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Rolling Stone magazine

Тема: Книги, журналы и статьи о музыке

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Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 12.12.01 20:03:31
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Eighteen years after Rolling Stone magazine panned
his new "Dark Horse" album as "transcendental mediocrity," George Harrison
was still upset about the review.

A scheduled 1992 photo shoot for Rolling Stone's 25th anniversary issue
almost did not go ahead because of bad feelings, chief photographer Mark
Seliger recalls in a special edition devoted solely to the late former

But Rolling Stone reentered Harrison's good graces when Seliger brought
along some ukuleles, on the advice of Tom Petty. Harrison picked up one of
the instruments and played Hawaiian ballads for 20 minutes, while Seliger
clicked away.

A previously unpublished photo from the session accompanies Seliger's
anecdote in the 96-page issue, which hit news stands on Dec. 7, eight days
after Harrison died of cancer in Los Angeles.

The ad-free edition is the first tribute published by Rolling Stone in its
34-year history. The magazine printed 450,000 copies, with a $4.95 cover

Included are a Mikal Gilmore essay on Harrison, a photo section, reprints of
key Harrison interviews, an analysis of Harrison's movie career, a
discography and song review.

Not surprisingly, the magazine now takes a gentler stance on "Dark Horse,"
which was Harrison's fifth solo album. Gilmore opined that "today it stands
up as one of Harrison's most fascinating works."
Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: Alex   Дата: 16.03.04 15:00:19   
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Rolling Stone magazine скоро на русском!Rolling Stone magazine скоро на русском!
Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: илюха   Дата: 16.03.04 15:24:31   
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О ужас! о чем же они будут писать?
Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 02.04.04 13:13:34   
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Новый номер журнала посвящен теме 50 лучшихартистов всех времен. Про каждого из них есть небольшая статья, написаная известным музыкантом.Новый номер журнала посвящен теме "50 лучшихартистов всех времен". Про каждого из них есть небольшая статья, написаная известным музыкантом.
It is a fundamental lesson in the history of rock & roll and its continuing power to inspire and transform. The Immortals is a tribute to those who created rock & roll, written by their peers and heirs, those who have learned from their innovations, struggles and legacies.
This year, rock & roll turns fifty, and this is the first of three special issues Rolling Stone is publishing to mark the occasion. Scholars have debated the precise birth date for as long as the music has been around. We chose July 5th, 1954 -- the day Elvis Presley recorded "That's All Right" at Sun Studio in Memphis. On that date, the nineteen-year-old truck driver not only made his first and most important single. He created a new world -- initiating a way of life and expression -- that, even at fifty, is still evolving. There is no better standard for rock & roll immortality.

The Immortals began last year with the creation of a panel of fifty-five top musicians, historians, industry executives and critics, selected by the editors of Rolling Stone. Voters were asked to pick, in order of preference, the twenty artists they deemed to be the most significant and influential of rock's first fifty years, those whose work continues to have an impact today. More than 125 artists were named. The ballots were tabulated according to a weighted point system that was overseen by the international accounting firm Ernst & Young.

Rolling Stone then asked a blue-ribbon collection of singers, musicians and producers to explore and describe the importance and impact of these immortals: on the writers' own work and personal lives; on history and society at large; and on generations to come. The stories and opinions, the incisive analyses and open admissions of love and influence, are as exciting and unpredictable as rock & roll itself. Van Morrison repays a lifetime of soulful debt to Ray Charles. Robbie Robertson describes Bob Dylan typing out his lyrics as they made Blonde on Blonde. Steven Van Zandt salutes the original R&B genius of the Rolling Stones and their undiminished prowess forty years later. Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers pays homage to the raw power and fiercely independent spirit of Neil Young. And Little Richard proves to be the world's greatest expert on -- who else? -- Little Richard.

He also makes an important distinction between success and immortality. "I wish a lot of things had been different," Richard writes. "I don't think I ever got what I really deserved." The Immortals is a commemoration of a half-century of excitement, ambition and hit records. These are the musicians and bands who gave us everything they had, regardless of the rewards, often against insurmountable odds. Here, Rolling Stone and the artists who carry on their work try to give them back a little of what they so richly deserve.

