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Ringo Starr news

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Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.03.07 20:45:53   
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Ринго в своем новом обновлении на объявляет о выходе в этом году:

"Best of Ringo - The Hits" on Capitol Records
All Starr Band 2006 Tour DVD
Soundstage 2005 (audio CD)

Также он добавил mailing list для рассылки новостей и всякие товары народного потребления
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: the Beatleman   Дата: 31.03.07 19:47:43   
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А мне всегда нравилось как он стучал.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.05.07 12:52:45   
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Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Paulis2   Дата: 08.05.07 13:35:50   
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Ринго,наверное,один из самых везучих людей в мире,и как говорил Джордж Мартин,в его голосе столько тепла...
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.06.07 20:10:53   
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Сборник Ринго на Capitol будет называться "Photograph: The Very Best of Ringo Starr". Дата выхода: 28 августа. Планируется несколько вариантов. Дальнейшие детали последуют.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Серёжа   Дата: 16.06.07 14:35:41   
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Ребята, принимайте, я купил 2 сольника Ринго Старра.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.07.07 10:40:35   
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Новое домашнее видео на сайте Ринго.Новое домашнее видео на сайте Ринго.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: reango_the_first   Дата: 23.07.07 12:53:06   
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Ринго-лучший из битлов. Это-вначале чисто интуитивное - ощущение со временем только усилилось и обросло массой фактических подтверждений. Чем лучший? Тем,что оставался битлом до последнего,когда Битлз-то уже и не было по сути.Троица JPG в полном соответствии с официальными биографиями перестала ощущать себя единым целым где-то сразу после Сержанта.Люди творчески самостоятельные,каждый уже видел направление своего автономного движения и шёл в этом направлении. Ринго держал группу из последних сил. Именно он, наиболее пострадавший от решения августа 1966,больше всех остальных нуждался в этих самых остальных. Его “уход” времён White, официальным биографиям вопреки,был демаршем исключительно с целью- группу сохранить. Для чего? Просиживать штаны в студии, наблюдая за экспериментами других со звукозаписью и быть периодически отлучаемым даже от своих барабанов – сомнительное удовольствие для музыканта. При этом человек,буквально ломавший подставки под ударную установку во время второго американского турне,вынужден стучать в позе и с выражением лица сфинкса – ничего не поделаешь - студийная работа…Вопрос ”славы и денег”,неотделимый от имени Битлз думается, также не являлся первостепенным. Риччи состоялся как музыкант ещё до Битлз, не пропал бы ( на деле и не пропал ) и без группы.
Повторюсь – тогда для чего??? А просто человек ощущал себя частью – не смейтесь – коллектива ( для советских людей, коими большинство из нас является, это – не пустой звук ). И вне этого коллектива свою жизнь не представлял. Другие представляли, а он – нет. Можно рассуждать о закономерности распада Битлз, о бесплодности попыток сохранить группу, об искусственности “совместного” творчества… Но никто, я думаю, не станет отрицать, что магию Битлз не удалось воссоздать ни одному из битлов, по большому счёту все они стали “одними из многих”. Позволю себе предположить – Ринго и был хранителем магии Битлз. Более того – он им остался после распада и остаётся по сей день. Неспроста все попытки примирений были завязаны на его персону. Видимо, Ринго глубже других мог засунуть свои амбиции ради потенциальной возможности ещё раз слабать вместе – понимаете – ему очень нравилось лабать вместе с остальными битлами!!!
Далее. Принято сочувствовать Ринго – пел слабенько, в авторстве песен не преуспел, правда сбарабанил пару раз неплохо – вспоминается обычно соло в THE END и почему-то TICKET TO RIDE. На любителя, конечно, но переслушайте, пожалуйста, WHAT YOU’RE DOING,TOMORROW NEVER KNOWS,RAIN,WAIT,репризу к SGT.PEPPER – он ведь великий барабанный композитор!!!
Ну и что касается пороков. Алкоголизм исторически близок русскому народу и вполне приемлем им, в отличие от чуждых наркотиков. Какая марихуана, какой метадон, когда мы ещё не всю водку выпили! Пусть и пил Риччи чаще всё-таки виски. А про то ,что вылечился – пусть рассказывает внукам…
Резюмируя – таким вот воспринимается он - мой самый любимый и самый лучший из битлов!
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: demrog1   Дата: 23.07.07 15:32:12   
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ринго мой любимый битл и хороший барабанщик!
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 24.07.07 22:48:15   
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Редкости от Японии № 1Редкости от Японии
№ 1
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 24.07.07 22:48:51   
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3-х дюймовка № 23-х дюймовка
№ 2
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.08.07 10:41:26   
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Новое хоум-видео от Ринго на его сайте.Новое хоум-видео от Ринго на его сайте.

