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Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.

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Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 13.09.06 05:14:20   
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Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 13.09.06 05:15:02   
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Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 13.09.06 05:15:48   
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Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 13.09.06 05:16:35   
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Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 13.09.06 05:17:24   
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Я тащусь!  
Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 13.09.06 05:34:44   
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Я тащусь!  
Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 13.09.06 05:37:52   
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Bluesman Cray takes the reins of his career
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 18.09.06 12:03:13   
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Twenty years ago next month, guitarist Robert Cray stood on the stage of the Fox Theatre, surrounded by rock and blues royalty. Keith Richards, Eric Clapton and pianist Johnnie Johnson were among those gathered to help celebrate Chuck Berry's 60th birthday and to play a pair of concerts that would form the main body of Taylor Hackford's movie Hail! Hail! Rock 'N' Roll.Twenty years ago next month, guitarist Robert Cray stood on the stage of the Fox Theatre, surrounded by rock and blues royalty. Keith Richards, Eric Clapton and pianist Johnnie Johnson were among those gathered to help celebrate Chuck Berry's 60th birthday and to play a pair of concerts that would form the main body of Taylor Hackford's movie "Hail! Hail! Rock 'N' Roll."

Cray was the (relatively) new kid on the block at that point, having hit the charts with his fourth album, "Strong Persuader." With that release and the many since, Cray has helped to further popularize blues music and expand its reach by mixing in pop, rock and soul influences.

What does Cray remember about the time spent rehearsing and playing with Berry?

"What was really funny was watching Keith Richards pay his respects to Chuck, who was so weary and leery about all these happenings," Cray says by phone from his home in Los Angeles. "He'd known Keith for a long time, but he was treating him like a child. And I watched all that go down, watching Keith get upset. At the same time, Chuck was treating me like, 'Hey, young man, would you like a cup of coffee?' He was really nice to me."

Since that show, Cray has shared a stage with Clapton many times, and the two of them are on tour together once again. In fact, Cray recorded his most recent album, "Live from Across the Pond," when he and his band served as the opening act for seven Clapton concerts at London's Royal Albert Hall.

Given that Cray has always been such a strong live performer, it's a shock to discover that this is his first live album.

"In the past, it's been like, you get one shot. You do it or you die," he says, adding with a laugh, "In most cases, it's been the latter. I'd lose my voice, or I could feel that, for myself or the guys in the band, the anticipation of being recorded didn't let the music flow right. This time, with seven days in one spot, with the same sound every night, the opportunity was too good to pass up."

The live album also marks the debut of Cray's new record label, Nozzle, which is named, he swears, after his dog Sunny's snout.

"My wife said his face looks like a nozzle, and I thought, 'OK, that's a good name,'" he says.

As for his friend Clapton, a man whom few outside the guitar legend's circle really get to know, Cray says, "The Clapton I know is a guy who just wants to be in the band. He's the kind of guy who'll come to my dressing room and say, 'Hi,' or he'll invite me over to his dressing room to have a meal. The cats play jokes on him, and he's really accessible and a lot of fun.

"On the other hand, he's still Eric Clapton. I've stood onstage next to him and watched him go from one level to the next. If you stand there and think, 'Oh, I could do what he does' - no, you can't."

Cray took some heat from more traditionally minded blues fans when the title track of his 2005 album, "Twenty," hit the streets. It's about a soldier who signed up to fight in Afghanistan after 9/11, only to find himself in Iraq, in the middle of a war he wants no part of and doesn't understand.

"The reaction now compared to the reaction when the song came out has changed," Cray says. "Initially people were kind of quiet and reserved about it. We did have certain military personnel come up and say they were happy we were playing it. People would stand up and applaud, and there will be a few people who get up and walk out. But now people cheer. It's a whole different thing than it was last year."
Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 26.09.06 22:06:07   
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Непроходящий восторг от прослушивания нового альбома Роберта Крэя! :)))))))))))Непроходящий восторг от прослушивания нового альбома Роберта Крэя! :)))))))))))

Отличный звук, такое ощущение, что стоишь на концерте!
Особо рекомендую Primal Scream'у, который его не увидел в Москве...
Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.09.06 22:09:20   
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Сереженька, как только так сразу!!!
Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 26.09.06 22:21:06   
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2Primal Scream:
Он сегодня в Москве появился. Мне позвонили я и побежал, сжимая в руках сувенир от ДжЛыХа, которого сегодня имел счастье лицезреть :)
Robert Cray Band comes to the State
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 30.09.06 11:22:41   
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Taking a break from their national tour opening for Eric Clapton, the Robert Cray Band will come to Ithaca for a headline performance Sunday night at the State Theatre.Taking a break from their national tour opening for Eric Clapton, the Robert Cray Band will come to Ithaca for a headline performance Sunday night at the State Theatre.

For more than 20 years, Cray has been at the top of the blues world, ever since his album “Strong Persuader” sold two million copies back in 1986.

Cray recently released his first concert album, the double CD “Live from Across the Pond”; it was recorded during a seven-night stand opening for Clapton at London's Royal Albert Hall.

“It wasn't our gig, it was Eric's gig, and the main thing on our mind was to get some new fans,” says Cray. “So we weren't thinking about the tape. Which has always been a problem in the past—you worry about this one shot that you get to do a live recording, your voice goes out, you're too hyped up to relax and it just doesn't pan out. We had seven nights at the same place with same setup.”

