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Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!

Тема: Пол Маккартни - тур '2005 (The 'US' Tour)

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Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.09.05 21:33:03   
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Любопытно отметить, что новые концертные фотки в интернете практически отсутствуют. В отличии, скажем, от тех же "Роллингов". Это Lexus что ли прижал все?
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.09.05 07:27:40   
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September 18, 2005 -- Palm Beach Post

Nifty Exclusive Paul McCartney Tidbits!

It took more than an hour to find a parking space around the American Airlines Arena last night for the first night of Sir Paul's "Us" Tour in Miami, and then another 20 minutes to convince the dedicated but insistent security staff that I had, indeed, been cleared to bring my laptop into the building to file my review and that I was not, in fact, some sort of renegade fan site Web master or eeevil tabloid drone trying to illegally broadcast the fabulousness.

So understand that when I tell you that the two and a half hour concert was worth every traffic snarl-up, wrong turn and frustrated explanation, you know I'm not messing with you. Here are some of the highlights that didn't make it into the review:

- With all of the screens, flashing lights and brilliantly colored plumes of pyro smoke, the most wonderful special effect was what lead guitarist Rusty Anderson called "the magically appearing piano." It would levitate out of the floor, whose twinkling tiles, like something out of Michael Jackson's "Billy Jean" video, slid wonderously back.
And oh, the wonderous work Sir Paul made out of that magical instrument. "Maybe I'm Amazed" was so beautiful and obviously heartfelt. I couldn't stop thinking about his late wife Linda, who the song was written for, and about how simply brilliant a love song it is. It admits the tenative nature of vulnerability, the fear of needing someone and the need to give into it. And it always makes me cry. It did last night, too.

- You ever notice, then, how different those grown-up Paul lyrics are from the youthful confidence of his early Beatles lyrics, that are all "I love you forever?" The funny thing is that last night, they sounded just as sincere coming from the mouth of a bright-eyed 63-year-old than the more realistically adult songs did. He did the early Quarrymen song "In Spite of All The Danger" that confirms the singer's loyalty as long "as you are true to me."
Very simple, and very sweet. And it was obvious how much Sir Paul enjoyed tripping through his back pages.

- The "Storytellers" vibe continued through the rat-a-tat-tat middle section. Paul introduced "I'll Follow The Sun" with a story about writing it in his parents' house. He seemed to be having as much fun singing it as the crowd did singing along, because he kept pausing, and then happily repeating, the last refrain of "Tomorrow may rain,so I'll follow the sun." Yay!

- His likability is all-consuming. During "Blackbird," he actually messed up, and then paused.
"How long have I been singing this? Is this the first night, or is this the first night?" he asked. "At least you know it's not on tape."

- "Back In The USSR" was a sing-along high point. I'm sure there were many people who knew all the words, and some people, like me, who were going "La, la, la, la, la, la, la la...BACK IN THE USSR!"

- Speaking of sing-alongs, the Magically Appearing Piano made its triumphant return for "Hey Jude," which was one of those emotionally buoyant moments that everyone was waiting for, and which let all that expectation and happiness and goodwill just flood out all over everyone. Everyone in my section was all smiling and "Na-na"-ing, and trying to make eye contact with their fellow concertgoers, who were, at that moment, not strangers but dedicated members of the Na Na choir. It was beautiful. And it withstood all the easy, cheesy usual Concertisms like "Now, just the guys!" and "Just the ladies!" because it was Sir Paul asking and you loved it, and you didn't want it to end, either.

- Other beauty moments from the first encore: "Live and Let Die," a gloriously over-the-top glam rock moment of huge flames. The lyrics don't make much sense, but which, at the same time, just seems like permission to tear it up; "Yesterday," which as always was lovely; the naughty gender-bendy steadiness of "Get Back;" "Helter Skelter," which Paul said had never been played in America.

-And then, there was the equally beautiful second encore, which began with Sir Paul, wearing a "No More Land Mines" shirt from wife Heather's famous crusade, running onto the stage waving a huge American flag. We tripped back down Memory Lane into "Please Please Me."
Then another piano, this one painted in "Sgt. Pepper"-y bright colors, appeared, and Paul told the lighting folks, who he referred to as "Mr. Lighting Man," that he wanted to do a little experiment. As the lights went down, he lit a white candle, whose image flickered behind him on the screen. Could it be..."Let It Be?" Yes, it could! And it was, at once, serene and powerful.

