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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters

Тема: Roger Waters

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Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 20.09.05 02:41:44   
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Как вам новая "Санта Барбара" от Пинк Флойд?
19-September-2005 08:11:34
Pink Floyd Reconsider Tour Offer?
It seems that Pink Floyd maybe about to do u-turn and tour after all, the band supposedly turned down large sums of money earlier this month to reform. However, UK tabloid News of the World claims that a deal has been struck worth a staggering ?130 million.

The tabloid also reports that the band will start a world tour early next year which will include a huge gig in London.
Я тащусь!  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 20.09.05 04:55:42   
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Кстати, Col Turner также информирует, что это интервью также УТКА!
Так что пора удалять...
Roger Waters & ... rumours
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.09.05 01:07:22   
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Rising stars make noise, old standbys try new approach

Pink Floyd's main writer, Roger Waters, will put off a possible studio reunion with his classic band to promote something far less commercially sound: a double-CD opera inspired by, get this, the French Revolution.
Снесло крышу  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 21.09.05 04:02:36   
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20.09.05 :Роджер Уотерс перемикширует некоторый соло материал в 5.1!!!
"Удивленном До смерти" носил рабочее название "Песня Для Европы"
При записи TDB на плавучей студии Гилмора были использованы мониторы Роджера Уотерса!!!
20.09.05 : Ария " The Execution of Louis Capet " : подробности. New!
20.09.05 : Ария "The Letter" : подробности. New!
Как Родж поссорился с Маккартни и Мдонной
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.09.05 05:02:02   
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Как Роджер Уотерс поссорился с Полом Маккартни и Мадонной.
(Или почему Роджер не принял участие в исполнении all-star Hey Jude LIVE8)

16 октября 2002 года Roger Waters сыграл на концерте, организованном Countryside Alliance в поддержку препятствования принятия британским правительством запрета охоты на лис. И хотя Roger Waters никогда раньше не поддерживал Тори, и даже открыто критиковал Фолклендскую войну в The Final Cut (песня "Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert"), их пути пересеклись.
Заядлый охотник с почти что 35-ти летнем стажем, Роджер не мог не принять участия в концерте в "Альберт-Холле" в поддержку THE COUNTRYSIDE ALLIANCE.

Но силы были не равными.
Ещё 27 Февраля 2002 года Мадонна подключилась к акции за запрет охоты на лис. Активисты кампании за права животных послали ей 43 видеоролика растерзанных собаками лисиц и тем самым заполучили в свои ряды очень влиятельную фигуру.

Еще в 1999 году Пол МакКартни с друзьями отыграли концерт за права животных для организации PETA. 19 сентября - В Лос-Анджелесе, в "Paramount Studios", состоялось "Paul McCartney and Friends: PETA's Millenium Concert", ежегодное мероприятие устраиваемое "РЕТА" ("Люди за этичное отношение к животным"). Пол был ведущим этого шоу и лично представил актрису Памелу Андерсон, которая первой была удостоена специальной награды "Linda McCartney Memorial Award" за вклад в дело защиты прав животных. Стелла Маккартни тоже получила премию за "Прекращение использования одежды, изготовленной из натурального меха, в индустрии моды". Во второй части программы состоялось выступление Криса Хайда, группы Б-52 и самого Пола. (Вместе с Дэвидом Гилмором, Йеном Пейсом и Питом Уилсфилдом он исполнил 6 песен из своего нового альбома: Honey Hush, Brown Eyed Handsome Man, No Other Baby, Try Not to Cry, Lonesome Town и Run Devil Run.) Дэвид Гилмор, как друг Пола и оппонент Роджера, с удовольствием принял участие в концерте.

2001 - Пол и Стелла МакКартни дали интервью британским группам по защите прав животных Viva (Vegetarians International Voice for Animals) и PETA (People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals). (Его покойная жена Линда в своё время много сделала для Viva.) "Активисты движения за права животных полагают, что со смертью Линды мы потеряли мощный голос. Да, это так , но теперь мой голос будет на стороне защитников животных".
Многочисленные сборы подписей, всего не перечислишь - сделали своё дело.

