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Маккартни на Super Bowl

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Маккартни на Super Bowl
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 16.01.02 20:57:40
Paul McCartney is to perform live at next month's
Super Bowl in New Orleans with a televised tribute to American heroes after
last September's hijack attacks. It will be seen by almost one billion

"As a sports fan, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to be involved in
the Super Bowl, and as a musician, I am honoured to add my voice to the
message of tribute that this year's Super Bowl will carry," the former
Beatle said in a statement.

NFL organisers said the February 3 game at the Louisiana Superdome will be
seen by 130 million viewers in the United States and beamed to another 800
million worldwide.

McCartney, whose home city of Liverpool is one of the hotbeds of English
soccer, will be joined for his "Freedom" anthem by 500 young people
representing the 180 countries that will televise the Super Bowl.

"It is expected to be the most stirring and emotionally charged Super Bowl
ever," said consulting producer Michael Flur.

On September 11, McCartney was on the tarmac at New York's JFK airport
waiting for take-off when the suicide hijackers crashed two planes into the
towers of the World Trade Center.

"I was sitting on a plane at New York airport and watched it unfold through
the windows. It will live with me forever," said McCartney who then wrote
the song "Freedom" to boost relief funds for the victims.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: McCartney to sing at the Super Bowl
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 16.01.02 20:58:41   
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PAUL McCARTNEY will perform at Super Bowl
XXXVI in New Orleans, LA on Sunday, Feb. 3, when he will lead a tribute to
the spirit of everyday heroes, the NFL announced today.
Re: McCartney to sing at the Super Bowl
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.01.02 11:54:20   
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LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Paul McCartney will join hip-hop diva Mary J. Blige, Latin heartthrob Marc Anthony and pop songstress Mariah Carey in a star-spangled burst of musical patriotism planned for the Super Bowl pregame telecast next month, the Fox network said Wednesday.

McCartney will appear live at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans February 3 to perform "Freedom," which he wrote and released as a charity single in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington.

The former Beatle previously performed during an all-star benefit concert at New York's Madison Square Garden.

"As a sports fan, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to be involved in the Super Bowl, and as a musician, I am honored to add my voice to the message of tribute that this year's Super Bowl will carry," McCartney said in a statement.

Sir Paul's appearance will immediately precede a duet of "America the Beautiful" by Blige and Anthony, then Carey's solo performance of "The Star Spangled Banner" just before kickoff. Blige, Anthony and Carey will be accompanied by the Boston Pops orchestra.

Insiders said veteran entertainer Barry Manilow also will give a life performance of a song he recently composed, "Let Freedom Ring." Fox said the pop groups Barenaked Ladies and No Doubt also will appear.

Eight teams are still vying in playoffs to compete for the National Football League Championship at this year's Super Bowl, traditionally the highest-rated TV broadcast of the year, averaging some 85 million U.S. viewers.

As previously announced, the Irish rock band U2 will perform during the Super Bowl half-time show.

In keeping with the patriotic theme of this year's pregame telecast, the words of Abraham Lincoln will be delivered on film by four of America's living former presidents -- Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, George Bush and Bill Clinton -- plus former first lady Nancy Reagan in a presentation of Aaron Copland's musical and spoken-word composition, "Lincoln Portrait."

In addition, several former NFL greats will join current football stars in reciting portions of the Declaration of Independence during the three-hour show.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: McCartney to sing at the Super Bowl
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 04.02.02 00:11:26   
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А вы знаете, что...  
Re: McCartney to sing at the Super Bowl
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 04.02.02 08:45:25   
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2/3/02 by Mike Kovacich Article #564

Paul said it tonight on live TV with millions of viewers. He will start a tour of the US in April starting off on the west coast and making his way to the east.
Paul performed "Freedom" during the pre-game show of the SuperBowl today. The Driving Rain group was there backing Paul with one noticable addition, Wix. Wix toured with Paul both the '89 and '91 tours. The really got my curiousity going especially with some hints to Fox News last week. During half-time, Paul sat in with the boys for a few minutes joking around with them. Paul was asked what is new and that is when Paul announced the tour. The NFL forbids me from discussing anymore since I don't have permission, I can say no more :)