"Альбом (Liverpool 8) продюсировали я и Марк Хадсон, и запродюсировал Дейв Стюарт".
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.08.07 10:04:14   
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Musician Ringo Starr poses for a photo in Beverly Hills, Calif., Tuesday, June 12, 2007.Musician Ringo Starr poses for a photo in Beverly Hills, Calif., Tuesday, June 12, 2007.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.08.07 10:04:57   
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Ringo Starr news
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.08.07 10:09:59   
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Just don't mention the FourJust don't mention the Four

All you need is love, Ringo Starr tells James Button, and a little help from your friends.

"It is me, it's got stars in the glasses, you know what I mean?" ... Ringo Starr on the cover of his new album.

But there is no royal entrance. Instead, a man in sunglasses lopes in with a wave and a "Hullo, everybody". The voice is Liverpuddlian, laced with LA.

He wears jeans, a blue-and-white striped shirt and a crumpled jacket. At 67 he is trim and in good nick, even if his short hair is suspiciously brown.

A bit of bling - a row of earrings, gold on one finger and a necklace - is the one flourish. The white plastic "Peace and Love" bracelet that he wears he designed himself. He is simply Ringo.

A Dutch journalist opens by confessing she was "a bit shocked" by the cover photo on the new album. It shows a bearded man in mirror sunglasses looking like a dodgy cop from a '70s TV show.

"Ah, you don't like it?" he asks, unfussed. "I mean it says everything, it is me, it's got stars in the glasses, you know what I mean? It's right there in my name."

Before the interview, EMI emailed a "friendly reminder that this is an interview for Ringo Starr's Best of album and not the Beatles".

Whatever you do, don't mention the Four.

But asked why so many songs on the album are from the '70s, he replies: "Well, they were my hits. In the '70s I was trying to find my feet. I had just finished with that band I was in ..."

At once the futility of EMI's request is clear. There is no escaping that band he was in. And no one knows it more than him.

After the break-up, he writes in a note to the album, he loved being with John Lennon because only another Beatle could understand what being a Beatle was like: the looks people gave "like you weren't human".

He felt the same doing a talk show with Paul McCartney in Las Vegas in June. Only "Paul knows what it was like to be exposed to that madness". The two may comprise the most exclusive self-help group in human history.

Starr was famously the happy, normal Beatle, who, when the band went on a consciousness expansion visit to India, took his own food from England. All the more striking, then, is the note of wistfulness on his new album, Photograph: The Very Best of Ringo Starr. It features 20 songs written over more than 30 years, starting with a 1971 single produced by George Harrison, It Don't Come Easy, and culminating in the poignant Never Without You, a 2003 song for Harrison, who had died two years before.

The music is pleasant in the singalong way that Starr made his own. More memorable are the liner notes and the who's who of performers who played with him, many of whom are dead. The album is an ode to friends and a lament for their loss.

"It was always my pleasure to hang out with John," he writes in a note for Goodnight Vienna, which Lennon wrote for him in 1974. He wrote Never Without You because "I wanted to express my love for him [Harrison]".

Harry Nilsson, Mark Bolan, Elton John, Bernie Taupin, Eric Clapton, Peter Frampton, Pete Drake, Billy Preston and Buck Owens all had a hand in the record. Starr says he has no idea why so many people liked to write for him and play with him. "In the '70s I was in LA and all these players were coming into the studio, that was all. Dr John comes over and it was like, 'Oh, come on in Mac, we're doing a record'. I am the sort of musician who likes to play with other musicians. I don't like playing on my own."

But now Lennon, Harrison, Bolan, Preston, Nilsson, Drake and Owens are gone. The man who got by with a little help from his friends has lost plenty of them.

Billy Preston? "I saw him the day before he went into the coma."

John and George? "The thing is, I would prefer I was talking about them and they were in the next room but they're not. That's just how it is. They were both really good friends of mine."

