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Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Стас   Дата: 03.12.01 22:19:17
А что говорят Мадонна,Клаус Форман и Билли Престон?Их высказываний я что-то не видел.Да и наши "знаметости" не слишком слвоохотливы-читал только высказывания Леонидова,Фоменко и Цекало(в газете Известия).
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Стас   Дата: 03.12.01 22:21:21   
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Да ещё.Никто не в курсе планируют ли Ринго или Пол в своих турне петь песни Джорджа?Или записать совместную песню о друге с привлечением Джорджа Мартина?
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 04.12.01 10:50:33   
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Читал я их высказывания, "@#$%:"№%: полное. Извините уж меня.
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Lenna   Дата: 04.12.01 13:32:35   
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Это было сказано еще до..., но я всеже решила это кинуть на форум. Всетаки хорошие слова важнее говорить, когда человек еще жив...
Tom Petty Talks About George Harrison - Just a few weeks ago, in Malibu, California, Tom Petty talked to MoJo about his friendship and work with George. This extract from his interview says much about the unique spirit and generous character of the beloved musician and songwriter.

"I met George before I'd even made a record. I met him and Ringo at Leon Russell's house, where I was kind of employed for a while. It was really exciting. I was struck by how unsnooty they were and they paid attention to me, who was nobody. That's the way George is, just a really decent fellow. Years later, when we had the Wilburys, we got to be really close friends. He's someone that I love a lot. I really would forget about The Beatles but then I wouldn't and made myself a pain in the ass sometimes. 'Oh come on, tell me about this...come on me how you play this...'. And he would. He's wonderful really. I've had a lot of great times with George. There's my friend and then there's the guy I see in old film clips, Hey, that's George! We spent a lot of time at his house over the years. He's really just a sweetheart. I don't want to go on or I'll be embarrassed. He did do a great thing one night, where he was cleaning out his living room, some closets or something. His wife Olivia said 'George, what do I do with this?'. He walked down the hall and said, 'You like Elvis, don't you?' and I say, 'yeah'. So he throws me this leather holster and it's Elvis's holster. Elvis had given it to the Beatles one night and George goes, 'Do you want it?'. It's signed and everything. I said, 'you don't want this?' He's like 'I gotta get all this stuff out of here.' He gave me the holster. That meant a lot to me."

Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Lenna   Дата: 04.12.01 18:30:40   
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"You always knew where you stood with George, he was totally honest.
I feel blessed to have been so close to him. He was a great friend.
He wrote brilliantly original songs, played the greatest slide guitar
and had the most amazing sense of humor. He really had the 'Inner
Light'' and always will. Some of the happiest days of my life were
spent in the studio with George."

Jeff Lynne
30 November 2001

Graham Nash o GH
Автор: Mr. Zero   Дата: 04.12.01 18:43:20   
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Немножко длинновато - транскрипт предачи - но все же решил запостить:

Aired November 30, 2001 - 22:00 ET

This is a live TV program. Some of the phrases people used today to remember George Harrison: a lovely man, a gentlemen, a great guy, an incredible human being. That last one was from his friend Graham Nash of Crosby, Stills and Nash, who says the big regret for him is not knowing the other songs that were in George's mind that we'll never get to hear. Graham Nash joins us now from Encino, California. Wow. You've a tough act to follow now.

Good evening. Glad to have you with us. You said at the beginning that you thought you had parallel lives. And tell me how you -- tell me what you meant.

GRAHAM NASH, MUSICIAN: Well, we both came from very humble beginnings in the north of England. We both survived World War II. We both found that -- as did many rock 'n' rollers that came from England -- that music was our salvation.

All we really had to do, you know, was to kick a ball around the street and play with your friends. And then all of sudden Lonnie Donegan (ph) comes along, who -- who is a master of skiffle -- and it was cheap guitar and everybody could do it and we could all learn three chords.

And that's what I did and that's what George did. It's what John did and Paul and everybody else that you know that came out of what was called the British Invasion. Music saved our lives. It really did.

BROWN: Is that why -- I mean, you think of it that way? It gave you -- it was the way out of whatever life would have otherwise been?