Пока не знаю точно это или нет, но трансляция матча по Москве должна состояться сегодня в 23:05 по НТВ+Спорт(ТВ6)
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: McCartney to sing at the Super Bowl
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 04.02.02 20:56:49   
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Re: McCartney to sing at the Super Bowl
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 05.02.02 11:45:09   
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В программе бывшего канала ТВ-6, ныне "НТВ-Спорт" увидел анонс трансляции "Super Bowl". (По моему это четверг) Может быть там и Пола покажут?
Re: McCartney to sing at the Super Bowl
Автор: n88   Дата: 05.02.02 11:55:32   
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Если не покажут - гады будут!
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: McCartney to sing at the Super Bowl
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 05.02.02 15:34:20   
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Трансляция по ТВ6 была вчера и Пола не было, однако в прямом эфире ночью предыдущего дня по тарелке НТВ+ было все !
Re: McCartney to sing at the Super Bowl
Автор: Mr. Zero   Дата: 05.02.02 15:43:04   
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Чего это Пол, кстати, lipsynch-едом занялся? Ради соло Claptona?
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: McCartney to sing at the Super Bowl
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 06.02.02 17:02:03   
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Following a short film that traced Sir Paul from a young boy to his recent performance at the Concert for New York City, Sir Paul ran across the football field, acoustic guitar in hand, through an entourage of screaming cheerleaders to join his band on stage. The band included his former keyboard player, Paul "Wix" Wickens, drummer Abe Laboriel, Jr., and Rusty Anderson on guitar. "Fantastic!" Sir Paul remarked. He then called out to the fans, "Everybody clap your hands for freedom!" as he launched into his Freedom anthem. As he sang, the cheerleaders used their glittering silver pompoms to spell out the word "freedom" across the field. Sir Paul was also surrounded on the field by 500 young men and women marching with flags representing the 180 countries who were viewing the game on television sets all over the world.
During the final chorus of Freedom, a backdrop of a giant hand-painted banner of the Statue of Liberty rose behind Sir Paul.

As he left the stage, Sir Paul called out, "America, we love you!" as the crowd chanted, "U.S.A.! U.S.A.!"

Re: McCartney to sing at the Super Bowl
Автор: Slavik   Дата: 08.02.02 09:38:56   
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Пол Маккартни, Мэрайя Кери, группа U2 и другие звезды поп- и рок-музыки выступили перед финалом чемпионата по американскому футболу "Super Bowl" в Новом Орлеане (США) 3 февраля. Ирландская группа провела небольшое, но очень эмоциональное выступление, отдав дань памяти десяткам тысяч людей, погибших во время терактов в США 11 сентября. Вокалист U2 Боно медленно вышел на поле и под шквал аплодисментов начал с хита "Beautiful Day", во время которого поднялся на окружавший сцену розовый подиум в форме сердца. Как только затихли аккорды первой композиции, на гигантском экране, установленном на стадионе, начали пробегать имена жертв террористических атак, и публика поднялась со своих мест. Пол Маккартни, находившийся в Нью-Йорке в тот день, когда самолеты, захваченные террористами, врезались в здание Всемирного торгового центра, спел новую песню "Freedom", написанную под сильным впечатлением от событий 11 сентября. Музыкант вышел на сцену с акустической гитарой; в это же время на поле одни люди маршировали с десятками флагов зарубежных государств, а другие выложили на поле слово "Freedom". Помимо Пола Маккартни и U2, на открытии выступили Boston Pops, исполнившие "Stars And Stripes Forever", Мэрайя Кери, Барри Манилоу, Марк Энтони, Мэри Джей Блайдж, Патти Лабелл и др.
07.02.02 00:00
Re: McCartney to sing at the Super Bowl
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.11.04 16:38:22   
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Legendary rocker PAUL McCARTNEY will perform in the Ameriquest Mortgage Super Bowl XXXIX Halftime Show on FOX at ALLTEL Stadium in Jacksonville, Florida on Sunday, February 6, the NFL announced today.
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: McCartney to sing at the Super Bowl
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 22.11.04 20:01:45   
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Мббда, опять "ФрыДом"??!!
Или "Амэрика Зе Бьютифуль"...
Дааа, ништо так сильно не притягивает музыкантов, как "СуперБоул".
Ышобы, ведь, как говорят америкоссы, его аудитория по кол-ву в несколько раз больше , чем у олимпийской трансляции...
Да и денюжки, помимо паблисити, недюжие...
Re: McCartney to sing at the Super Bowl
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 24.11.04 15:18:18   
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Legendary rocker PAUL McCARTNEY will perform in the Ameriquest Mortgage Super Bowl XXXIX Halftime Show on FOX at ALLTEL Stadium in Jacksonville, Florida on Sunday, February 6, the NFL announced today.

“We are extremely pleased to work again with Paul McCartney, one of the greatest musicians of our time, to create a memorable show,” said Steve Bornstein, the NFL’s executive vice president of media.

