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Re: Radiohead
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.04.05 11:54:53   
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OK Computer the best


RADIOHEAD'S album OK Computer has knocked The Beatles' Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band off the top spot as the greatest of all time.

About 400,000 people voted in a poll conducted by Britain's Channel 4 for its program, 100 Greatest Albums.
In a similar poll five years ago, the Fab Four's Sgt Pepper won the accolade, but this time it slipped to No 7.

Also in the top 10 were U2's The Joshua Tree, Nirvana's Nevermind, Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon, Definitely Maybe by Oasis, Michael Jackson's Thriller, Like A Prayer by Madonna, and Appetite For Destruction by Guns N'Roses.

While many of Channel 4's older viewers may never have heard of OK Computer, the 1997 album attracted plaudits from stars. REM singer Michael Stipe said: "OK Computer is Radiohead really stretching and pushing the boundaries of what they think they're capable of doing and what their audience think they're capable of doing, and it is a classic, brilliant record."

Johnny Marr from The Smiths said: "OK Computer is pretty much a landmark record. As time goes on and we get away from when it was released, more and more it would be seen as the important record it is."

Despite losing the top spot, The Beatles are the only band to claim two albums in the top 10: Revolver also made the cut.

Jackson showed he was still popular, with Thriller reaching No 4.

Oasis guitarist Noel Gallagher said of Definitely Maybe: "Other people have said it was a benchmark for British guitar rock and roll. It must be pretty good.",5478,15004374%255E10431,00.html
Re: Radiohead
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.04.05 14:20:17   
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New Radiohead Tracks Appear Online

Following Thom Yorke’s performance at the Trade Justice Movement rally in London, MP3s of the new songs have found their way onto the internet. Recordings of new track ‘House Of Cards’ and rarity ‘Last Flowers’ are now available online, while the band’s complete back catalogue is now available for purchase at War Child’s online music store.
Re: Radiohead
Автор: WalrusMan   Дата: 26.04.05 09:43:33   
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Отличная группа! Просто супер! Что самое странное меня поражают люди которые заходят и начинают материть группу у которой слышали пару песен! Ужас! Так поступать по крайней мере неприлично! Они не похожи ни на кого, разве только на них похожи! А Вы просто ограниченный битломан, который нехочет принимать ничего кроме самих битлз, спорю вам не нравиться сольный МакКартни, вы считаете его попсой, и т.п.
Re: Radiohead
Автор: nedelin   Дата: 26.04.05 10:46:44   
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Я, строго говоря, не являюсь их поклонником, но был на их концерте - на открытой площадке - пару лет назад. Скажу, что это был наилучший звук, который я когда-нибудь в жизни слышал на рок-поп-концертах. Вполне сравним с симфо-концертами.
А Йорке пел как! Хоть бы одну ноту мимо!
Re: Radiohead
Автор: Gene Lennin   Дата: 26.04.05 12:06:33   
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Я в последнее время подсел на них. Radiohead - это сильно! Впечатление неизгладимое. И, наверное, это единственная группа, у которой такой безумный сайт -
Re: Radiohead
Автор: WalrusMan   Дата: 28.04.05 10:21:09   
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2neaelin А где ты был на их концерте?? Скажи раскажи поподробнее!
Re: Radiohead
Автор: nedelin   Дата: 29.04.05 03:38:01   
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>2neaelin А где ты был на их концерте?? Скажи
>раскажи поподробнее!

Чикаго, 1 августа 2001 года, в даунтауне, в парке на берегу озера Мичиган, на фоне сияющих вечером небоскрёбов и роскошного Букингемского фонтана.
Страшная жара и влажность, нас было четверо мужчин, думал сдохну...Ещё думал, чего стою, довольно к ним безразличен, но концерт в конце концов стоил мучений на жаре.
Вечер облегчения не принёс... Стояли довольно близко к сцене, народ поливали водой из шлангов, чтобы спасти немножко от жары. Огромные видеоэкраны...
Начали с National Anthem. Йорке голосил во всю мощь, играл на ф-но, носился по сцене...во время "Идиотеки" просто "бесновался". Джонни Гринвуд на чём только не играл во время концерта - в том числе на всех своих электронных прибамбасах и даже ксилофоне. Звук был так хорош...чистый, объёмный, инструменты слышно прекрасно, так здорово...
Я и про жару забыл... И не я один - народ "had the time of their lives". Публика, кстати, была чрезвычайно цивильная, несмотря на жару и огромное количество народа. Сразу видно, кто у Radiohead поклонники - "учащаяся молодёжь".
На бис выходили три раза. Закончили - Йорке соло под акустическую гитару "True Love Waits" и потом все вместе - "Street Spirit".
Столько энергии, какие они молодцы (!!!!) - такой феноменальный концерт, такая отдача плюс профессионализм.
Re: Radiohead
Автор: WalrusMan   Дата: 29.04.05 10:56:27   
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2nedelin Спосибо, просто оченеь хотелось бы оказаться на концерте этой группы! Замечательно. Правда я слышал в одном из их интерьвю что, они не приедут в Россию, сославшись на то что народ в России хороший, а правительство плохое, поэтому нет. Хтябы на Украину приехали бы!
Re: Radiohead
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.05.05 22:28:06   
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New Radiohead Album Out Early 2006?New Radiohead Album Out Early 2006?

