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Re: Queen
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.09.05 00:01:09   
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В общем, ждите. Мэй отработал с Роджерсом и теперь займется тем, что Фредди когда-то "насвистел" на пленку.
Re: Queen
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.09.05 00:05:15   
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>Какая классная вещь! Интересно, когад можно будет
>достать ее в Москве?

Он уже есть давно в Москве. Если ты про DVD, о котором написал Primal Scream выше!;)

Я на Горбушке, в Союзе видел. Причём таких DVD минимум 2! Т.е. есть ещё один вариант НЕАВТОРИЗОВАННОЙ истории Куин.

Но в чём разница, думаю, можно узнать, только посмотрев оба DVD;).
Re: Queen
Автор: Sitaradio   Дата: 21.09.05 13:01:21   
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2Primal Scream:

>Brian May has revealed that he has uncovered
>tapes of Freddie Mercury

Вообще, странно, что Мэй только сейчас этим озаботился - неизданных песен Queen периода 80-х и 1991-го наберется, наверное, на двойной альбом, (причем, многие из них практически готовы, как я понимаю).
Re: Queen
Автор: future_of_music   Дата: 21.09.05 18:50:06   
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А это мой недавний рабочий стол,, а как-нибудь покажу и давний волпэйпер..А это мой недавний рабочий стол,, а как-нибудь покажу и давний волпэйпер..
Re: Queen
Автор: Andrey Malkin   Дата: 21.09.05 20:53:26   
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2 Sitaradio, Primal Scream и всем заинтересованным -

Брайен Мэй написал про это (?) интервью в своем блоге:

It's the usual thing ... they say .. "Is there any chance of some new stuff with Freddie coming out .... some tapes hidden away which you might ... ?" and I go ... "well, there are still a few bits kicking around .... maybe one day ... " (because basically nothing has changed on that score in the last 10 years) ... and it's a tiny throw-away, and part of a whole conversation which happens while you're wondering whether to accept a sausage roll .... and making sure your family are OK ... and ... being the subject of various portraits on Mobile Phone Cameras - my favourite thing !! - "Hey - over here ! just one more ... hey, talk to my Mum's best mate on the phone ..!" The Star has souped up some heavily paraphrased bits of nothing really ... " No! ...come on ..just a few words .... !" There wasn't anything new to say on these subjects ... but they have to make it look like ...... "Hey ! listen to this . . Brian may says .... " Well, I have to be thankful they want to write anything, I guess... But if they really want copy I could write them something a LOT more interesting myself .... instead of them sending someone who asks the same old questions. They'd get a lot more meat from, wouldn't they !! ha ha!

Т.е., обольщаться рановато. Журналист спросил Мэя, осталась ли какая-то неизданная студийная работа от Меркури. Мэй ответил - ну, кое-что осталось - куда оно за 10 лет денется? Журналист спросил - Вы собираетесь это издать? Мэй сказал - Ну может быть, когда-нибудь...
После этого выходит статья - "Мэй собирается издать неизвестные записи Меркури". Чем очень веселит Брайена.
Re: Queen
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.09.05 21:41:39   
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Издаст как пить дать!
Re: Queen
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.09.05 23:57:40   
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Due for release on 24/10/2005Due for release on 24/10/2005

With footage previously unreleased on DVD, enjoy rare performances of classic Queen tracks!

Between 1973 and 1980, one of England's finest ever groups released a body of work displaying such quality, strength and individuality, that such an outpouring of creativity has rarely been equalled in the rock era. The legacy of those classic records has maintained an indelible stamp on the radar of every music fan across the globe, and the band¿s absolute pinnacle of achievement during this period remains among the world's all time favourite pieces of music.

'Queen Under Review 1973 - 1980' features rare live and studio performances of the band playing some of their best known hits, rare and classic Queen interview footage plus a host of other features, all interspersed with the independent review and criticism from a panel of esteemed experts. These include broadcaster, journalist and long time friend of Freddie Mercury Paul Gambaccini; rock author, journalist and Queen expert Malcolm Dome; guitarist and journalist Simon Bradley; contributing editor from Uncut Magazine Nigel Williamson; ex Melody Maker features editor Chris Welch and many others

Features rare performances of these classic Queen tracks:

1. Keep Yourself Alive - Recorded Live In London during the early 1970s
2. Seven Seas Of Rhye - Recorded In Hungary during the 1980s
3. Killer Queen - From a very rare Top Of The Pops appearance
4. Stone Cold Crazy - From the classic 1975 Rainbow Christmas Concert
5. Somebody To Love - From a rare promo film
6. Bohemian Rhapsody - Recorded live in Dublin prior to the single release
7. Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy - Another very rare TOTP performance
8. We Will Rock You - Another performance in Hungary
9. We Are The Champions - Live In London
10. Bicycle Race - Live at the Tokyo Hippodrome in 1979
11. Don't Stop Me Now - Another recording from Tokyo
12. Crazy Little Thing Called Love - An early 1980s performance from Paris
13. Another One Bites The Dust - An ultimate live performance from Austin, Texas
Re: Queen
Автор: Mr. Bad uy   Дата: 16.10.05 17:31:03   
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Сегодня на день рождение мне подарили несколько DVD дисков, один из них “We will rock you” (live)! Я счастлив!!!
Re: Queen
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.10.05 09:40:11   
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It was prescient that Queen picked a phoenix for their logo all those years ago… their unique ability to adapt and recharge continues to make their music as popular with new audiences as with their original fans. Again and again they and their audience rise as one, caught up in the emotion of their anthems – We Are The Champions, Fat Bottomed Girls, Killer Queen, Tie Your Mother Down, Stone Cold Crazy, Who Wants To Live Forever, Under Pressure and on and on…. Now you can re-capture that experience on DVD in full surround sound with the complete ultimate Queen + Paul Rodgers concert. It was prescient that Queen picked a phoenix for their logo all those years ago… their unique ability to adapt and recharge continues to make their music as popular with new audiences as with their original fans. Again and again they and their audience rise as one, caught up in the emotion of their anthems – We Are The Champions, Fat Bottomed Girls, Killer Queen, Tie Your Mother Down, Stone Cold Crazy, Who Wants To Live Forever, Under Pressure and on and on…. Now you can re-capture that experience on DVD in full surround sound with the complete ultimate Queen + Paul Rodgers concert.

This year Queen have pulled off the impossible – taking in rock legend Paul Rodgers as singer and selling out across Europe and in America, gaining the best reviews they have had in their entire career. This DVD features hits from both the Queen and Paul Rodgers catalogues and also new, never before available performances.

Selections Include:
1. Reaching Out (1.06)
2. Tie Your Mother Down (4.33)
3. I Want To Break Free (3.55)
4. Fat Bottomed Girls (5.50)
5. Wishing Well (4.34)
6. Another One Bites The Dust (3.53)
7. Crazy Little Thing Called Love (4.45)
8. Say It’s Not True (4.16)
9. ‘39 (4.37)
10. Love Of My Life (5.00)
11. Hammer To Fall (6.44)
12. Feel Like Making Love (6.27)
13. Let There Be Gene (3.44)
14. I’m In Love With My Car (3.35)
15. Guitar Solo (7.00)
16. Last Horizon (4.35)
17. These Are The Days Of Our Lives (4.36)
18. Radio Ga Ga (6.00)
19. Can’t Get Enough (4.21)
20. A Kind Of Magic (6.07)
21. I Want It All (5.00)
22. Bohemian Rhapsody (6.23)
23. The Show Must Go On (4.36)
24. All Right Now (6.54)
25. We Will Rock You (2.34)
26. We Are The Champions (4.34)
27. God Save The Queen (1.21)

October 18, 2005
Re: Queen
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.10.05 13:48:25   
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Фреддин Роллс-Ройс ушел на ебее за 53 тысячи фунтов.Фреддин "Роллс-Ройс" ушел на ебее за 53 тысячи фунтов.
Re: Queen
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.10.05 13:55:44   
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В машине даже осталась коробка салфеток Клинекс, в которой еще есть неиспользованные (!) салфетки. В машине даже осталась коробка салфеток "Клинекс", в которой еще есть неиспользованные (!) салфетки.
Re: Queen
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 18.10.05 14:46:17   
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а кто играет с Queen на клавишах и гитаре на DVD Live at Wembley.Что это за парень в розовой футболке? Подскажите, пожалуйста!
Re: Queen
Автор: Sambora   Дата: 18.10.05 15:10:47   
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Что-то дешего ушел Роллс-Ройс...
Re: Queen
Автор: bk   Дата: 18.10.05 15:13:33   
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Это Spike Edney
Re: Queen
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 20.10.05 10:03:44   
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Re: Queen
Автор: oldtomas   Дата: 20.10.05 11:46:00   
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А Роллс может и не ушел.Там резервная цена не перебита.
Re: Queen
Автор: Sambora   Дата: 20.10.05 11:59:56   
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2oldtomas: просто цена в 53000 фунтов какая-то несерьезная для Роллс-Ройса, если конечно он не убитый в усмерть. Но судя по фотке вроде вполне приличный) И принадлежал Фредди.
Re: Queen
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 20.10.05 19:26:16   
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Года с 76-77 он по видимому ему принадлежал.
Re: Queen
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.10.05 22:35:41   
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Paul Rodgers Hasn't Replaced Freddie MercuryPaul Rodgers Hasn't Replaced Freddie Mercury
October 22 2005

Queen's Roger Taylor has confirmed that Paul Rodgers is not going to be a permanent replacement for Freddie Mercury.