После WHIP CRAIC/THE COUNTRYSIDE ALLIANCE концерта 2002 года, Роджер обнародовал в прессе свою точку зрения, два раза принял участие во многотысячных маршах протеста "Союза Сельчан" в Гайд-Парке . Это был один из самых больных вопросов британского законодательства, но закон о запрете охоты всё же был принят. И Роджер, от бессилия и стыда, в знак протеста эмигрировал в Штаты. Это всё, что он мог сделать в данном случае.
Поскольку сторонникам сохранения охоты на лис не удалось переломить ход дела в свою сторону, закон о запрете такой охоты в Англии и Уэльсе вступил в силу 18 февраля 2005 года, как и было запланировано ранее.
Чтобы то ни было, Роджер так и не смог пересилить себя принять участие в ALL stars performance на LIVE 8 Hey Jude. Слишком свежи были воспоминания о многочисленных атаках оппонентов Роджера МакКартни и Мадонны, которые весной 2005 года отпраздновали победу запрета на охоту.

Итак, этичное отношение к животным, плохо образованных сливок общества, разочаровавшемся в традиционных британских ценностях личной свободы по моральным проблемам. Или же сохранение традиций (таких, как охота с собаками)британского сельского меньшинства? Разным людям нравится свое - каждый имеет таким образом свои пристрастия...

(Bob Close)
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 21.09.05 16:04:34   
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В этом году в Нью-Йорке первый раз пройдет конкурс элегантных автомобилей Concours d’Elegance. 19 сентября состоялась первая пресс-конференция по этому событию.
Первый ежегодный конкурс пройдет в Центральном Парке города с 30 сентября по 2 октября. Как обычно на таком мероприятии, здесь соберутся самые изысканные, самые элегантные представители автомобильного «высшего света». Оценивать их должны будут не менее изысканные и элегантные представители мира людей. В жюри приглашены такие личности, как Ник Мэйсон из легендарной Pink Floyd, Марк Нопфлер из Dire Straits, Энн Хэтэуэй (фильм «Дневник принцессы»), бывший гонщик из Лондона Алан де Кадене, и другие.
Главным спонсором нью-йоркского конкурса стала немецкая марка Audi. Среди прочих организаторов числятся такие знаменитые брэнды как: Yamaha, Maybach, Lufthansa, Sony VIP, Bombardier Flexjet, Ferragamo, Chopard, Davidoff, Diageo, Hennessey, Artist House Holdings, Einstein Industries Inc., Bonhams & Butterfields и другие.
Одним из самых интересных событий должна стать восстановленная Audi Imperator 1929 года рождения. Этот 8-цилиндровый красавец, возможно, единственный в мире автомобиль такого типа, оставшийся в живых.
Самые интересные экземпляры первого Concours d’Elegance в Нью-Йорке, пожалуй, это Jaguar D-type и C-type, Maserati 300S 1957 года, Aston Martin DB4 GT Bertone и целая коллекция Ferrari, которым будет посвящен специальный «День Ferrari», и среди которых появятся первая проданная Ferrari 125 и , Ferrari 166MM 1949 года. Mercedes-Benz 540K Special Roadster 1937 года, представленный на конкурсе, когда-то принадлежал самому Герингу, Нацистскому руководителю Гестапо. От своих собратьев он отличается большим весом и тяжелой броней. На его боковом стекле остался «шрам» от пули, который наглядно показывает эффективность защиты.
Конечно же, как обычно, большая часть вырученных средств пойдет на благотворительность. В частности, эти деньги должны помочь пострадавшим от урагана Катрина, фонду помощи детям New Yorkers for Children, центру Роберта Паккарда в Университете Джона Хопкинса, и детям, больным аутизмом.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 21.09.05 17:47:33   
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В Киеве Опера уже в продаже!
А белорусы написали про Оперу статью
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Petrovich   Дата: 21.09.05 21:50:01   
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2Bob Close:

>Кстати, Col Turner также информирует, что это
>интервью также УТКА!
>Так что пора удалять...

Как обычно, впрочем...
Это размножили, и уже кто только не был Not That Into Himself Anymore
Re: Roger Waters & ... rumours :)
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.09.05 21:56:35   
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A good friend of mine from Australia just told me she saw Roger Waters =
in a Visa advertisement on TV there. She said she didn't believe it was =
really him at first until they showed the card and it said Roger Waters =
on it. I asked her what station this was on but she isn't sure since =
she was flipping through channels, but thinks it might have been on SBS =
during a 2-hour period at night, during a show called Mythbusters (a =
documentary about India), and they showed it 3 times. She's a big Pink =
Floyd fan and has met Roger Waters in person, so she knows what he looks =
like and all. She wouldn't have a reason to just make this up and she =
didn't believe it at first herself. I haven't heard anything about this =
elsewhere. Is this really true? Doesn't seem like something he would =
do. Maybe if Visa donated a lot of money to some charity. Hmm.

