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Did The Beatles Rock The Kremlin? (East West Review, 30.10.2014)

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Did The Beatles Rock The Kremlin? (East West Review, 30.10.2014)
Автор:   Дата: 13.01.15 16:58:06
Working for the BBC’s World Service in the middle 1960s, I used to broadcast a weekly pop programme in Russian, aimed at Soviet listeners. Countless people have asked me: ‘weren’t the shows jammed; was it safe to listen; did you get any feedback; what did they think of the Beatles?’ Some of the answers are to be found in two recent publications. One is Leslie Woodhead’s HOW THE BEATLES ROCKED THE KREMLIN (Bloomsbury 2013, in this article referred to as LW), the other, a lengthy two-volume monograph in Russian, by Vladimir Bokarev and Yury Mitrofanov, entitled HISTORY OF THE BEATLES IN THE USSR 1964-1970 (Roliks 2014, hereafter VB/YM).

Leslie is a former RAF national service student of the JointServicesSchool for Linguists, where he acquired more than enough Russian to carry out his later duties in Berlin monitoring Soviet military radio traffic for analysis at GCHQ in Cheltenham. His autobiographical memoir, MY LIFE AS A SPY (Pan Macmillan 2006), is as entertaining as convincing, especially for someone like me whose northern provenance and national service trajectory, albeit in the Navy, were similar to Leslie’s. For several decades now, he has been considered, with justification, one of the most distinguished and fearless of British TV programme makers. He’s the winner of several international awards and a pioneering producer of drama documentaries, several of which dealt even-handedly with Cold War controversies. Working as he did at GRANADA TV in Manchester gave him the opportunity in 1962 to direct the first ever film with the Beatles, shot at the Cavern Club in nearby Liverpool. He has remained a staunch devotee ever since.

Unsurprisingly, Leslie’s latest publication is as engaging and lively a read as you would expect from someone with those credentials, to which should be added his many filming trips in the USSR, where he was able to meet people as dedicated a fan as he. His version of the Beatles’ reception in the former Soviet Union is based very largely on testimony from these encounters.

Anyone involved in the Cold War (as Leslie and I can claim to have been, however peripherally) has a natural inclination to sympathise with those dissidents brave enough to confront Soviet power – Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov and Josef Brodsky spring to mind. There were many others, all regardless of talent, hostile to the Communist regime. But were these rebels, however just their cause, necessarily the best source of information about what was actually happening in the USSR? Effectively all Leslie’s Russian interlocutors were, to varying extents, dissident. It’s their recollections which prompt him to state (P16) that: ‘… the Communist leadership were determined to block the Beatles virus. Every hint of … seditious music was to be stifled. Radios were jammed, censors were equipped with record scratchers, sneering anti-Beatles campaigns were mounted.’ Abundant evidence adduced by VB/YM over 600 and more pages (plus three times that number of footnotes) shows that only some of those claims are true, and that Leslie’s thesis is seriously one-sided.

Between July 1963 and August 1968, the years of my employment with the BBC’s Russian Section, my colleagues and I must have played every Beatles’ single plus many tracks from their LPs. Throughout that period there was no jamming of our programmes by the Soviets. Of course, BBC broadcasts had been jammed, and the practice restarted some half an hour before Soviet tanks crossed the border into Czechoslovakia, very shortly after I left Bush House to work in TV. However, Leslie offers no proof that the music of the Beatles was ever the censors’ target.

I’ve no doubt that individual Communist leaders were hostile to all kinds of emanations from the West, including the Fab Four, but if the Soviet leadership was as united and monolithic on this issue as Leslie suggests, they certainly didn’t make it clear to one of their most noteworthy cultural icons, the actor Innokenty Smoktunovsky. Internationally renowned for his role as Hamlet in Grigory Kozintsev’s 1964 film, Smoktunovsky was invited to our World Service studios that year to give a lengthy interview and take part in a Desert Island Discs programme, both in Russian. On each occasion he talked in ecstatic terms about the Beatles and chose one of their records (sadly, I no longer recall which). These were programmes, it needs to be stressed, which he knew were being beamed to Soviet listeners back home.

Maybe the celebrated actor was simply being courageous or foolhardy. He must have been aware of hostility to the Beatles in the Soviet establishment, especially during the first two or three years they were in the public eye. But wasn’t he much more likely to get it in the neck for participating in a BBC Russian language programme than for praising a British pop group? Yet we know his subsequent career was not harmed by this episode.