In an interview to air on VH1 this weekend, Queen's Roger Taylor states "We're not going out there with somebody pretending to be Freddie Mercury. You know what's the point of that? We're going out there, playing our songs, and Paul's songs as well -- he's got some great songs".

Rodgers has been having a great time touring with Queen and having the chance to add a new slant to their music. "I love to take a song and grip it from somewhere way down here and deliver it back to people" he says. "Queen actually have a lot of songs that I can relate to on that level. Strangely enough, "I Want to Break Free" is one of those. Because to me, I feel most of us have something that we want to break free from. A relationship, a job. The place you live, whatever it might be. And so it has meaning on lots of levels. And there's another song that I really am particularly fond of that we do live called "The Show Must Go On." That's something that Queen themselves only experienced in the studio. And, so we have the opportunity, it's like virgin territory when we go out and play that live onstage.

For Taylor, Rodgers is completely different to Freddie. "It's given a different sort of slant to a lot of our material. And he does have the range to cover a lot of Freddie's notes because Freddie had a tremendous range. And he's Paul Rodgers, he's not trying to be Freddie Mercury, and I wish people would just understand that we're not doing this to cash in on anything".

Queen and Paul Rodgers released the live album Return of the Champions in September.
Re: Queen
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 30.10.05 21:51:03   
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На октябрь были назначены 7 концертов группы Мэя, Тейлора, Роджерса. Было много интересного, и об этом стоит рассказать.На октябрь были назначены 7 концертов группы Мэя, Тейлора, Роджерса. Было много интересного, и об этом стоит рассказать.
8 числа они выступили на курортном острове Аруба.
На концерте присутствовало приблизительно 5000 зрителей. Сет-лист снова не был сильно изменен, разве что песен из репертуара Пола Роджерса становится больше: на Арубе не были исполнены Wishing Well, '39, A Kind Of Magic и I Want To Break Free, но появились 2 "новых" вещи из репертуара Bad Company - Rock'n'Roll Fantasy и Bad Company.

1. It's A Beaultiful Day (QueenRocks.Ru 2005 Mix, Intro, Tape)
2. Lose Yourself (Eminem, Intro, Tape)
3. Reachin' Out (Intro, вокал - пол Роджерс)
4. Tie Your Mother Down (вокал - Пол Роджерс)
5. Fat Bottomed Girls (вокал - Пол Роджерс)
6. Another One Bites The Dust (вокал - Пол Роджерс)
7. Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Пол Роджерс - вокал и акустическая гитара)
8. Bad Company (вокал - Пол Роджерс)
9. Say It's Not True (вокал - Роджер Тейлор)
10. Love Of My Life (Брайан Мэй - акустическая гитара и вокал)
11. Hammer To Fall (Slow/Fast, вокал - Брайан Мэй и Пол Роджерс)
12. Feel Like Making Love (вокал - Пол Роджерс)
13. Let There Be Drums (Drum Jam)
14. I'm In Love With My Car (Роджер Тейлор - вокал и ударные)
15. Guitar Solo
16. Last Horizon
17. These Are The Days Of Our Lives (вокал - Роджер Тейлор)
18. Radio Ga Ga (вокал - Роджер Тейлор и Пол Роджерс)
19. Can't Get Enough Of Your Love (вокал - Пол Роджерс)
20. Rock'n'Roll Fantasy (вокал - Пол Роджерс)
21. I Want It All (вокал - Пол Роджерс)
22. Bohemian Rhapsody (вокал - Фредди Меркьюри и Пол Роджерс)
23. The Show Must Go On (вокал - Пол Роджерс)
24. All Right Now (вокал - Пол Роджерс)
25. We Will Rock You (вокал - Пол Роджерс)
26. We Are The Champions (вокал - Пол Роджерс)
27. God Save The Queen
Роджерс размахивает стойкой. :lol:
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