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The Concert for Bangladesh

Тема: Джордж Харрисон - The Concert for Bangla Desh (1972)

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Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.10.05 12:01:05   
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The documentary "The Concert For Bangladesh Revisited With George Harrison and friends" is to be shown on television around the globe over the next two months.

To find out when and where your local broadcaster is showing the documentary here are the latest schedules:

UK: BBC 4, 2nd November: The Concert For Bangladesh Revisited, 10.40pm

USA: American Public Television are broadcasting The Concert For Bangladesh Revisited after the 31st October. Check the PBS website for local listings.

Japan: GYAO Internet Broadcast will be showing the documentary online after 29th November.

Denmark: TV2 are broadcasting the documentary - check local listing for schedule.

Sweden: SVT are broadcasting the documentary - check local listings for schedule.

France: France 4 are broadcasting the documentary in December - check local
listings for schedule.
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 03.11.05 02:22:24   
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несколько скриншотов с бонусного джема...
The Concert For Bangladesh
Автор: Denon   Дата: 04.11.05 22:42:38   
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Где можно найти/скачать/купить этот фильм?

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "The Concert For Bangladesh".
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: The Concert For Bangladesh
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 04.11.05 22:42:38   
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Читайте внизу страницы.

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "The Concert For Bangladesh".
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 05.11.05 15:21:46   
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Скажите пожалуйста, кто уже обзавёлся фирменным ДВД, какова его цена в рублях?
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: CMB   Дата: 06.11.05 14:06:08   
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944-2CD в пурурном легионе
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 07.11.05 15:43:43   
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Cпасибо! Начинаю подбивать наличку :)
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 08.11.05 23:19:52   
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Вот он какой... Deluxe editionВот он какой... "Deluxe edition"

- 64-page booklet
- Original film poster
- 10 postcards
- Apple logo clingzee
- Handwritten lyrics to the song 'Bangla Desh'
- George Harrison UNICEF fund insert
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Вад   Дата: 09.11.05 14:12:20   
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Японское стандартное издание
Там же есть ссылка и на CD вариант.
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.11.05 15:44:34   
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Bangladesh: the sound of charity"Bangladesh": the sound of charity
George Harrison's historical benefit concert returns to screens
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.01.06 11:06:02   
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the George Harrison CONCERT FOR BANGLADESH DVD has climbed to no. 9 on the Billboard Comprehensive Music Video Chart for January 7, 2006. The DVD has been on the chart for 9 weeks. It was at no. 12 last week.
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Kamch   Дата: 03.02.06 09:16:21   
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Вау! Наконец-то и у нас в Краснодаре появился!
Не прошло и полгода :)
Купила вчера в Треке за 120 руб.
Джордж оставался единственным Битлом, чье сольное выступление я еще не видела, и конечно же он оказался великолепен! Perfect!!!
У Джорджа харизмы ничуть не меньше, чем у Леннона, скажу я вам. Обратили внимание КАК все на него смотрели? Леон Рассел так вообще пялился на Джорджа весь концерт.
Ринго - красавчик!
Клаус - очаровашка!
Джордж - very sexy!
Какие они молодые и красивые. О Господи!
Держите меня! :)
/Kamch падает в обморок от избытка чувств :)/
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Kamch   Дата: 06.02.06 09:25:19   
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Сердце бессердечного мира...Сердце бессердечного мира...
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.07.06 11:38:25   
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Madison Square Garden To Commemorate 35th Anniversary Of The Concert For BangladeshMadison Square Garden To Commemorate 35th Anniversary Of The Concert For Bangladesh

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006 marks the 35th Anniversary of George Harrison and Ravi Shankar's Concert For Bangladesh. The event took place on August 1st 1971 at New York City's Madison Square Garden, and featured performances by George, Ravi Shankar, Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, Ringo Starr, Leon Russell and Billy Preston.

Madison Square Garden will celebrate the 35th Anniversary by installing a plaque permanently in its "Walk of Fame" to commemorate this historic event. At 2pm on Tuesday, the plaque will be presented to Olivia Harrison, who said, "I know George would be happy that 35 years later the impact of his efforts are still felt and appreciated."

This plaque will be set alongside music legends such as The Rolling Stones, The Grateful Dead and fellow Beatle Paul McCartney. This presentation will mark the first time in Madison Square Garden history that a concert or event is honoured on the "Walk of Fame".

The concert raised over $15 million and alerted the world to the plight of the Bangladeshi people. "UNICEF is honoured to have been a part of this Concert and proud that 35 years later we are celebrating the humanitarian work of George Harrison," said Chip Lyons, President of the US Fund for UNICEF. "Childrens' lives, in Bangladesh and beyond, have been saved and improved thanks to the funds raised by The Concert for Bangladesh."

The film of the concert, released on DVD and CD last autumn, was recently certified 3 times platinum by the RIAA. All artists' royalties from the sales of the DVD and the CD continue to go to UNICEF. In commemoration, Ringo Starr and Ravi Shankar were presented with plaques, in New York and Los Angeles respectively.


