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Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones

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Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор:   Дата: 15.01.16 10:36:58
  Ушел из жизни бывший менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones Джорджио Гомельский, сообщает    U ltimate  C lassic  R ock . Гомельский умер от рака в возрасте 82 лет. Ушел из жизни бывший менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones Джорджио Гомельский, сообщает U ltimate C lassic R ock . Гомельский умер от рака в возрасте 82 лет.

Джорджио родился в Грузии, а вырос в Швейцарии. Он впервые прославился как владелец клуба Crawdaddy Club в Лондоне. Именно в британской столице Гомельский познакомился сначала с Rolling Stones, а затем и с Yardbirds. Он был не только менеджером Yardbirds, но и продюсером их альбомов For Your Love и Having a Rave Up with the Yardbirds. Гомельский работал и с Led Zeppelin. Он также был основателем Marmalade Records.
Обсуждение новости: "Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.01.16 10:37:06   
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Giorgio Gomelsky, mentor of the Rolling Stones, Yardbirds and more, dead Giorgio Gomelsky, mentor of the Rolling Stones, Yardbirds and more, dead

Giorgio Gomelsky, whose name was intertwined with the career of the Yardbirds and also figured in the early rise to fame of the Rolling Stones, died of cancer Jan. 14, according to various reports. His age was reported to be 82 by Dangerous Minds. Gomelsky was alerted to the Rolling Stones, then an unknown group whose members were sharing a flat, by Eric Clapton. He told author Timothy White, “When I first went there (the Crawdaddy Club), it was like a traditional jazz club that was kinda leaned toward R&B. I said to him, 'There's this little band that plays at the Marquee and the Ealing Club called the Rolling Stones. You should get them in.”

Gomelsky did so in February, 1963 and got them an extended gig, but was later bypassed as their manager when the Stones signed a contract with Andrew Loog Oldham. In April, 1963, Gomelsky did arrange a historic meeting when he invited the Beatles to witness a Stones gig. It was the first meeting of the two bands, according to an interview with him on Eurock.

The group that replaced the Stones at the Crawdaddy Club was the Yardbirds and Gomelsky didn't make the same mistake this time as he did with the Stones. He told NY Press in an interview he knew they were what he was looking for right away. “I heard them as I walked up the stairs and I knew instantly I had found what I was looking for," he said. He produced the first Rhythm & Blues Festival with the Yardbirds, the Spencer Davis Group and Long John Baldry. His relationship with the Yardbirds lasted until 1966. He also managed Brian Auger and the Trinity (“This Wheel's On Fire”) and the T-Bones and was instrumental in the formation of Steampacket, an obscure group which featured both Julie Driscoll and Rod Stewart before he hooked up with the Faces.

Gomelsky later moved to France and took on progressive groups, including Magma and Gong. A series of “Rock Generation” albums featuring live shows from his rare tapes appeared on the French BYG label. He later started a record label of his own, Utopia Records, in 1975, which featured Albert King, among others. But he'll always be known for the Yardbirds, for whom he produced many songs, including “For Your Love,” “I'm a Man,” “I'm Not Talking,” “Mister, You're a Better Man Than I” and “Heart Full of Soul.” “The Yardbirds were cosmopolitan, they were a big-city band, so the synthesis was different and more complex,” he told NY Press. “Not to be vainglorious, but the reason why we did what we did was that nobody else was.”
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.01.16 10:38:59   
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The mad genius behind The Rolling Stones and Yardbirds, Giorgio Gomelsky R.I.P.The mad genius behind The Rolling Stones and Yardbirds, Giorgio Gomelsky R.I.P.

Giorgio Gomelsky died of cancer earlier today. He was 82.

Gomelsky opened London’s Crawdaddy Club in 1963 where he booked bands like The Rolling Stones, The Yardbirds and Led Zeppelin. He briefly managed both The Stones and The Yardbirds. The bands whose careers he guided and advised and record labels he helped create is quite astonishing: Marmalade and Zu Records, Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger and the Trinity, Kevin Godley and Lol Creme (10cc), The Soft Machine, Daevid Allen and Gong, Magma, and Material, Rod Stewart, John McLaughlin, Alexis Korner. Graham Bond, Plastic People of the Universe..

