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Джими Хендрикс (Jimi Hendrix)

Тема: Jimi Hendrix

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Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: sweet   Дата: 15.07.04 01:09:35   
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ты вредный!
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: zappa2000   Дата: 15.07.04 12:10:47   
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Насчет "скучных" звуков Дип Пэпл и Юрай Хип - это естественно, ребята, вы же тогда ещё даже не родились, когда они были "не скучными". Сейчас эта музыка, конечно звучит архаично. А Джими и сечас - живее всех живых. Потому что - гений.
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: vasil ibn rashit   Дата: 15.07.04 13:10:37   
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Dvas Nickolas
не сочтите за нравоучительство, но мой вам совет еще раз внимательно послушайте
хендрикса и боб марли, казалось бы одна музыка гитарная другая вокальная, но у них гораздо больше общего чем например у хендрикса и лед зеппелин, а в лучших вещах марли я не вижу принципиальной разницы между ним и битлз, - одинаково шедевральные вокальные подпевки, ярко выраженные гармонии и мелодии, просто у марли почти все идет через вторую сильную долю (раз И два И) и со характерной для темнокожих певцов подачей, для меня это скорей плюс чем минус.
если сравнить песню хендрикса "стоун фри" и марли "эксодас" (до сих пор не знаю как это переводится, буду очень признателен если кто подскажет).
так вот если сравнить их то они построены на одном и том же рифе буквально с точностью до ноты (очень небольшая разница), в "стоун фри" хендрикс в куплетной и припевной части добавил дополные аккорды, марли остался в одной тональности.
но у хендрикса тоже хватает песен на одном аккорде "машин ган" например.
у битлз "тумору нэвэ ноуз".
то что маккартни "си мун"," обла ди", и лед зеппелин (песня с пятого альбома забыл название (в ней плант окает как волжанин))тоже обращались к стилю рэггей показывает что это не ущербный стиль в музыке.
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 15.07.04 15:55:04   
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Exodus - это библейский ИСХОД, то есть исход евреев из Египта. Так как растафари вест-индии считают себя потомками эфиопов, а те являются потомками царя Соломона и царицы Сафской, эта тема всегда являлась актуальной для жителей Ямайки и окружающих ее островов.
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: vasil ibn rashit   Дата: 15.07.04 16:06:58   
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Alex Red
большое спасибо, спрашивал очень у многих, вот узнал благадаря вам
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 16.07.04 12:29:10   
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Да не за что.
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: Mr. Bad uy   Дата: 30.07.04 08:29:57   
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Проинформируйте о “Get that feeling/Flashing” (сборник)
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 30.07.04 10:04:43   
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vasil ibn rashit

Да не поймут они... Это прожить надо.
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.08.04 09:22:58   
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JIMI HENDRIX - New Monterey Stage Figure Due This FallJIMI HENDRIX - New Monterey Stage Figure Due This Fall

McFarlane Toys ( have revealed that this fall they will issue a new JIMI HENDRIX figure for their Super Stage Figures collection.

A posting at the site reads, “This our second crack at the American guitar legend Jimi Hendrix. Titled Jimi Hendrix 2 at Monterey, this shockingly detailed figure recreates one of rock music's most lasting images: Hendrix coaxing flames from his guitar on stage at the Monterey Pop Festival in 1967.

The package includes the figure, stage base, amp stack and guitar. This figure is set to hit store shelves in mid-October.”
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.08.04 22:38:42   
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Jimi Hendrix Set to Wow London with New Show

LONDON (Reuters) - He took the world by storm in the 1960s, and now 34 years after his death guitar king Jimi Hendrix is to come blazing back in a new exhibition including unreleased music and unseen footage of his performances.

The show which opens at London's Marquee Club next month, is based on a collection of memorabilia put together by an American fan and features thousands of items worth 15 million pounds ($27.6 million).

Organizers say the exhibition will be like a live Hendrix show and expect the "psychedelic experience" to attract 1,500 visitors daily.

"It's the largest Hendrix collection in the world," said Ted Owen, of auctioneers Cooper Owen, who will eventually sell off the show's contents. "It covers every aspect of his life."

The collection was built up by Bob Terry, a fan from Hendrix's home city Seattle, who started on a tiny scale at the age of 17, and then sold it to another collector.

Among the top items will be unseen footage of Hendrix at the Woodstock, Monterey and Isle of Wight festivals. The Monterey performance, with the image of Hendrix holding his burning guitar aloft, became emblematic of his wild spirit and energy.

There are also tapes of around 50 hours of unreleased music, including hits such as "Purple Haze" which Hendrix recorded in the studio and brought home to listen to or work on.

Another star item is a white Fender Stratocaster guitar, complete with cigarette burns, which could fetch 250,000 pounds, Owen said.

The guitar has been heavily scratched by left-handed Hendrix's rings and his trademark trick of running the instrument up and down the microphone stand.