NASH: The gold watch.

BROWN: Yeah, yeah.

NASH: Yeah. Because, you know, what you were supposed to do was do what your dad did and do what his dad did. And if it was good enough your your grandfather, my God it's good enough for you, son. But our parents did not allow us to do that. So music was our escape. When we went down to -- to London, my goodness, it was like visiting a completely foreign planet. Very few people had been out of Manchester at that point, of the kind of people that we were.


NASH: So music really saved our lives.

BROWN: I read today where he said once -- not that long ago -- that he didn't much think of himself as a Beatle, that Beatle was a suit he wore. Talk about celebrity a little and how you think that might have affected him, how he handled it differently than the others.

NASH: Well, like I said earlier, there were people that knew George much more intimately than I did. But in observing and -- and being with him on many, many occasions -- but mostly observing him, I was astounded at the grace and the dignity with which he handled what you just referred to as his Beatle suit.

It was chaotic. It was madness. Everybody wanted to know what every Beatle wore, what they said, what they smoked, what they ate, who they slept with. They wanted to know every single thing.

And George always was able to maintain this distance from it. His reality was not in how much money that he made or famous he was. His reality was that he was communicating with his music and that of his friends and his -- and his compadres.

And it was not that important to him to be a Beatle. I think his internal process of what was happening to him was -- was played out as we all get this deck of cards to play in our lives. And George's deck was in terms of whether he was more famous or richer than anybody else, it never came into -- as far as I can see -- it never came into his being.

BROWN: Did -- did all the other guys, the people who weren't Beatles but who were making music at the time, were they going "Boy, I'd like some of that. That looks like fun?" NASH: It -- it wasn't so much as that. When, you know, I've known them in my own way since -- let me see -- 1959 or 1960. And we were playing the talent show together in Manchester. It was kind of like the Ted Mack Amateur Hour where a promotor gets a bunch of local talent and when you win you go on to the next city. And they were doing a Buddy Holly song, strangely enough, called "Think It Over."

That was the very first time that I ever saw them. They weren't even the Beatles then. But it was very obvious that they had something together where people would say, my God, you know?

I mean, I used to work at a nightclub that they came and played once. And they walked through the door -- all four of them -- and I swear to God every girl wet her knickers. And they hadn't even played a note. There was something about them that was undeniable.

BROWN: Graham Nash, it's delightful to talk to you. You did well following Lou Harrison, by the way. That wasn't an easy thing to do. Thanks for joining us.

NASH: No, it's not. Very much my pleasure, Aaron. Thank you very much.

BROWN: Thank you. Graham Nash in Encino, California. We'll be right back. We'll take you to break with George Harrison and the Traveling Wilburys. Be right back.

Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Lenna   Дата: 04.12.01 18:46:47   
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George Harrison's Sister Has Special Message For Fans
(12/4/01, 7 a.m. ET) -- As the sad news of George Harrison's death on Thursday (November 29) spread ever wider, Beatles fans all over the world felt a collective loss. Harrison's sister Lou Harrison told LAUNCH that she's touched by the continuous outpouring of love and affection at the loss of her brother. She said fans of George shouldn't be sad that he's gone, because his legacy will live on forever.
"Anybody that you love, you never actually lose them because they stay with you in your heart," she said. "You know, George will always live on because you can always go and play their music, listen to the voices, and in his case listen to the really tremendous beauty he brought out in the guitar when he touched those strings--so expressive and beautiful--and you'll also be able to watch the movies and see him doing goofy things with the other guys. You know, they'll always be young in the hearts of everybody, too."

-- Sue Falco, New York

Dave Davies o GH
Автор: Mr. Zero   Дата: 04.12.01 18:58:42   
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I am shocked and terribly saddened. I had a feeling that he would be around for a while longer. Man, What a sad, sad day!

God Bless You George. I rejoice in your transition, in your great works and music and send you Light and Love.