- He ended with a speeded-up "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band," whose telling lyrics explained that it was time to go, even though no one seemed to want to. As he left the stage to a shower of red, white and blue confetti, Paul seemed exhilarated, a little tired but, I guess, confident that this little experiment had worked.

- One more thing: Those girls who always see on the "Ed Sullivan" footage screaming like they're crazy? I get that now.
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.09.05 07:28:03   
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September 18, 2005 -- Miami Herald

Sir Paul kicks off world tour in Miami

Paul McCartney's opens his Us Tour at Miami's AmericanAirlines Arena. With oldies galore, a splendid time was guaranteed for all.

In concert Friday night at Miami's sold-out AmericanAirlines Arena on the opening night of a trek he simply dubs the Us Tour ("It's all about us, we're all in this together''), it was classic Paul McCartney fans came to hear and classic Paul McCartney is what they got -- all the way back to the earliest Beatles songs and before.

That meant a lot of good day sunshine songs, heaping doses of silly love songs and plenty of she loves you yeah, yeah, YEAH!.

The man dug out a pre-Beatles song -- the 1958 Quarrymen tune In Spite of All the Danger -- for heaven's sake!

Quite the contrast from McCartney's critically-hailed new CD, Chaos and Creation in the Backyard, which came out this week and contains some of his most somber reflections to date. For a man known for, and criticized for, optimistic pop much of the CD has come as a surprise -- and perhaps accounts for the overboard praise it has received.

He performed a smattering of tunes from the disc to, at best, polite reaction. The CD's opening Fine Line, with Paul on piano, proved to be fan's cue to head to the bathroom, window. Acclaimed, though it may be by besotted critics, most of this new music will probably be forgotten by the time his next mega tour rolls around, although the sweet acoustic numbers Jenny Wren and English Tea proved appealing. This was a night when one-quarter of the Beatles, the Cute One, came to reclaim his legend as one of pop music's most popular composers. A point he needn't have made with a self-aggrandizing 10-minute pre-concert videoclip of his history. We paid $250 bucks a pop to see you, Paul, we know you're important.

It wasn't always McCartney's modus operandi, of course. At one point in the '70s McCartney was so gung-ho on establishing an identity post-Fab Four he buried himself in his band Wings and eschewed Beatles material in concert. It wasn't until his successful Wings Over America Tour in 1976 that McCartney finally gave in and folded some Beatles tunes into the mix -- and even then he avoided the most popular anthems he ladled freely Friday: the opening Magical Mystery Tour, a snippet of the Ringo-popularized Yellow Submarine, Penny Lane et al.

Now, it could be argued, he's gone full-tilt crazy on the stuff, stockpiling his show with one Beatles number after another, ignoring most of his solo material at its expense.

Granted, most fans came to hear stuff like Back in the USSR. Not Back to the Egg.

The gimmick, as on his previous tours in 1990 and 2002 was in dusting off favorites he has never performed live and, given that the Beatles retired from touring in 1966, this left plenty of material to unearth. Stuff like I'll Follow the Sun, The Music Man's 'Til There Was You, the late-period Beatles I've Got a Feeling. So much so he could still be out there on the Miami stage playing by the time you read this and someone out there may still gripe, ''Where the hell's Helen Wheels?'' (At 42, weaned on Wings, count me as one.)

No prob, mate. We got Wings' Band on the Run, which brought fans to their feet even more than for some of the Beatles hits, and a punchy Too Many People, which McCartney misidentified as a Wings song. (The 1971 record was credited to Paul and late wife Linda McCartney.) Wings' Jet was done with an arrangement just the way you remember it 31 years ago. McCartney is not big on reinvention.

This, naturally, seemed fine for most fans gone giddy in Paul's presence.

''I'm a big Beatles fan for life,'' said Fort Lauderdale fan Russell Rand, 55, who has a hand-painted, 25-year-old classic of his own: a multi-colored, satin Sgt Pepper coat he was hoping Sir Paul would wear.

It would make up for Rand's big mistake. ``As a kid, 40 years ago, I could have seen the Beatles in Hartford, but I thought they were a girl's band. I learned better.''

