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Joss Stone - откуда всплыла?

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Joss Stone - откуда всплыла?
Автор: Leobax   Дата: 03.06.05 13:14:19
В последние месяцы повсюду натыкался на это имя, пока в утреннем эфире НТВ не увидел микросюжет с фргаментом её выступления.
Купил двд и вчера посмотрел. понравилось. Странная белокурая хохотушка с мощным и чувственным голосом при поддержке преимущественно черных музыкантоа поет добрые соуловые и околоблюзовые вещи (не силен в жанровых определениях). Вспомнилось, что в сюжете говорили про белую девушку с голосом черной певицы и сравнивали то ли с Аретой Франклин, то ли с самой Эллой. Кто-нибудь слышал-видел этот Камешек?
Кажется, её имя я заметил в списке участников грядущего Live 8.
Re: Joss Stone - откуда всплыла?
Автор: Bog   Дата: 03.06.05 13:41:18   
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Всплыла уже пару лет назад у нее вышло уже два очень неплохих альбома с современным соулом, Европа сходит с ума уже года полтора, Америка около года наконец и до нас добрались…
Joss Stone - британский «проект» очень неплохой, но достаточно искусственный, взяли 16 летнюю девушку сейчас ей уже 19 с хорошим вокалом и взяли прекрасных соуло исполнителей 70х таких как Латимор, Литтел Бивер, Тамми Томас, которые не только подготовили материал но и сыграли на всех инструментах. В итоге грамотный проект под 70е, звучит приятно….
Re: Joss Stone - откуда всплыла?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.06.05 13:54:05   
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Кроме того Джаггер пригласил ее работать над песнями к недавнему ремейку фильма Альфи. С ним она спела дуэт Lonely Without You (This Christmas) и посягнула на территорию Дайонн Уорвик, т.е саму песню Alfie.Кроме того Джаггер пригласил ее работать над песнями к недавнему ремейку фильма "Альфи". С ним она спела дуэт "Lonely Without You (This Christmas)" и посягнула на территорию Дайонн Уорвик, т.е саму песню "Alfie".
Re: Joss Stone - откуда всплыла?
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 03.06.05 21:08:18   
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Re: Joss Stone - откуда всплыла?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.06.05 21:12:54   
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На самом деле я пока не уверен, сколько души в ее соул. Если рассматривать ее пение канонически, то все вроде бы хорошо. Но так чтоб задушу взяло - пока нет. IMHO
Re: Joss Stone - откуда всплыла?
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 03.06.05 21:27:37   
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2Primal Scream:

>На самом деле я пока не уверен, сколько души
>в ее соул. Если рассматривать ее пение канонически,
>то все вроде бы хорошо. Но так чтоб задушу взяло
>- пока нет. IMHO
Праймал, да и с канонами как-то у неё по-скримовски получаеца :))))
Ладна, поживём-увидим: глядь, через три десятка выйдет каменный цветок у Данилы-мастера :)))
Re: Joss Stone - откуда всплыла?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.06.05 21:33:05   
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Слишком молода, чтобы знать, о чем поет - временный недостаток. Слишком бела - поживем увидим.
Re: Joss Stone - откуда всплыла?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.06.05 21:42:48   
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В общем, хорошая девочка.В общем, хорошая девочка.
Re: Joss Stone - откуда всплыла?
Автор: Mary J Holly   Дата: 03.06.05 21:49:55   
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Да уж, все-таки в оригинальном Альфи и саундтрек был попристойнее, и актеры... ох уж эти римейки.....
Re: Joss Stone - откуда всплыла?
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 05.06.05 00:32:39   
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попристойнее, и не более...А так...оба фильма, мне кажется, не шедевры...
Стоун постаралась спеть песенку "еще чернее", чем сама Дайонн :-)
В результате -- "эффект Л. Долиной" :))))
...Ну, не белое это дело петь по-чёрному (чистая антропологическая физиология, никакого расизма :)))
Re: Joss Stone - откуда всплыла?
Автор: Leobax   Дата: 07.06.05 09:25:50   
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Всем спасибо, информация весьма полезная для осмысления
что касается, белого волоса и черной души, то когда-то правильные черные пацаны посмеивались над Эминемом за его попытку вступить на их песочницу, а сейчас в рот заглядывают.
Впрочем, может все дело в больших деньгах?
Ну а девчушка-хохотушка пусть себе поёт, кому от этого будет хуже? :-)))

Опять же сэр Пол в обнимку с ней исполнит чего-нибудь на Live 8 - вот и станет совсем нашей герлой ...
Re: Joss Stone - откуда всплыла? 1
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.07.05 07:41:10   
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Joss Stone Wraps Voice Around Soul's PainJoss Stone Wraps Voice Around Soul's Pain

NEW YORK - It doesn't take long for a meeting with Joss Stone to quickly descend into the surreal. There she is, on a sofa in a Midtown recording studio lounge, watching music videos, chatting about her unlikely career as a soul singer, when her attention gets distracted ... By her own voice.

