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Брайан Мэй

Тема: Queen

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Re: Брайан Мэй
Автор: Susanna   Дата: 19.06.08 14:26:21   
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я попросила одну из московских подруг взять для меня билет на 16-е... если повезет, то в фан-зону, а нет - на танцпол соглашусь. теперь - осталось только ждать...
Re: Брайан Мэй
Автор: Zigi Stardust   Дата: 19.06.08 15:06:34   
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И надеяться, чо вообще что-то осталось =)
Было бы классно)
Re: Брайан Мэй
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 15.10.09 03:00:29   
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Март 2009

RICK WAKEMAN: Most people who climb on the roof of Buckingham Palace get arrested, or they climb through the window and go in the Queen’s bedroom – and get arrested. Our guest today actually had the honour of being invited onto the roof of Buckingham Palace, and getting away with it – Brian May. Welcome Brian.

BRIAN MAY: [Laughs] Took me by surprise there.

RW: Well, that must have been a… I mean, you haven’t done anything like that in your life, have you?

BM: No, and never will again I tell you. I enjoyed it. It was amazing.

RW: Who asked you?

BM: The committee who were organising the party for the Queen.

RW: Was it 2002?

BM: Yes, I think it was. Was it two or three, yeah - and they actually asked me to – they said “We were thinking you might play the National Anthem a bit like Jimi Hendrix, strolling through the State Rooms of Buckingham Palace”, and I went “I don’t think that’s gonna work really”, and I went down there to see them and I said, “You know what would work to make this something epic and something people would remember”, and I said, “I should be up there. I should be the lone piper up on one of your battlements.” And they sort of went into a sort of huddle and I expected them to say “Nah, no - forget it”, and they went “Okay – that’ll be fine”, [chuckles] and then I sort of . . . then me heart kind of jumped, ‘cos I thought, okay, I’ve gotta do this now and it’s not an easy thing to take on obviously.

RW: No. I mean to some extent you’re up for a hiding for nothing if it goes wrong, aren’t you really?

BM: Yeah. There’s a lot to lose. You would look the biggest idiot in the world if you messed up God Save The Queen live – and it had to be live, that’s the thing.

RW: Yeah.

BM: I mean I could not be the person who woke up next morning and had mimed on top of Buckingham Palace, you know.

RW: No.

BM: So it’s very risky, and the risk isn’t that you fall off, the risk is that you make such an idiot of yourself that you’d wanna fall off. So it was very – it was an exercise in facing fear, I have to tell you, ‘cos in the months, I think, couple of months, leading up to that I would drive past Buckingham Palace and get this real thrill of fear in my belly just looking at the place and thinking, “Jesus, I’ve actually gotta do this”, you know, “live in front or a billion people”. But great.

RW: How do you rehearse something like that? Did you go up on the roof to rehearse or….

BM: We did eventually. Yeah, we did rehearse up there. It was very funny. [chuckles] It’s funny because we kind of couldn’t find the way. There was a Spinal Tap moment. They said [adopts posh royal accent] “Oh, yes, yes, come this way” - get in this lift and up we go.” So we go in the lift up to the roof level, and he goes, “OK, oh, oh - actually this isn’t gonna work”, so we went down again and the door wouldn’t open, and then we trudged around different places and found a staircase and eventually we found a way up onto the roof. It was a real – I actually should write a little book about it because it was such a memorable experience and a feeling when it was actually done. I was like “Yes!! Thank you God”, ‘cos in the end you have to, I mean I’m not really a religious person, as you would say, you know, conventionally that is, but you get to the point where you’ve done all your preparation, and you’ve rehearsed and whatever, and you’ve tried to cover every eventuality. You know, it could rain, the strings could go out of tune, the amp could go wrong … and eventually you think, “OK, there is only so much I can do, and the rest IS in the lap of the Gods” – it’s in your Higher Power, you know, and you’ve probably experienced this a well, but, you know. So I actually had to do this thing. I was freaking, and well my wife was very good. Anita was really, and she said “Rehearse”. Now rehearsal is something fairly unfamiliar to me - not to Anita, so I did rehearse and rehearse, but I came to that point where I thought, “Okay, it could still go tits up very easily”.

RW: Did you have any contingency plans like another amp standing by? Was there a crew tech lying on the floor, ready to shove in …

BM: Well my tech was up there with me, and he was actually the first person to play guitar on top of Buckingham Palace roof – Pete Malandrone…

RW: Oh right!

BM: … cos he had to try it out, you know. No, but I had this huge rig on one side - it was amazing – with my three AC30s. On the other side I had a huge monitor from the orchestra, who were about 500 yards away, so if I could’n’t’ve heard them, it would have been a disaster. And I just stood between them and it was amazing sound, once we’d actually got it together.