Added Bornstein, who will oversee the show for the NFL, “As one of the world’s most beloved artists and incomparable live entertainers, Paul McCartney will deliver an inspirational performance.”

"There's nothing bigger then being asked to perform at the Super Bowl," said McCartney. "We're looking forward to rocking the millions at home and in the stadium."

"We're thrilled Sir Paul McCartney has agreed to perform at halftime of Super Bowl XXXIX," said FOX Sports Chairman David Hill. "He is the world's most influential rock artist, and his music has been part of our culture for 30 years. He, more than any other musician, lives up to this year's Super Bowl theme of Building Bridges. His music bridges generations, countries, cultures and musical genres. I'm also sure that the duet Paul performed with Terry Bradshaw at Super Bowl XXXVI was such a major event, that he couldn't wait to reunite with Terry in Jacksonville."

This will be McCartney’s second Super Bowl appearance. He provided a memorable pre-game performance at Super Bowl XXXVI in New Orleans in 2002, the first Super Bowl after the tragic events of September 11.

As the climax to the pregame show and immediately prior to the singing of the two traditional anthems “America The Beautiful” and “The Star-Spangled Banner”, McCartney performed “Freedom,” a new anthem reflecting the spirit of freedom.

Watched by a record 144.4 million viewers in the U.S. last year, the Super Bowl is annually the nation’s highest-rated TV program and the most-watched single-day sporting event. The game also will be broadcast in more than 200 countries worldwide. Game time is 6 p.m. ET.

Emmy-Award winning Don Mischer Productions will produce the Ameriquest Mortgage Super Bowl XXXIX Halftime Show starring Paul McCartney.
Re: Маккартни на Super Bowl
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 03.02.05 11:06:53   
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Paul will be doing 4 songs for the halftime show and that he will begin reheasals on Wednesday. Two of the songs will be Hey Jude and Let it Be.
Re: Маккартни на Super Bowl
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.03.05 09:42:08   
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February 28, 2005 -- Business WireFebruary 28, 2005 -- Business Wire

Super Bowl DVD with Paul's Halftime Show


Warner Home Video, the National Football League and NFL Films have joined forces to release the most anticipated DVD of the year as NFL Super Bowl XXXIX Champions hits stores on March 1, 2005.

This exciting DVD allows fans to relive the incredible journey to Jacksonville by a team that has seen more championship seasons than any other team in sports so far this century. NFL Super Bowl XXXIX Champions, available for $24.98, contains three hours of non-stop action-packed footage including spectacular highlights from the regular season and playoffs, culminating with the Patriots' nail biting 24-21 defeat over the Philadelphia Eagles at the Super Bowl on February 6, 2005.

DVD Special Features include:

-- World Broadcast - Every play from the Super Bowl in the World TV broadcast featuring Dick Stockton and Daryl "Moose" Johnston.
-- Ameriquest Mortgage Super Bowl XXXIX Halftime Show - relive the halftime show featuring Paul McCartney
-- Media Day - Hear coaches and players comments on NFL Media Day, Tuesday before the big game.
-- Post-Game Sounds - Press conferences and post game interviews with the players and coaches.
Re: Маккартни на Super Bowl
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 27.03.05 22:55:09   
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Теперь есть и в Москве!
Re: Маккартни на Super Bowl
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 27.03.05 22:56:26   
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Теперь картинкаТеперь картинка
Снесло крышу  
Re: Маккартни на Super Bowl
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 27.03.05 23:36:29   
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2Дед_Alex: каковы впечатления от шоу?
Re: Маккартни на Super Bowl
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 28.03.05 00:57:54   
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13 минутное выступление - все светится и горит.
Музыка все таже, гитара та же, ансамбль тот же, но время записи
2004, 17 февраля.
И поэтому - ЭТО редкость относительная.
Но посмотрим и американский фффф....
Добрый профессор  
Re: Маккартни на Super Bowl
Автор: Galka   Дата: 28.03.05 02:00:39   
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Как свидетель, смотревший Superbowl в Америке, могу сказать, что выступление отличное - не хуже, чем в Москве на Красной площади, но меньше.
Re: Маккартни на Super Bowl
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 14.04.05 23:27:01   
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Питер мне звонил и говорит, что еще несколько минут Пола показывают с комментаторами...
Этого на этом ДВД диске НЕТ!
Re: Маккартни на Super Bowl
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 22:59:48   
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Game 4 of the American League Championship Series in New York October 21, 2001  1Game 4 of the American League Championship Series in New York October 21, 2001

Re: Маккартни на Super Bowl
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 22:59:56   
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Маккартни на Super Bowl2
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