The cliche that Starr is the luckiest man who ever lived, who fell into the Beatles, married a Bond girl and moved to Monte Carlo - was always glib, and unfair on his drumming. He has had his sorrows, though he doesn't plan to analyse them in the media.

"The '80s went downhill for me because of drugs and alcohol." How did he get out of it? "I stopped taking drugs and alcohol."

Was he unhappy? "I don't think you can be that happy when you are drinking all the time. It is just part of life. You don't plan to go there, I just did." He says he doesn't know why. "It was not like, 'Oh, the dog's dead'."

Now, though, life is "great". He and his wife, the actress Barbara Bach, move between homes in Monte Carlo, Los Angeles, Chelsea in London and a mansion in Surrey - "keep it that vague, if you don't mind". And, he points out with pride, his oldest son, Zak, plays drums with the Who and Oasis.

He says he is loving music again: playing and listening. The recent 40th anniversary of the release of Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band passed him by: it was never his favourite album, too many "effects and horses and dogs on it".

Instead, he likes contemporary bands like the Magic Numbers and Australia's Cat Empire. "They're like Madness except they're Australian and they record in Cuba. And the brass is great, and the rhythm is great ..."

One song, written in the early '70s, has the mildest of digs at McCartney: Starr doesn't seem to do venom. So how does he get on with McCartney now?

"Really, really good," he enthuses. "We talk on the phone, we hook up four or five times a year."

What do they talk about? "Oh, the old days - get off!" He laughs.

"We talk about now! We have family, we have kids. That's how it is."

And that's how he was. "Write about the music, not so much about me," he says. "And no matter what you choose, choose love. It's like, 'Oh God, there he goes again', but that's how I feel. I hope that one day, everyone on the planet will go for one second, 'Peace and love'. That's my dream."

He flashes a peace sign. Then he laughs again as we skeptical journalists - all taught to keep a critical distance from our subject - line up for an autograph.

Photograph: The Very Best of Ringo Starr will be released on September 8.
Я тащусь!  
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Грибушин Сергей Иванович   Дата: 23.08.07 12:39:43   
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reango_the_first: "Позволю себе предположить – Ринго и был хранителем магии Битлз. Более того – он им остался после распада и остаётся по сей день".

Мысли сходятся не только у дураков. Вот цитата из статьи "Властелин Колец и его Герои Вчерашних Дней": "... среди Битлов именно его — причём, игравшего в группе не с самого начала, — можно назвать Хранителем битловской идеи" ["FROM ME TO YOU" #21, 2006/2].
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: МАКбитle   Дата: 24.08.07 13:27:52   
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Ну насчет магии не согласен, как-то вы все преувеличиваете насчет Ринго! Хотя, кое в чем можно с вами и согласиться. Ну а в отнощении распада Битлз, Пол был единственным человеком который относился к ансамблю, как к своему ребенку, Ринго носило по течению... ИМХО!
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: papan   Дата: 24.08.07 15:26:04   
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>Позволю себе предположить – Ринго и был хранителем
>магии Битлз. Более того – он им остался после
>распада и остаётся по сей день.

В этом несомненно что-то есть. Я например давно заметил,что из сольных работ битлов 70-х ближе всего к битловскому классическому звучанию приблизились именно альбомы Ринго.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.09.07 09:39:41   
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Квентин Тарантино признался, что ему хотелось бы, чтобы Ринго снялся в одном из его фильмов.
КТ сказал, что сыграл свою первую роль на сцене в 16 лет. Его персонажем был англичанин, и он часами учился говорить на диалекте "скауз", подражая Ринго.
"Нынче в любой день недели я бы предпочел "Битлз" Элвиса, но в Ринго всегда было что-то особенное. Я всегда считал, что на сцене он смотрелся ярче всех из группы."
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.12.07 16:07:13   
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Ringo's Rhythm Without BluesRingo's Rhythm Without Blues
Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2007 By CATHERINE MAYER/MONACO

A word of advice for Barbara Bach: if the American-born actress is wondering about a Christmas present for her husband, she could do worse than buy him a thick pair of long johns. He'll need them where he's going. Not because he has become enfeebled by age or excess, far from it: at 67, Richard Starkey, a.k.a. Ringo Starr, the oldest member of the Beatles and — despite a notorious bout of overindulgence — one of the band's two survivors, seems unstoppable. His musical output is prodigious. Next month, Ringo releases his 16th solo studio album of songs written and sung by him, and underpinned by his unmistakable drumming. And he's also halfway through writing a musical, The Hole in the Fence, a meditation on childhood, with former Eurythmic Dave Stewart.

