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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters

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VH1 Classic
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 08.11.05 10:56:35   
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NEW YORK, Nov. 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Впервые в Штатах VH1 будет транслировать "The Second Annual UK Music Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony" в полном двухчасовом объеме эксклюзивно по VH1 Classic сразу после премьеры на VH1. Среди артистов, приглашенных на шоу занять свое место в зале РнРольной славы: PINK FLOYD, BOB DYLAN, EURYTHMICS, OZZY OSBOURNE AND BLACK SABBATH, THE WHO, THE KINKS, JIMI HENDRIX, JOY DIVISION/NEW ORDER. (Оззи будет со всем семейством). The UK Music Hall of Fame продюсируется Initial (подразделение Endemol) и распостраняется Channel 4 International.

Вторая ежегодная церемония "UK Music Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony" пройдет в знаменитом Alexandra Palace в London 16-го ноября и будет показана по VH1 двухчасовой программой в субботy 26-го ноября в 9:00 PM.* На церемонии будет 3,000 зрителей, которые поприветствуют 10 легенд музыки войти в UK Music Hall of Fame.

VH1 Classic покажет церемонию целиком в Субботу, November 27 at 8:00 PM ET/5:00 PM PT с повтором 11:00 PM ET/8:00 PM PT.

В прошлом церемонию показывали только в Великобритании.

Playboy Magazine (US version) December 2005
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 08.11.05 11:09:30   
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What would genuis do? Return to Pink Floyd and compose an opera.

The Live 8 benefit concerts didn't solve the world's problems, but Bob Geldof's project did achieve one miracle: a reunion of the classic lineup of Pink Floyd, with Roger Waters joining the band for the first time in 20 years. Waters also released an opera, Ca Ira, this fall.

Playboy: Now that you and David Gilmour have reunited onstage, will you work together on an album?

Waters: I might be prepared to make a record, but there's no ####ing way I'm going to argue with him about how to make it. It was horrible to have to fight with somebody about how to make Wish You Where Here, Animals, and The Wall. Of course, the results were spectacular.

Playboy: What do you think of bands such as Coldplay and Radiohead that are obviously influenced by Pink Floyd?

Waters: If I had some influence thatgave people permission to be serious about what they did, to express their inner feelings and not give a #### about what anyone thought, to go for it in a passionate way that exposed their weknesses as well as their strengths, then I couldn't be happier. Because so much rock and roll is posturing bollocks. You know, poodle rock, all that hair and tight trousers. I never had time for that crap. It's just bollocks.

Playboy: Did you like any of the bands at Live 8?

Waters: I don't mena to put down any of those bands, and maybe I'm totally biased, but I felt the Who and Pink Floyd were just better. When the Who came on and played "Wont Get Fooled Again," I just thought, Wow. There's something extraordinarily powerful about the melody, the words. I watched a bit of Coldplay and thought they were very engaging and nice, but I haven't the faintest idea what the songs were about. Not the faintest idea.
Черный пиджак, джинсы, серые носки, туфли
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 08.11.05 11:11:41   
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Breakfast With The Arts
6th November 2005
November 6th Roger Waters was interviewed on the A&E TV programme (broadcast in the US and Canada), "Breakfast With The Arts", by Karina Huber.

The fourteen-minute chat with (a fairly tired looking) Waters principally covered his recently released opera, Ca Ira. He started with talk of the genesis of the project, and how he was talked into the English translation, against his initial wishes.

He talked at length about his reprochement with David Gilmour, and relates it to Ca Ira - the capacity within to see the common ground and to understand that people will hold different views of events - and also relates this to wider, current affairs.

There was a particularly amusing passage where he talked of how self-critical he is - the moment when he gave the finished CDs their first listen in his car; not the environment one would expect him to use for the initial play-through!

The subject of performances came up; from an early stage, Roger visualised the piece to aid the creation. He had clear visions of the staging and the stage directions for the narrative and production. He expanded on this, stating that there were discussions and negotiations ongoing with six different companies in the US, for a set of concert performances to hopefully be held next year.

He made it clear that these won't be full productions, with costumes, but concert performances, and promised that it would include all the key elements that those who are in Rome next week will enjoy: "a big orchestra, chorus, projections, sound effects, and crashing and banging!"