McCartney's new band is for everyone. Fine musicians, the four-piece, including drummer Abe Laboriel, keyboardist Paul ''Wix'' Wickens and guitarist Rusty Anderson, lent muscle to AM radio hits like Maybe I'm Amazed and Let Me Roll It. McCartney, ever the professional, started this tour off with numbers tailored not to tax his voice, saving rockers like Got to Get You Into My Life for later in the set. The staging was simple and the off-the-cuff flavor was endearing. McCartney flubbed the lyrics to the 1968 Beatles tune, Blackbird, and quipped, ``How long have I been singing this? At least you know it's not on tape!''

Will you still need him, will you still feed him at 64, as he asked in song all those years ago? He's nine months short of that milestone and judging by the quicksilver sales of those $252 concert tickets and $37 concert T-shirts and $11 Corona beers, plus the genuine good time he delivers on stage, it's safe to assume we'll be feeding and needing this man even when he's 84.
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.09.05 07:28:52   
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Tampa TribuneTampa Tribune

Despite Stage Mishaps, McCartney Delivers

Paul McCartney, 63 and impossibly chipper, took a tumble Saturday night before a sold-out crowd of 18,095 at the St. Pete Times Forum.

A section of the stage floor retracted in order for McCartney's grand piano to rise from below. McCartney stepped back a bit too soon and found himself sprawled a few feet beneath the stage. But Paul survived his fall, high spirits intact.

(If McCartney missed an opportunity all night it was here -- he could have moved up "Fixing a Hole" from its slot later in the set.)

The thing about a show this precise and so guaranteed to please is the little gaffes make it even more memorable.

Like McCartney flubbing a chord change in "I Will" -- "It's a long time since I wrote this," he protested with mock defensiveness.

Needless to say, most of the show was spot-on.

Newer tunes such as "Flaming Pie" and "Fine Line" seemed to benefit from the exalted company of such cherished gems as "Jet" and "Maybe I'm Amazed."

Perhaps the most pleasing element of the show was the less-often-heard treasures from the Beatles catalog.

Opening with "Magical Mystery Tour," McCartney dusted off such back-catalog glories as "I'll Get You," "For No One," "I'll Follow the Sun" and "I've Got a Feeling."

He even broke out "Till There Was You" (from 1963's "With the Beatles," originally from "The King and I") and "In Spite of All the Danger," his, John Lennon and George Harrison's first recording, unheard until "Anthology 1" was released in 1995.

Of course, the word "obscurity" hardly applies to anything McCartney played Saturday night, the second date of his "Us" tour.

"Let Me Roll It" may never have topped the charts, but the rocker had plenty of the crowd singing along.

McCartney's band was excellent. Keyboardist Paul "Wix" Wickens added familiar horn and string parts on synthesizer while Abe Laboriel Jr. provided thunderous drumming and stick-twirling showmanship.
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.09.05 07:29:21   
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Macca takes a fall

At the Tampa show Paul accidently misstepped when the trap door on the stage floor opened to raise his grand piano before "Fine Line."

In a scary moment, Macca fell 5 feet through the floor landing on the top of the piano. Paul banged his elbow and back as he fell. He managed to crawl out of the hole a minute later with help from a roadie and joked about it though he seemed a bit rattled as was the crowd.

"There's a big hole in the stage and I just fell into it!" said Paul.

"Well, we were expecting this to happen and it happened! I don't care.

"A word to the stage crew, I want a big fence around here tomorrow. (pointing to the now raised piano) A little picket fence! It will look nice...

"Tampa, nobody else will see me fall into the hole. That's the extra added production value. Maybe we'll keep it in the show. You never know..."

Paul carried on with the rest of the show, but there were times when he grimmaced in pain. His energy level dropped from the night before (Miami), but he put on a great show in spite of his injuries which luckily appeared to be minor.
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.09.05 07:31:49   
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Beatlemaniacs Gear Up For Paul McCartney ShowBeatlemaniacs Gear Up For Paul McCartney Show
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Dakota   Дата: 19.09.05 08:16:08   
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2Primal Scream:

>Beatlemaniacs Gear Up For Paul McCartney Show

thanks for link, i'm too flying from Tbilisi to see "this boy" there, and i wish tickets could have cost 7.5$ now.. :)
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Nicky de Gree   Дата: 19.09.05 11:48:58   
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McCartney easily fishes classics out of an ocean of hit songs

By Sean Piccoli
Pop Music Writer - Sentinal Sun

MIAMI · Till There Was You is not -- how to put this kindly -- one of the more durable of the Beatles' many songs. But it has a revealing back story, and that was reason enough for Paul McCartney to play it to a packed AmericanAirlines Arena on Friday night's U.S. tour opener.

