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Paul McCartney 2002 tour

Тема: Пол Маккартни - тур '2002 (Driving USA / Back In U.S. / Driving Mexico / Driving Japan)

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Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 08.02.02 15:54:58
Paul McCartney 2002 tour schedule

(rumored) April 6: MGM Grand, Las Vegas.
(rumored) April 26-27: Madison Square Garden, New York City
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Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 12.02.02 15:44:46   
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Sydney's Daily Telegraph reports that Sir Paul has hopes to perform in Australia later this year. In fact, the original plan was to launch the tour in Australia just has he did back in 1993 with his New World Tour. However, Sir Paul had to change his plans because of rehearsal delays. A spokesman said on Wednesday, "He loves Australia and was looking to get there sooner rather than later. Now it looks like it will be later, which is better than never."
Я тащусь!  
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 13.02.02 13:40:11   
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YES-YES-YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paul has officially announced a US tour that starts in early April in California and will end in New York. The tour called "Drivin' USA"
includes one stop in Canada with a total of 14 concerts. Paul will play Europe (five countries) including the UK in May. US dates will be announced this week. Paul will be touring with his new band.

"Driving Rain US/Canada Tour" DATES UNCONFIRMED

Ticket Prices are $95- $185

April 10th, Los Angeles, CA, Staples Center
April 12th, Oakland, CA, Oakland Arena
April 15th, Seattle, WA, Key Arena
April 17th, Denver, CO, Pepsi Center
April 19th, Dallas, TX, American Airlines Center
April 22nd, Chicago, IL, United Center
April 24th, Auburn Hills, MI, The Palace
April 26th, Toronto, ON, Air Canada Centre
April 29th, Atlanta, Ga, Phillips Arena
May 1st, Washington, D.C. MCI Center
May 3rd, Philadelphia, PA, First Union Center
May 6th & 8th, New York, NY. Madison Square Garden
May 10th, Boston, MA Fleet Center

Due to previous commitments for his own new album and tour, "Driving Rain" keyboardist, Gabe Dixon may be replaced by Paul "Wix" Wickens for the "Driving Rain" USA Tour. Australia and other countries may be
added for the third leg of the "Driving Rain" tour possibly in September with rumors of another US leg to be added.

Two rehearsal concerts may be performed in Liverpool at the end of March to kick-off the "Driving Rain" world tour.
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 13.02.02 13:54:56   
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А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 13.02.02 15:51:47   
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Слава Богу, Тур маленький(пока) - легко можно будет собрать !
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Ясный Перец   Дата: 13.02.02 17:13:08   
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Лемон, я помню ты писал, что любишь концертные записи. Объясни за что?
Вот например пепелисты (фанаты Deep Purple) любят концертные записи за то, что Ричи Блэкмор(когда у него есть настроение) может играть концерты через день с разными соляками. Да и Джон Лорд парень не промах. А у Маккартни? В принципе без импровизаций и все вещи примерно похожи. Или я всё-таки ошибаюсь? Попробуй меня в свою веру заманить, а?
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 13.02.02 18:51:05   
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Я в принципе, лишь недавно заинтересовался этой проблемой.
Вещи похожи, но концерты разные и иногда Пол меняет программу :
29 July 1990 Chicago – Lennon Medley, 20 Flight Rock, The Hustle (шутка перед Hey Jude)
вместо If I Were Not Upon The Stage
27 November 1989 LA – Ebony & Ivory вместе с Stevie Wonder
16 April 1993 LA – Mother Nature`s Son, Blackbird
4 July 1990 Washington – Happy Birthday America
Южно-Американский тур 1993 – в конце Off The Ground, Пол переходит на Iko Iko
На турне 1979 – Baby Face, Maggie Mae, When The Saints Go Matching In
и т.д.

Но главное атмосфера концерта. Например, на туре 1993 года Пол перед исполнением Michelle обычно говорит : "Давайте попутешествуем ! В Париж !"
А у же во Франции следующее : "Мы много путешествовали по миру, были в Австралии,
в Америке и других странах и каждый вечер я говорил всем, что скоро мы поедем в Париж!
(крики в зале) Но сейчас нам некуда ехать, мы здесь !"(бешеные крики в зале), после чего играет Michelle и весь зал хором поет каждое слово. Фантастика ! Хоть я эту песню не люблю, но это исполнение меня просто потрясло.

Я обычно слушаю в хронологическом порядке по турам разбитым на legs (First Europa Leg, Second North America Leg), по концерту в неделю и ненадоедает.
На этой неделе Oslo, на следующей Gothenburg.

Можно дома еще карту мира повесить (правда лучше по странам, иначе все не поместится) и флажками помечать города.

Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 14.02.02 00:17:51   
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Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Ясный Перец   Дата: 14.02.02 09:28:26   
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С английским у меня не лады. Поэтому я не могу по достоинству оценить вступительные речи Маккартни. А исходя из музыкальных пристрастий я бы с удовольствием послушал концертные записи 79 года. Ибо этот тур официально в грамзаписи представлен кусочком на Кампучии. Ну и есть ещё у меня одна пластинка из двойника этого концерта, правда пиратская и качество сам понимаешь какое. Что реально ты мог бы порекомендовать к прослушиванию из этого тура? Ну и что из этого вообще доступно?
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Gosha   Дата: 14.02.02 12:14:59   
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Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Gosha   Дата: 14.02.02 12:23:34   
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Ссылка может быть актуальной для живущих на Дальнем Востоке - все-таки Штаты ( Калифорния и Сиэтл) поближе для нас, чем Европа. Однако получить визу в последнее время очень непросто, да и времени осталось немного. Заметьте, что дата и место концерта не совпадают с опубликованным списком.
Будут какие-либо предложения?
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Gosha   Дата: 14.02.02 12:27:37   
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На цену особо не смотрите - через пару недель она опустится до сотни, я уверен. Так случилось с билетами на Джоела и Э.Джона, тоже продающимися на сайте.
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Elena   Дата: 14.02.02 18:35:06   
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Пол приедет в Россию?
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Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 14.02.02 23:04:05   
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To Ясный Перец : из тура 1979 года выпущено достаточно много концертов, но все они в большинстве не очень хорошего качества.
Я рекомендовал бы вот этот для начала:
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Ясный Перец   Дата: 15.02.02 09:25:51   
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Спасибо,Лемон. Попробую поискать.
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Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 18.02.02 00:38:05   
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PAUL McCARTNEY has been offered a reported $4 million for just one show in the US.

The former Beatle has been offered the staggering fee to appear at the Las Vegas MGM Grand Hotel, according to this morning's Sunday Times newspaper (February 17).

It is thought that the city is looking to find a high profile event to replace the Mike Tyson / Lennox Lewis boxing match that was due to take place in April, but was refused a licence earlier in the month.

A spokesperson for the hotel would not confirm the offer, but did reveal that talks were in place. He said: "McCartney would be a great event for us. We have not signed him yet but talks are continuing and we hope to make an announcement soon."

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Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 18.02.02 16:55:28   
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Маккартни заменит Тайсона

Cэру Полу Маккартни предложили 4 миллиона долларов за один концерт в Лас-Вегасе.
По крайней мере, так сообщает британская "Санди таймс". Согласно газете, предложение поступило от владельцев концертной площадки MGM Grand. Если бывший битл ответит согласием, он станет самым высокооплачиваемым музыкантом всех времен и народов.

Выступление Маккартни должно заменить бой на звание абсолютного чемпиона мира по боксу между Ленноксом Льюисом и Майком Тайсоном. Этот поединок должен был состояться 6 апреля, но власти штата Невада отказались выдать Тайсону боксерскую лицензию. На их решение повлияла потасовка, которую тот устроил на пресс-конференции в Нью-Йорке.

Бой между Ленноксом и Тайсоном имел огромное значение для владельцев отелей и казино Лас-Вегаса. Они надеялись, что он принесет игорной столице Америки сотни миллионов долларов и тем самым остановит упадок, вызванный событиями 11 сентября.

Директор программ MGM Grand Скотт Гертнер сказал "Санди таймс", что "Маккартни стал бы для нас огромным событием. Контракт еще не подписан, но переговоры вошли в завершающую стадию, и вскоре мы надеемся сделать официальное заявление".

MGM Grand рассчитана на 15 тысяч мест. Ожидается, что цена билета на концерт Маккартни превысит тысячу долларов.

В разное время на этой площадке выступали Сэр Элтон Джон, "Роллинг стоунз", Барбра Стрейзанд, Билли Джоэл и Бетт Мидлер.

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Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 20.02.02 20:12:25   
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McCartney to concentrate on US dates at the expense of Europe

Paul McCartney has put plans to play a string of concerts in Europe on hold.

Instead he is extending his American tour.

It had been expected McCartney would play 15 gigs in at least five European
countries in May.

But he is now planning to add extra dates to the 18 shows he has already
lined up in the US in April.

An EMI spokesman told The Sun: "It was hoped a European tour would take
place immediately after the US but no dates in America or Europe were set in

"It's likely that the tour will now span a long time in the US in the
spring, and we're looking at other dates in Europe."
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Slavik   Дата: 20.02.02 21:09:56   
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from: NME


PAUL McCARTNEY has denied reports that he is to bin live dates in Europe in a bid to make more cash playing in the US.

A report in The Sun newspaper this morning (February 20) claimed the former Beatle had scratched plans for European shows in early summer because he had calculated that he could generate much more revenue in America. He is due to kick off in the US in April, and had been set to play a number of live dates on this side of the Atlantic a few weeks later.

In a brief statement to NME.COM, McCartney insisted his European plans were still on and hinted that he planned to stay on the road for some time yet.

"We are looking at European dates now," he said. "And it's not like this is my last tour."

A spokesperson said that he had been a little premature in announcing plans for European shows before they were finalised and insisted: "We are looking at a longer tour in America and dates in Europe. We're trying to put together two large tours."
McCartney insists European tour is still on the cards
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.02.02 18:02:59   
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Paul McCartney has denied reports he has scrapped plans to tour Europe.

The former Beatle insists he is still looking to play European dates.

McCartney's US tour is due to kick off in April.

A tabloid report claimed the former Beatle had dropped plans for European shows in early summer because he could make more from extending his American tour.

