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О Rolling Stones замолвим слово

Тема: Rolling Stones

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Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 02.10.07 06:30:59   
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2 nathan

скажите пожалуйста а у вас есть VGP-клоны? Если есть скиньте номера дисков очень интересно посмотреть на клоны от VGP. Я честно говоря впервые о таком слышу.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: nathan   Дата: 02.10.07 12:14:39   
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VGP-клонами занималась, например, югославская фирма "Risk Disc", чей сайт сейчас, к сожалению, закрылся. Лично у меня VGP-клонов нет, так что если эта информация вас, уважаемый Сергей, не убедила, то спорить на эту тему больше не буду. Очень может быть, что SRS Records "исправилась" и выпускает уже не мп3-разжатые диски, единственное - стоит подождать теперь VGP-релиза Питера, если это действительно будет иметь место. А почему вы исключаете возможность оригинального от SRS источника, которым будет пользоваться VGP ?
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 02.10.07 12:46:38   
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2 nathan

По повод Югослава так там только сд арами и пахло. Если это называется клоном по вашему то вы не правы. По поводу VGP уже договоренность есть и то что они его сделают .то дело времени но запись все равно будет с диска srs другой записи нету вообще
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: nathan   Дата: 02.10.07 13:15:38   
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>2 nathan
>По повод Югослава так там только сд арами и пахло.
>Если это называется клоном по вашему то вы не
>правы. По поводу VGP уже договоренность есть и
>то что они его сделают .то дело времени но запись
>все равно будет с диска srs другой записи нету вообще

А вот то, что другой записи нету вообще, странно. Вроде много народу пришло на концерт с цифровыми камерами, телефонами, диктофонами и т.д.
Повторяется история с московским концертом, множественные переиздания которого имели один и тот же источник, в котором не было "Sympathy For The Devil".
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 02.10.07 13:26:20   
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2 nathan

Вы не как тут все не можете понять одной простой вещи.
1. Вот Москвы с 1998 года не появлялось и не когда не появится вообще.
2. Питера также не будет всовсем не какого. Это вот уже проверенно множество раз.
3. Есть понятие такое оригинал и заказ оригинала. То есть есть сбыт и есть предложения. Тем же VGP им вообще пофигу какую делать запись МР3 или какую либо еще. Если у них на определенное шоу есть заказ и сбыт они его будут делать в любом качестве. И любая компания поступит также. Борьба идет за заказы а не за качество. Что дал заказчик то они и сделали.
4. Есть понятие cd-rщики и люди которые собирают натюрели. Так вот могу вам сказать при любом расскладе если даже у вас будет самая распрекрасная по качеству запись допустим шоу в Париже а у меня это шоу будет в ужасном качестве но на заводском компакт диске. Мой диск будет цениться в 100 раз больше чем ваша болванка.
5. Есть сайт по бутлегам love you live там вот там по годам расписаны даты и диски какие шоу выходили и где. И заметьте внимательно там много чего не хватает хотя реально большинство этих записей есть но на болванках а кое что даже на дисках просто они эти диски там не прописали потому что не знают о их существовании.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.10.07 15:45:09   
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Stoned: For the first time ever a Rolling Stone tells the inside storyStoned: For the first time ever a Rolling Stone tells the inside story
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 03.10.07 21:24:02   
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2 Кот Котофеич
Так какая разница это по всем группам и исполнителям при любом раскладе оригинал был есть и будет а копия на болванке это как игрушка у ребенка. Просто некоторые люди этого не хотят понять совсем. Слава богу что у нас на сайте есть люди которые это понимают. Спасибо за поддержку.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 03.10.07 21:38:59   
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2 Кот Котофеич