(From RS 946, April 15, 2004)
1) The Beatles by Elvis Costello
2) Bob Dylan by Robbie Robertson
3) Elvis Presley by Bono
4) The Rolling Stones by Steven Van Zandt
5) Chuck Berry by Joe Perry
6) Jimi Hendrix by John Mayer
7) James Brown by Rick Rubin
8) Little Richard by Little Richard
9) Aretha Franklin by Jerry Wexler
10) Ray Charles by Van Morrison
11) Bob Marley by Wyclef Jean
12) The Beach Boys by Lindsey Buckingham
13) Buddy Holly by John Mellencamp
14) Led Zeppelin by David Grohl
15) Stevie Wonder by Elton John
16) Sam Cooke by Art Garfunkel
17) Muddy Watters by Billy Gibbons
18) Marvin Gaye by Smokey Robinson
19) The Velvet Underground by Julian Casablancas
20) Bo Diddley by Iggy Pop
21) Otis Redding by Steve Cropper
22) U2 by Chris Martin
23) Bruce Springsteen by Jackson Browne
24) Jerry Lee Lewis by Moby
25) Fats Domino by Dr. John
26) The Ramones by Lenny Kaye
27) Nirvana by Vernon Reid
28) Prince by Ahmir Thompson
29) The Who by Eddie Vedder
30) The Clash by The Edge
31) Johnny Cash by Kris Kristofferson
32) Smokey Robinson and the Miracles by Bob Seger
33) The Everly Brothers by Paul Simon
34) Neil Young by Flea
35) Michael Jackson by Antonio "LA" Reid
36) Madonna by Britney Spears
37)Roy Orbison by K.D. Lang
38) John Lennon by Lenny Kravitz
39) David Bowie by Lou Reed
40) Simon and Garfunkel by James Taylor
41) The Doors by Marilyn Manson
42) Van Morrison by Peter Wolf
43) Sly and the Family Stone by Don Was
44) Public Enemy by Adam Yauch
45) The Byrds by Tom Petty
46) Janis Joplin by Rosanne Cash
47) Patti Smith by Shirley Manson
48) Run-DMC by Chuck D
49) Elton John by Billy Joel
50) The Band by Lucinda Williams

Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 02.04.04 13:17:16   
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1) The Beatles1) The Beatles
By Elvis Costello
first heard of the Beatles when I was nine years old. I spent most of my holidays on Merseyside then, and a local girl gave me a bad publicity shot of them with their names scrawled on the back. This was 1962 or '63, before they came to America. The photo was badly lit, and they didn't quite have their look down; Ringo had his hair slightly swept back, as if he wasn't quite sold on the Beatles haircut yet. I didn't care about that; they were the band for me. The funny thing is that parents and all their friends from Liverpool were also curious and proud about this local group. Prior to that, the people in show business from the north of England had all been comedians. Come to think of it, the Beatles recorded for Parlophone, which was a comedy label.
I was exactly the right age to be hit by them full on. My experience -- seizing on every picture, saving money for singles and EPs, catching them on a local news show -- was repeated over and over again around the world. It was the first time anything like this had happened on this scale. But it wasn't just about the numbers; Michael Jackson can sell records until the end of time, but he'll never matter to people as much as the Beatles did.

Every record was a shock when it came out. Compared to rabid R&B evangelists like the Rolling Stones, the Beatles arrived sounding like nothing else. They had already absorbed Buddy Holly, the Everly Brothers and Chuck Berry, but they were also writing their own songs. They made writing your own material expected, rather than exceptional.

John Lennon and Paul McCartney were exceptional songwriters; McCartney was, and is, a truly virtuoso musician; George Harrison wasn't the kind of guitar player who tore off wild, unpredictable solos, but you can sing the melodies of nearly all of his breaks. Most important, they always fit right into the arrangement. Ringo Starr played the drums with an incredibly unique feel that nobody can really copy, although many fine drummers have tried and failed. Most of all, John and Paul were fantastic singers.

Lennon, McCartney and Harrison had stunningly high standards as writers. Imagine releasing a song like "Ask Me Why" or "Things We Said Today" as a B side. They made such fantastic records as "Paperback Writer" b/w "Rain" or "Penny Lane" b/w "Strawberry Fields Forever" and only put them out as singles. These records were events, and not just advance notice of an album release.

Then they started to really grow up. Simple love lyrics to adult stories like "Norwegian Wood," which spoke of the sour side of love, and on to bigger ideas than you would expect to find in catchy pop lyrics.

They were pretty much the first group to mess with the aural perspective of their recordings and have it be more than just a gimmick. Brilliant engineers at Abbey Road Studios like Geoff Emerick invented techniques that we now take for granted in response to the group's imagination. Before the Beatles, you had guys in lab coats doing recording experiments in the Fifties, but you didn't have rockers deliberately putting things out of balance, like a quiet vocal in front of a loud track on "Strawberry Fields Forever." You can't exaggerate the license that this gave to everyone from Motown to Jimi Hendrix.

My absolute favorite albums are Rubber Soul and Revolver. On both records you can hear references to other music -- R&B, Dylan, psychedelia -- but it's not done in a way that is obvious or dates the records. When you picked up Revolver, you knew it was something different. Heck, they are wearing sunglasses indoors in the picture on the back of the cover and not even looking at the camera . . . and the music was so strange and yet so vivid. If I had to pick a favorite song from those albums, ift would be "And Your Bird Can Sing" . . . no, "Girl" . . . no, "For No One" . . . and so on, and so on. . . .