McCartney told NME.COM: "We are looking at European dates now. And it's not like this is my last tour."

A spokesperson added: "We are looking at a longer tour in America and dates in Europe. We're trying to put together two large tours."
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Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 23.02.02 01:37:39   
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Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 27.02.02 01:48:41   
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McCartney Heads Jubilee, Sets Tour Kick-Off

Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, Brian Wilson, and Phil Collins are among the artists confirmed for a June 3 concert to mark the Queen of England's Golden Jubilee. The event, which also comprises a classical music concert on June 1, will be the first public concerts to be held in the Buckingham Palace gardens. Beatles producer Sir George Martin will serve as the event's creative director.

Other confirmed acts include Aretha Franklin, Tom Jones, Atomic Kitten, S Club 7, and Will Young, the recent winner of the TV talent series "Pop Idol." His debut single for RCA, "Evergreen"/"Anything Is Possible," is tipped for massive first-week sales following its U.K. release yesterday (Feb. 25).

A telephone lottery will distribute 12,000 tickets for each show, with £1 ($1.43) from each call going to the Queen's designated charities. Each show will be broadcast live in five-hour programs on BBC television and radio.

In other news, McCartney's Drivin' USA tour will begin April 1 at the Oakland (Calif.) Coliseum, and will comprise 27 shows, including multiple dates in some markets, Billboard Bulletin has learned. Dallas, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C., are on the schedule for the trek, for which a full routing and on-sale dates will be announced soon.

Paul Sexton, London; Ray Waddell, Nashville
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Gosha   Дата: 01.03.02 18:31:44   
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McCartneys DRIVING USA Tour Dates Set
Paul Adds More Stops to Make Tour a Trip;

Kick-off Set for April 1st At the Oakland Arena

Paul McCartney today announced dates for DRIVING USA, a
two-month concert tour of America and his first in almost 10
years. Due to an overwhelming response from fans, promoters
and venue representatives, McCartney is extending Driving
USA, which was originally slated for 12 performances before
a series of European dates in May, to 20 performances in 19
North American cities. Further international dates are
currently being considered.

DRIVING USA will open on April 1st at the Oakland Arena in
Oakland, California, and will run through to May 18th at the
National Car Rental Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
DRIVING USA will also motor through New York, Los Angeles,
Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia, Washington, Cleveland,
Detroit, Denver, Dallas and other stops. The tour will
include a performance north of the border at the Air Canada
Center in Toronto and a two-night stand at the MGM Grand in
Las Vegas. Tickets for the DRIVING USA will go on-sale
beginning on March 4th, with additional on-sale dates set
for the weekend of March 9th (see list below).

A spokesman for the tours USA promoters said today,
"There has been such overwhelming excitement from all over
the States to see Paul play we felt it was fairer to the
fans to ask him to extend the DRIVING USA schedule. Now much
more of America will get the chance to see what is set to be
of the rock & roll events of all time."

"Im chuffed to be asked to stay longer on the road," said
Paul. "Hopefully this will make the tour more of a trip."

Joining Paul on stage will be guitarist Rusty Anderson and
drummer Abe Laboriel, Jr. - who were featured on the
recording of McCartneys recent album Driving Rain. Wix
newcomer Brian Ray will play guitar and bass when necessary.
While details surrounding the song selection are still under
wraps, McCartney is expected to perform songs from his
recently released album entitled, "Driving Rain," as well as
music from The Beatles, Wings and his solo career.


April 1 Oakland The Oakland Arena OnSale 3/10
April 3 San Jose The San Jose Arena OnSale 3/10
April 5,6 Las Vegas MGM Grand OnSale 3/4
April 10 Chicago The United Center OnSale 3/9
April 13 Toronto Air Canada Center OnSale 3/9
April 16 Phili First Union Center OnSale 3/9
April 17 Rutherford Continental Arena OnSale 3/11
April 19 Boston Fleet Center OnSale 3/9
April 23 Washington MCI Center OnSale 3/9
April 26 NY Madison Square Garden OnSale 3/11
April 29 Cleveland Gund Arena OnSale 3/16
May 1 Detroit Palace at Auburn Hills OnSale 3/11
May 4 Los Angeles The Staples Center OnSale 3/24
May 5 Anaheim The Pond OnSale 3/23
May 7 Denver Pepsi Arena OnSale 3/23
May 9 Dallas Reunion Arena OnSale 3/16
May 12 Atlanta Phillips Arena OnSale 3/23
May 15 Tampa Ice Palace OnSale 3/16
May 18 Ft. Lauderdale National Center OnSale 3/23

Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Slavik   Дата: 05.03.02 21:06:43   
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Пол Маккартни дал себя уговорить на два концерта в Лас-Вегасе
Пол Маккартни сделает 2-хдневную остановку в Лас-Вегасе во время своего "Driving USA Tour". По заявлению представителя MGM Grand Hotel & Casino Скотта Гертнера, британский музыкант согласился выступить в зале Grand Garden Arena 5 и 6 апреля. Эти шоу заменят сорвавшийся боксерский поединок Майка Тайсона и Леннокса Льюиса, чей матч планировался на 6 апреля. Билеты на концерт Маккартни поступят в продажу 4 марта и будут стоить $125, $250 и $350. Зал вмещает около 12 тысяч зрителей. Официальный представитель бывшего басиста Beatles заявил, что его подопечный всего даст в США 20 шоу, начиная с 1 апреля (Окленд, штат Калифорния) и заканчивая 18 мая (Форт-Лодердейл, штат Флорида).
05.03.02 00:00
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 06.03.02 12:33:44   
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Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 09.03.02 11:59:10   
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The wait is over, The tour is on and tickets are now on sale.