When he arrived in New York City in 1978 he leased a mid-town loft which became a gathering place for rock and rollers, artists and punks including Richard Hell, Gary Lucas, Bad Brains, John Holmstrom, Jesse Malin, Jean Michel-Basquiat, John Sinclair, Fred Maher and many others. He also “became a well-known “activist” for the Amiga, the multimedia computer with an arty users group including Warhol and Blondie’s Chris Stein.”

Gomelsky moved to the USA and into the Chelsea NY building that became the Green Door in 1978. In the 80’s it was known as the Plugg Club. The first Green Door parties were thrown there in the late 80’s and old friends like Nico would sleep on the floor when visiting New York. For a while, the ground floor was occupied by a S&M club called Paddles; a whole generation of New york rockers has fond memories of filing past customers who were being whipped and nipple-clamped as the musicians headed upstairs to meet with Giorgio. John Strausbaugh.

I met Giorgio in 1979 at his second favorite hang-out, Tramps, an Irish pub turned music venue managed by my band’s manager Terry Dunne. Tramps was an unpretentious joint that was a safe haven for local and touring musicians. I remember many nights when Giorgio would be gently schooling the likes of Jeffrey Lee Pierce, David Johansen, Joe Strummer and Shane McGowan. Musicians who knew Giorgio understood his place in the scheme of things. He was a magnet for people who needed a bit of his mojo. In many respects, he reminded me of Alejandro Jodorowsky.

Giorgio was at the center of several decades worth of important rock and roll moments and yet he rarely gets the credit he was due. He was a mentor to artists who became huge stars and yet he never made much money. Towards the end of his life he was living in his ramshackle Chelsea studio, The Red Door, an underground scene that still drew musicians for sage advice from the musical guru Gomelsky.

There will be much written about Giorgio’s great legacy in the next few days. I’ll leave the history to those who are better at it than I am. I just want to share my experience of Giorgio and what made him so remarkable.

Giorgio pushed me toward honesty. He constantly questioned my motives when it came to rock and roll. Was I trying to be a star or an artist? Was I poseur? Was I the real deal? Were my punk ideals just a load of horseshit? Was I a revolutionary or just another jerk who was willing to sell out for a few grand and a tour bus full porn videos? He was impossible to lie to. He had a bullshit detector that could not be evaded. When my band, The Nails, got signed to RCA, Giorgio warned me of the dangers of getting carried away by the lure of power and possible fame. He hated the major music corporations (he had worked at RCA) and the way they had reduced rock and roll to a mere commodity. He gave me the same advice he gave The Rolling Stones: “don’t do it for the money, do it for love.” And when Giorgio spoke you listened. His voice was rhapsodic, wild, and laced with a Russian accent that evoked visions of Rasputin. His eyes sparkled with fire and ice and when he expressed himself he’d lean in toward you, got close, and you never knew whether we was going to bite you or kiss you. Either one would have been a blessing.

Music is a journey, not something mapped out by a lawyer. Human expression is when you make real what you feel. It’s about the discovery of reality behind appearances. - Giorgio Gomelsky

Giorgio was not a braggart. He never waved his amazing story in your face. He wasn’t resting on past glories. He was always looking for something new, something exciting, something that might shake things up. Had he been driven by money, he could have been a millionaire. But for Giorgio it was about the poetry, the soul of a thing - creation at the service of making the world a more exciting and better place.
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.01.16 10:39:36   
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Had I listened more to Giorgio and followed his advice, I would have examined my creative impulses more closely. I would asked myself whether I was doing exactly what I wanted and whether the results were true to who I was and wanted to become. Was I settling for what I could get away with?  Was it possible I was mistaking getting a record deal as some kind of artistic accomplishment as opposed to what it really was, a business arrangement?  Had my ego been so coddled by the well-intentioned people around me, including my bandmates, that I was believing my own hype? Had my rebel spirit been crushed by the very machine I was raging against? Had I listened more to Giorgio and followed his advice, I would have examined my creative impulses more closely. I would asked myself whether I was doing exactly what I wanted and whether the results were true to who I was and wanted to become. Was I settling for what I could get away with? Was it possible I was mistaking getting a record deal as some kind of artistic accomplishment as opposed to what it really was, a business arrangement? Had my ego been so coddled by the well-intentioned people around me, including my bandmates, that I was believing my own hype? Had my rebel spirit been crushed by the very machine I was raging against?