"Look, look, look," she says. "Oh my God!"

From a large-screen TV, Stone's GAP commercial is airing, the one where she's hawking white jeans by crooning her version of "The Right Time" for a few cute friends during what looks like an impromptu backyard concert.

"That is so crazy," she says, as images of swaying bodies flash across the screen, everyone decked out in summer Gap wear. The camera pans to her pals, then to her face, then to what looks like her swaying rear.

"That's not my bum!" Stone screams.

"All these bum shots? They're not mine. They're like other girls. That's not my bum, I promise," she says, watching the screen with morbid fascination. "They totally make it like it is."

This little editing trick genuinely freaks Stone out. Her face betrays the insecurity: Why would they do that? Why take the voice and not the rump? And is there something wrong with her rear end?

"I get really nervous. Apparently, I need a J-Lo bum or something," she says. Then to the publicists waiting outside she screams: "Bring in the implants, girls."

The lesson: You might be young, willowy and talented, but show business can still rip you down. Chalk it up to one more thing the 18-year-old has had to learn during her wild ride from southern England.

Since winning a BBC talent contest at age 14, she has released two hit albums, snagged two Grammy nominations and serenaded President Bush. She calls Elton John and Tom Cruise friends, been dubbed a diva by VH1 and gets tips on vocal spray from Sting.

But, like the GAP ad, she concentrates on the flaws.

"When you step back and you look at it, it's like, 'Wow, that's really cool that I've achieved this much.' But I haven't really achieved a lot, a lot, a lot compared to a lot of other singers," she says.

"It does make me happy when I look at it. But, still, I'm very critical of myself in every situation, even if it's something really good. I always find one note wrong. Always. Every single time."

Fans apparently haven't heard them. Stone's first CD "The Soul Sessions" — a 10 song collection of little-known R&B songs from the '60s and '70s — zoomed up the charts in 2003, fueled by her reworking of The White Stripes' "Fell in Love With a Girl."

The album also brought disbelief in some corners — that a white chick from rural England could sing like Aretha Franklin. That a mere teen could wrap her voice around the pain of soul.

"It's weird when people say to me, 'How do you sing that — you're only 18?' I'm like, 'Well, how many times did you fall in love by the time you were 18? Like 50 million times?' And, you know what? The first time that you fall in love is the best and the worst. And the first time you break up it feels like, Oh my God, you will die tomorrow."

Still not sold? Then you'll have to deal with Patti LaBelle.

"Everybody goes through the same thing — it doesn't matter what color you are. And Joss Stone just happened to wake up one morning with all this soul that had to come out. So people better not be thinking it's a gimmick. It's for real," says LaBelle, who has worked with and mentored Stone.

"She was born like that. She didn't practice it. It just happened that she opened her mouth and a big black woman comes out," she says. "The girl can just sing."
Re: Joss Stone - откуда всплыла?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.07.05 07:41:28   
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But Stone herself seems somewhat shaky on this. Take the last Grammy Awards, where her duet with Melissa Etheridge on a Janis Joplin medley of "Cry Baby/Piece of My Heart" was an instant crowd pleaser.

"I saw it and I was like, 'What the hell are people talking about?' At the beginning, I hit the worst note. Any singer would tell you. The first cry was so way out of it and then it was cool, but I always manage to do that to myself. I beat myself up for no reason," Stone says.

"I kind of have two people talking to me. One says, 'That was really crap. You're the worst singer in the world.' The other says, 'Hold on for a second, Joss. You just stood up in front of billions people worldwide. Just shut up. Stop beating yourself up.' I'm like a schizo. I have two voices in my head."

As is customary for Stone, today she is barefoot, wearing a long gypsy skirt and tank top, her wrists covered in bangles and a tiny stud gleaming in her right nostril. The look — helped by her long, wavy blonde hair — is pure hippie chic.

"I don't like wearing shoes. I prefer going barefoot. I feel like I'm at home, you know? I don't go home very much so I try to make myself comfortable in every way I can," she says.

Stone's current CD, "Mind, Body & Soul" — with 11 of the 14 songs co-written by Stone — combines a classic soul sound with contemporary pop beats, sort of like soul for the iPod generation.

Soul, she says, was her main musical diet while growing up, the thing that moved her adolescent heart in her bedroom in Devon. She has tried to sing in different styles, but it never worked.

"It doesn't matter what song I'm singing — I could be singing rock 'n' roll or reggae — it's just the way it comes out," she says. "I get into it and I feel like it sounds bad to me when I don't."

Ask her about her own voice, though, and Stone demurs. "I really don't feel it can do that much, to be honest. Some people like the sound of it. I don't know," she says uncomfortably.