DRIVING USA - Paul's first tour in almost 10 years - starts up in Oakland
California, on April 1st and motors on until the final stop in Fort
Lauderdale, Florida , on May 18th.

Tickets for the gigs in Chicago, Toronto, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington
go on sale on Saturday March 9th

The tour will also drive into San Jose, Rutherford, New York, Cleveland,
Detroit, Los Angeles, Denver, Dallas, Atlanta and Tampa

Tickets for the two much-mentioned Las Vegas shows went on sale on March 4th
and the inside word there is that there's not a lot left; so don't gamble on
waiting to buy there.

if you want information on any of the 20 shows on the tour - or details of
how to buy tickets - visit our new DRIVING USA microsite, open from today at

We will be adding all the news bits to the site over the coming weeks as
the countdown ticks to the opening night of the tour that's becoming a


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Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 11.03.02 14:18:58   
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Tickets apparently went very fast for the shows that went on sale Sunday. Tickets for San Jose appeared to be sold out when we looked online about 30 min. after the show went on sale. And Reuters reports that shows that went on sale Saturday sold out within 30 minutes.
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Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 13.03.02 13:04:37   
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Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 14.03.02 18:31:27   
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Собирается ли кто-либо из обитателей форума посетить концерты Пола в Штатах???
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: sergeya   Дата: 15.03.02 21:04:16   
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LL! Получил инфо. от своих друзей оттуда, что билеты на любой концерт Пола неофициально стоят от 150 до 4500 USD, т.к. официальные все проданы. Выбирай любой из дней, предел по цене и вперед! Обязательно поеду, но не выбрал в какой город. Может кто посоветует, где лучше всего? Sergeya
P.S. Кто-нибудь собирается еще?
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: sergeya   Дата: 15.03.02 21:31:27   
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Пардон, от 150 до 450 USD. Sergeya
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 22.03.02 01:08:09   
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Добавлен концерт в Далласе 10 мая.
Теперь список выглядит так :

