Terminal Frost (Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here - Live) - Time Arrow (Led Zeppelin: Physical Graffiti Tribute) - Forever Queen (Queen: A Night At The Opera Tribute) - Dans Ramblers (John Lennon: Rock'n'roll - Live) - Ракеты (Aerosmith: Toys In The Attic Tribute) - Юрий Новгородский (Eric Clapton Tribute)
Terminal Frost (Pink Floyd Tribute) - Time Arrow (Led Zeppelin Tribute) - Forever Queen (Queen Tribute) - Dans Ramblers (John Lennon Tribute) - Ракеты (Aerosmith Tribute) - Юрий Новгородский (Eric Clapton Tribute) и другие!
Pink Floyd "Wish You Were Here" live!
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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters

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Элис Купер ВЗЯЛ интервью у Роджера Уотерса !!!
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 18.10.05 23:10:37   
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Должно появиться завтра 19-го здесь
WEDNESDAY 10/19 - Yeah, yeah, every Nights With Alice Cooper is GREAT, but how GREAT is this: Tonight Alice interviews Roger Waters of Pink Floyd! Roger talks about whether "Dark Side of the Moon" syncs up with "Wizard of Oz," gives exclusive information on what's up with the legendary Syd Barrett, talks about the Live 8 Pink Floyd reunion, and tells all about his brand new opera. AND of course there's an extra bizarre Cooper's Cover of Aerosmith from Alice's favorite band PHISH! PLUS there's GO ASK ALICE and lots of deep cuts and old favorites, only on tonight's Nights With Alice Cooper, getting you over the hump in a big way this Wednesday!
LE MONDE уточнения
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 18.10.05 23:30:19   
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Многие неумелые переводчки перевели фразу
из интервью из фр журнала LE MONDE
"Nous nous sommes rencontr?s ? la fin des ann?es 1960."
Как "мы встретились в в конце шестидесятых."
Я уточнил перевод этого предложения на англ язык
системой Babel Fish Translation
"We met at the end of 1960."
Таким образом Роджер Уотерс сам сказал в интервью
LE MONDE, что он встретился с Этьеном Рода-Жиль в конце
тоже самое подтверждается и др источниками.
ранее первая встреча датировалась 68-м,
причем источник информации не сообщался.
Теперь сам Роджер расставил точки над i
Чат с Роджером
Автор: Alex_White   Дата: 19.10.05 12:22:20   
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а перевод чата реально где-нить найти (если он уже существует)?
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Petrovich   Дата: 20.10.05 00:06:46   
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Умелым переводчикам не пристало пользовать электронными переводчиками.