Да все уходит потихоньку но я думаю у вас должно быть место типа блошиного рынка где люди продают пластинки из дома. А потом можно попробывать дать обьявления в своем городе где живешь что куплю пластинки ну и тд. Лет 7 тому назад я по обьявлениям много вещей купил даже в Москве просто как говориться за смешные деньги. И что самое выгодное это заниматься трейдом с зарубежом местной продукцией. Это самое выгодное на сегодняшний день.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Bog   Дата: 03.10.07 23:58:06   
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А я вот вовремя свою коллекцию собрал, из 500 дисков не более двадцати болванок, смешно вспомнить многое куплено в Праге менее чем за десять баксов…
Давно закрыл для себя эту тему, ничего принципиально нового так и не выходит, миллион концертов мне не нужны. А боксов типа Вуду стю-брю мы уже не увидим…
А болванки когда-то были хоть на золоте теперь даже этого не дождетесь…
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 04.10.07 07:47:08   
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2 Bog

А что у вас за 500 дисков роллинг стоунз?
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.10.07 09:23:34   
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Rolling Stones forget me notRolling Stones forget me not
October 04, 2007

ROLLING STONES bassist RONNIE WOOD has revealed that bandmates MICK JAGGER and KEITH RICHARDS often forget how to play their most famous songs.

Ronnie - who releases his book ‘Ron Wood: The Autobiography’ on October 30 - says that he has to remind the band which notes to play on classics like Satisfaction and Brown Sugar.

He writes : “Mick or Keith will play something and I'll tell them, 'It doesn't go like that, it goes like this. Come on, guys, you wrote the f***ing thing!”

Ronnie only joined the band in 1976 – well after some of their biggest hits were recorded.

Reflecting on his infamous drug addiction, Ron admits he banned his kids eating from MERINGUES after he mistook a crumb to be COCAINE and attempted to smoke it.

They must have remembered - earlier this year his daughter LEAH WOOD banned him from performing at her wedding .

She said: “He’s too embarrassing! Other people may think it's cool - but not me”.

The Stones bassist talks in depth about his stormy relationship with Richards.

One disagreement ended with the pair pointing loaded GUNS at each other.

Sounds like a good read.

Although I cannot wait to see Keith’s version of events, he is rumoured to have signed a 7 MILLION pound deal for his book, due out in 2010.,,4-2007460132,00.html
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.10.07 21:38:38   
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Помер Mr. Jimmy Hutmacher Помер "Mr. Jimmy" Hutmacher

Джимми Хутмахер (Jimmy Hutmacher) из "Эксельсиора" скончался в возрасте 75.

Как гласит легенда, восходящие звезды The Rolling Stones играли на массовке в Excelsior Amusement Park Danceland в 1964. Тогда, за месяц до дебюта группы на штатовском ТВ, на концерте присутствовало всего 250 человек.

Мик Джаггер как-то раз зашел в аптеку Bacon и встретил там мистера Джимми. Джаггер якобы хотел купить вишневую колу, но ее тогда не было в ассортименте, и тогда мистер Джимми сказал ему сакраментальную теперь фразу "you can't always get what you want".

I went down to the Chelsea drugstore
To get your prescription filled
I was standing in line with Mr. Jimmy
And man, did he look pretty ill
We decided that we would have a soda
My favorite flavor, cherry red
I sung my song to Mr. Jimmy
Yeah, and he said one word to me, and that was "dead"
I said to him . You can't always get what you want, no! ..
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Sergei789   Дата: 13.10.07 22:22:11   
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да... моя любимая песня :(
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Sergei789   Дата: 13.10.07 22:40:28   
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Будучи в Лондоне, заметил, что местная пресса "трактует" Стоунз как авторов Сэтисфэкшн прежде всего, и вот в подтверждение:
Satisfaction is 'top Stones song'
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Bog   Дата: 13.10.07 23:23:55   
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>Будучи в Лондоне, заметил, что местная пресса
>"трактует" Стоунз как авторов Сэтисфэкшн прежде всего

На родине не особо почитают группу, там в большем почете четверка, особенно в последние годы видимо Бритпоп сказался. Культ стоунз процветает за океаном, особенно на побережьях. Что и понятно музыка стоун имеет очень сильные Американские корни, Англия любит гитарное занудство.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.10.07 13:23:27   
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2Alex GB:

>2Primal Scream:
>>Rolled Gold + (2CD) (Digipak)
>А лейбл какой?
>Нигде ничего не написано?

Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.10.07 16:36:42   
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Stones' Wood: I did so many drugs, Keith Richards got mad! Stones' Wood: I did so many drugs, Keith Richards got mad!
Monday, October 15th 2007, 4:00 AM

Rolling Stone Ron Wood admits he was freebasing so much cocaine at one point that Richards "had turned into Mr. Drug Enforcement Administration."

"Everybody was angry with me around this time, and after a row with Keith one day, he stormed off to get his gun," Wood writes in his new memoir "Ronnie" (St. Martin's Press). "He returned with his derringer, pointed it at me and yelled 'You f—ing b—!' I calmly pulled out my .44 Magnum. And that was the last time Keith drew his gun on me ... until the next time."

The two guitarists fought again in a hotel room while on tour, Wood adds. "He barged in, broke the glass bowl of the pipe, and came straight at my face. ... He smashed a bottle and cut me with it. I stormed out and went to find Mick [Jagger] and Charlie [Watts ], who were working on a song in a room along the corridor. While I stood there bleeding all over the carpet, Mick looked up and asked: 'Have you got any ideas for the middle eight?'"

Wood returned to the room, where Richards "pulled out his huge ratchet knife, put it to my throat and yelled ... 'I'd f—ing cut your throat, but your girlfriend would never forgive me for all the mess I'd make.'"

This from a guy who "did heroin for 10 solid years," Wood claims.

Eventually, Jagger had a heart-to-heart with Wood, and he agreed to go into rehab.

Wood's wildly entertaining book is peopled with virtually every major British and American rocker since the early '60s, including:

- Jimi Hendrix, his roommate in London, one of two "musicians' musicians" he met in his life [the other being Stevie Ray Vaughan ].

- Rod Stewart, who with Wood was so poor when they were in the Small Faces that they stole hardboiled eggs to eat on tour in the U.S.

- Elton John, who was supposed to do just one song with the Stones, but wouldn't let Billy Preston back at the piano, despite Jagger yelling at him to "Get off the stage!"

- Keith Moon, who "drove his Jeep through the plate glass windows of the hotel, went through the lobby and up the steps, then he leaned over and said to the receptionist, 'May I have my keys, please?'"

In one of the great understatements, Wood muses, "We knew how to party."
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Sitaradio   Дата: 15.10.07 20:08:07   
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Коктейль из полных отморозков вроде Джаггера, Ричардса и Джонса, и приличных хлопцев вроде Уоттса и Уаймана.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.10.07 09:41:41   
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Ronnie Wood: 'The day I played air guitar for a billion people' Ronnie Wood: 'The day I played air guitar for a billion people'

In October 1981, a then unknown soul act opened a show for the Rolling Stones at the Los Angeles Coliseum.

Charlie Watts had said: "You have to listen to this guy before he becomes famous."

And when Charlie says that, the rest of us take notice. He was the one who introduced us to Oasis and Christina Aguilera, among others.

On Charlie's say-so, we gave this little rocker his first break. When he stepped out on to the stage we were a bit surprised because he was wearing a raincoat and stockings.

The crowd was startled too, and started lobbing fruit and vegetables at the guy. "That's the trouble with conferring a title on yourself before you've earned it," said Keith Richards.

That's how Prince became a star.

Five years later, I guested for him at Wembley Arena. Backstage, I found a little girl who looked lost and asked her if she was all right. She said she was. I said: "Do you need help finding your parents?" She said she was fine. Turns out it was Kylie Minogue.

In New York, towards the middle of 1985, Bob Dylan rang to ask if I wanted to do a charity gig with him. "Sure," I said.

Not long after that he showed up at my house on West 78th Street to talk about what songs we might do.

I knew all of his songs but had never played any on stage. Bob was showing me chords when I suggested getting Keith involved. Dylan agreed, so I rang Keith and said: "Dylan's invited me to play some charity gig and I'm inviting you along too."

But Keith was in one of his moods, and when he is it helps if you're living in a different country.

I said to Bob: "I'm not so sure that Keith can make it, so if you're happy to do it with just me..."