April 1 Oakland -- The Oakland Arena -- on sale 3/10

April 3 San Jose -- The San Jose Arena -- on sale 3/10

April 5,6 Las Vegas -- MGM Grand -- on sale 3/4

April 10-11 Chicago -- The United Center -- on sale 3/9

April 13 Toronto -- Air Canada Center -- on sale 3/9

April 16 Philadelphia -- First Union Center -- on sale 3/9

April 17 Rutherford -- Continental Arena -- on sale 3/11

April 19 Boston -- Fleet Center -- on sale 3/9

April 21 Uniondale, N.Y. -- Nassau Coliseum -- on sale 3/9

April 23-24 Washington -- MCI Center -- on sale 3/9

April 26-27 New York -- Madison Square Garden -- on sale 3/11

April 29 Cleveland -- Gund Arena -- on sale 3/16

May 1 Detroit -- Palace at Auburn Hills -- on sale 3/11

May 4 Los Angeles -- The Staples Center -- on sale 3/24

May 5 Anaheim -- The Pond -- on sale 3/23

May 7 Denver -- Pepsi Arena -- on sale 3/23

May 9 Dallas -- Reunion Arena -- on sale 3/16

May 10 Dallas -- Reunion Arena -- on sale 3/23

May 12 Atlanta -- Phillips Arena -- on sale 3/23

May 15 Tampa -- Ice Palace -- on sale 3/16

May 18 Ft. Lauderdale -- National Center -- on sale 3/23

June 3 Queen's Jubilee, Buckingham Palace, London, UK

To Sergeya: я пока думаю. Видел твою пленку с концерта памяти Джорджа - Пол меня просто потряс исполнением Yesterday. Есть над чем задуматься.
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.03.02 08:58:04   
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Интересно, а что означают слова "on sale 3/11", "on sale 3/23" и т.д.
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Alex Zakharov   Дата: 22.03.02 09:07:27   
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on sale 3/11 - билеты в продаже с 11 марта
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Piper   Дата: 29.03.02 16:00:14   
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GET BACK: Paul McCartney plans lean and mean U.S. tour (For release
>Sunday, March 31)
>By JAMES SULLIVAN c.2002, San Francisco Chronicle
>CULVER CITY, Calif. ? Paul McCartney stood in the middle of a vast
>soundstage, dwarfed by a huge array of video screens. He and his new
>band were working the kinks out of the former Beatle's first tour in
>almost a decade, which opens April 1 at the Arena in Oakland.
>The warehouse was dimly lit. The soundmen and video choreographers were
>a football field away. A smattering of onlookers sprawled across two
>thrift-store couches on the bare concrete floor.
>McCartney was trying to coordinate a particular moment in which he'll
>raise his famous violin-shaped Hofner bass guitar over his head, timed
>to an accompanying video image above.
>He muttered some instructions into the microphone. His amplified voice
>rattled around the cavernous building. Then he caught himself.
>"I hope somebody's listening to me," he joked. "I just got the feeling I
>was talking to myself."
>More than any pop star of the rock 'n' roll era, McCartney has not
>lacked for an audience. He is, of course, one of the best-selling
>songwriters and recording artists of all time. The Beatles' astounding
>achievements have been well documented, and McCartney's 1970s band,
>Wings, scored seven No. 1 albums. In 1999 he was named the Greatest
>Composer of the Last 1,000 Years in a BBC poll, beating out such
>also-rans as Mozart, Bach and Beethoven.
>Of late this world-famous man has taken a heightened profile. The
>Oscars, the Super Bowl, the Concert for New York City: Even for Paul
>McCartney, that's called exposure.
>"We don't do any shows with an audience less than a billion," teased the
>ever-merry ex-Beatle, muffling the words around a mouthful of noodles
>during a break in rehearsal.
>The night before he'd worn all black to the Oscars, where he performed
>"Vanilla Sky," his title track to the recent Cameron Crowe-Tom Cruise
>movie. Sitting in his comfortable trailer on the studio lot, however,
>he's in casual mode ? a black T-shirt, an unbuttoned dress shirt plucked
>from the laundry pile and a pair of plaid flannel pajama bottoms.
>"Smelly socks!" he yips, peeling them off.
>On the "Driving USA" tour, which will cover 19 cities through May 18,
>the crowds will be in the 12,000-to-18,000 range. Most of the shows sold
>out in 15 or 20 minutes.
>For McCartney, who turns 60 in June, the excitement is nothing new. One
>segment of the tour will feature a retrospective of black-and-white
>Beatles footage on the big screens. With McCartney crooning "All My
>Loving," it's as thrilling as ever.
>The tour will feature songs from all phases of his career ? Beatles
>classics such as "We Can Work It Out" and "Back in the U.S.S.R.," Wings
>hits including "Jet" and "Maybe I'm Amazed" and a few cuts from his new
>album, "Driving Rain."
>"I'm doing some stuff I've never done before," he says. An acoustic
>interlude will be the first time he has ever played guitar onstage
>without accompaniment, he claims.
>"In the early days we used to have John (Lennon) on a crappy little
>organ." He laughs, mimicking the sound of a cheap keyboard. "We sounded
>like a little church group."
>Clearly McCartney is feeling expansive and reflective. Besides
>celebrations of his Beatles and Wings careers, the show includes tender
>tributes to his late wife, Linda, and his late band mate, George
> His last visit with Harrison came in November, two weeks before George
>"We were laughing and joking, just like old times," McCartney says. "The
>only difference, really, was that I was holding his hand."
>He looks off for a moment. "Because he was pretty frail, you know. It
>was very lovely, very emotional, very warm. I came away from the meeting
>thinking, 'Gosh, I held his hand for the first time in my life.' That
>was sort of a plus. I mean, out of this terrible, negative thing came
>something very positive."
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Piper   Дата: 29.03.02 16:01:04   
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The same might be said of his relationship with Heather Mills, the model
>and activist McCartney plans to marry this summer, four years after
>Linda's death. It's obvious that their affection has re-energized him.
>Mills is the muse of several songs on "Driving Rain."
>After recording the album, the couple tooled around Southern California
>in McCartney's rented Corvette. To hear him tell it, they acted like
>kids, giggling excitedly each time they played the CD.
>"It's one of those cool albums to drive to," McCartney says. "It drives
>He's extraordinarily wealthy, and his accomplishments are beyond
>compare. Why go on the road again?
>It just feels right, he says. Every time he makes an album, Capitol
>Records prays that he'll decide to tour.
>"I always say, 'We'll see when the record's done,"' he says. This time,
>the decision was easy: "I like the players. I thought, 'I've got an
>instant band."'
>"Driving Rain" producer David Kahne, a former San Franciscan who worked
>on records with Pearl Harbour, Translator, Romeo Void and many other
>local '80s groups, says he assembled the McCartney band from musicians
>he knew in Los Angeles.
>"Paul met them in the studio and 10 minutes later they were recording,"
>he says. Despite a few trademark intricate arrangements, "Driving Rain"
>sounds like a live band at work, in the moment.
>"That's exactly what I was shooting for," the producer says. "Paul
>wanted to make a more aggressive record, and so did I."
>Of the current group, keyboardist Paul "Wix" Wickens is the only
>McCartney veteran; he toured in 1989 and 1993. Guitarist Rusty Anderson
>was in the band Ednaswap and has played with Elton John, Ricky Martin
>and Sinead O'Connor, among others. He met Kahne working on a Bangles
>At rehearsal, hefty percussionist Abe Laboriel Jr. thumped his drum kit,
>his shaved head tilted way back as he sang improbably lovely harmonies
>into a microphone. Anderson and guitarist Brian Ray added their own
>effusive backup vocals, such a key component in the McCartney songbook.
>In an age of blockbuster performances that require technical wizardry,
>daredevil physicality and more and more recorded music, it seems the
>McCartney tour will have a refreshing back-to-basics feel. At the
>rehearsal, the band was loud, raw and excitable, making even the
>relative trifle "Coming Up" sound like a force.
>"I like that," McCartney says. "If we make a mistake, you'll hear it.
>We'll have to stop."
>He slips into an absurd, too-cool voice for comic effect: "It's on the
>edge, man!"
>With so many hit songs and fan favorites in the storage bin, making up
>the set list has been one of McCartney's few headaches. It's a good
>problem to have.
>"We're leaving out things like 'Penny Lane,"' he says. "Anyone else
>would do that. It's a nice number, a good arrangement."
>One of the new songs, the boisterous album-opener "Lonely Road,"
>features a telling line. "I hear your music and it's driving me wild
>again," McCartney wails.
>Lucky ticketholders will know just what he means.

Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 10.04.02 12:12:43   
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Paul will tour Europe in October !!!!!
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 10.04.02 12:17:15   
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Вот это да!!!  
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: winter rose   Дата: 10.04.02 21:09:16   
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Ну так есть все же надежда! И потом до "Европы" нам ближе!
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: McSeam   Дата: 12.04.02 22:35:51   
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Кто поедет в Европу?
Я уже собрался :)
Интересно, в 2000$ можно уложится, с билетами туда-обратно, билетами на концерт. и два-три дня там? Если это рассчитано на двух человек?

Конечно понятно, что это смотря куда ехать, но все же?
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 13.04.02 18:39:59   
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McSeam - I'm thinking........
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: John Lennon Knows Your Name   Дата: 13.04.02 23:02:13   
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Здорово, насчет Юропа! Интересно, приедет ли он в Италию, если да, то конечно будет в Милане и уж тогда ... И кого-нибудь из вас обязательно увижу!
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Dorin Erly   Дата: 14.04.02 05:15:45   
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Friday April 12 08:11 AM EDT
McCartney makes it all look easy
By Greg Kot
On Wednesday, the 31st anniversary of the Beatles breakup, Paul McCartney held aloft a violin-shaped Hofner bass that made the years melt away.
Trouble has always rolled off McCartney's Teflon shoulders, and he made it all look easy as he cherry-picked songs, many of them classics, from five decades of recording in the first of two sold-out shows at the United Center.
He devoted more than half the concert--20 songs--to the Beatles, and he did not find room on the generous set list for "Silly Love Songs." Sometimes, life spoils us.
Even skeptics had to be grinning themselves silly midway through the second song. McCartney rubbed some vinegar into "Jet," prodded by the ballistic tom-tom volleys of drummer Abe Laboriel Jr., one of four unknowns who backed the best left-handed bassist in rock history. The last time McCartney performed in concert with a band this good, he was playing the rooftop of Abbey Road studios with three pals from Liverpool.
Full story at Chicago Tribune,1419,M-Metromix-Home-X!ArticleDetail-16165,00.html