Roger chatted with the host as part of a fairly packed programme, which also featured a look at New York's Julliard School (which has close links with the late Michael Kamen), and Bryan Adams, who also featured on Roger's Berlin 1990 Wall concert.
DVD set of Live 8 concert delivers memorable, disposable performances
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 08.11.05 21:44:25   
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A world of musicA world of music

By Mark Brown, Rocky Mountain News
It took just four months for Live 8 to go from the concert stage to a DVD, a far cry from the 20 years it took the original Live Aid to make the same journey.
Like Live Aid, the global concert shares some essential performances (U2 then, Pink Floyd now), utter dross (George Michael then, Robbie Williams now) and plenty of performers who were at both events (U2, Paul McCartney, Madonna, Bob Geldof, Sting, The Who, Neil Young, but, thankfully, not Phil Collins).

The sprawling four-DVD Live 8 hits stores today, and it's really necessary. In '85 we were talking basically two stages in Philadelphia and London (though other cities kicked in as well). This time the superstars were scattered in the U.S. and Britain, but also Canada, Germany and more. There was no way fans could keep up with the performances, even if they had the satellite access to see them all.

In 1985 U2 was a breakthrough act, with Bono climbing down from the stage into the crowd during an extended version of Bad. In 2005, U2 reigns as the established superstar act, backing Paul McCartney on a token opening song, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, before going into its own set.

But the hype and hope of Live 8 was the Pink Floyd reunion. These things rarely work out well - witness the Led Zeppelin reunion that was perhaps the most embarrassing part of Live Aid.

Yet Floyd fans had impossibly high hopes that Roger Waters, Dave Gilmour, Nick Mason and Rick Wright could somehow get together onstage and erase decades of animosity and bitterness. And somehow, the band did. Its four-song set (technically five if you count the short intro Speak to Me) hit the highlights of their career: Breathe, Money, Wish You Were Here and Comfortably Numb - and just sounded fantastic.

Mason's drum work in particular was astonishing, as was Gilmour's always-dependable guitar work, which could go from delicate to bludgeoning in the blink of an eye.

It was one of those cases where they weren't faking it. For a few minutes, Pink Floyd was back. Cameras captured the warm glance Gilmour shot Mason during Wish You Were Here - a bemused look that said "We've still got it, don't we?"

Later, in a crushing Comfortably Numb, Mason answered that question.

Plenty more highlights fill out the four discs (including a bonus disc that was not made available to reviewers that included Floyd rehearsals and songs from James Brown, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill and more).

As her recent concerts have shown, Annie Lennox is becoming only a better singer and performer. Her solo piano version of Why could have been the most heart-rending moment of the concert on its own, but performed in front of a montage of Third World faces of the HIV positive (many of them children) it becomes devastating.

"This is probably the best song ever written and here's the best singer in the world, Mr. Richard Ashcroft," Coldplay's Chris Martin says before backing Ashcroft on the Verve hit Bittersweet Symphony.

A tad over the top in the intro, perhaps, but the lyrics did fit the cause of Third World debt relief: "It's a bittersweet symphony, that's life / Trying to make ends meet / You're a slave to money then you die."

Elton John wastes his appearance with retreads of The Bitch is Back and Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting) and a cover of Children of the Revolution featuring Pete Doughty in a performance that makes you believe every drug rumor you've heard about Doughty.

Green Day's roaring version of Queen's We Are the Champions was a highlight, and fitting, given Queen's role in the original Live Aid. But it is oddly not included here (possibly because Green Day has its own concert DVD coming out). And American Idiot still filled the bill nicely.

Maroon 5's Adam Levine guests with Stevie Wonder after his own band's set; the band performs its two biggest hits, the love songs She Will Be Loved and This Love, but they need a parental advisory. Even though pre-teens love those songs, Levine has to throw in a few f-bombs to prove he's not a wuss.

It's good that there's so much on these discs, because those highlights can help overlook the perfunctory, phoned-in performances by the likes of Bon Jovi, Duran Duran, Def Leppard and more.

And so much is missing (just one song from Brian Wilson's epic set?) that bootleggers of the original broadcast won't be put out of business.

There are some technical problems: When the camera sweeps across the crowd (which happens nearly as often as cameramen zooming in on busty women) you get a disconcerting pixilation effect and digital breakup. Perhaps it's an effort to cram as much information onto the discs as possible, but my download of an AOL feed of Pink Floyd seems much more clear and steady than the DVD version.