McCartney told a full house of more than 16,000 people that the Beatles wrote Till There Was You because they needed a "cabaret-type number" to get bookings at England's finer music clubs.

This was long before the Beatles could write entirely to their own tastes, but the lesson to McCartney of that unashamedly lounge-friendly ditty remains useful: Have a song ready for every place, every occasion, and every mood.

McCartney is nothing if not a music man for all seasons, and opening night was an amiable reminder of his career-long readiness to please -- and more to the point, his ability to do so. A set tooled not just for easy passage down memory lane also showcased his tremendous range as a songwriter and his progress from Liverpool kid to rock legend.

Till There Was You was just one of the cult favorites, oddities and back-of-the-rack songs that he's accumulated during the last 40-plus years along with the innumerable classics.

McCartney also played In Spite of All The Danger, a country-tinged ballad that was the first original composition recorded by the band that would become the Beatles.

I'll Get You, another bouncy example of Beatles' songwriting in its developmental stages, sounded like nothing so much as a dry run for She Loves You. But they all sounded apt to in the context of a set list that may be the most wide-open and invitingly improbable that McCartney has ever assembled for live play.

The last McCartney tour, great as it was, by comparison barely skimmed the ocean of available material.

Friday's show, partly in support of a new album, was practically an expedition, going well past the typical 11 p.m. stop time for an arena show, toward the three-hour mark, and deep into the catalogue of all things Paul.

McCartney and his versatile four-piece backing band played many of the songs one would expect to hear -- Magical Mystery Tour, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Drive My Car, Jet, Maybe I'm Amazed, Let Me Roll It, The Long and Winding Road, and more -- and almost as many that came as surprises.

In the latter category, one would have to count: Helter Skelter, the most menacing song the famously unmenacing McCartney ever wrote; Fixing a Hole, sung wistfully by McCartney with only his piano, and Too Many People, a lesser-known but still-appealing rocker from his days leading the band Wings.

With so much ground to cover on opening night, some gaffes were perhaps inevitable. McCartney dropped a lyric and stopped to regather himself on his voice-and-guitar Beatles classic, Blackbird, but was applauded for his lighthearted handling of the miscue.

The band sounded unsure of itself through some of the complicated turns and changes on piano-vamping, Fine Line, from McCartney's excellent new album, Chaos and Creation in the Backyard. But the album was well-represented with another voice-and-guitar piece, Jenny Wren, which McCartney has called a cousin to Blackbird.

In its evocation of loneliness, it was also a cousin to Eleanor Rigby, which also turned up.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Nicky de Gree   Дата: 19.09.05 11:49:33   
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Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Nicky de Gree   Дата: 19.09.05 11:57:01   
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Чуть точнее и подробнее сет-лист... и вообщепрограмма состоявшихся шоу ;)

Incidental music includes: Family Way, Band On The Run (BBC version), Celebration (Standing Stone)

with DJ Freelance Hellraiser (Roy Kerr) playing Twin Freaks music (20 minutes):

1) Maybe I'm Amazed
2)Temporary Secretary
3) Long Haired Lady
4) Rinse The Raindrops
5) Coming Up
6) What's That You're Doing
7) Really Love You

10 minute film
Paul McCartney bio with rare photos and home movies. Spans 63 years. The film ends with the count down 3-2-1 Then the stage curtain is pulled and Paul and the band are behind it.


1) Magical Mystery tour (Hofner)
2) Flaming Pie (Hofner)
3) Jet (Hofner)
4) I'll Get You (Hofner)
5) Drive My Car (Hofner)
6) Till There Was You (Hofner)
7) Let Me Roll It /Foxy Lady (Les Paul)
8) Got To Get You Into My Life (Hofner)
9) Fine Line (Grand Piano)
10) Maybe I'm Amazed (Grand Piano)
11) The Long And Winding Road (Grand Piano)

Acoustic Set

12) In Spite Of All The Danger (acoustic solo)
13) I Will (acoustic solo)
14) Jenny Wren (acoustic - Wix)

15) For No One (Grand Piano)
16) Fixing A Hole (Grand Piano)
17) English Tea ( Grand Piano) Paul pantomimes pouring, stirring and drinking tea at beginning