Visit the official site at:
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.08.06 08:54:25   
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George Harrison and Ravi Shankar's Concert For Bangladesh 35th Anniversary Commemorated Today at Madison Square Garden

NEW YORK, NY -- (MARKET WIRE) -- August 01, 2006 -- Today marks the 35th Anniversary of George Harrison and Ravi Shankar's Concert For Bangladesh. The concert took place on August 1st, 1971 at New York City's Madison Square Garden. The show featured performances by George, Ravi Shankar, Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, Ringo Starr, Leon Russell and Billy Preston.

Olivia Harrison said, "The 30th anniversary was very much on George's mind back in 2001 and I am honoured to have helped complete the project on his behalf. We have done our best to maximize the effort they made all those years ago, which has not only benefited thousands of people but became a model for charitable events over the last three decades. This anniversary re-issue has generated more funds for UNICEF, as well as renewed the recognition I think George and Ravi deserve for responding to the humanitarian crisis of that time."

(Click here for details)
Jay Marciano presents Olivia Harrison a plaque to be
placed in Madison Square Garden's "Walk of Fame"
commemorating the 35th Anniversary of
Concert For Bangladesh."When new Bangla Desh was born and hundreds of thousands of refugees started pouring into India, I was so pained seeing the suffering of these innocent people and my heart went out to them," added Ravi Shankar. "I wanted to help in whatever way I could and do something to raise money for the refugees. I was going to arrange a concert and play myself with perhaps a few friends. Dear George was in Los Angeles at that time and was visiting me. He saw the pain and anguish in me and was very concerned. I explained to George what was happening and asked for his help. Seeing my plight, he started to phone everyone. What happened afterwards is history. One day, no one knew of Bangla Desh and the next day the whole world was talking about it. Concert For Bangla Desh is very close to my heart as it was my conception and baby, and thanks to George it became as big as it did!"

"The Concert For Bangladesh - George Harrison & Friends," released on DVD and CD last autumn, was recently certified 3 times platinum by the RIAA. All artists' royalties from the sales of the DVD and the CD continue to go to UNICEF. In commemoration, Ravi Shankar and Ringo Starr were presented with plaques, in New York and Los Angeles respectively.

"UNICEF is honored to have been a part of this Concert and proud that 35 years later we are celebrating the humanitarian work of George Harrison," said Chip Lyons, President of US Fund for UNICEF. "Children's lives, in Bangladesh and beyond, have been saved and improved thanks to the funds raised by The Concert For Bangladesh."

Madison Square Garden has also marked the day with a permanent plaque commemorating the 35th Anniversary of the Concert For Bangladesh in their "Walk of Fame."

"In 1971, at the behest of Ravi Shankar, when George Harrison pulled together musicians like Bob Dylan, fellow Beatle Ringo Starr and Eric Clapton to perform at Madison Square Garden for The Concert For Bangladesh, he created the template for all of the many music benefits that have followed," said Jay Marciano, president, MSG Entertainment. "We are proud to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the Concert For Bangladesh on our Walk of Fame. Today, August 1st, the concert anniversary, George Harrison's wife, Olivia Harrison, is here to help us remember how music can help create change. It's events and benefits like these that make Madison Square Garden such a special place for both artists and fans."

Presented to Mrs. Harrison today, who said, "It is truly heartening that the significance of The Concert For Bangladesh -- and the pioneering spirit of George, Ravi Shankar and their friends, still resonates after 35 years."

For additional information please see the attached press release or visit:
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.08.06 08:55:30   
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Jay Marciano presents Olivia Harrison a plaque to be placed in Madison Square Garden's Walk of Fame commemorating the 35th Anniversary of Concert For Bangladesh.Jay Marciano presents Olivia Harrison a plaque to be placed in Madison Square Garden's "Walk of Fame" commemorating the 35th Anniversary of Concert For Bangladesh.
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.08.06 08:56:11   
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Left to right: Chip Lyons UNICEF, Ringo Starr, Scott Pascucci President, Rhino Entertainment and Melissa Ormond from Madison Square Garden. Left to right: Chip Lyons UNICEF, Ringo Starr, Scott Pascucci President, Rhino Entertainment and Melissa Ormond from Madison Square Garden.
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.08.06 08:56:35   
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Ravi Shankar and Olivia Harrison Ravi Shankar and Olivia Harrison
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.08.06 10:18:43   
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Olivia Harrison, widow of of the late former Beatle George Harrison, attends a news conference Tuesday, Aug 1, 2006, in New York. The news conference was to announce the installation of a plaque on Madison Square Garden's 'Walk of Fame' to commemorate the 35th anniversary of George Harrison's Concert for Bangladesh.Olivia Harrison, widow of of the late former Beatle George Harrison, attends a news conference Tuesday, Aug 1, 2006, in New York. The news conference was to announce the installation of a plaque on Madison Square Garden's 'Walk of Fame' to commemorate the 35th anniversary of George Harrison's Concert for Bangladesh.
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.08.06 10:19:28   
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Olivia Harrison, widow of of the late former Beatle George Harrison, attends a news conference Tuesday, Aug 1, 2006, in New York.Olivia Harrison, widow of of the late former Beatle George Harrison, attends a news conference Tuesday, Aug 1, 2006, in New York.
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