But its greatest weakness, this side of the ocean anyway, is song selection. Robbie Williams may be a pop star in Britain, but that's no reason to make us put up with his excruciating cover of Queen's We Will Rock You and three other songs.

Then again, we're inflicting far more Will Smith on the Brits than any civilized nation should have to endure.

Live 8

• Various artists: (four DVDs) Capitol Records

• Grade: A

DVD highlights

• Paul McCartney & U2: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

• U2: One, Vertigo, Beautiful Day

• Richard Ashcroft & Coldplay: Bittersweet Symphony

• Madonna: Ray of Light

• Annie Lennox: Why, Sweet Dreams are Made of This

• Green Day: American Idiot

• Kaiser Chiefs: I Predict a Riot

• R.E.M.: Everybody Hurts, Man on the Moon

• Bob Geldof: I Don't Like Mondays

• Kanye West: Diamonds from Sierra Leone

• Brian Wilson: Good Vibrations

• Joss Stone: Super Duper Love

• Neil Young: Four Strong Winds

• Stevie Wonder & Rob Thomas: Higher Ground

• Pink Floyd: Breathe, Money, Wish You Were Here, Comfortably Numb

• Paul McCartney: Helter Skelter or 303-892-2674,2792,DRMN_54_4219960,00.html
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 08.11.05 21:46:55   
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"I might be prepared to make a record, but there's no f**king way I'm going to argue with him about how to make it." Rocker ROGER WATERS gives PINK FLOYD fans reasons to hope for a new album, even if he still has major differences with bandmate DAVID GILMOUR.

"I watched a bit of COLDPLAY and I thought they were very engaging and nice, but I haven't the faintest idea what the songs were about." PINK FLOYD star ROGER WATERS describes watching Coldplay at Live 8.

08/11/2005 13:29
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Book review: The Dark Side of the Moon: The Making of Pink Floyd's Masterpiece
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 08.11.05 21:55:39   
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Рецензия на недавно вышедшую книгу про известный многим альбом Рецензия на недавно вышедшую книгу про известный многим альбом
John Harris (Da Capo Press)
Canadian Press

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

(AP) - It's likely that you, someone you know, or at the very least a high school or college buddy has owned a copy of Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon.

With 30 million copies in print - roughly one for every person living in California - the 1973 album long ago reached iconic status.

In his book, The Dark Side of the Moon: The Making of Pink Floyd's Masterpiece, John Harris takes a deeper look at how Pink Floyd successfully shifted gears from its psychedelic 1960s beginning to create its most famous album.

While there are bright spots to the book, most notably the rare photographs culled from band drummer Nick Mason's collection and new interviews with all Pink Floyd members, overall it reads like extended liner notes. Frustratingly sparse in some areas and overly long in others, the book would have benefited from a little more in-depth analysis.

Cursory references to how Dark Side has so integrated itself into the culture - including one paragraph devoted to how some fans figured out how it could serve as a soundtrack to The Wizard of Oz - warranted more attention.

In some ways, Harris' introduction is the best part of the book. In nine pages, he succinctly covers the history of the band and the impact of Dark Side, and lays out the ongoing feud between Floyd guitarist David Gilmour and songwriter and lead singer Roger Waters.

That doesn't mean the rest of the book isn't an enjoyable read. Harris does take a little too long explaining the history of the band from its Syd Barrett-led beginnings in the 1960s, through his departure, and up to the recording of Dark Side.

But new interviews with band members help shed light on the recording process of the album, which Harris postulates was an example of the band's teamwork that it could never replicate in later years on such records as Wish You Were Here and The Wall.

The real strength of the book is the insights gained from others involved in the recording of the album, many of whom are unknown to casual Floyd fans. That includes backup singers, producer Alan Parsons and the designer of the now-familiar prism on the album cover.

In some ways, knowing more about the mysterious voices that come and go throughout the album and how its mesmerizing sound was created is a bit of a letdown. Part of the allure of Dark Side is its mysteries.

After reading Harris's book, there are far fewer of them.