Rosco тоже неумелый переводчик?! А ведь ссылается он на твой сайт. Мдя...
О том, что они познакомились в 1968-м Роджер пишет во вступлении к опере.
Тони Левин Интервью
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 20.10.05 01:13:35   
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Про King Crimson Джона Леннона и др.
Ян Гилан послушал ПИНК ФЛОЙД
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 20.10.05 01:23:23   
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В пабе, гле только что закончилась пресс-конференция Гиллана,
для него устроили концерт русской группы.
Свое выступление Green Town начали с  известного хита Deep Purple «Lazy», который сменили другие композиции группы-виновницы торжества, в том числе «Soldier Of Fortune», «Smoke On The Water» и «Highway Star». Впрочем, музыкальным наследием только одной группы не обошлось – на ура публика приняла песни «Easy Livin’» из репертуара Uriah Heep, «Another Brick In The Wall» Pink Floyd, «Johny B. Good» Чака Берpи и битловскую «Can’t Buy Me Love». Отечественный коллектив отыграл вполне достойно, не ударив в грязь лицом перед именитым гостем. В завершении вечеринки Иэн Гиллан принял участие в мини-фотосессии и торжественно отбыл в отель.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 20.10.05 01:30:35   
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Вступление к опере написал Седжвик - пора знать
Его ошибки я замучался исправлять переводя буклет - ошибки серьезные - думаю
они подлили масло в топку критики оперы.
Как и ошибки Мэйбена, которые мы сейчас обсуждаем с Бра Дамажем.
Эти ошибки - исторические - тоже не в пользу популярности оперы
в Париже - где свято чтут свою тисторию, в отличии от нас, дикарей.
Впрочем, для выяснения всех ньюансов - плиз в приват - здесь новостной раздел.
Та часть буклета, где написаны слова Роджера переводится так
В ЧИКАГО. (back in 68 переводится примерно также как back in USSR - СНОВА В СССР)
Заметьте - первая их встреча состоялась в Лондоне в конце 1960 года.
Почему Роджер описывает 1968 год думаю понятно
Улыбок тебе, казак!
Guy Pratt+Roger Waters=Vagabond Ways
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 20.10.05 02:49:11   
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Guy Pratt просматривал сегодня наш сайт Brain Damage и остановился на статье,
в которой Марианна Фэйсфулл в своем интервью открывает свои встречи с Роджером Уотерсом.. Он рассказал нам такую удивительную фразу: "я был соавтором 'The Wilder Shores Of Love'' с Мэрианной на Vagabond Ways альбоме, таким образом на этом есть песни обоих басистов Флойда !"
(Мэтт Джонс - редактор сайта Brain Damage Бобу Клоузу)
Guy Pratt+Roger Waters=Vagabond Ways
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 20.10.05 02:58:51   
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Сейчас поставил этот альбом
Vagabond Ways.
Действительно 'The Wilder Shores Of Love''
написан Marianne Faithfull,
Guy Pratt и Barry Reynolds
Сыгран Reynolds (bass and guitar) -очень по Флойдовски
(времен 72 - +Obscured by Clouds+ года)
На ударных - Glenn Patscha
на клавишах - Brian Blade
+Элис Купер ВЗЯЛ интервью у Роджера Уотерса
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 20.10.05 03:18:33   
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Трансляция в 21 по Москве,
если не ошибаюсь!!!
Здесь реальнее всего.
На других станциях, либо не нашел
либо надо логиниться!
Re: Roger Waters & ...NEWS WRAP-UP
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.10.05 03:50:07   
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Updated 19th October with Guy Pratt's comments!Updated 19th October with Guy Pratt's comments!

Two bits of Roger Waters-related news for you today. Firstly, last night saw the MSN Chat with Roger, which turned out to be shorter than expected and disappointed many of those who were able to see it (MSN Chat being blocked to a number of countries, the UK included).

We have got a transcription of the whole interview in our Waters Interviews section; in the half-hour that it ran, few questions were posed that were out of the ordinary, resulting in little new information.

The majority of questions related to Ca Ira, and its development. On asked about putting on a performance of the opera at the Place de la Bastille, in Paris, he responds: "It would be great to do a production there, I am doing one in Rome Nov. 17th and 18th this year, and if I do one in Paris, a better place would be Place de Concord."

On the subject of touring, he is also asked about his plans - specifically relating to Argentina. "I had a great time in South America. Argentina was fantastic. Definately not in '06 but I'm seriously looking in '07. A big tour with the Northern and Southern hemisphere." We are guessing that his plans for a tour next year have been put back due to the accompanying album not being close enough to completion?

Finally, when asked what has been the highlight of his career, to date, Roger said that "in the recent past I guess the Live 8 show - those few minutes were very cool to be back on stage with the band. It was a very cool moment."

Our thanks to Michael Mastropaolo, who sent over the full interview shortly after it was finished.


Recently, our good friend Christian Diemoz caught up with Marianne Faithfull to ask her about her just released DVD, Live in Hollywood. He couldn't resist asking her some Roger Waters related questions, and has kindly sent them over to us. I know many have puzzled over the inclusion of Roger's otherwise unreleased 1968 track, Incarceration Of A Flower Child, which appears on Marianne's 'Vagabond Ways' album, performed by her with Roger on bass. She also performed at the 1990 Wall concert...

[Earlier in the interview] I mentioned two artists who recently contributed to your records, but you've worked with lots of people (especially for Kissin' Time).

Almost too many, I think.

Who's been the toughest one?

Oh God, that’s not a very nice question. I would never tell you!

So, I’ll pass to the next one. Talking about tough characters, again... You've been part of "The Wall" show given by Roger Waters in Berlin in 1990: is he as hard as everyone says, or is he just demanding the best from himself, and from the people around him?

