,'' sung over the drums from ''Lovely Rita,'' break from ''Polythene Pam'' in middle

''Ringo would ask every time, what have you done for 'Octopus?' Because these are the Beatles, they want to be crazy. Ringo said, 'Don't mess about -- if you're going to do it, really do it.' So we wanted to take the weird stuff he did and use it as it was meant to be used. The truth is, eighty percent of the people won't even notice. And hopefully the fans won't be too cross with me for the heresy.''

Track 17: ''LADY MADONNA''

Percussion break in the middle from ''Hey Bulldog,'' Eric Clapton's guitar solo from ''While Guitar Gently Weeps''

Track 18: ''HERE COMES THE SUN''

Vocals from ''Oh Darling,'' tabla from ''Within You Without You,'' bass from ''I Want You (She's So Heavy)''

Track 19: ''COME TOGETHER''

''There really was nothing you could do here. Paul and Ringo listened to this, and they both said, 'We were really good. We remember that day, that session, and how good we were.' ''

Track 20: ''REVOLUTION''

Track 21: ''BACK IN THE U.S.S.R.''


George Martin: ''Dominic liked the simplicity of the solo, acoustic version -- that was almost a demo, it was in a different key. But Olivia (Harrison) was uncomfortable using it like that, she thought it was too small and unfinished.

''So they asked me to write a special score. It was a bit petrifying, actually -- Olivia came to the session and it went very well, she loved it. It's pretty significant -- it's the very last score ever to be written for a Beatles song.''

Giles: ''That's the only added music in the show, that new string arrangement by my dad. During the session, there was no emotion at all; it's only after that you think, what a day!''

''You can't work with your hands tied by duty and responsibility, because you'll be too safe, or you'll just do the wrong thing.''

Track 23:''A DAY IN THE LIFE''

''Again, what can you do with something like this? We found four different versions of the strings. But with something like this, the more we separated the tracks, the worse it became, the less impact it had.''

Track 24: ''HEY JUDE''

''We isolated a bass part that comes late in the song, moved that up and brought it out.''


Снесло крышу  
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 14.06.06 15:00:13   
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Ладно, Бог с ним, готов смириться с тем, что я этого не увижу, но ПОСЛУШАТЬ-ТО КАК ХОЦА!!!!
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.06.06 15:08:31   
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Все увидим и услышим, когда выйдет на DVD и CD.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 14.06.06 16:00:16   
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А что, запланировали уже?
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.06.06 16:07:05   
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Ну, может быть не так скоро, но выйдет. Это же коммерческий проект, который должен зарабатывать деньги не только в пределах Вегаса.
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.06.06 01:17:05   
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June 16, 2006 -- Las Vegas Journal Review

McCartney feels love of cast, crew

To Sir, with love.

Sir Paul McCartney received a royal welcome at The Mirage on Thursday from the cast and crew after his first viewing of "Love," the new Cirque du Soleil show featuring the music of The Beatles.

Sixty cast members and more than 120 technicians serenaded the music icon with a chorus of "Happy Birthday." McCartney, who turns 64 on Sunday, flew in shortly before the show.

As he exited the show, admirers shouted "thank you Paul" amid applause.

He was to leave Las Vegas late Thursday en route to London, where he planned to celebrate his birthday with family, a Cirque source said.

Thursday was the 50th anniversary of the first meeting of McCartney and John Lennon. McCartney, then 13, and Lennon, 15, met at a church dinner, where Lennon's rock group, The Quarrymen, were performing.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: elfe   Дата: 17.06.06 02:10:13   
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Шоу обалденное! Советую всем, кто живет в штатах, приехать посмотреть! Как будет побываете в сказочном мире битловских песен, особенно Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Octopus' Gaden, Eleanor Rigby. Звучала версия песни While my Guitar Gently Weeps, которую я раньше не слышала. Словами впечатления передать невозможно, но я безумно рада, что смогла увидеть одно из самых первых шоу. Весь июнь оно еще в стадии разработки, а 1го июля будет официальная премьера.
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: elfe   Дата: 17.06.06 02:18:13   
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2Primal Scream:

>Тогда добро пожаловать в игорную столицу Америки!

Скорей всего игорную столицу мира! :)
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 19.06.06 13:50:04   
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Фотографии от Алекса Захарова!  1Фотографии от Алекса Захарова!

Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 19.06.06 13:50:48   
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Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE2
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 19.06.06 13:51:02   
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Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE3
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 19.06.06 13:51:28   
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Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE4
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