I had gotten into rock and roll not as some kind of money grab or to seek out fame. Quite the opposite. I started a punk band in 1976 to disrupt what I saw as a music scene that was rapidly deteriorating into bloated art rock and mainstream fluff. It wasn’t even a decision to start a band. It was a calling. Giorgio and I shared this sense that social and cultural upheaval was necessary and healthy and in the past 50 years rock and roll had spearheaded most of it. But Giorgio had more practice at being an anarchist and therefore had built up an almost superhuman ability to resist the siren call to sell out his ideals. I was on more wobbly turf. The cocaine culture of 80s rock had become very seductive. Like Castaneda’s Don Juan, Giorgio was the voice in my head that reminded me there was more to life than Peruvian flake and backstage blowjobs. In Giorgio’s world rock and roll was a path to creating something subversive and life-changing. Though he would never have used the world “spiritual” to describe rock music, he knew it was a force that could be used to better humankind. Guys like Giorgio are not business men. They are shamans. They manage the magic, not the money.

In many ways, both overt and sly, Giorgio let me know when I wasn’t living up to my potential as a musician. He was polite after seeing some of my band’s early live gigs, but in his politeness there was a clear message saying “you’re full of shit.” Getting Giorgio’s approval meant a lot to me. He had been among the giants. He knew the way things worked; the traps and hazards of being complacent, of thinking a record deal meant more than the paper it was written on. He could be lacerating and cruel. And it was all for the right reasons. I wanted to get to a place where I could look Giorgio in the eye and not flinch.

Giorgio Gomelsky was behind some of greatest bands in rock and roll and most people don’t even know his name. That was his style. He gave so much and expected nothing in return. He wasn’t some warm and fuzzy sentimental bastard. He was definitely of the tough love school of mentoring. In Giorgio’s world it was all about the music. Fame and money were secondary. That was his message to every artist he nurtured. He was a muse. A mad, beautiful muse.
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.01.16 10:40:37   
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Giorgio is deserving of a biography. I hope he left journals and notes behind. For the moment John Strausbaugh’s very fine book Rock Til You Drop is a good source for information about Giorgio’s life. Strausbaugh and Gomelsky were friends and the book is filled with the kinds of insight that occurs between people who are close. And both writer and subject share a similarly skeptical view of the greed fueling the music industry.Giorgio is deserving of a biography. I hope he left journals and notes behind. For the moment John Strausbaugh’s very fine book Rock Til You Drop is a good source for information about Giorgio’s life. Strausbaugh and Gomelsky were friends and the book is filled with the kinds of insight that occurs between people who are close. And both writer and subject share a similarly skeptical view of the greed fueling the music industry.

Strausbaugh just sent me the following message:

Giorgio was a dreamer, an idealist, and a visionary, in a world, and a music business, where those qualities are rare. Beyond launching the Rolling Stones, the Yardbirds and some other bands, which is a big enough deal in itself, I think what’s important and inspiring about him is that he had a very strong conviction that music and culture are far more than entertainment and aesthetics, they’re ways that humans speak to one another and form communities and, having done that, evolve toward something better and finer. Giorgio was always thinking about how to build and sustain communities, locally and globally. Boy do we need more people thinking that way at this point in time. He will be sorely missed, not only by people who knew him, but by people who don’t even know why his passing diminishes their world.

Check out this piece on Giorgio by Strausbaugh: Having a Rave Up with Giorgio Gomelsky.

Dangerous Minds’ Howie Pyro was a DJ at Giorgio’s venue the Green Door (Red Door’s predecessor) back in the early 90s. I’m sure he has some wonderful stories to tell. Howie?

P.S. I didn’t sell out. But I did end up with a tour bus full of porn videos.

Photo: Giorgio with Paul McCartney, Brian Auger and Viv Prince of The Pretty Things.
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: BigWalk   Дата: 15.01.16 10:52:01   
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>Джорджио родился в Грузии, а вырос в Швейцарии.