You remember Ringo. He was the comical one in the Beatles, lovable but expendable. He hitched a ride on the Lennon-McCartney express. Perhaps you believed he'd been knighted like Sir Paul. Maybe you assumed he'd retired. In fact, almost everything you think you know about Ringo is wrong, except that he's endearing. Lean and boisterous in tight pants, T shirt, sneakers and funky sunglasses, he could be mistaken for a 50-something in the first throes of an affair with a younger woman. It is true that Ringo is enraptured by a younger woman, but he's not trying to roll back the years to please his lady. His relationship with his 60-year-old wife, a former Bond girl, has been going strong since they met on a film set in 1980. The dark lenses are prescription, reveals his friend, the musician Keith Allison, but in other respects Ringo is simply dressing like the rock star he is, a charming and pampered idol who has rarely endured a cloudy day since alighting in tax exile in the principality of Monaco in 1976.

Ringo also has a house in Los Angeles, takes holidays in the tropics, and occasionally — and with evident reluctance — visits his spread in the Surrey countryside, south of London. He'll be there later this month. "I'm going to England for Christmas with the kids," he says. "It's damp and it's cold and it's dark. I love the sun and the warmth, and that's how I choose to spend my life."

Surrey will seem balmy in comparison with his subsequent destination. On the evening of Jan. 11, on a rooftop in Liverpool, pinioned by the icy winds blowing in from the Mersey Estuary, the city's prodigal son will launch a year-long festival marking its selection as one of the two European Capitals of Culture for 2008 (the other one, Stavanger in Norway, is even colder). It will be Ringo's first rooftop performance since the Beatles' final gig atop London's Apple Studios in January 1969. That day, enveloped in a scarlet coat and insulated by his thick mane of hair, he looked cold — and the moptop has long since been supplanted by a close-cropped style that will afford zero protection against a wintry Liverpool night.

Provided Ringo survives the opening ceremony, he'll headline at a concert the next evening featuring fellow mainstays of the city's music scene: the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, No Fakin' DJs, Echo and the Bunnymen, Pete Wylie, Ian Broudie, Shack, the Christians and the Wombats. That motley list tells the real story. Something about Liverpool, a chemical reaction between the irrepressible locals and the diverse influences that have slipped ashore in the city's port, spurs creativity. High culture and low, from staid to avant-garde — it's all come out of Merseyside. But nothing else has ever equaled the Beatles. Ringo and Paul McCartney (who will play there in June) are Liverpool's greatest living cultural ambassadors, and Ringo in particular is seen as the embodiment of the city's down-to-earth persona. "Ringo is exactly as he says on the tin," says musician and activist Bob Geldof.

One thing it says on that tin is "baked beans." Ringo never liked fancy foreign food, and in 1967 went off with fellow Beatles to see the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in India, carrying with him a suitcase full of baked beans. He left the ashram when he'd eaten the last can. He grew up in poverty. ("I was so poor," jokes Ringo, "that I had to hop to school. We only had one shoe.") He hasn't been back to Merseyside since his stepdad's funeral 11 years ago. Ask Ringo if he's English and he answers, "No. I'm world." If there's a football match, he'll root for England or his real passion, Liverpool FC; otherwise, he says, "I feel more American sometimes than most Americans." His accent, unlike the man himself, still pays dues to his homeland, but also owes a few of its cadences to California. Yet Ringo sees himself as a typical Liverpudlian at least in one respect. "I bring humor to the fore," he says. "It's a defense. Give me an opening and I'm in. When I was a kid, you went to the pub and people would have some sort of quick retort to what you said. A lot of it would put you down, but it would also bring you up."

"He's still got that bittersweet humor and is sharp as a razor," says Stewart, who co-wrote and co-produced Ringo's forthcoming solo album. Called Liverpool 8, after the postal code of the neighborhood where Ringo grew up, its title track chronicles his escape from the city in jaunty couplets ("I always followed my heart/ But I never missed a beat").
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