Be at Peace . Go with God!

with respect and Love
Dave Davies - 11/30, 12:18 pm

[Дэйв исповедует примерно ту же религию, что и Джордж - вот откуда упоминание ...rejoice in your transition...]
Jack Bruce o GH
Автор: Mr. Zero   Дата: 04.12.01 19:31:32   
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30 November 2001

I am really shocked and saddened to hear of the death of George Harrison. Along with the all of his contemporaries as well as millions throughout the world I mourn the passing of a musician whose sensitivity and spirituality touched all of us. Apart from his work with the Beatles and his important solo recordings George was one of the first in the sixties to bring the influence of Indian culture to the attention of the world thus changing the direction of western music for all time. He was also almost single handedly responsible for the resurgence of the British film industry in recent times through his Hand Made Films production company. Without his input it is unlikely that films such as The Life of Brian, Brazil, Withnail and I, Mona Lisa, A Private Function and many others would ever have been made.

I first had the privilege of working with him on the Cream Goodbye sessions and his wonderful rhythm guitar work on Badge prompted me to ask him to play on Never tell Your Mother She's Out of Tune on my first solo album, Songs For a Tailor. This he did superbly using the name L'Angelo Misterioso for contractual reasons. He took the session so seriously that he arrived at the studio an hour before anyone else in order to be prepared for the live recording!

I always felt a special empathy with him, the "Quiet Beatle" as I guess I was also the "Quiet Cream!"

Farewell George. I will miss you.

Jack Bruce

Eric Clapton declined to comment on Harrison death.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 04.12.01 20:33:43   
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А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 05.12.01 11:27:35   
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Nashville, TN (11/30/01) -- Sax legend Jim Horn is unique as one of history's most recorded musicians and as the only sax musician to have performed or recorded with all four Beatles. Horn has prepared the following statement from his office/studio in Nashville. As his performances and recordings with George Harrsion go, Horn is best known for: The Concert For Bangladesh record and concert, the Dark Horse tour, the records All Things Must Pass, Material World, Cloud Nine and The Traveling Wilburys Volumes 1 and 2. Horn and Jim Keltner were dubbed the Sideburys. Horn's blistering sax solo on "Got My Mind Set On You," stands out on Harrison's 1987 hit.

"While I'm certainly grieved, I fondly remember him as being kind and mystical. He was kind to his friends and fellow musicians. George made you feel at home, in is home, and I'd see him at breakfast, discuss the day's news, have tea in the garden and go up to his studio whenever we felt like working.

"He once had me sit on the toilet and play my soprano sax, and they miked it at the end of the hall for a distant sound and I thought they were kidding--we all had a good laugh on that one. I remember him describing my multi-sax part as being stung by saxophones. He stopped me in the middle of a sax solo and brought my 3:00 tea -again I thought he was kidding.

"I always felt at peace with him. To have peace with myself and make no task too hard to accomplish. On the Dark Horse tour in particular, I really learned to be more humble from George and the Indian musicians.

"He played guitar on my Warner Bros. solo record "Take Away The Sadness" and he was always there with encouragement whenever I needed him."

А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 05.12.01 11:28:22   
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"I believe that George Harrison has left an indelible mark in this life that will be left and heard as long as people inhabit this place and listen to music. George is gone but when we hear his recorded contributions to what we value so dearly, he is here. God rest your soul, brother George, I'll see you in Heaven."

Mark Farner
November 30, 2001

Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Slavik   Дата: 05.12.01 12:36:09   
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from: AP

Subject: Pete Best, Others Honor Harrison

CHICAGO (AP) — In the 60s, Denny Laine and his Moody Blues band opened for the Beatles. On Saturday he was onstage again, this time with former Beatles drummer Pete Best paying tribute to George Harrison.

Two days after hearing Harrison, 58, had died of cancer, Laine, Best, Spencer Davis, and more than a dozen other musicians remembered the ``quiet Beatle'' at the House of Blues.

``It was an uncanny feeling,'' said Laine, who also played in Paul McCartney's post-Beatles group, Wings. ``George was a very close friend. It's comforting to play like this.''

As many as 16 musicians -- including the members of American English, a costumed Beatles cover band -- packed the stage to play a range of Beatles songs, from ``Norwegian Wood'' to ``Let it Be''.