(из Echoes Digest)
Я тащусь!  
Oh Ca Ira Ca Ira...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.09.05 21:58:01   
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From the MusicDirect Site:

Roger Waters - Ca Ira (2 x Hybrid Multichannel SACD) (Sony) $34.99
Available September 27. Finally another SACD from Sony, and it's going
to be a good one. The lavish first edition of "Ca Ira," an opera in three
acts for full orchestra, soloists and choirs, will include a double SACD
DigiPack and a deluxe 60 page four-color booklet including Roger Waters'
lyrics based on Etienne Roda-Gil's original French libretto, the original
illustrations created by Nadine Roda-Gil, biographies of Waters and the
opera's cast, background and production notes on the opera. As a bonus
for Roger Waters fans, "Ca Ira" includes a special DVD documentary
chronicling the "making of" the opera. The "Ca Ira" DVD traces the
history of the project, from conception to completion, and includes
revelatory interviews with Waters and the musicians and cast of
"Ca Ira" as well as exclusive in-the-studio footage of the recording
of the opera.

Now you know!


(из Echoes Digest)
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.09.05 22:40:09   
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John Peel Tribute CD Is Announced

by Scott Colothan on 9/21/2005

A tribute CD is set to be released to the great-late John Peel to mark the

first anniversary of his death.

A galaxy of Peel’s favourite acts are set to appear on the double CD
including Super Furry Animals, The Smiths, Blur, David Bowie, The Delgados,

Captain Beefheart, Lonnie Donegan and PJ Harvey.

The 40-track album will hit the shelves on October 17, four days after
1 hosts the John Peel day.

Profits from the album will go to a number of charities such as the
Salvation Army, East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices, and the Kariandusi

The full album tracklisting is as follows:

1. Lonnie Donegan ‘Lost John’
2. Tyrannosaurus Rex ‘Deborah’

3. Pink Floyd ‘Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun’

4. Jim Hendrix Experience ‘Spanish Castle Magic’
5. Van Morrison ‘Sweet Thing’
6. David Bowie ‘Life On Mars’
7. The Doors ‘Five To One’
8. Tim Buckley ‘Song For A Siren’
9. Rod Stewart/The Faces ‘Stay With Me’
10. The Misunderstood ‘I Can Take You To The Sun’
11. Country Joe & The Fish ‘Not So Sweet Martha Lorraine’
12. Fairport Convention ‘Meet On The Ledge’
13. Captain Beefheart ‘Big Eyed Beans From Vegas’
14. Loudon Wainwright III ‘Be Careful There Is A Baby In The House’
15. Roy Buchanan ‘I Am a Lonesome Fugitive’
16. The Bonzo Dog Doodah Band ‘Mr Apollo’
17. The Ramones ‘I Don't Want To Walk Around With You’
18. The Clash ‘Complete Control’
19. Joy Division ‘Love Will Tear Us Apart’
20. New Order ‘Ceremony’

1. The Undertones ‘Teenage Kicks’
2. Altered Images ‘Happy Birthday’
3. The Smiths ‘How Soon Is Now’
4. The Cocteau Twins ‘Pearly-Dewdrops Drops’
5. Jesus & Mary Chain ‘Sidewalking’
6. Blur ‘Song 2’
7. Culture ‘Lion Rock’
8. Billy Bragg ‘New England’
9. Robert Wyatt ‘Shipbuilding’
10. The Wedding Present ‘Brassneck’
11. PJ Harvey ‘Sheila Na Gig’
12. Pulp ‘Common People’
13. The Fall ‘Theme From Sparta F.C.’
14. Super Furry Animals ‘Something For The Weekend’
15. Nina Nastasia ‘Bird Of Cuzco’
16. The Delgados ‘Pull The Wires From The Wall’
17. Belle & Sebastian ‘Lazy Line Painter Jane’
18. Laura Cantrell ‘Two Seconds’
19. Orbital ‘Chime’
20. Elmore James ‘Dust My Blues’


Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 22.09.05 01:08:56   
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21.09.05 : Ария "But the Marquis of Boulli has a trump card up his sleeve..." : подробности.
("А в рукаве у Маркиза Буйе - козырная карта ..." )
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 22.09.05 01:22:08   
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2Petrovich -както твой сайт только по Мейсону новости публикует, да и то
с опозданием ))
Очевидно проходит твоё увлечение гр ПФ
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 22.09.05 04:29:12   
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22.09.05 : Арии "Marie Antoinette - The Last Night on Earth " и "Adieu my good and tender sister..." : подробности. New!
Прочитайте Цвейга пока есть время, там есть ссылка на всю книжку в зипформате.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 22.09.05 04:59:54   
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22.09.05 : Первые впечатления от прослушивания новой Оперы CAIRA редакцией журнала “Heyou” (пока на итальянском, переведём позднее). New!
Re: Roger Waters & ... PF No Reunion
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.09.05 21:04:22   
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The reunion of Roger Waters with Pink Floyd for the Live 8 concert in July, has driven the rumour mill into top gear, yet again.