A Cherokee-style jacket, cherished by Hendrix because of his Indian roots, could fetch 30,000 pounds. Poems, records, concert tickets and artwork will also go under the hammer.

Hendrix spent his most successful years in Britain, where he arrived in 1966 and his band, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, had its first hit single with "Hey Joe" in December that year.

He died in London in September 1970 aged 27. An inquest recorded an open verdict on his death, caused by suffocating on his vomit after an overdose of sleeping pills. ($1=.5443 Pound)
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.08.04 18:27:45   
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JIMI HENDRIX Court Case Coming To Close - Aug. 27, 2004

Mike Lewis of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports: Janie Hendrix dominated Al Hendrix's financial affairs before and after he died, so why would she be silent during discussions of the estate's most important long-term issue, an inheritance worth millions, asked attorney Robert Curran during closing arguments in the legal battle over the Hendrix estate.

Answering his own question in the lawsuit brought by Janie's step-brother Leon, Curran said there's no doubt for years she pressured her father to remove Jimi Hendrix's half brother from the will. Moreover, Curran said, she orchestrated a doctor's visit for Al to ensure that the elder Hendrix filed away a blood sample to prove he wasn't Leon's blood father should Leon ever fight the will.

"Janie had a campaign that lasted over a period of time to disinherit Leon," Curran said during final statements in the trial that has absorbed two months, tens of thousands of pages of documents and an estimated $4.5 million. "She had total access to (Al), and he had total dependence on her."

Proving that is central to one of the two primary issues in the King County Superior Court civil trial that is expected to conclude today (August 27).
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.09.04 11:09:11   
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  JIMI HENDRIX Guitar Stolen - Sep. 7, 2004  JIMI HENDRIX Guitar Stolen - Sep. 7, 2004

Celebrity Justice is reporting that a guitar that once belonged to Jimi Hendrix was stolen from an an inner city Los Angeles nightclub two weeks ago, according to the man that has been holding onto it for nearly 50 years, Ike Turner.

Jimi Hendrix was a member of Ike's band in the 1950s until Turner gave Hendrix the pink slip almost five decades ago.
"I'd give him a solo, man, and by the time he stopped it from squealing the time for the solo would be over," Turner remembered of Hendrix. "So that's what I fired him about."

Turner believes the thief probably doesn't even realize how valuable the guitars are. He also told Celebrity Justice that after holding onto the guitars for nearly 50 years, he had been planning to put them up for auction, saying, "I'm pretty sure I could have gotten close to a million dollars."

Ike told Celebrity Justice that he was doing a soundcheck with some of his band mates when he noticed a couple of people looking at him from over a fence at the nightclub. At the time, he didn't think too much about it, so he laid both his guitars down against the wall and went into the dressing room. But when he came back out, he was stunned to find out that both of them were gone.
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.09.04 12:36:21   
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Swedish Television Unearths JIMI HENDRIX Concert From 1969 - Sep. 17, 2004

The Associated Press is reporting that technicians at Sweden's public television have unearthed an unexpected delight for music lovers: the complete original recording of a Jimi Hendrix concert in Stockholm from 1969 on a tape long thought to have been destroyed.

The unmarked tape was recently found stashed on a shelf deep inside station's enormous archives during a project to transfer archived material from tape and film to digital, SVT spokeswoman Catarina Wilson said Friday (Sept. 17).

"They looked through the tape, and found it had some Jimi Hendrix," Wilson said. "Then they saw it had a lot of Jimi Hendrix — the entire concert, which is what makes this tape unique."

The black-and-white recording from Stockholm's concert hall was ordered destroyed by a producer in 1969, a time when it was too expensive to keep all raw footage, Wilson said.

She said it was likely that one of the state-run network's workers, perhaps a Hendrix fan, stashed it on the shelf where it sat for 35 years gathering dust.

Part of the 56-minute concert was broadcast on SVT in 1969, before the JIMI HENDRIX EXPERIENCE disbanded, but it's never been shown in its entirety. SVT is determining if it still has the rights to show the entire broadcast of the music legend's concert.

"Of course we realize that this is great material, that we would love to show," Wilson said.
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.09.04 12:58:32   
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Jimi Hendrix memorabilia on showJimi Hendrix memorabilia on show

The world's largest collection of Jimi Hendrix rock memorabilia, believed to be worth more than £8m, goes on display in London on Friday.
Hundreds of unseen pictures, film footage and original recordings will be exhibited at the revived Marquee Club in central London over the weekend.

The venue is one of the first places Hendrix played in the UK.

The items are part of a collection amassed by fan Bob Terry, which is due to be sold off in 2005.

Mr Terry collected memorabilia for almost 40 years after seeing Hendrix play live in 1967.

The exhibition at the Marquee Club is just one-fifth of the £15m collection, which Mr Terry sold for personal reasons in 2003 to an anonymous American buyer.