News from the “unorganized" recording sessions for Radiohead’s new album have indicated the band may well have a new album out sometime in February or March next year.

A new report on Radiohead fansite confirms early reports that claimed that the band were working on the follow up to 2003’s album ‘Hail To The Thief’. According to the site, Radiohead are working on fifteen songs at present with two of them described as "Already done and amazing."

“The band first got together back in January and Thom [Yorke] played a bunch of his new songs for the others,” the report reads, “Having never heard the songs before, the rest of the band just jumped in and started adding their own parts.”

The recording process itself is described as being "unorganized" and is reportedly very different to the way that Radiohead have previously recorded.

The report goes on to predict that the new album should be finished by December this year, with a release date in February or March 2006 roughly pencilled in. As for touring, it claims the band will possibly hit the road shortly after.

For more information go to

At Thom Yorke's recent solo performance at the Trade Justice Movement rally in London he debuted one new song, 'House of Cards' which also surfaced online at
Re: Radiohead
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.06.05 09:12:51   
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Spin Magazine Picks Radiohead CD As Best Spin Magazine Picks Radiohead CD As Best
Sun Jun 19

NEW YORK - Spin magazine named Radiohead's "OK Computer" the top album of the past 20 years, praising a futuristic sound that manages to feel alive "even when its words are spoken by a robot."

The British band's album edged out Public Enemy's "It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back" and Nirvana's "Nevermind" on a list in Spin's 20th anniversary issue, currently on newsstands.

"Between Thom Yorke's orange-alert worldview and the band's meld of epic guitar rock and electronic glitch, (`OK Computer') not only forecast a decade of music but uncannily predicted our global culture of communal distress," reads the editorial note on what separated the 1997 disc from the other 99 ranked albums.

Sandwiched between Radiohead's straight-ahead rock disc "The Bends" and the more experimental, electronic "Kid A," "OK Computer" was the album that propelled Radiohead to worldwide, stadium-sized popularity. Though it never went higher than No. 21 on the Billboard charts, it won critical raves and a Grammy for best alternative music performance.

Spin's Chuck Klosterman says the album "manages to sound how the future will feel. ... It's a mechanical album that always feels alive, even when its words are spoken by a robot."

Years earlier, Spin ranked Nirvana's "Nevermind" the greatest album of the nineties. In the time since, however, editor-in-chief Sia Michel and others simply found they were reaching for "OK Computer" more than the slightly less relevant "Nevermind."

"Whereas when Nirvana came out, everybody was talking about negation and slackers and everything like that — seven years later, it was the dot-com boom and 22-year-olds were making $80,000 on Web sites," Michel recently told The Associated Press.

Also in the top 10, in order, are Pavement's "Slanted and Enchanted," The Smiths' "The Queen is Dead," Pixies' "Surfer Rosa," De La Soul's "3 Feet High and Rising," Prince's "Sign `o' the Times," PJ Harvey's "Rid of Me" and N.W.A.'s "Straight Outta Compton."

The entire list of 100 is just as eclectic; a photograph of an atypical trio of Dr. Dre, Bono and Beck dons the issue's cover.

The amount of hip-hop on the list may surprise some (25 albums in all — 26 if you count Rage Against the Machine), given that Spin is predominantly a rock magazine. Michel, however, points out that Spin started several years before hip-hop mag Source was founded: "We put hip-hop on the cover before anyone else did."

"Because we started this list in 1985, we pretty much hit hip-hop in its golden age," she says. "There were so many important, groundbreaking albums coming out right about that time."

After gathering suggestions from everyone at the magazine, a tribunal of Michel and editors Jon Dolan and Charles Aaron sorted out the ultimate records of "the Spin era." Their criteria, Michel says, was the basic brilliance of the record, its innovation and its overall relevance.

"Relevance doesn't have to mean it sold 10 million copies," she says. "Someone like the Pixies never really sold records, but Nirvana has said it wouldn't exist without the Pixies."