Their breakup album, Let It Be, contains songs both gorgeous and jagged. I suppose ambition and human frailty creep into every group, but they managed to deliver some incredible performances. I remember going to Leicester Square and seeing the film of Let It Be in 1970. I left with a melancholy feeling.

The word Beatlesque has been in the dictionary for a while now. I can hear them in the Prince album Around the World in a Day; in Ron Sexsmith's tunes; in Harry Nilsson's melodies. You can hear that Kurt Cobain listened to the Beatles and mixed them in with punk and metal in some of his songs. You probably wouldn't be listening to the ambition of the latest OutKast record if the Beatles hadn't made the White Album into a double LP!

I've co-written some songs with Paul McCartney and performed with him in concert on two occasions. In 1999, a little time after Linda McCartney's death, Paul did the Concert for Linda, organized by Chrissie Hynde. During the rehearsal, I was singing harmony on a Ricky Nelson song, and Paul called out the next tune: "All My Loving." I said, "Do you want me to take the harmony line the second time round?" And he said, "Yeah, give it a try." I'd only had thirty-five years to learn the part. It was a very poignant performance, witnessed only by the crew and other artists on the bill.

At the show, it was very different. The second he sang the opening lines -- "Close your eyes, and I'll kiss you" -- the crowd's reaction was so intense that it all but drowned the song out. It was very thrilling but also rather disconcerting. Perhaps I understood in that moment one of the reasons why the Beatles had to stop performing. The songs weren't theirs anymore. They were everybody's.

(From RS 946, April 15, 2004)
Illustration by Paul Davis

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Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: Mary   Дата: 02.04.04 14:21:37   
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А Маккартни в списке нет! Позор!
Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.05.06 07:43:57   
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Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 04.05.06 10:07:39   
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Ух ты! А обложку академик Илья Глазунов рисовал штоля?
Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 04.05.06 10:11:17   
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Супер! Кого только нет. Даже Кенни и Барта изобразили :)))
Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 04.05.06 10:41:26   
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"Гляжу в обложку синюю, в руках ромашки мну"...

Опять у меня дураццкие ассоциации с рассказом Стивена Кинга: "Знаете, они классно играют!" с бесконечным концертом толпы-армии звезд на сцене...
Зато концептуально...
Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.05.06 07:53:24   
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Веннер выглядит молодцом.Веннер выглядит молодцом.

'Rolling Stone' magazine founder Jann Wenner arrives to celebrate the 1000th cover of 'Rolling Stone' magazine at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York, May 4, 2006. The party was meant to honor the artists, musicians, and politicians who have made up the Rolling Stone family for almost 40 years.
Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.05.06 07:56:01   
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Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner poses for a portrait with a reproduction of the cover of the magazine's 1000th issue, Tuesday, May 2, 2006 in his New York office Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner poses for a portrait with a reproduction of the cover of the magazine's 1000th issue, Tuesday, May 2, 2006 in his New York office
Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.05.06 14:33:46   
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Чего-то я никак не разгляжу, кто там сверху изображен в образе демона и ангела с гитарами?
Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.05.06 21:58:54   
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Купил юбилейный номер с этой исключительной трехмерной обложкой.
Отвечая на свой же вопрос. Демон - Хантер С. Томпсон. Ангел - Курт Кобейн.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 29.05.06 11:31:08   
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В российском издании обложка размещена форматом А4 в качестве иллюстрации к статье об истории журнала. Плюс к этому еще 24 лучших обложки, по мнению редакции RS, с комментариями. The Beatles и Lennon присутствуют. Последний - дважды.
Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 29.05.06 11:36:52   
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Справа от Бадди Холли некий мультяшный персонаж в очках (расположен в центре, чуть ниже пацифика). Также справа от Кобейна, рядом с Петти и Меркьюри некая рисованная физия. Опознать не удалось.
HELP! Интересно мне.
Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: Игорь Цалер   Дата: 29.05.06 12:05:34   
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Мультяшный персонаж в очках (тот, что под пацификом) - это некий Уолли, герой мультсериала "Где Уолли?" Там на экране возникали нагромождения фигур и предметов, среди которых сидел этот самый Уолли. Зрителю предлагалось этого Уолли найти, этакая детская головоломка.
Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 29.05.06 12:07:44   
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2Игорь Цалер:

Благодарю. Теперь понятно, для чего он там.
Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: Игорь Цалер   Дата: 31.05.06 12:14:20   
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Маленькая задачка на внимательность. Скажите, кто на юбилейной обложке "Роллинг Стоуна" изображен дважды?
Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: tommy   Дата: 31.05.06 12:15:13   
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Re: Rolling Stone magazine
Автор: Игорь Цалер   Дата: 31.05.06 12:17:43   
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Лаконичный и абсолютно верный ответ! :))
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