18) Yellow Submarine singalong (acoustic-Miami only)
19) I'll Follow The Sun (acoustic) with reprise twice (band)
20) Follow Me (acoustic) band
21) Blackbird (acoustic solo)
22) Eleanor Rigby (acoustic) - band minus Brian

23) Too Many People (Hofner) band
24) She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (Hofner)
25) Good Day Sunshine (Hofner)
26) Band On The Run (Hofner)
27) Penny Lane (Hofner)

28) I've Got A Feeling (Les Paul)
29) Back In The USSR (Les Paul)

30) Baby Face - fake out (Grand Piano - Tampa only)
31) Hey Jude (Grand Piano) Brian tosses tambourine to audience after finish of first verse
32) Live And Let Die (Grand Piano)


33) Yesterday (acoustic - solo)
34) Get Back (Hofner)
35) Helter Skelter (Hofner)


36) Please Please Me (Hofner)
37) Let It Be (Psychedelic upright piano) Paul lights a large candle sitting on the piano before the song
38) Sgt. Pepper Reprise (Les Paul)

Paul autographed an "Unplugged" vinyl album cover at the end of the Miami concert. No autographs in Tampa.

Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: semiotov   Дата: 19.09.05 12:16:42   
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>Miami Pre-Show TV Interview

Здесь Пол отозвался очень тепло об американской аудитории ("как семья"), но документальные кадры с Yesterday и др. были всё-таки с Красной Площади!
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Стас   Дата: 19.09.05 13:17:51   
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Вызывает лёгкое недоумение I'll get you и Please please me-песни то Джоновы....
А то что есть не спетые НИКОГДА All togther now,Martha my dear,Obladi,The night before,Another girl,Maxwell,I'm looking through you Пол и не вспоминает....
Зато опять " золотая тройка" с Band on the run....
Но есть и приятные сюрпризы-Good Day Sunshine(15 лет не пелось), She Came In Through The Bathroom Window(наверняка с репризой,ибо в оригинале коротка шибко),Too Many People(так к следующему туру Пол доберётся к Moonkberry),Fixing A Hole(тоже хрен знает скока Пол не пел эту песню),I Will(давно пора петь,песня просто создана для акустики живьём!!!),Till There Was You(малость чужую песню не помешает петь,а вообще хотца Lucille или Long Tall Sally),Magical Mystery tour(идеальная песня для начала концерта!!!)

А вообще я жду МР3-файлы с этого тура в медиа-архиве :))))
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 19.09.05 15:19:42   
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Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.09.05 16:45:09   
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Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.09.05 18:34:33   
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Paul McCartney Rehearsal for 2005 US TourPaul McCartney Rehearsal for 2005 "US" Tour
Musician Paul McCartney rehearses at the Jackie Gleason Theatre for his upcoming "US" Tour.
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.09.05 18:35:52   
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Paul McCartney Kicks Off US Tour in MiamiPaul McCartney Kicks Off "US" Tour in Miami
Musician Paul McCartney kicks off his "US" tour in Miami at the American Airlines Arena on Sept 16. The Paul McCartney "US" tour will cross the United States and ends in Los Angeles on Nov 30.
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.09.05 18:37:17   
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Paul McCartney Rehearsal for 2005 US TourPaul McCartney Rehearsal for 2005 "US" Tour
Musician Paul McCartney rehearses his "US" tour in Miami at the American Airlines Arena.
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.09.05 18:38:45   
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Photographer:  Bill Bernstein   Date Photographed:  August 30, 2005   Photographer: Bill Bernstein
Date Photographed: August 30, 2005
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: BeatloManьka   Дата: 19.09.05 19:42:52   
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>>Miami Pre-Show TV Interview
>Здесь Пол отозвался очень тепло об американской
>аудитории ("как семья"), но документальные кадры
>с Yesterday и др. были всё-таки с Красной Площади!

Да конечно, семья ;) Такие бабки отдает за концерты каждого американского тура ;)
Re: Paul McCartney U.S. tour 2005!
Автор: zand   Дата: 19.09.05 20:00:30   
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>Вызывает лёгкое недоумение I'll get you и Please
>please me-песни то Джоновы....

Подождите,он в следующем туре вообще Imagine петь будет. Я не удивлюсь.
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