I love Roger. He’s just demanding an awful lot from himself. But all those kind of people do. And he’s competing with himself continuously. He’s one of the sweetest persons I know.

Have you particular memories from that show in Berlin?

Yes. It was the first time I met Roger. I was a bit nervous, but I had a lot of fun. You know, The Chieftains, Van Morrison, The Band... It was a great time: to do The Wall on the wall, very exciting.

Can you tell me the story behind Roger's 1968 unrecorded song Incarceration Of A Flower Child, included in your Vagabond Ways album?

I don’t really know the story. I just know it was a song that he wrote in 1968 and put away, and never gave to Pink Floyd. But I’m sure lots of musicians have songs like that. I didn’t wrote the song, so I don’t know.

And who's the artist you'd have worked with, but you did not?

I’d love to work with Bob [Dylan].

And it never happened due to...

And I don’t think it never will, but I’d love to! [laughs]

Our thanks to Chris for sending this over. She seems to play her cards close to her chest - maybe Roger will one day reveal the story behind the song. Last year, with Roger's son Harry on keyboards, she performed the song live in Copenhagen. Certainly it's a song that Floyd fans will find interesting and intriguing - worth checking out.

UPDATE - 19th OCTOBER: Guy Pratt was browsing the site today and picked up on this story. He told us this bit of amusing trivia: "I co-wrote 'The Wilder Shores Of Love' with Marianne on the Vagabond Ways album, so there are songs from both Floyd bassists on it!" We understand his show is peppered with stuff like this, so be sure to check it out, and as a taster, LBC Radio are this Saturday interviewing Guy on the 10:30am Jenny Eclair radio show. They have a "listen live" facility, so tune in!


Date news posted: 18, 19 October 2005

Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.10.05 03:52:09   
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history of the legendary Knebworth shows
We have been contacted again by Henrietta Bannister, daughter of the promoter Freddy Bannister, who was responsible for the legendary Knebworth festival concerts in the seventies. Some of you may recall the special offer of the Knebworth box set, with exclusive items for Brain Damage visitors, that was on offer last year.

They have recently found quite a few Pink Floyd fans who wish to buy a commemorative set dealing specifically with the band's appearance at Knebworth 75, and they have therefore decided to bring out a customised set for these fans.

Priced at Ј49.95 plus shipping, the set now includes an improved recording of Pink Floyd at Knebworth 75 that they have just discovered, and also four new Pink Floyd Knebworth photos they have been given.

The new edition set contains:

Programmes, flyers and the ticket from 1975 Knebworth Pink Floyd festival
12 photos of the 1975 Knebworth festival, including 4 new photos just discovered
330 page book on the behind-the-scenes hassles of promoting the Knebworth festivals
A black and white poster which is a 2nd printing of the poster used to advertise the festival in universities, record shops etc.
A gift of five CDs from the 1975 festival including:
An improved Pink Floyd 3CD set
Steve Miller 1CD
Captain Beefheart 1CD
A 50 mins DVD of various Knebworth festivals between 1974 – 1979, including Genesis with interviews and the sound check, The Rolling Stones, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Led Zeppelin
All this is enclosed in the same turquoise and silver presentation box, as shown to the right.

For further details please email info@rockmusicmemorabilia.com, and mention that you saw the special offer on Brain Damage. If you want the more comprehensive set (more details can be seen at www.rockmusicmemorabilia.com) this is also still available, with the added benefit of the free CDs if you mention "Brain Damage" when you place your order!


Date news posted: 20 October 2005

Ca Ira - первые мысли
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.10.05 04:01:02   
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Рецензия из одного из сообществ Живого Журнала!.. Рецензия из одного из сообществ Живого Журнала!..