Two hours later the doorbell rang, and there was Keith saying: "So what do you want?"

I said: "Bob is downstairs, be nice to him." He followed me in and threw open his arms: "Bob...So great to see you!"

The three of us started rehearsing and got through pretty much the whole Dylan catalogue. On the day of the gig, a limo came to pick up Keith and me. Before we got in, a truck pulled up with Dylan on board – the driver was his daughter.

"You coming?" Bob asked. "We're on in Philadelphia, man."

"Philadelphia?" That was 90 miles away, but Bob just said: "Follow us."

Keith and I weren't too sure what this was all about, but we got into the limo and told the driver: "Follow that truck."

Keith looked at me and said: "This better be f****** good."

It was better than good, it was Live Aid.

There were 72,000 people at Wembley Stadium in London, and 92,000 when we played at JFK Stadium in Philadelphia, plus 1.5billion people watching on TV in a hundred countries, all to help raise funds for famine relief in Ethiopia.

The show closed with Dylan, backed by Keith and me.

On the stairs up to the stage, Bob said: "Let's do Blowin' In The Wind." I said: "What?" But by then it was too late to argue. I couldn't believe it: that was the only song of his we hadn't rehearsed.

Right in the middle of it, one of Bob's guitar strings broke. I thought fast and handed my guitar to him, leaving me there in front of all those people, playing air guitar.

I was eventually handed another guitar, and when we finished our last song we turned around to find the entire cast on stage behind us.

A few years ago the Stones agreed there were places in the world we still needed to see. One was China. We had been due to perform there in 2003, but had to cancel due to the SARS outbreak. So we were determined to make it this time. Keith said it made him feel like Marco Polo.

We were criticised for performing in an 8,000-seat theatre instead of a stadium, but we played the smaller venue because we were breaking new ground in China and didn't know what to expect. Anyway, we televised it so the whole country could make up their minds about rock 'n' roll.

Mick decided we should have a special guest to duet on Wild Horses with him, so he invited Cui Jian, the godfather of Chinese rock, to join us. This is a guy who's had his songs censored by the government all his life.

In our case, the Chinese censors originally banned four of our songs: Honky Tonk Women, Let's Spend The Night Together, Brown Sugar and Beast Of Burden.

I'm pretty sure everyone got into this strange foreign foursome, though, as even the armed soldiers were tapping their feet.

During the same tour we played Rio; a free concert on the beach at Copacabana. Between 50,000 and 100,000 people could see us on stage, while another one to two million were stretched along the beach for a mile and a half. Or they were in boats. Or they were simply in the water.

No one had ever done anything this big. Rod Stewart holds the record for a concert crowd on Copacabana Beach, but he played there on a New Year's Eve when it's traditional for everybody to go to the beach.

From the minute we arrived in Rio there was pandemonium. We were locked in the hotel for three days before the show while Press helicopters hovered above. Fans would spot us when we came out on the high balcony and a roar would engulf us.

On the night of the gig, there were a million or more people screaming, shouting and singing at the four of us. It felt as if everybody in South America had turned up to watch.

The hotel was just across the street from the beach and they built a bridge over the road, straight to the stage. If we had tried to cross the street that night, we wouldn't have got there until the following Wednesday. I realised, walking across the bridge, that this was a pure exhilaration that no drug could match.

We stormed on to the stage and then, as Keith would say, 'the cage was opened'.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.10.07 10:38:48   
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Rolled Gold+ выйдет также на флэшке

The Rolling Stones Ready USB Stick Album
Published Wednesday, 24th October, 2007 at 11:59 AM

The Rolling Stones will release their new retrospective album as a USB stick memory card.

The album is an updated version of their 1975 compilation Rolled Gold - which is now titled Rolled Gold+.

The band release the forty-tracker on November 5th and besides the original track listing, the updated version will include twelve bonus songs.

As well as the USB stick, a download version will be available as well as an environmentally friendly deluxe double jakebox pop-up case

Rolled Gold+ is also the first album to be released as a USB memory card in the UK.
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