© The Canadian Press 2005
'Live 8' lives on
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 08.11.05 21:57:49   
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One of the biggest broadcasting debacles of the year, MTV's botched airing of the Live 8 worldwide charity concerts, in which key performances were lost to commercials and host-chatter, is corrected with the 4-disc DVD "Live 8" (THREE STARS out of four stars, Capitol, $53.98).

Live Aid founder Bob Geldof, who was granted a knighthood for those legendary shows in 1985, returned to oversee all-star events held simultaneously in London, Philadelphia, Berlin, Toronto and Moscow, designed to promote debt and famine relief and featuring performances from the Who, Sting and, most surprising, a reunion of Pink Floyd with estranged guitarist-composer Roger Waters.

Their set is included here in its entirety, and the bonus features include a look at the band's rehearsals, which are actually less strained than the fine-sounding but somewhat uncomfortable-feeling onstage appearance.

The once-in-a-lifetime duets are the primary attraction: Paul McCartney and U2 opening the show with a storming "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" with its "it was 20 years ago today" refrain; Coldplay and forgotten man (at least in America) Richard Ashcroft reviving his former band Verve's "Bittersweet Symphony"; Stevie Wonder raising the games of Rob Thomas on "Higher Ground" and Maroon 5's Adam Levine on "Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours"; and Elton John attempting to help English pop's most infamous wreck, Pete Doherty, late of the Libertines, struggle through T. Rex's "Children of the Revolution."
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Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 08.11.05 23:42:47   
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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 08.11.05 23:43:55   
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Молодые ЛьвыМолодые Львы
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 08.11.05 23:45:38   
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Футбольная Команда Пинка ФлойдаФутбольная Команда Пинка Флойда
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 08.11.05 23:50:17   
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А теперь ВНИМАНИЕ!А теперь ВНИМАНИЕ!

Нападающий Арсенала в действии!

..или любимое хобби Композитора!

ps Арсенал - любимая команда Роджа;)
Голливудская улыбка  
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.11.05 01:33:10   
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Осторожней Родж с Этим ГонгомОсторожней Родж с Этим Гонгом
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.11.05 08:28:01   
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The lavish, four disc Live 8 DVD has now arrived in the stores for most countries, with most places getting it yesterday/today (although Australia and the Netherlands had it on sale at the end of last week!).The lavish, four disc Live 8 DVD has now arrived in the stores for most countries, with most places getting it yesterday/today (although Australia and the Netherlands had it on sale at the end of last week!).

Full details of the release can be found here < >, but suffice it to say, it is an essential release in our view, and (those who have listened to the podcast will know what we mean!) Bob Geldof's view, too. We've given it a good look - check out our review < > for more details of the release, with a particular focus on the Pink Floyd/Roger Waters content within.

The official website for the release - - has added yet more video content onto the site. You can now download the press conference for the DVD, with Geldof discussing the release for around twentyfive minutes, in Real or Windows Media formats.

The podcast interviews with Geldof are also still available, and well worth checking out. The second part covers Bob's negotiations with the various past and present Floyds and is in places, hilarious!

The full press release for the DVD, with the track listing, and other details, can be found in our 6th September news story. It really is a mammoth set, and deserves a place in music fans homes - not least, as the proceeds go to charity. It can be ordered through these special links: UK/Elsewhere, US/International, Canada, France, or Germany. Any purchases made at Amazon after entering their site using a Brain Damage link, won't affect the amount the charity gets from the sale of these, helps with our running costs, and we really appreciate it!


Date news posted: 8 November 2005
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Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.11.05 08:37:21   
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Родж в программе Breakfast With the Arts от 6 НоябряРодж в программе "Breakfast With the Arts" от 6 Ноября
А вы знаете, что...  
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.11.05 08:39:10   
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и ещё один кадри ещё один кадр
Breaking News ! Mark Knopfler & Roger Waters New Orleans flood relief
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 09.11.05 13:17:37   
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Mark Knopfler formerly of the highly successful MTV laden band Dire Straits has confirmed that he and Pink Floyd's main man Roger Waters have completed two tracks for the victims of the New Orleans flood relief effort.

Knopfler is quoted as saying that he would like to do a full blown tour with the former Floydian magic man and possibly follow it up with a collaborative studio album. "We could follow up everything with a live DVD and CD of the tour, " Knopfler stated as he examined the damage in the wake of Katrina's destruction.