Одно можно сказать точно – это лучшее музыкальное произведение со времен The Wall, хотя связь тут почти минимальна. Право же, глядя на молодого, обозленного на весь лицемерный мир – о чем он позже с успехом поведает на альбоме Animals – Уотерса наигравшего на бас-гитаре незамысловатую мелодию Set The Control For The Heart Of The Sun, сложно поверить, что когда-то этот человек построит Стену (лишь затем, чтобы разрушить), будет Забавляться до смерти, и затем – как вершина творческого этапа – напишет оперу о французской революции. Ca Ira - самая сложная затея неугомонного гения Уотерса, воплотившееся в самое великолепное музыкальное произведение наших лет. Это не для поклонников Pink Floyd, но и не исключает их вовсе: нужно только помнить, что Ca Ira – не очередной сольный альбом «басиста Пинк Флойд»; Ca Ira – это работа лучшего композитора наших времен. Но разве, у людей ценивший многогранную, сложную музыку, когда-то в этом были сомнения?

Касательно релиза. На втором диске присутствуют дополнения в виде лирики с иллюстрациями. Очень хорошо, но, честно говоря, лучше бы их распечатали заранее, а так приходится тратить свою бумагу и цветной картридж.
Так же, имеется вкладыш с подробной информацией об опере, о людях принимавших участие в записи и о сюжете (весьма подробно, учитывая способ подачи материала).
Неприятно удивляет лишь недостаточная громкость записи – как ни старайся, но если хотите порадовать соседей, то придется слушать через мощный усилитель (которым, к слову, не может похвастаться ни мой компьютер, ни мой плеер, а простенький музыкальный центр диск с оперой не читает вовсе – но это мелочи, не способные омрачить впечатления об этом музыкальном шедевре).

P.S. Наклейка «From Creator Of The Dark Side Of The Moon and The Wall» показалось лишней…

Далi буде.

Little princess, so sure you are right
But your endless day in their endless night
You can preen in the limelight
In your diamonds and pearls
But the children go hungry
It that other world

Пишет Peter Floyd


ps Лично моё, Rosco, мнение, что наклейка как нельзя кстати!;)
Люди ведь должны ориентироваться по чему-нибудь!

pps --> Оригинальные рукописи Этьена, о коих пишет Peter Floyd, есть только в издании 2CD! В Deluxe Edition (w Bonus DVD) их нет.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Alex_White   Дата: 21.10.05 09:38:06   
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Отличная рецензия, я того же мнения! Наклейка действительно как нельзя кстати, ведь некоторые приобщатся к творчеству Уотерса именно через оперу!
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.10.05 20:18:08   
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А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.10.05 20:41:50   
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Билеты на Церемонию в Зале Славы Музыки Соединённого Королевства уже в продаже! Можно заказать на сайте - Getmetickets.net - в разделе Hall Of Fame Tickets ( http://www.getmetickets.net/tickets/viewsubjectevents...0Induction%20Ceremony&type=Concert ). Шоу будет транслироваться по ТВ из Alexandra Palace (Лоднон) 16 Ноября.
Пока точно известно, что Пинк Флойд в нём примут участие, но под сомнением - с Роджером или без. Так как на следующий день у него назначена Премьера Оперы Ca Ira в Вечном Городе Риме.
О маловероятности присутствия Уотерса сказал в недавнем интервью Вернеру Хайдеру (сайт Pulce & Spirits) Ник Мэйсон.

Также он признался, что пока ничего не слышал о том, что Рик Райт работает над новым сольным альбомом и считает, что это, возможно слухи.

Интервью на нем. и англ. скоро можно будет прочитать на самом сайте Pulce & Spirits - http://pulse-and-spirit.dyndns.org/