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Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 22.04.02 20:15:54   
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А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 03.05.02 02:27:31   
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The Driving USA Video/DVD's Carla Hay is reporting today that Sir Paul is working on a documentary of his Driving USA tour. Before his Madison Square Garden show of Friday, Sir Paul met with some reporters and talked about the project:
"It will be a documentary. We're starting to think about what we might do for it. This tour is going so well, we thought it might be nice to capture it all."
Will be be taking the tour to Cuba?
"Those are just rumors. I don't care how good Fidel Castro thinks he is on the guitar, he's not joining our group (laughs). All we've got planned is this American tour, but what's happening is that we're enjoying it so much that we think it would be a pity to shelve it. We're starting to think of doing [another tour ]toward the end the year, but we don't know where yet."
What about the high price of the tickets for his shows?
"This is what I do for a living. If I earn money on this tour, a lot of it will go to charity. As far as the high prices of the tickets, they're not high compared to what everyone else charges. I say to the promoters, 'What do U2 or the Rolling Stones charge?' I figure I'm somewhere in that ballpark. Tickets [for this tour ]start at $50, which isn't that high. Actually, the Stones are going to charge more than us [for their 2002 tour ], so there's your story."
How does Sir Paul keep his live show fresh?
"Whenever I go out on tour, it's exciting to stick in a few things I haven't done before, because there's a bit of a nervous edge to it. On this tour, I'm doing the acoustic thing, which I haven't done before. It's great to do it. I've gotten over those nerves [from the first show of the tour ], and I'm quite at home with it. You have to do something a bit different each time you go out [on tour] or else you get bored, and that shows with the audience."
Which song is receiving the most audience reaction?
"The one I think that they're reacting to the most is a little-known song I wrote after John [Lennon ]died: 'Here Today.' It's in my poetry book, 'Blackbird Singing,' and I've been reading it at poetry readings, so it worked as just the words. Then I decided to reinstate the song and try it in this acoustic set. A lot of the audience don't know the song -- they're hearing it for the first time -- and I've rediscovered the song. It's quite poignant. I tell them it's for John and it gets quite emotional, in a good way. It's reaffirmation of how much we loved him and still do."
Sir Paul also explained the meaning of his song Blackbird:
"When you do a show, there are certain songs you find yourself talking about. You could talk about all of the songs, but when you find a story that means something you tend to keep it in. I remember the genesis of the song. In England, we call girls 'birds' and Blackbird means black woman. The song is about the [civil rights ]struggles going on in the '60s. A lot of us with any morals around the world were very sensitive to and supportive of the people going through the struggles. So I wrote the song with that in mind."
Why does he deliberately flub the lyrics of You Never Give Me Your Money during the show?
"I just goofed around, and a lot of people started to laugh. So I did it the next time and the next time, and the next time, and it stayed in the show. I actually do know the lyrics now (laughs), but I don't really like the lyrics, to tell you the truth. We did have some disputes over it, but we just decided, 'Sod it. We'll just have a laugh at that point.' This is very much a live show. We're not [lip-synching ]and if we want to goof around, we'll goof around."
Sir Paul then talked about his last appearance at Madison Square Garden, his October 20, 2001 Concert for New York City:
"That concert was very influential in deciding to do the tour. When Sept. 11 happened, I was in New York, so I experienced Sept. 11 with the American people. [Before Sept. 11 ], I was supposed to go to Russia, where I had another concert planned to see if I was going to like touring again, but it didn't seem appropriate to do the concert there. So we thought the concert should be for New York and the U.S. That became the concert to see if I still liked playing for an audience. It was a very special concert and a very emotional evening, with the firefighters and rescue workers being there. I did say afterward that I'd like to get back on tour. That was the concert that got me back on the road."
Does he feel safe after the events of September 11?
"I feel as safe as I've ever felt. You can walk down any street anywhere and you can be at risk. We're all at risk, but I'm enjoying life and I feel pretty safe."
Sir Paul also spoke of finding happiness again after losing Linda:
"I'm happy and I'm very lucky. With Linda passing, we had some terrible times... the whole horror of her getting cancer and us losing the battle. So to come out of that long, dark tunnel makes you happier. I've got a new band, which I really like playing with. I've realized how much I really like playing live music. I'm due to be married to a very lovely girl [Heather Mills ]. So the combination of all those things has really made me happy. I'm at a better point in my life than I've been in a while. I just consider myself to be very lucky to be playing, particularly at this time in American history. It's a very interesting time to do an upbeat, healing show. There's a great feeling in the audience, which is really special and which I haven't experienced before."
Which of his albums would he like to see turned into a musical?
"Band on the Run. The only reason why I say that is someone said to me that would make a good musical. I'm really stupid and just take other people's answers. I think making Band on the Run a musical is a good idea."
When will Sir Paul retire?
"As far as retirement is concerned, I'd never consider it, although I'm getting up toward retirement age. I think someone falsified my birth certificate because I can't feel it. I don't want to retire. I love what I do. I always said if people don't come to the shows, I'll do this as a hobby. I have a vision of me at age 90, being wheeled on stage very slowly, doing Yesterday. At the moment, it's not like that. It's the opposite of that. We're loving it, the audiences are loving it, so while that's happening, I'm keeping on rocking."
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 04.05.02 11:11:19   
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Madison Square Garden sound check
1) "A Song To Us - or the Cabaret Song" (funny song Macca played at Parkinson show in 1999)
2) Take This Hammer
3) Yellow Submarine
4) Calico Skies
5) Midnight Special

Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Slavik   Дата: 04.05.02 21:47:51   
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-- Paul McCartney is continuing his Driving USA tour this Saturday (May 4) in Los Angeles at the Staples Center. Having completed two-thirds of his tour, McCartney has noticed that certain parts of the show garner more reaction than others. Sir Paul was asked what song garners the most surprising reaction from fans.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 07.05.02 14:10:39   
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May 4 Los Angeles -- The Staples Center

Celebrities who attended the L.A. show were Jack Nicholson, Ted Danson, Micky Dolenz, David Spade, Sylvester and Frank Stallone, Brian Wilson (who is releasing a live CD of his "Pet Sounds" tour from an England show), former Wings drummer Denny Seiwell and John Cusack, plus "Free As a Bird"/"Real Love" producer Jeff Lynne and Beatle recording engineer Geoff Emerick. Nicholson reportedly paid an usher a wad of bills to escort him to his seat. We're told Dolenz was reportedly quite friendly, and chatted with fans. Laurence Juber attended the Anaheim show.
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Piper   Дата: 07.05.02 18:23:08   
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Brian was outta his mind. He had no idea he was even at Paul's concert.
Any rumors about his mental health are all true. He was in a daze and
barely showed any emotion. I had a bird's eye view of him during the
entire concert. He was completely out of it. Lisa

Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: sergeya   Дата: 09.05.02 13:42:28   
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Был на концерте в Staples Center in L.A. 4.05.02. Здорово, но ожидал большего. Звучание в стиле Driving rain - металлическое, и не как на Band on the run. Видимо, поэтому 1 час из 2-х с половиной Paul исполняет под акустику один, больше придаваясь воспоминаниям, чем музыке. Но и совсем подкосило его исполнение Something на банджо в ритме " Я московский озорной гуляка...". По-конкретнее позже, но P.McCartney's раrty до концерта и после на Hollywood blwd в ночном клубе Highlands было сногсшибательное и настроение было хоть куда! Sergeya
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Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 09.05.02 13:47:41   
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Есть запись концерта ?
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: sergeya   Дата: 09.05.02 14:20:24   
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LL, увы! Камеру отобрали на входе, невзирая ни на что, но взамен моральных неудобств выдали майку, плакаты и какие-то наклейки по туру Пола. После чего я щеголял в ентом несколько дней по L.A и L.V. и был признаваем америкосами, в отличие от остальной оравы туристов и эммигрантов.Sergeya
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: sergeya   Дата: 09.05.02 17:12:24   
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LL, кстати, кассета с ливерпульскими каверами уже не нужна? Более месяца лежит. Sergeya
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: sergeya   Дата: 10.05.02 17:29:21   
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Благодаря концерту я избавился полностью от чувства обожествления к Полу, поскольку это было обыкновенное коммерческое show с американским уклоном. Так, просто ликование вызвало у америков песня Freedom и создалось впечатление, что только ради нее и состоялся концерт. Все остальные песни, 50% из Битлов, ,были признаны некоторым вставанием с мест, а сольные композиции Пола - вежливыми хлопками. Back in the U.S.S.R сопровождалось теми же клипами, что на DVD Get BACK десятилетней давности: очереди озлобленных людей в магазины, беспризорные дети, военный караул у стен Кремля, Ленин, Сталин и т.д. Насчет Blackbird он сказал, что эту песню сочинил после первого визита в СЩА, где всех девушек Битлы называли birds, а черных соответсвенно... . Немного теплее стало во время акустического диалога-песни Джон-Пол, в которой Пол говорит, что с Джоном был уговор в 60-х о встрече через 50 лет для того, чтобы посмотреть, кто кем стал, но где ты, Джон? Публика реагировала так, что я понял, что Джона убили только из-за того, что он был Джон Леннон, а не Американский Джон Леннон и жил в Дакоте не по-американски. Спасибо В.Малахову за прекрасную экскурсию в Центральный парк N.Y., постояли молча на месте. где упал Джон, посидели на всех скамейках парка, где сидел Джон и прошли по его мершруту. Взвращаясь к концерту, cкажу, что Пол усвоил американские уроки прекрасно и думаю, что его европейское турне под большим вопросом, во всяком случае об этом мне вещали америкосы на вечеринке перед концертом. Sergeya
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 10.05.02 18:53:49   
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To sergeya: обязательно нужна, когда будем встречаться ?
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: sergeya   Дата: 10.05.02 22:21:47   
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LL, в любое время, но есть идея соединить это дело с предложением г-на Рытова о совместном просмотре Tribute to G.Harrison Concert + Liverpool memories на следующей неделе. Corvin, тебя это также касается.Sergeya
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 10.05.02 22:59:37   
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Отлично, я согласен.
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.05.02 13:31:51   
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Спасибо! Я с удовольствием!
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: sergeya   Дата: 17.05.02 21:46:33   
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Завтра 18.05.02 в гостинице КОСМОС состоится концерт K.HENSLY, перед которым в 18.00 у главного входа встречается весь народ с прицелом продолжить опосля мероприятие по теме The Beatles. Ждем и до встречи. Мой моб. 722-53-00. Segeya
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 25.01.06 11:49:13   
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Райдер Маккартни '2002


Paul McCartney is "very fond of flowers," won't travel in a stretch limousine with leather seats, and will not stand for backstage furniture made of any animal skin or print (even if it's of the artificial variety). Those are just a few of the unique provisions contained in the ex-Beatle's concert rider for his 2002 World Tour, excerpts from which you'll find below. McCartney also provides promoters with an amusing list of plant demands, one that concludes with this underlined admonition: "No trees please! We want plants that are just as full on the bottom as the top such as palm, bamboo, peace lilies, etc. No tree trunks!" And, of course, the rider requires a pre-show sweep by some bomb-sniffing dogs and it contains the expected vegan salvo: "There will be no meat, or meat by-products allowed to be served in the dressing rooms, production offices, or areas within the 'backstage area.'" But it turns out Paul's backstage demand for 24 bars of Ivory Soap is a major vegan no-no, since the 99.44% pure soap actually contains animal fats, according to Ivory№s web site. So, while Paul won't sit on leather, the Liverpudlian is apparently lathering with beef tallow. (12 pages)
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 25.01.06 11:50:29   
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Paul McCartney 2002 tour 1
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 25.01.06 11:50:42   
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Paul McCartney 2002 tour 2
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 25.01.06 11:52:23   
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Paul McCartney 2002 tour 3
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 25.01.06 11:52:32   
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Paul McCartney 2002 tour 4
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 25.01.06 11:52:40   
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Paul McCartney 2002 tour 5
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 25.01.06 11:52:51   
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Paul McCartney 2002 tour 6
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 25.01.06 11:53:00   
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Paul McCartney 2002 tour 7
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 25.01.06 11:53:08   
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Paul McCartney 2002 tour 8
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 25.01.06 11:53:16   
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Paul McCartney 2002 tour 9
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 25.01.06 11:53:38   
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Paul McCartney 2002 tour 10
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 25.01.06 11:53:46   
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Paul McCartney 2002 tour 11
Re: Paul McCartney 2002 tour
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 25.01.06 11:53:55   
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Paul McCartney 2002 tour 12
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