RW: I can understand, ‘cos how many hundred million people were watching?

BM: Quite a lot, I think.

RW: Yeah. So it’s not….

BM: It’s a one-off experience. Anything that, you know, anything that’s one-off is quite sort of demanding anyway.

RW: Yeah.

BM: If you’re on a tour, you take it for granted – you go quite jolly…

RW: I’ll get that right tomorrow.

BM: Yeah, yeah, that’s right, and but if it’s a one-off and it’s everything depends on it you get very keyed up – you gotta.

RW: Did this committee, who were put together, did they have to get permission from the Queen to do? Were things run by the Queen?

BM: I don’t think they actually asked her every detail. No – I think she’d given the responsibility to some people to put this together.

RW: Had you met her before?

BM: Had I met her? No, I don’t think I had met her at that point. I met her afterwards.

RW: What did she say?

BM: I didn’t meet her on the day – I met, I…

RW: Right. You didn’t see her on the actual event?

BM: No, I think, and I think she – I don’t think she actually saw me do the thing. I think she was probably doing her hair at the time [chuckling] and it was probably rather inconvenient for her. But I saw…

RW: (imitating the Queen’s voice) I say Philip, what’s that?

BM: It was quite funny actually ‘cos I met her a while (after) . . . I was being presented to the Queen as sort of Musicians’ Day or something, and I was there with – a very auspicious occasion – with Clapton and Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page, who were all heroes of mine, so I was feeling very “Ooohhh! – why am I here?” kind of thing, you know, and she came on and I said “I was the guy who disturbed you that day by playing on your roof.”, and she went “Oh, was it you!” So, you know, I don’t think it was a big day in her life, let’s put it that way, but it was a big day in my life.
Re: Брайан Мэй
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 15.10.09 03:00:50   
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RW: It was a big day in rock ‘n’ roll life.

BM: I kind of felt that I was a symbol. I did feel that. I felt like I had the responsibility – you know, without wishing to be sort of pretentious about it. I thought, well in a way, I’m up there to celebrate 50 years of her reign, but also 50 years which happened to be the life of rock ‘n’ roll, as we know it. And so, you probably know, I had this tunic made with all what I thought was some of the most significant songs of rock, over the years, and I said, you know, to the costume designer, I said “I wanna look like I’ve been standing up there for 50 years in rain and shine”, and it was all kind of distressed and battered. I don’t know if you saw it.

RW: Yep. Yeah I did.

BM: With a very sort of Union, very faded Union Jack in the lining. And it was a lot of fun. I felt like I was sort of in a sense, not exactly an actor, but a symbol, you know. A symbol really.

RW: It’s interesting, ‘cos one of the guys in in my band said to me, it was the day that, he said that’s the day that rock ‘n’ roll was accepted.

BM. Hm.

RW: And I think there’s an element of truth in that.

BM: Interesting – yeah. It did – threads did come together, didn’t they?
Re: Брайан Мэй
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 15.10.09 03:06:50   
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Classic Rock, September 2009Classic Rock, September 2009


"Lonnie's Rock Island Line was magic and his influence on me has been huge. For the first years of my guitar playing, I played rhythm and sang, like Lonnie. It was a great grounding and when I later tried to emulate his single-note playing, I was already on the road towards my way of approaching lead work. Lonnie, the inventor of skiffle, was Britain's first Blues artist. An inspiration."
Re: Брайан Мэй
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 15.10.09 03:08:29   
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Classic Rock, September 2009Classic Rock, September 2009

BY Steve Vai

"I can listen to any player and pantomime their sound, but I can't do Brian May. He's just walking on higher ground."
Steve Vai

I don't think enough is really said about the brilliance of Brian May's guitar playing in the sense that it's overshadowed by the greatness of the music itself. The Queen II album was one of those pivotal moments that just nailed me to the wall. I was a little kid, and being a guitar player and hearing Brian ...

He's probably one of the top identifiable guitar players, even more so than Jeff Beck and Page and Clapton. They're all identifiable but Brian May had such a tone in his head and in his fingers, it speaks volumes. He is a genius. The way that he can perfectly and seamlessly orchestrate guitars? His contribution to orchestrated guitars is unprecedented. There was nothing like it. To me it was like when Edward Van Halen came along and just reshaped the sound of electric guitar. That's what I heard in Brian May's playing. It's something that's inherent in the brain of the guitar player.

I remember working with Frank Zappa for the first time. I had just moved out to Los Angeles, nobody knew me. I was just this little kid, 21 years old. I went to the Rainbow Bar & Grill and Brian May was there, I couldn't believe it - that Brian May was standing there. And I mustered up every little bit of courage and went up to him and said: "Brian May, oh my god, it's really you. Thank you so much for everything you've done. I play guitar. I'm here in town with Frank Zappa." He said: "Oh, really? Why don't you come down to our rehearsal?"