Снесло крышу  
Googlism for: roger waters
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.10.05 21:00:00   
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roger waters is amused to death from 1992roger waters is amused to death from 1992
roger waters is managed by peter rudge
roger waters is pink" written inside of it on a smokey/cloudy
roger waters is bringing his historic "in the flesh" show to the uk for his first
roger waters is cool
roger waters is the
roger waters is 22 years on from the wall
roger waters is one of those artists that speaks to me on an intellectual and spiritual level
roger waters is the heart and soul and whatever else you want to call him of pink floyd
roger waters is touring the world through june 30
roger waters is thought
roger waters is reported to have said that his greatest regret is that he didn't do the score for 2001
roger waters is not a good player
roger waters is finally going ahead with his project to compose a full classical opera about the french revolution
roger waters is bringing his historic "in the flesh" show to the uk for his first homeland concerts since his "radio kaos" performance at
roger waters is still not confirmed as appearing at whip craic in october 2002 5
roger waters is definitively a genius
roger waters is over
roger waters is mainly a philosophical singer
roger waters is and to me will probably always be the mind behind the psychedelic sound of pink floyd
roger waters is going on tour again
roger waters is about
roger waters is writing lyrics
roger waters is my favourite musician
roger waters is the only person i have ever looked up to
roger waters is one of the most criticized members of pink floyd
roger waters is one of the greatest songwritters alive today
roger waters is clearly one
roger waters is the lead vocal on all the songs except "dogs"
roger waters is
roger waters is the genius and heart behind most all of pink floyd's music
roger waters is one of the best rock poets living
roger waters is playing with jeff beck
roger waters is going to have concerts in europe the next summer
roger waters is back on tour
roger waters is lighting a corner of the dark side
roger waters is on the front cover of amused to death
roger waters is another morose affair
roger waters is both different and lower than what is required to appreciate
roger waters is the only male rock artist i know that permits males to have feelings other than just anger
roger waters is degene die zijn ei het beste in het pink floyd
roger waters is a key ingredient to the enigma
roger waters is striking
roger waters is the mastermind behind the lyrical talent of the band
roger waters is the greatest artist i know
roger waters is returning to the united states
roger waters is currently on tour
roger waters is a true musical genius and is one of the world?s most
roger waters is the master
roger waters is credited on the following cds
roger waters is bringing his historic "in the flesh" show to the uk for his first homeland concerts since his "radio kaos
roger waters is lacking in something
roger waters is playing a selected number of uk & european shows
roger waters is a neo electric shaman
roger waters is from an article in july 18
roger waters is waiting for trent reznor
roger waters is pouring most of his energies
roger waters is accompanied by a superb eleven piece band of top flight musicians
roger waters is scheduled to headline a concert in support of the countryside alliance
roger waters is leaving the band and goes solo
roger waters is returning to the stage for his first world tour since he retired from pink floyd in 1983
roger waters is to play four arena dates in the uk and ireland next year
roger waters is within this band
roger waters is planning on coming out with a new solo album anytime soon
roger waters is going to be releasing a new book call "the little black book with my poems in"
roger waters is back
roger waters is a genius he is a lyrical master
roger waters is a pearl harbor survivor from the uss west virginia
roger waters is wailing away is the true high point of the album
roger waters is returning to the united states for the second leg of his highly
roger waters is about madness
roger waters is one of the greatest lyricist in rock history and his genius is shown in full force here
roger waters is in perfect form as the songwriter
roger waters is a [Pink]
roger waters is bringing his historic "in the flesh" show to the uk for his first homeland concerts since his [12 year long interval]
roger waters is a punk
roger waters is the lead singer and creative force behind the legendary band pink floyd


Даа... Про Дэви Бо и FZ повеселее было:)
Roger Waters
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.10.05 21:01:41   
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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 21.10.05 22:31:07   
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Пинк Флойд, стена рухнула
Ник Мэйсон: " Давайте соберемся и споем ради мира на Ближнем Востоке! "
Роджер Уотерс: " А почему бы и нет, я этого не исключаю... "
(два специальных интервью итальянскому журналу "Христианская Семья" 16 октября 2005 года)
Eugenio Arcidiacono, Giulia Cerqueti и Paolo Perazzolo
А вы знаете, что...  
"Ca Ira" was "probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life"
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.10.05 00:24:32   
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-Pink Floyd leader found opera hard
NEW YORK, Oct. 21 (UPI) -- Rock star Roger Waters says writing his new opera, "Ca Ira," was "probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life."

Waters, a founding member of Pink Floyd, has been working on the opera for several years, adapting it from a libretto about the French Revolution by Etienne and Nadine Roda-Gil. But though he was "gloriously ignorant of the complexities and potential pitfalls," he says it was similar to writing conceptual rock pieces such as Pink Floyd's "The Wall" and his own "The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking."

"It's not really very different at all," Waters explains. "Working with a big symphony orchestra and operatic voices and the chorus is a different palette, but it's still painting."

The album company will present a concert version of "Ca Ira" on Nov. 17 in Rome, with North American dates being eyeballed for 2006.

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