With the fine performance from the band, coupled with comments made by various members (in particular, Roger Waters) that a further get-together isn't totally out of the question, various offers have been made to the band to tour again.

In Sunday's UK newspaper, The News Of The World, they printed a report that Pink Floyd would be touring next year, culminating in shows in London.

David Gilmour's PR representative quickly got in touch with the newspaper, and us, to scotch this latest rumour. She advised that, contrary to the story, Pink Floyd are definitely NOT touring next year, and have no plans to do so.

Should anything be actually announced, you know you'll find it here at Brain Damage!


Date news posted: 21 September 2005
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.09.05 21:09:18   
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Сегодня видел уже в продаже A Saucerful Of Secrets Шаффнерский (в мягко обл.) в Союзе на Октябрьской.Сегодня видел уже в продаже A Saucerful Of Secrets Шаффнерский (в мягко обл.) в Союзе на Октябрьской.

В районе 700 рубл.

Также продаются Crazy Diamond (довольно известная книга) про Сида...В ней уникальная фотка Роджа в возрасте 10-12 лет.
И толстый том про записи Сида, включая сольные года.
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 02:32:59   
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Hi gang

With Ca Ira's release imminent, we've got a full
review of the accompanying DVD now - with
screen shots of Roger hard at work and also
mucking around a little:

which also has a Quicktime file giving a 2 minute
taster of the DVD, which you can download from

It's around 6.8MB....


Я тащусь!  
Ca Ira DVD Review!
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 02:39:06   
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А Вот и Сама Статья из Damage!!!А Вот и Сама Статья из Damage!!!

Written and Directed by Adrian Maben
CLICK HERE to launch an exclusive excerpt from "Ca Ira - The DVD", or download it. It is 6.8MB, and so can even be downloaded by those with a modem internet link. It is in the popular Quicktime format, and is exclusive to the Brain Damage website.
Over fifteen long years in the making, Roger Waters new Classical opera "Ca Ira" will undoubtedly stir up very strong opinions across the Popular and Classical Music worlds. It is actually amazing to realize that we are finally here. The genesis of this project began with Roger's first meetings with Etienne and Nadine Roda-Gil in 1988, a year before the Bicentennial of the French Revolution, for the purpose of providing music for their fifty page libretto.

Roger was so transfixed by Nadine's beautiful illustrations and Etienne's French libretto, essentially lyrics telling the history of the French Revolution, that there was no turning back.

These early meetings came together through mutual friends; Philippe Constantin (from French Pathe Marconi/EMI), Etienne and Roger whom together shared similar interests in music, art and politics. Enthusiastic and inspired, Roger began constructing early demos at the upstairs studio in his Hampshire home. These first forays into classical composition became known as "demo 1". This was long before Sony Classical took a real interest in the project, later to strongly persuade Roger to translate the French libretto into English.

No one could have ever anticipated the tragic events yet to come. The making of "Ca Ira" (Roger's translation is "There is Hope") was wrought with many trials and travails along the course of its creation.

"Ca Ira" is also singularly one of the most ambitious projects in which an established rock musician has ever embarked. This multi-faceted opera became a life-affirming testament to perseverance and commitment.


Over the last ten years film director Adrian Maben, whom we all came to know well through the original and Director's Cut of Live at Pompeii, documented the project through its many incarnations, from conception to completion. This project includes revelatory interviews with Waters and the cast of "Ca Ira" as well as exclusive in-the-studio footage of the recording of the opera. That anyone would follow through with a film documentary for that long a duration is amazing in itself, but then art knows no limits.

The first thing that strikes you about "CA IRA, The DVD" is how relaxed the overall atmosphere is. The conversations between the principal characters flow naturally and intuitively. This is how everyone would imagine the ideal environment for creativity. You come away with the feeling that you are part of the conversation rather than just an observer. Roger plays many roles - creator, collaborator and music coordinator to name just three.

Roger supervising orchestrations
It is refreshing to observe his genuine enthusiasm throughout all stages of "Ca Ira." In a testament to the passage of time, the early scenes some ten years ago picture Roger with dark hair, chatting in his studio with Etienne; two men on the verge of discovery. Leap forward ten years to the present, we find a silver-haired Roger brimming with confidence, his Opera finally complete and brilliant.