Кажется, при чём здесь Гомель?
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 15.01.16 11:40:45   
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>>Джорджио родился в Грузии, а вырос в Швейцарии.
>Кажется, при чём здесь Гомель?

Гомельский - фамилия его отца, Александра Гомельского.
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: BigWalk   Дата: 15.01.16 11:54:23   
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>Гомельский - фамилия его отца, Александра Гомельского.

Т.е., можно предположить, что откуда то оттуда родом предки?
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: andysmith   Дата: 15.01.16 11:56:27   
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>>Гомельский - фамилия его отца, Александра Гомельского.
>Т.е., можно предположить, что откуда то оттуда
>родом предки?

Он же не гОмельский а ГомЕльски
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 15.01.16 11:57:40   
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>>Гомельский - фамилия его отца, Александра Гомельского.
>Т.е., можно предположить, что откуда то оттуда
>родом предки?

Возможно. Но,скорее всего, это псевдоним... Александр Гомельский, еврей, родился в Грузии, женился на экстравагантной суффражистке Еве Накашидзе из старинного княжеского рода. Александр учился в гимназии в Одессе, в 1912 году уехал изучать медицину в Бернский университет, стал эндокринологом, занимался проблемами омолаживания.
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 15.01.16 11:58:59   
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>>>Гомельский - фамилия его отца, Александра Гомельского.
>>Т.е., можно предположить, что откуда то оттуда
>>родом предки?
>Он же не гОмельский а ГомЕльски

А моё имя по-английски - Айвен.
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: andysmith   Дата: 15.01.16 12:01:11   
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>А моё имя по-английски - Айвен.

Я к тому, что г. Гомель здесь ни при чём
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: BigWalk   Дата: 15.01.16 12:18:37   
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>Я к тому, что г. Гомель здесь ни при чём

Собственно, это я и хотел узнать. Спасибо.
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: Alexander Kozhin   Дата: 15.01.16 14:53:55   
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>>>Гомельский - фамилия его отца, Александра Гомельского.
>>Т.е., можно предположить, что откуда то оттуда
>>родом предки?
>Возможно. Но,скорее всего, это псевдоним... Александр
>Гомельский, еврей, родился в Грузии, женился на
>экстравагантной суффражистке Еве Накашидзе из
>старинного княжеского рода. Александр учился в
>гимназии в Одессе, в 1912 году уехал изучать медицину
>в Бернский университет, стал эндокринологом, занимался
>проблемами омолаживания.

В Грузии все князья, плюнуть некуда!
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: Андрей Хрисанфов   Дата: 15.01.16 16:10:48   
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...из грязья (((

но продюсер был годный, не чета покойному дискотушнику Штигвуду (хоть тот и англосакс на всю голову)
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: yellow submarine   Дата: 15.01.16 16:25:38   
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>Джорджио родился в Грузии

Значит, грузинский еврей. Как и у Битлз - тоже еврей. Ничего против них, естественно, не имею, просто восхищаюсь, видя очередную еврейскую фамилию в списках продюсеров, музыкальных менеджеров и режиссеров. Они будто специально выбирают такие профессии, чтобы стать знаменитыми.
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: Андрей Хрисанфов   Дата: 15.01.16 16:59:49   
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...а может, еврейский грузин?..

мало ли кто где родился ))) у меня вот есть знакомый, который вообще родился в Швейцарии, но при этом и не еврей и не швейцарец, а самый что ни на есть этнический русский ))) Филипп Антонычем кличут )))
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: yellow submarine   Дата: 15.01.16 17:07:15   
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2Андрей Хрисанфов:
>мало ли кто где родился )))

Вопрос не о месте рождения, а о национальности. Посмотрите в финальных титрах любого кинофильма, на обложке любой пластинки фамилии создателей или просто участников. И всё станет ясно, кто чем занимается. Этот народ будто создан для таких дел. И миллионами от нас уехал.
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: ledzep   Дата: 15.01.16 17:45:31   
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Скорбное известие...

Скорбное известие...