The format allowed Cray and his road-tested band—drummer Kevin Hayes, bassist Karl Sevareid and keyboardist Jim Pugh— to stretch out on familiar favorites such “Right Next Door (Because of Me)” and “Bad Influence.”

Listening to the tapes offered Cray a new perspective on his band's interaction. “You realize that you don't hear things the way you do onstage,” he says. “So you're listening to the tapes, and you realize, ‘Oh, we did that!'”

Blurring boundaries
Blues isn't really an adequate label to describe Cray's music: he also draws on R&B, gospel and soul for his distinctive sound.
“When I go home and look at my record collection, I've got a lot more than blues in there,' Cray says during a recent tour stop in Grand Rapids, Mich.. “I like a lot of different things, and that can't be denied.”

He attributes some of that eclectism to frequently moving when he was a kid; his father was in the army.

“When we lived in Germany, we bought a lot of records,” he remembers. “We'd go to the PX and buy singles and albums—they were a lot cheaper on the military base. We'd listen to Armed Forces Network.

“When we lived in Virginia, about 1966-68, we heard the regional music there, boardwalk music from North Carolina, and we were also getting the Stax music,” he continues. “Before that, when we moved back from Germany to Washington (State) in 1963, there was a lot of regional music, and the radio stations played it.”

Like many kids growing up in the 1960s, Cray was inspired to pick up the guitar by the Beatles.

“When we came back from Germany, we were in Tacoma, when the Beatles hit,” he says. “I remember listening to KJR AM radio station talking about the Beatles coming to Seattle. I didn't have a chance to go I was too young, but it was pretty cool.

“So I got a guitar, and liked every other kid, I played and practiced in the garage and took lessons off and on. I had a little garage band that never did anything. The thing with me is, I just never got rid of the guitar, and every opportunity to play with somebody I did.And one thing led to another.”

At the movies
Cray has had small roles in some movies. One, “Hail Hail Rock and Roll,” Taylor Hackford's tribute to Chuck Berry was recently released on DVD.
“I was talking to Steve Jordan about that,” Cray says of Eric Clapton's drummer who's also in the movie. “He said that there's a lot of stuff that didn't come out in the original, so we're both looking forward to watching it. I had a good time. It was a lot of fun, and hilarious at the same time. You've got Keith Richards honoring one of his heroes, who doesn't trust anybody. And although he's known Keith for the longest time, he treats Keith like a little boy. Meanwhile, I'm new on the scene, and watching all this stuff go down while Chuck is being so nice and gracious to me. There was some great moments, some great jams going on, and making some new friends for the first time.”

Less known is Cray's role as a member of Otis Day and the Knights in “Animal House.”

“When they did it, I was living in Eugene, Ore., where me and (former bassist) Richard Cousins had started the band after moving down from Tacoma, Wash.” he says. “But there wasn't any working movie title that I knew at the time, being a bit player in the film. But with John Belushi being in town, it started the whole Blues Brothers thing.” (Belushi based his Joliet Jake Blues character on Cray's bandmate, Curtis Salgado.)

Timely topics
Lately, Cray has veered toward timely subjects on songs such as “Twenty,” which addressed the war in Iraq.
“It's all around us these days. It's so huge,” he says. “‘The Decider' has divided people into different camps. (Topical songwriting) is something that comes with being around for a while and getting older, but you do pay attention to things you might not have paid attention to in your younger days. So I read papers, and listen to the radio, and absorb information, and how it affects everybody's daily lives.”

Is he content with the course of his career? “Given the type of music that we play, hell, yeah!,” he says with a big laugh. “When we started off doing what we're doing, we didn't think that we'd be on the radio in the first place. So when we had the success that we did with ‘Strong Persuader,' it was great. And just like any other band will tell you, if you've got a gig you're doing fine. And that's where we are now.”

While Cray has won several Grammy Awards, he's not content to rest on his laurels. “I have this little practice room off the garage, and they sit in there,” he says of his trophies. “But that's not the reason I play. I play for fun. And it's always been that, and it still remains that to this day. But the Grammys are cool— it's something to look at and say ‘Hey, they like what we're doing.'”
Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 03.10.06 21:19:23   
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>2Primal Scream:
>Он сегодня в Москве появился.

Пожалуйста, поподробнее, где появился и как туда можно добраться?
Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.10.06 21:45:31   
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Где-то появился, но у меня пока нет. Как добраться? Просто добирайся.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 03.10.06 21:49:33   
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Ничем помочь не могу, для этого надо жить у меня дома... :)
Мне привезли.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.10.06 21:50:37   
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>Ничем помочь не могу, для этого надо жить у меня
>дома... :)

Склоняете девушку к сожительству?
Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 03.10.06 22:07:27   
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2Primal Scream:
Коль, читай внимательно - "Ничем помочь не могу!"
Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.10.06 22:12:26   
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Ну да, извините.
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 04.10.06 14:23:56   
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2Primal Scream:

Спасибо, люди добрые :-)))
На Горбушке не нашла.
Есть ли смысл в Пурпурный ехать?
Re: Blues. Robert Cray. The Last Hero.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.10.06 14:29:10   
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>Есть ли смысл в Пурпурный ехать?

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