Both the approach and content stands in stark contrast to fellow rock magazine Rolling Stone's 2003 issue on the top 500 albums of all time. Topping that collection was the more hallowed (and less surprising) like of the Beatles, the Beach Boys, Bob Dylan and the Rolling Stones.

Some of the most recent entries to Spin's list are 2004's "College Dropout" by Kanye West, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' 2003 "Fever to Tell" and Wilco's 2002 "Yankee Foxtrot Hotel."

Of course, judgments of these kind are always subject to debate.

"The art department was just railing against us all the time and campaigning against things," says Michel. The lack of inclusion of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, she says, pushed them to the brink: "That was a band that the art department was like, `You guys are crazy! Don't even talk to us!'";_ylt=AmSNmuAuC6MY...
Re: Radiohead
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.11.05 11:20:59   
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Radiohead: Live At The Astoria 27/5/94Radiohead: Live At The Astoria 27/5/94
release on 28/11/2005

Special Features
Menu screen
Track selection

A classic live gig from Radiohead - finally available for the first time on DVD - Live at the Astoria (as it is more commonly known) captures the band in London circa 1994, after the release of their debut Pablo Honey and a year before the release of the seminal album The Bends.
Featuring blistering versions of songs like 'My Iron Lung', 'Creep' and 'Just' (to name a few), the DVD also includes some of the earliest live airings of tracks such as 'Street Spirit (Fade Out)' and 'Fake Plastic Trees'. Not to mention performances of rarities like 'Maquiladora' (a B-side from 'High and Dry/Planet Telex') and the 1993 single 'Pop Is Dead'.
Now digitally restored and remastered, Live At the Astoria is Radiohead at their most visceral.

1. You
2. Bones
3. Ripcord
4. Black Star
5. Creep
6. The Bends
7. My Iron Lung
8. Prove Yourself
9. Maquiladora
10. Vegetable
11. Fake Plastic Trees
12. Just
13. Stop Whispering
14. Anyone Can Play Guitar
15. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
16. Pop Is Dead
17. Blow Out
Re: Radiohead
Автор: Gene Lennin   Дата: 03.11.05 12:15:49   
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Клёво, клёво!
Re: Radiohead
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.11.05 22:44:48   
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RADIOHEAD The Most Gigantic Lying Mouth Of All Time (2005 DVD featuring a collection of 24 short films combining the talent of Radiohead fans and young film makers and set to the music of Radiohead; originally showcased on the band's web offshoot it was edited by Chris Bran and presented by the elusive 'Chieftan Mews').  RADIOHEAD The Most Gigantic Lying Mouth Of All Time (2005 DVD featuring a collection of 24 short films combining the talent of Radiohead fans and young film makers and set to the music of Radiohead; originally showcased on the band's web offshoot it was edited by Chris Bran and presented by the elusive 'Chieftan Mews').
released 05-Dec-2005

Episode 1:
1. The Cat Girl - directed by Ebba Erikson
2. The Slave - directed by James Field
3. When An Angel Tries To Sell You Something - directed by Rick Hind & Ajit N. Rao
4. Skyscape - directed by Vernie Young

Episode 1 Tracklist Mix:
* 5ths Reversed
* Try To Save Your Prize
* 2+2=5
* Myxomatosis
* Where I End And You Begin
* There, There
* Backdrifts
* The Amazing Sounds Of Orgy
* When An Angel Tries To Sell You Something (The Tripti Ensemble Crew)
* Skyscape (Vernie Young)
* Sit Down. Stand Up
* Sail To The Moon
* Morning m'Lord
* Chernobyl

Episode 2:
1. Lament - directed by Cath Elliott
2. The Big Switch - directed by Chris Levitus
3. The Scream - directed by Paulo Neves
4. Inside Of My Head - directed by Ashley Dean
5. De Tripas Y Corazon - directed by Juan Pablo Etcheverry

Episode 2 Tracklist Mix:
* The Most Gigantic Theme (Tim Bran)
* 5ths Reversed
* The Gloaming
* No Surprises
* Fog
* Broken Bass Bin
* Kinetic
* We Suck Young Blood
* Where I End And You Begin
* A Punchup At A Wedding
* Idioteque
* Chernobyl 2

Episode 3:
1. Listen To Me Wandsworth Road - directed by Ebba Erikzon
2. Hypnogoga - directed by Louise Wilde
3. And Murders Of Crows - directed by Paul Rains
4. Freak Juice Commercial - directed by Rick Hind & Ajit N. Rao
5. Running - directed by Hannah Wise
6. Push Pulk/Spinning Plates - directed by Johnny Hardstaff