Снесло крышу  
Ca Ira DVD Review!
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 02:41:06   
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The first "Ca Ira" tragedy struck in 1990 when Nadine dies of leukemia shattering her husband Etienne. During their first meeting Roger found Nadine to be full of life and unwavering in her resolve; "She struck me as being very intense - a bit spiky, like she was not going to take any crap from anyone, even me!" Roger did not know at the time Nadine was quite sick, which amazed him even more, considering the quality and quantity of work she produced in her last years. Looking back Roger reflected, "She was absolutely focused on this piece of work. Her illness focused her to produce an extraordinary amount of work." Also in this period of time, from 1990 onwards, Roger is consumed in the recording and promotion of Amused To Death, his last Rock studio record released in 1992. The "Ca Ira" project is shelved for almost five years.

In 1995, Roger began work on "Ca Ira" again, picking up the momentum when he decides to work with orchestrator Rick Wentworth. Rick was a good choice as collaborator, also an excellent musician in his own right. In his Hampshire studio, Roger and Rick began to notate the score on what was at the time an ancient Atari computer, painstakingly moving the music notes from computer to paper in order to facilitate a more efficient composing process. Roger explains that no one in their right mind would use this kind of computer and software system now. The American company Emagic, Roger expanded, has since come out with Logic and Logic Pro which has become the music composing standard now. Fast-forward to the present - Emagic Logic Pro is now owned and marketed by Apple. For chronology purposes, recording sessions during this period became known as "demo 2".


The second "Ca Ira" tragedy struck in 1996 when Philippe Constantin, the messenger who had originally introduced Etienne and Nadine Roda-Gil, dies of malaria. In July 1997, "Ca Ira" sessions pick up again with French baritone Jean-Luc Chaignaud at Abbey Road Studios. Roger tells Director Adrian Maben that it was this session that helped to convince Sony Classical to collaborate and co-produce the record of "Ca Ira."

The opera is undergoing major changes at this point. It is obvious that Sony's decision to become fully involved in "Ca Ira" has geared up the commercial crossover potential for Roger's new operatic work. Over the course of "CA IRA, The DVD" we are introduced to the opera's three main vocalists: Welsh bass-baritone Bryn Terfel, Chinese soprano Ying Huang, and American tenor Paul Groves. It will be these internationally acclaimed singers who will expand the musical accessibility of "Ca Ira" to potentially a worldwide audience.

The choice of language was perhaps the next significant change of direction for "Ca Ira." In 1997, Roger began writing an English version of the text. "Originally there was no intention of making an English version," he said, "I just assumed we'd record it in French and that would be that, you know. But after Sony Classical became involved they asked me to make an English version, and eventually after a lot of resistance I relented, and I am very glad that I did because it made me think more about the ideas that were involved in it. It forced me to look at the opera as more of a theatrical piece as well. After I had done the translations, I started to write other bits of narrative to help move the plot along, and I think it has helped the piece. I am very glad I had my arm twisted by the record company to do that."

Orchestral and choral sessions for "Ca Ira" begin in November 1998, continuing through February 1999. Conducting the 80 piece orchestra at London's Air Studios was Rick Wentworth with Roger in the control room supervising every note, and often singing or miming every word from every scene. Expertly composed, "Ca Ira" orchestration is richly detailed and dynamic, ebbing and flowing as naturally as breathing.

Early on in the "Ca Ira" project, Roger expressed "The fact is that classically trained musicians tend to work from the page. It's hard to get orchestras to play with feel, you know, it's hard to get an orchestra to find the groove!" One of the main instruments is actually the red telephone in the control room (which is a direct link to Rick and the orchestra), played with great skill by Roger!


For me personally, the most rewarding aspect of having the DVD is watching the evolution of a track, specifically "Silver, Sugar and Indigo." Roger wanted to give a more authentic African feel to the piece by doing sessions at Studios de la Seine with a group of Senegalese drummers. While Classical musicians tend to go by the score, rock musicians go by feel, something which you can not put down on paper.

As with most creative endeavors, trial and error was also the rule with "Ca Ira." As Roger explains - "This whole section with these guys was me floundering a bit. I could not work out how to make the "Silver, Sugar and Indigo" section work. I thought of using Burrundi drummers and all sorts of things. But as time went on I came to realize more and more, that if this piece was going to homogenize with the whole opera, it was going to be necessary to create whatever effect I could using the standard effects of a large orchestra, chorus and singers like all the other pieces. The one exception to this general rule is Ismael Lo singing the lead tenor part. There's something so African about the way he phrases both in French and English."

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