The exhibition has footage of the star playing at Woodstock, the Isle of Wight and Monterey, where Hendrix memorably held up a burning guitar sealing his reputation as a rock 'n' roll legend.

Following his Monterey performance, Hendrix fame grew selling millions of albums in the US where he played to packed venues.

Hendrix died in London in 1970, just four years after he arrived in the city and set the music world alight with his revolutionary style of guitar playing.

"The collection covers every aspect of Jimi's life," Ted Owen, co-founder of auction house Cooper Owen told BBC News Online last month.

"He was like a hurricane when he hit London - and influenced the likes of Eric Clapton, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, John Mayall and Steve Winwood."

"The exhibition will show how Hendrix came to dominate the scene."
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.09.04 11:36:50   
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'Found' JIMI HENDRIX Concert Film Not As Rare As Originally Thought - Sep. 22, 2004

According to Launch Radio Networks, recent reports of a long-lost JIMI HENDRIX EXPERIENCE concert video being discovered in Europe are a bit exaggerated. Workers at Sweden's SVT public broadcasting network thought they had found an unseen Hendrix concert from Stockholm in 1969 while doing some video archiving. However, Experience Hendrix Catalog Manager John McDermott told Launch that the footage is in fact well known, and that portions of it have been included in Hendrix releases in 1996, 1999, and 2000. McDermott said there are no plans to release the Swedish show in its entirety, since the best parts of it have already come out.

McDermott also said there was no malicious intent on the part of the SVT people. Instead, he just thinks that since SVT is a big operation, people in one part of it wouldn't necessarily know what people in another section do. However, he hopes that anyone with Hendrix photos or video footage will come forward, since the family-owned and run Experience Hendrix is actively collecting whatever Hendrix memorabilia they can find.

That includes a complete show from Dallas in 1970. The person who shot that concert offered it to Hendrix's record company shortly after the guitarist's death in September 1970, but the label turned it down, and no one's seen the footage since then.
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.09.04 10:30:26   
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Classic Hendrix, a biographical photo book tracing the life of Jimi Hendrix, will be published this fall. Ozzy Osbourne and Eric Clapton are among the musicians offering insight into the late guitar legend's life for the tome, which features more than 250 pictures taken by 34 photographers. The limited-edition version of Classic Hendrix signed by Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry also will be available.
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.09.04 10:05:35   
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Brother Loses Claim to Jimi Hendrix Estate
Fri Sep 24

SEATTLE (Reuters) - The brother of rock legend Jimi Hendrix is not entitled to any money from the guitarist's estate, a Seattle judge ruled on Friday.

King County Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Ramsdell ruled instead that Janie Hendrix, stepsister to Jimi and to Leon who brought the lawsuit, will continue to manage the bulk of the estimated $80 million estate.

Jimi Hendrix died in London in 1970. His father Al Hendrix eventually received the rights to his music but died himself in 2002. He left the bulk of his estate to his daughter Janie, whom he adopted after marrying her mother.

Leon, his children and six other family members have all sued over various aspects of Al Hendrix's will and the estate.

Leon's battles with drug addiction, his failure to complete a treatment program, his unwillingness to work and his continual demands for money were the major reason Al Hendrix cut his younger son from his will, Ramsdell said.

Leon claimed that Janie unfairly influenced Al Hendrix to cut him from his will in 1998, but the judge said that Leon had failed to prove his claim that his father was mentally incompetent when he signed his last will.

In an earlier will, Leon Hendrix claims, his father had assigned him about a quarter of the estate.

"The judge has upheld my dad's will and the way it was written," a tearful Janie Hendrix told reporters. "I had a great partnership with my dad, and now it's time to heal."

Leon, masked behind tinted glasses, showed little reaction to the judge's decision and quickly left the packed courtroom afterward.

In a related claim, other family members had asserted that Janie and cousin Bob Hendrix mismanaged trust funds, using money from the trusts for spa treatments and expensive cars.

The judge also ruled on Friday that Janie and her cousin should be removed as trustees of that trust fund, saying the pair had breached their administrative duties.

The case was held in the same Seattle courthouse where Jimi Hendrix's parents married, his teenage mother pregnant with him at the time. Hendrix was born and raised in Seattle, and is buried in a cemetery just south of the city.
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 01.10.04 01:21:25   
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Если кому интересно, на Горбушке продается такая игрушка.Если кому интересно, на Горбушке продается такая игрушка.
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: Mr. Bad uy   Дата: 08.11.04 12:44:40   
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Здравствуйте, почитатели истинного гитаризма!
Проинформируйте, пожалуйста, по поводу альбома “Sunshine Of Your Love” (заранее спасибо).
Re: Джимми Хендрикс
Автор: илюха   Дата: 09.11.04 19:59:30   
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Если имеется в виду российская пиратская поделка, так это сотое переиздание джем-сессии, где на одной песне слышны матюги пьяного Джима Моррисона. Я не знаю, сколько играет Sunshine Of Your Love, но оригинальная запись около 53 минут.
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