Episode 3 Tracklist Mix:
* The Most Gigantic Theme (Tim Bran)
* 5ths Reversed
* Skkatterwave
* Where Bluebirds Fly
* I Will
* The Gloaming
* 2+2=5
* We Suck Young Blood
* 33.3 Recurring
* Freak Juice
* Duped 94 bpm
* Pull/Pulk Revolving Doors
* Like Spinning Plates
* Sail To The Moon
* A Punchup At A Wedding
* Chernobyl 2

Episode 4:
1. Dog Interface - directed by Juan Pablo Etcheverry
2. HYTTE - directed by Gary Carpenter
3. Momentum - directed by Camella Kirk
4. Chickenbomb - directed by Vernie Young
5. Welcome To My Lupine Hell - directed by Ashley Dean
6. The Homeland Hodown - directed by Jason Archer & Paul Beck
7. I Might Be Wrong - directed by Sophie Muller
8. The National Anthem - directed by Mike Mills

Episode 4 Tracklist Mix:
* The Most Gigantic Theme
* 5ths Reversed
* Fast Track
* Nasty People
* Backdrifts
* Momentum
* I'll Eat You Alive
* Skkatterwave
* I Might Be Wrong
* A Punchup At A Wedding
* The National Anthem
* No Surprises
* Chernobyl 2
Re: Radiohead
Автор: Gene Lennin   Дата: 30.11.05 06:33:35   
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Странно... он же уже один раз вышел... в том году... опять?

Если кому надо, я скажу где можно скачать 3 серии TMGLMOAT.
Re: Radiohead
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.01.06 12:48:55   
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Radiohead возглавила список 100 лучших альбомовRadiohead возглавила список 100 лучших альбомов

Читатели британского журнала Q составили список 100 лучших альбомов все времен, сообщается на сайте газеты Sun.

Лучшим альбомом назван "OK Computer", записанный в 1997 году группой Radiohead. На второй строчке оказалась работа этой же группы - альбом 1995 года "The Bends". Третье место занял "Nevermind" группы Nirvana.

В первую пятерку лучших альбомов, по мнению читателей Q, также вошли "Revolver" The Beatles и "Definitely Maybe" группы Oasis.

Лучшим периодом для музыкальной индустрии, по данным опроса, следует считать 90-е годы - из 100 лучших альбомов по версии Q две трети увидели свет именно в этот промежуток времени.

Самым "свежим" альбомом, вошедшим в сотню лучших, стал "A Rush Of Blood To The Head" группы Coldplay, выпущенный в 2002 году. Он занимает 25-е место.

Re: Radiohead
Автор: Kalina   Дата: 01.01.06 20:39:50   
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Типичный британский топ.
Ни грамма здравого смысла, хотя против Radiohead ничего не имею.
Re: Radiohead
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 06.01.06 00:01:25   
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Re: Radiohead
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.02.06 18:17:41   
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По сообщению на официальном сайте группы ребята решили изменить название на THE CARLYLE GROUP.
Как пишет, ребята, наверное, стали скучать в студии.
Re: Radiohead
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.03.06 23:13:50   
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RADIOHEAD / VARIOUS Exit Music: Songs With Radio Heads RADIOHEAD / VARIOUS Exit Music: Songs With Radio Heads
(2006 CD album featuring a 14-track collection of Radiohead hits reinterpreted by artists spanning numerous genres tapping into the long recognised dancefloor potential of Radiohead; the band themselves are devotees of dance music, commissioning remixes from leading hiphop and dance producers over the past years and includes the massive Mark Ronson cover of 'Just' plus tracks by Shawn Lee, Pete Kuzma & Bilal, RJD2, Sia, Meshell Ndegeocello and more...).
released 03 April 2006

1. No Surprises - Shawn Lee
2. Morning Bell - The Randy Watson Experience - featuring Donn
3. In Limbo - SA-RA - featuring The SA-RA All Stars
4. High & Dry - Pete Kuzma & Bilal
5. Just - Mark Ronson - featuring Alex Greenwald
6. Airbag - RJD2
7. (Nice Dream) - Matthew Herbert - featuring Mara Carlyle
8. Blow Out - Lo-Freq
9. The National Anthem - Meshell Ndegeocello & Chris Dave
10. Karma Police - The Bad Plus
11. Paranoid Android - Sia
12. Everything in Its Right Place - Osunlade - featuring Erro
13. Knives Out - Wajeed (From Platinum Pied Pipers) - featuring Monica Blaire
14. Exit Music (For A Film) - Cinematic Orchestra
Re: Radiohead
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.05.06 10:26:59   
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Новые песни Radiohead с концерта в клубе Коко в Лондоне. Качать отсюдаНовые песни Radiohead с концерта в клубе "Коко" в Лондоне. Качать отсюда
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