I went down and he brought me up on the stage and he let me play the guitar - the guitar that he had built with his dad. I couldn't even believe that I was touching this instrument! He was so kind and so warm, and for who? This kid, you know? And I played his guitar and it sounded like Steve Vai. Then when he played it it sounded just like Brian May, It was very apparent to me that his tone is in his fingers and his head.

He's a class act from head to toe and it shows in his playing. I can listen to any player and pantomime their sound, but I can't do Brian May. He's just walking on higher ground.

Отзыв Брайана Мэя:
For once, I am truly lost for words. I don't think I've ever received a compliment of the magnitude of Steve Vai's words about me in Classic Rock Magazine. Steve is somewhere in the outer reaches of the Solar System for me, as regards guitar playing ... the stuff he does is beyond my imagination, never mind beyond my capabilities ... so this means more to me than I can say. He is also a true gentleman, and a magnificent human being. I will be writing to Steve, but ... very publicly and openly .... THANKS STEVE ... I am awestruck.
Re: Брайан Мэй
Автор: Audrey   Дата: 15.10.09 23:58:05   
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Стив отлично сказал про Брайана. На мой взгляд мастерство Брайана принижается, а он - один из лучших гитаристов не только прошлого, но нашего времени, получается целого пятидесятилетия.
Обсуждение новости: "Власти Фелтхама хотят дать титул Фримэн Брайану Мэю из Queen за вклад в культуру"
Автор: PURPLE   Дата: 21.12.09 14:31:05   
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Дайте ему титут этот-достойный гитарист/музыкант!!!
Re: Брайан Мэй
Автор: hr-kot   Дата: 21.12.09 14:41:00   
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Обсуждение новости: "Власти Фелтхама хотят дать титул Фримэн Брайану Мэю из Queen за вклад в культуру"
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 21.12.09 18:26:21   
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>Брайану Мэю титул Фримэн (Вольный человек)

Надо так понимать, что сейчас он крепостной?)))))))
Обсуждение новости: "Власти Фелтхама хотят дать титул Фримэн Брайану Мэю из Queen за вклад в культуру"
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 22.12.09 12:58:05   
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Вольную - Брайану! Хватит уже гитару корябать, пора постричься давно уже коротко и - в огород, грядки полоть, внуков нянчить! :-)))))
Re: Брайан Мэй
Автор: поклонник Леннона   Дата: 13.01.10 13:33:37   
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Здравствуйте! Скажите а всегда ли Брайан отвечает(и отвечает ли вообще) на электронные письма?
Re: Брайан Мэй
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 13.01.10 16:27:26   
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кажется, да, на своём сайте он часто пишет.
Re: Брайан Мэй
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 13.01.10 18:06:26   
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Я ему лет эдак 5 назад написал на электронный ящик. Не факт, что тот оказался действующим, поскольку, думаю, что у Брайна Мэй их несколько. Ответа не получил. Вопросов назадавал ему каверзных, но интересных.
Обсуждение новости: "Брайан Мэй дал мастер-класс английскому мальчику-инвалиду"
Автор: PURPLE   Дата: 09.02.10 12:05:38   
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БРАВО Брайан !!!
Обсуждение новости: "Брайан Мэй дал мастер-класс английскому мальчику-инвалиду"
Автор: PaDorset   Дата: 09.02.10 12:18:31   
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Снимаю шляпу и преклоняю колено....БРАВО
Обсуждение новости: "Брайан Мэй дал мастер-класс английскому мальчику-инвалиду"
Автор: slystone   Дата: 09.02.10 13:46:50   
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браво! молодец.

кстати тут давече была дискуссия по поводу Боно и Гелдофа, трубящих о своей благотворительности на весь мир. я остаюсь при своем мнении и считаю, что делать надо именно как Брайан: хочешь сделать доброе дело - бери и делай. и нечего представлять этот как событие вселененского масштаба, как у тех двоих

еще раз браво Брайан!
Re: Брайан Мэй
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 09.02.10 16:31:45   
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Брайан Мэй1
Re: Брайан Мэй
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 09.02.10 16:32:00   
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Брайан Мэй2
Обсуждение новости: "Брайан Мэй дал мастер-класс английскому мальчику-инвалиду"
Автор: Valerik   Дата: 09.02.10 17:08:46   
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Прочитал новость слушая гитару Мея!
В восхищении. Действительно слезы наворачиваются. Очень и очень тронут.

Впрочем, с осуждение Гелдофа и Боно не согласен. Разные задачи. Эти двое призывают других к благотворительности. Это, пожалуй, гораздо сложнее, чем просто самому дать денег. Тем более, что они и сами делают пожертвования и из свои карманов
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