"Really, I can't do (expletive) with my voice. I can't go really high. I can't do runs after runs after runs like Beyonce. I do, like, one run. I just sing — I don't do all that stuff.

"I think anybody who puts their emotion — their whole heart — into it, you will feel it. It's like if the worst singer in the world comes and sings a song and they're almost crying, you will cry. You will feel it. It doesn't matter whether you're a good singer or not. That's what I do."

Some of her more raw emotions may have recently been smoothed out. Stone, you see, is in love. Her beau is Beau Dozier, 25, son of Motown producer Lamont Dozier.

Sitting beside her on the sofa at the studio is the proof of their love: A limp, tiny puppy given as a gift by her boyfriend. Stone has named her Dusty Springfield Dozier.

"She so sweet," says Stone. "God I love her."

Other than dog rearing, what's next for this young lady? Probably an album. She admits to being a little sick of continuing performing songs from the last one.

"I have so many ideas. Maybe I'll go a little funky, maybe I won't. Maybe I'll record it like this, maybe I won't. I'm really not sure. It'll be a nice surprise," she says.

It'll be soul, though.

"Everybody has a little bit of soul, they just show it in different ways. Some people paint a picture, some people write a book, some people bake a cake, some people show it in the way they raise their children. They put their heart and soul into something. I do it through my music.";_ylt=AvTd_Ke0QWSSq...
Re: Joss Stone - откуда всплыла?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.02.07 13:35:29   
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Introducing Joss Stone Introducing Joss Stone
Audio CD (March 19, 2007)

1. Vinny Jones Intro
2. Girls You Won't Believe It
3. Head Turner
4. Tell Me 'Bout It
5. Tell Me What We're Gonna Do Now featuring Common
6. Put Your Hands On Me Baby
7. Music featuring Lauryn Hill
8. In The Arms Of My Baby
9. I Wish (Interlude)
10. I Wish
11. Catch Me
12. Not Real Love
13. Baby Baby Baby
14. What Were We Thinking

British soul singer and songwriter Joss Stone's third album, "Introducing Joss Stone," is an electrifying mix of warm vintage soul, '70s-style R&B, Motown girl-group harmonies, and hip-hop grooves. The album is the one that Stone describes as "truly me. That's why I'm calling it Introducing Joss Stone," she says. "These are my words, and this is who I am as an artist." Knowing she wanted to write the album alone, Stone decamped to Barbados in April to come up with lyrics. She stayed for several months before flying to the Bahamas to hook up with her main musical collaborator and producer Raphael Saadiq (known for his work with D'Angelo, The Roots, and Macy Gray). Stone and Saadiq spent two months recording in the Bahamas, and then mixed it at the legendary Electric Lady Studios in New York City.
Other musical collaborators include rapper/singer/songwriter and producer Novel, who is the grandson of soul legend Solomon Burke and has written songs for Kelis and India.Arie, as well as Beau Dozier, son of Motown legend Lamont Dozier, whom she wrote with on her last album, 2004's gold-certified Mind, Body & Soul. The album also features guest vocal appearances by the rapper Common on "Tell Me What We're Going to Do," and reclusive singer Lauryn Hill, who lends a rap to the languid Fugees-inspired track "Music."
Re: Joss Stone - откуда всплыла?
Автор: Leobax   Дата: 02.02.07 13:44:55   
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Спасибо, праймал. Вот что бы мы без твоего ликбеза делали? :-)
Re: Joss Stone - откуда всплыла?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.02.07 13:49:47   
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>Спасибо, праймал. Вот что бы мы без твоего ликбеза
>делали? :-)

На здоровье, дорогой!
Предварительная прослушка
Re: Joss Stone - откуда всплыла?
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 19.06.07 20:26:48   
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А не подацца ли нам в лезбияны?"А не подацца ли нам в лезбияны?"

Soul singer Joss Stone is considering becoming a lesbian after a relationship turned sour.

The 20-year-old, who has been desperate to be in a relationship since splitting from her first love Beau Dozier in 2005, is now considering giving up on men altogether.

Joss told Britain's The Times magazine: "I think I'll have to turn lesbian.

"Every girl my age wants to be in a relationship. I haven't had one in two years and look how that ended. I only wish I had something to tell the gossip columnists."

The Fell in Love with a Boy singer branded her former lover "disgusting" for selling a story about their relationship.

She said: "Oh my God! Disgusting! Maybe one day I'll understand why he decided to do that, but right now? It's beyond my comprehension."

Joss, who has had four managers in the last five years, admits she can be difficult to work with.

She explained: "You could draw the conclusion that I'm unmanageable and it's probably true. I have strong opinions and can be very vocal about what I think.

"Managers say 'Guess what, I've got you a gig' but they didn't get it for you.

"It was your reputation and commercial standing that got it and they were just the person who took the call. So why can't I be the one who picks up the phone? I've got no problem at all with talking."
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