Initially known for first managing The Rolling Stones, producing The Yardbirds and bringing blues to Britain in the early 60’s, Giorgio influenced, inspired and also helped kickstart the musical careers of so many including Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, John McLaughlin….some of the all time greatest guitarists!
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: Андрей Хрисанфов   Дата: 15.01.16 17:54:51   
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миллионами от нас уехал - от кого это "от нас"? от высоцкера? от брейтбургов-векштейнов да тсоев всяких разных, со звездинскими да шуфутинскими?.. уехали - и хрен с ними, тут вон целый раздел, кем расеюшка весь мир облагодетельствовала по принципу "что нам не гоже", там и мужиканты, и артисты, и вон даже целый Зворыкин, не говоря уже о сикорских-пясецких, и все опять же неруси... "от нас далеко - нам и любо", как выразился незабвенный Сеня Малина )))
и кстати, о фамилиях - вон у всеобщего любимца Апчехова сказано: "я знал одного Иванова, который был немец/"
"бьют-то не по паспорту, а по морде" (с)
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: Golmike   Дата: 15.01.16 21:11:40   
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Из книги Ф. Нормана "Мик Джагер":"Джорджо Гомельски, по сути, стал менеджером группы, однако поразительное бескорыстие не позволяло ему подписать с ними контракт иди даже принудить выступать только у него. Гомельски вел и другие дела. Одной из центральных тем для бесед в начале 1963-го - ну, кроме погоды- стала причудливо стриженная ливерпульская группа "Битлз", которая вслед за средненьким дебютным синглом выпустила сногсшибательный хит "Please Please Me" и разожгла подростковую истерию, которой мир не знал со времен появления Элвиса Пресли. Парой лет раньше Гомельски видел их в трущобных гамбургских клубах и уже тогда понял, что перед ним нечто исключительное. Когда стала хитом "Please Please Me", он обратился к их менеджеру Брайану Эпстайну с предложением снять о Битлз документальный фильм. Фильм так и не случился, но Гомельски подружился с ними и как- то в воскресенье, когда играли "Стоунз", привел битлов в "Кродэдди". Несмотря на огромную пропасть, их разделявшую, ливерпульцы и южные мальчики поладили с полпинка....
"Альтруист Джорджо Гомельски не вознегодовал, когда у него так подло увели "Стоунз" (добавлю от себя- он уезжал в это время на похороны отца в Швейцарию), и не потребовал финансовой компенсации за все, что сделал для их успеха; он даже продолжал звать их в "Кродэдди"....
Вот такой ушел человек...
The Beatles forever!
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: yellow submarine   Дата: 16.01.16 00:43:00   
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2Андрей Хрисанфов:
>миллионами от нас уехал - от кого это "от нас"?

От русских и других, кто живет в России. И не хрен с уехавшими, ведь уезжали не чернорабочие, а ученые, артисты, писатели, актеры, целые лаборатории "почтовых ящиков" уезжали. А теперь работают в лучшем случае в университетах, а многие - в натовских ВПК, а их дети служат и воюют в натовских войсках. Вам это без разницы?
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: ledzep   Дата: 16.01.16 00:55:54   
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2Андрей Хрисанфов:

>и кстати, о фамилиях
сослуживцы в войске были у меня - эстонец, плохо даже понимающий по-русски - Гаврилов,
и русский Лаукконен. Но это повод огрызнуться - ;) - Семёнович наш, он Семёныч а не как там... - потому что мама его русская, а по себе даже знаю формирование менталитета - 1)страна и 2)материнское воспитание.
Мама Гомельски - была формально гражданкой Монте-Карло, что возможно помогло семье незаметненько в разгар "дел-врачей" выехать прочь...
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: President   Дата: 16.01.16 18:18:04   
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Наш чувак ушёл. R.I.P.
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 16.01.16 20:09:00   
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Уже перестала удивлять способность некоторых ...нов гадить в любой теме.
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: Гегемон   Дата: 16.01.16 20:42:07   
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Жаль старичка....видно добрый был дядька.
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 16.01.16 21:09:03   
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>Жаль старичка....видно добрый был дядька.

Всех их жаль....История исчезает....Стирается, как изморозь на стекле....И мы тоже туда путь держим...
Re: Ушел из жизни экс-менеджер Yardbirds и Rolling Stones
Автор: sergey-zepp   Дата: 16.01.16 21:14:15   
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