A crowd of several hundred, often recognizing the music after a single guitar riff, applauded wildly, flickering their lighters, and pumping their fists.

``It's kind of eerie,'' said Ruth Membiela, 31. ``But it's very good to be here.''

The segues between songs were often somber.

``George was a very special person,'' Laine said. ``I know you all loved him. I loved him. God bless you George.''

At one point, Davis reminded the crowd that John Lennon, shot by a deranged fan in 1980, had also died young.

``This is something for John and George,'' Davis said before launching into a rendition of ``Got to Get You Into My Life''.

Best, who embarked on his own solo career, was silent through most of the show. His most animated display came late in the concert when a chant of ``Best, Best, Best'' moved the drummer to stand and bow.
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 05.12.01 15:14:22   
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At the Bruce Springsteen holiday show in Asbury Park, NJ last night (12/3) and Bruce opened the show with "Something," then did "My Sweet Lord." (Both were done with the Max Weinberg 7, Soosie Tyrell on violin and Patti Scialfa and Lisa Lowell singing backup.) After the second song, Bruce said "God Bless George... we'll miss you." Later in the show, Bobby Bandiera (longtime Jersey shore musician and a member of Southside Johnny's band) did "Here Comes the Sun."
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 05.12.01 15:24:44   
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I am deeply saddened to hear the news of George Harrison's passing. I have always had tremendous respect for George, for his amazing talent and for the person he was.
Early in my career, I had the good fortune to work with him on his first solo project 'All Things Must Pass'. This experience was very inspirational to me as a young musician and songwriter. I am grateful to him for allowing me to be a part of that legendary moment in time.

George was gracious and kind. He was deeply spiritual and I valued his faith, his creativity, and his dedication to the things that he loved and believed in.

In my life, he was truly one of the most beautiful people that I have known. My heart goes out to his family and to all those who were close to him. He has left a giant imprint on the world and will be greatly missed by all of us.

≈ Alan White
Brighton, England
November 30, 2001
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 05.12.01 15:28:27   
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"George was, always will be, above all, a real gentle man, in the full meaning of the word...let's hope he's jamming with John ."
Keith Richards
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 05.12.01 15:29:07   
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"He was the first musician I knew who developed a truly spiritual side, and he was generous with his time to both charity and to friends."
Mick Jagger
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 05.12.01 15:30:18   
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Pete Townshend

Goodbye sweet man. ATMP.
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 05.12.01 15:31:34   
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``George Harrison was one of the world's few good men, one of the better people I ever met. I will and the world will miss him. He was truly loved.'' - ``Godfather of Soul'' James Brown.
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 05.12.01 15:33:15   
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``As he said himself, how do you compare with the genius of John and Paul? But he did, very well.'' - Bob Geldof

``I am horribly saddened by the death of George Harrison. While we were not personal friends, I think that just like everybody in the world, I have always considered all the Beatles to be my friends. Their arrival in America in 1964 was electrifying, one of the most exciting things that ever happened in my life, and their music has always and will always mean so much to me.'' - Brian Wilson
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Бродячий Кот   Дата: 05.12.01 15:42:44   
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А не нужно ничего говрить! Кому это интересно?! Все будут говорить только одно. Мне глубоко плевать, что скажет эта мадонна и все остальные...Это ведь не главное! Главное, что человека уже нет.
Будут ли Пол и Ринго совместно петь песни Джорджа? А кто их знает!

Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 05.12.01 15:55:58   
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Noel Gallagher:
It's very, very sad. I hope he's found what he spent his life searching for.

Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Slavik   Дата: 05.12.01 23:58:07   
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В Манчестере, Нью Хэмпшир 30.11.01 Элтон Джон завершил свой концерт , посвятив погибшему в пятницу от рака Джорджу Харрисону песню Your Song. «Где бы ты ни был сейчас, Джордж, будь счастлив. Бог благословит тебя», - сказал музыкант. Источник: Netcity
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 06.12.01 11:59:25   
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Разделяем всеобщую печаль.
Джордж Харрисон был для меня человеком, первым показавшим мне путь к Свету, и всем, что я сделал, я в первую очередь обязан ему.
Сам Джордж был безусловно уверен, что расставание с "этим физическим телом" - вещь временная, и он переходит в иное состояние. По словам Джорджа Мартина, до самого конца он шутил и излучал любовь.
Мир ему. Его песни - а значит его душа - навсегда с нами. Думайте о нем с радостью!