"Roger and I have similar delivery and vocal styles. Listen to my song...say 'Brothers in Arms', and you can definitley hear the similarities.

Roger and I were completely blown away by our time in the studio together." Knopfler further stated that one of the tracks for the CD single relief is named "Rita, Rita." "We wrote this on the spur of the moment.

It is easily as good as anything I have ever done. I think it is on par with Roger's 'Wish You Were Here'.

People are going to be blown away by this, pardon the pun," as he smiled and quietly walked away.

(Mark Knopfler mailing list)

Sept. 22, 2005 005:00 p. m.
Does she ever remind me of Roger Waters? No, much prettier, much nicer
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 09.11.05 13:22:27   
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Gilmour in Mojo magazine.(December 2005)

In this months Mojo magazine there is an excellent feature on Kate Bush which includes a few sections on people she has worked with.
Theres a piece interviewing Gilmour about discovering her which finishes with him saying

''Does she ever remind me of Roger Waters?
No, much prettier, much nicer''

the feature also includes an interview with Peter Gabriel
and theres also a small ad for the Robert Wyatt live album that includes Nick Mason.
Amongst the other articles scattered throught the magazine some others of possible interest to the folks here are the 100 greatest Dylan tracks,
a Debbie Harry interview,
an Alice Cooper interview with some pretty neat pictures,
a look back at Hendrix, and if thats not enough theres a free CD of artists that inspired Hendrix!
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.11.05 21:50:13   
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В очередной раз за этот год Куин дали Фору всем музыкантам, попав на 1-е место со своим триумфальным выступлением на Live Aid 20 Лет Назад!

На сей раз Роджер с Компанией попали лишь на 13-е место (до этого они были на 3-м месте, и - с тем же самым концертом).

Вот что пишет о знаментом выступлении в Earls Court от 3 Июля 1980г. сайт Irish Examiner:

13. Pink Floyd, Earls Court (17th June 1981)
Roger Waters decided to construct a physical wall between the band on stage and the audience during the show. Pink Floyd marshalled the biggest road and stage crew in the world. Those that saw The Wall shows testify to it being one of the most visually and sonically stunning stage set pieces ever presented. Earl’s Court was their final gig as a band in the UK before Live 8 in 2005.

ps А Джими с Вудстоком - на 2-м Месте! Что не может не порадовать меня. и всех фэнов Джими! ;)
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 10.11.05 09:32:39   
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We know that many of you liked the official 2005 Pink Floyd calendar, which was designed by Storm Thorgerson and commemorated the 30th anniversary of the release of Wish You Were Here. (Indeed, a copy can be seen on the wall in the Floyd's management office!)

The same company who produced that calendar were intending to continue the trend with a 2006 design, again by Storm, which was to focus on the legendary Dark Side Of The Moon design he created with George Hardie.

We were contacted by Pyramid Posters, the company behind the calendars, today with some sad news. Due to hold-ups with the artwork, deadlines were extended, but they have now had to reluctantly cancel this release, as there will be insufficient time to get the calendars printed up once the artwork is approved.

Obviously, any orders made for this item online through Amazon, Pyramid, or any other retailer, will be cancelled in due course. Let's hope that the same problems don't befall the 2007 edition...


Date posted: 7 November 2005
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 10.11.05 09:38:47   
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Известная Трибьют Группа Исполняет Альбом Стена На Своих КонцертахИзвестная Трибьют Группа Исполняет Альбом Стена На Своих Концертах
Acclaimed US Pink Floyd tribute band Which One’s Pink?, which earlier this year teamed up with engineer Alan Parsons for a performance of Pink Floyd’s classic Dark Side of the Moon, staged what we hear was a superb live performance of Floyd’s legendary 1979 concept album, The Wall, on Saturday.

Before the show, founder and bassist Paul Samarin said: "We are extremely excited about performing The Wall... because more than a quarter of a century after its release the album holds up as one of the most powerful and relevant works of all time." The November 5th performance of The Wall was at the Canyon Club, in Agoura Hills, California, where the band have appeared a few times, gaining a lot of local support. - здесь можно посмотреть фотографии из шоу группы - это официальный сайт группы.

ps Также известный факт, что в одном из шоу группы принимал участие Алан Парсонс в качестве звукорежиссёра (когда они исполняли всю сюиту Dark side Of te Moon), что о многом говорит!
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