Although neither LW nor VB/YM cite any instance of individuals being punished for listening to or performing Beatles’ material, they both relate stories which indicate a climate of fear. The historian Mikhail Safonov told Leslie about a Leningrad school staging a show trial against the group, echoing the Stalinist show trials of the 1930s: ‘… the school kids had to denounce “the Bugs” as the Beatles were called. They were found guilty of anti-social behaviour.’ (P179). In similar vein, P81 of the first tome of VB/YM describes an Estonian group ELEKTRA performing BACK IN THE USSR on a 1970 tour of the Far East of the Soviet Union. They sang the song in English on TV and fans later asked them – weren’t they afraid to perform Beatles’ songs? If the local cultural commissar had challenged the performers they would have had what VB/YM call a ...
Обсуждение статьи: "Did The Beatles Rock The Kremlin?"
Автор: koshei   Дата: 13.01.15 16:58:07   
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Обсуждение статьи: "Did The Beatles Rock The Kremlin?"
Автор: koshei   Дата: 13.01.15 17:58:09   
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еще бы полный перевод...
Re: Did The Beatles Rock The Kremlin? (East West Review, 30.10.2014)
Автор: John Lennon Knows Your Name   Дата: 14.01.15 03:36:47   
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Неплохой документальный фильм.
Показательно, что в определенный момент Лесли отчеканивает, что имеется все основания полагать, что за Железным Занавесом Битлзы значили существенно больше, чем они когда-либо значили в родной Великобритании. Наводит на размышления...
Re: Did The Beatles Rock The Kremlin? (East West Review, 30.10.2014)
Автор: rinn   Дата: 14.01.15 05:35:26   
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Создатели фильма постарались раздуть это "большое значение битлов" до гигантских размеров)
Re: Did The Beatles Rock The Kremlin? (East West Review, 30.10.2014)
Автор: John Lennon Knows Your Name   Дата: 14.01.15 14:43:36   
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Соглашусь с предыдущим оратором. Документалка довольно монотонна - весь смысл сводится к бесконечным повторам одного и того же тезиса: Битлзы были самой мощной силой, которая отвратила поколение советских бейбибумеров от советских ценностей, тем самым создав условия для распада Советского Союза существенно эффективнее, чем это делало ЦРУ бесконечным тамиздатом и радиопропагандой. Из-за этого даже создается впечатление некоторого заговора - Битлзы как "секретное оружие" Запада. На самом деле это полная чушь. Битлзы прежде всего были направлены против ценностей поколения своих родителей, воплощая мощный молодежный послевоенный протест тех лет: свободный секс, искренность прежде всего, профессиональная политики - ложь и пр.
Документалка состоит из огромного количества интерьвью с более или менее известными совесткими людьми, которые практически все выдавливают из себя английский, за который стыдно (ничего себе битломаны!). Слабовато изъясняются на английском даже такие продвинутые "западники" как Артем Троицкий и Андрей Макаревич. Единственно Познер на высоте, но у него амеранский родной и это чувствуется. Некоторые сцены документалки вызывают чувство неловкости и брезгливости от какой-то жалкости, ничтожности жизни, которая из них исходит. Режиссеру не удалось уловить "божетвенный ветер" советской битломании, но зато удалось запетлеть связанную с этим какую-ту трущобность. Коля Васин - это нечто запредельное, наверное, конечно, он очень хороший человек, но это случай, граничащий с параноидальным состоянием, сопровождающийся при этом совершенным отсутствием какого-то элементарного эстетического чутья. Тонны китча.
Приводятся отрывки из выступлений многих русских кавербендов, один другого хуже.
Интересный сон про Битлз рассказал в фильме Андрей Макаревич, как, дескать, он их ведет себе в школе и у него возникают проблемы с комсомольским активом. Кстати, мне повезло в этом смысле гораздо больше - мне приснились Битлзы, как будно я сижу где-то на дневном концерте в кафе и кроме меня за столиками пара человек, они исполняют "Taste of Honey", раздаются редкие хлопки с моим участием, Маккартни со сцены вопросительно и с благодарностью вопрошает "Вам действительно понравилось?".
Документалка в общем довольно посредственная, да Господь с ней.
Re: Did The Beatles Rock The Kremlin? (East West Review, 30.10.2014)
Автор: synor   Дата: 15.01.15 01:44:04   
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А где сам фильм-то можно посмотреть? Ссылка есть?
Re: Did The Beatles Rock The Kremlin? (East West Review, 30.10.2014)
Автор: Bobjor   Дата: 30.01.15 22:32:18   
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2John Lennon Knows Your Name:

>Показательно, что в определенный момент Лесли
>отчеканивает, что имеется все основания полагать,
>что за Железным Занавесом Битлзы значили существенно
>больше, чем они когда-либо значили в родной Великобритании.

И сомнений в этом быть не может. Люди, живущие за железным занавесом вдруг почувствовали вкус свободы.
Re: Did The Beatles Rock The Kremlin? (East West Review, 30.10.2014)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 06.08.15 12:35:22   
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>А где сам фильм-то можно посмотреть? Ссылка есть?

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