(БГ, 30 ноября)

Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Lenna   Дата: 06.12.01 13:32:51   
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George Harrison and film

Michael Palin
Sunday December 2, 2001
The Observer

Michael Palin was a writer and actor in BBC's cult comedy Monty Python's Flying Circus. The Pythons' third movie, Life of Brian (1979), was saved by George and launched his move into film production
Back in 1978, EMI had picked up Life of Brian and we had a deal organised. We had our shooting schedules and carpenters had even been sent out to Tunisia. The sets were being built. Then someone at EMI looked at the project at the last minute and said: 'We can't do that.'

It was going to be a big problem getting another company interested at that late stage. Eric Idle had formed quite a close friendship with George, because he was a fan of our TV shows and he had appeared in The Rutles. So Eric said: 'We're in a pickle, can you help?' He went straight to his manager and they came up with a deal. I've heard it said George mortgaged his house to get the money, but that may be apocryphal. At any rate, he must have raised money against his royalties, because it was hard for anyone to come up with £6 million, just like that.

At the time George said he just wanted to see the film, which must make it the highest price paid for a cinema ticket ever. He saved that movie, anyway. It is quite odd that as George faded away last month it has just been named as one of the best films of all time in last weekend's Channel 4 list.

People tend to forget how much protest there was about Brian, but George loved its subversive quality. He and the Beatles had been through this kind of controversy before when Lennon said they were as famous as Jesus. He rather relished it, I think. He was wicked and he had a dry Liverpudlian wit, the kind that quickly pins down what is absurd about something. Amazingly, he kept that even though he had had to get used to living like a member of the royal family, or like a god. After John was shot he didn't go out so much. There was some fear after that, I think, and he had never really enjoyed the star thing - the price he had to pay for fame.

He is actually in Brian, wearing a false beard. It is the moment when Brian's mother turns round from talking to the crowds out of her window and finds the room full of people wanting her son. It was a very discreet performance.

Having created Handmade Films, he went on with it. After Brian, he saved The Long Good Friday - they couldn't find anybody to distribute it. He was never very hands-on as a producer. He visited the set, but didn't like people bowing down or saying thank you.

His love of comedy got him involved, but after that I think he enjoyed the risk. When Terry Gilliam came to him with a plan for the Time Bandits, he just said 'Oh yeah, Terry, That's fine. Horses going through walls, I love what you do.' George helped me with The Missionary too and then he funded Private Function, the only film Alan Bennett has ever done, though he was always rather embarrassed to admit he only got to about page three in the script.

When you look at that Handmade slate, they are really very good films. There was Withnail too. Only with the last few did things begin to slide. Once there were fewer people he knew involved, he got less interested and just did it because he was told there were tax advantages.

He kept up with all of the Pythons and we got over the hero worship, but I never really got over the shock of the fact that a Beatle was a fan of my work. We visited him in Switzerland in August when he was ill. It was difficult to know what to do when someone is having treatment like that, but I think when they are just seeing doctors, they often want to see mates and talk about other things. And he did talk. I always find the idea that he was the quiet Beatle quite funny. He never lost that spark and I will miss him very badly.

Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Mux. Бирюков (nECKAPb)   Дата: 06.12.01 17:27:11   
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А можно вопрос - почему во всех здешних новостях и рассылках слова Пита Тауншенда: "Goodbye sweet man" переводятся как "Прощай, великий человек"? Совершенно другой тон высказывания получается, пафосный :(
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Высказались ещё не все...
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 12.12.01 20:07:30   
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CINCINNATI 11.12.02(AP) - Peter Frampton paid homage to the late George Harrison at
a concert he organized to raise money for the Sept. 11 relief fund.

During an encore Sunday night, the British guitarist played an emotional
version of ``While My Guitar Gently Weeps'' as a tribute to Harrison
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