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Janis Joplin/Big Brother & The Holding Co.

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Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.04 10:16:06   
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Joplin's 'Pearl' Prepped For Reissue

Janis Joplin's posthumous 1971 sophomore album, "Pearl," will be reissued Aug. 24 as part of Sony's Legacy Edition series. Disc one will feature the original album with three remastered bonus tracks first released on the 1999 boxed-set "Box of Pearls," while disc two boasts 13 songs recorded during the 1970 Festival Express tour of Canada.

"Pearl" was a smash success upon its release, spending nine weeks at No. 1 on the Billboard album chart. It featured the Kris Kristofferson-penned single "Me and Bobby McGee," which reached No. 1 on the Billboard pop singles chart. The new edition boasts a demo of that cut, an alternate version of "Cry Baby" and "Happy Birthday John (Happy Trails)," a combined birthday greeting to John Lennon and an interpretation of the Dale Evans-penned cowboy classic.

The live disc includes three previously unissued tracks from the Festival Express tour: "Maybe," recorded July 1, 1970, in Winnipeg; and "Cry Baby" and "That's Rock'n'Roll," recorded June 28, 1970, in Toronto. The rest of the tracks have previously appeared on such collections as "Farewell Song," "In Concert" and "Box of Pearls."

Joplin can be seen and heard performing "Cry Baby" and other tracks in the new documentary "Festival Express," which opens July 23 in San Francisco and July 30 in New York and Los Angeles. It will rollout to other cities in August.
Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: Lenka   Дата: 16.06.04 10:57:24   
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Все бы ничего, но эта манера пытаться получить с нас по второму-третьему-четвертому разу деньги за один и тот же диск удручает (это ко многим фирмам относится). Сколько будет стоить двойник? Разделить на три (три новые песни)...
Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.10.04 10:49:47   
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К сожалению, съемки биопика о Дженис с участием Рене Зеллвегер откладываются, т.к. продюсеры не могут окончательно определиться со сценарием. Рене все еще горит желанием сыграть роль Дженис, но, похоже, это произойдет не скоро.
"Мы говорили об этом еще пару лет назад, разрабатывали сценарий, старались сделать его достаточно хорошим. Она исключительная женщина, и поэтому нужен исключительный сценарий, чтобы ответственно подойти к рассказу о ее жизни. Но на это нужно время. Было бы отлично, если бы в конце концов это сделала я. Пока еще не согласован срок начала съемок, и я не сяду в в ближайшее время в кресло в гримерной," - сказала Рене.
Другой кинопроект о Дженис Джоплин с участием Пинк тоже пока в стадии разработки.
Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: Lenka   Дата: 22.10.04 10:54:51   
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честно говоря, не уверена, что оно нам так надо. "По мотивам" - "Роза" - сильный фильм. А реально Дженис - лучше бы рылись дальше в концертах и ауттэйках...

Вот, например. есть у меня две совсем разные версии One Night Stand, обе записаны с Paul Butterfield Blues Band, кажется, в один день. А было ли еще что-то записано в таком составе? кто-нибудь в курсе?

Уже спрашивала: есть фотография. где Дженис с Джонни Уинтером с открытыми ртами перед фикрофонами году в 1969. Если это они поют, есть ли записи?
Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 22.10.04 11:34:19   
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2 Lenka***2 Lenka***
Вероятно существуют. JJ и JW, как минимум, трижды пересекались в 69-м на разных сборных концертах-фестивалях. И, наверняка, между ДжэкДэниалсами и понюшками кокэйна вместе записывали свои джэмы.
Вот такой интересный джэм случился в 28-29 Nov 1969 West Palm Beach festival
Thanks giving weekend in 1969. It was at a drag strip outside of West Palm on the way to Okechobee . The band at that time was Johnny, Edgar Winter, Uncle John Turner and Tommy Shannon.
At that time, Columbia had released Johnny Winter and Second Winter. This was prior to JW hooking up with the McCoys. Johnny played all three nights with Edgar, Uncle John, and Tommy Shannon. He wore a black outfit that looked like a Wyatt Earp or Jesse James type outfit and stalked the stage ripping his guitar
Among others, Grand Funk played three nights also. The show featured Iron Butterfly, King Crimson (Robin Fripp and Greg Lake), Jefferson Airplane, Rotary Connection (Minnie Ripperton), PG&E, Rolling Stones, Vanilla Fudge, Janis Joplin and Her Full Tilt Boogie Band, and others.
On the third night, Johnny played, then Vanilla Fudge played followed by Janis. Afterwards, the announcer said, Johnny wants it, Janis wants it, and the Fudge wants one. All three bands came out on stage and jammed.
Edgar jammed with the drummers, Snooky Flowers, Janis' sax player, and with the organist from Vanilla Fudge. Tommy Shannon (SRVaughn's Double Trouble Band) jammed with both bass players and Johnny jammed with the guitar players. But the top of the show was Janis and Johnny doing some good ole scat singing Texas Blues style.
Johnny jammed with the guitar players and scatted with Janis, Edgar jammed on drums with the other drummers and on sax with Snooky Flowers, etc. It was a unusual and wonderful thing.(!!!)
Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: Lenka   Дата: 22.10.04 11:35:35   
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Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 22.10.04 11:37:43   
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>честно говоря, не уверена, что оно нам так надо.
>"По мотивам" - "Роза" - сильный фильм.
Точно. После "Розы" снимать-то и нечего...Лучше не буить..
Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 22.10.04 11:54:49   
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И в догонку:И в догонку:
Friday, 19 December 1969: Madison Square Garden
Janis Joplin with guest apperance from Johnny Winter

Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: Simon   Дата: 23.10.04 01:43:49   
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А мне больше нравится Джоплин! :)
Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: Mary   Дата: 23.10.04 02:34:30   
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А ведь кажется есть какой-то документальный фильм про Дженис, кто-нибудь знает что-нибудь об этом?А ведь кажется есть какой-то документальный фильм про Дженис, кто-нибудь знает что-нибудь об этом?
Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds   Дата: 23.10.04 11:07:17   
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Мэри, да есть документальный фильм. Он так и называется - "Дженис". Снят в 1974 году.
Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: Mary   Дата: 26.10.04 14:40:37   
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Ну у нас его достать, наверное, не реально? :(
Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: Lenka   Дата: 26.10.04 14:43:47   
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если переиздадут на DVD, то будет реально
Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 31.03.05 22:39:39   
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Janis Joplin's Old Band to Hunt for a New 'Pearl'
Thu Mar 31

SAN GERONIMO, Calif. (Reuters) - Sam Andrew will soon embark on what mildly might be called a challenging task: to replace his rock band's long-dead singer -- Janis Joplin.

This time around, his band's recruitment may not involve seduction, wild sex, drinking and drugs as, according to legend, happened with Joplin's induction and adventures with Big Brother and the Holding Company.

Rather, if the aging San Francisco-area rockers have their way, the 21st century auditions to replace a 1960s icon will become a television reality show called "Search for the Pearl," a reference to Joplin's nickname.

"In one way or another since the 1960s I've been searching for Pearl," said Andrew, a guitarist who played with Joplin on some of her best-known hits, including "Piece of My Heart," "Summertime" and "I Need a Man to Love."

Forty years ago, Andrew founded Big Brother, a band along with the Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane that helped make San Francisco the center of the 1960s counterculture of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll.

"The bass player and I were such terrible singers that we said we just need a singer, so that was our 'Search for Pearl' in 1965," said Andrew, 63, who lives on a remote hillside in Marin County north of San Francisco. "To replace her, my life has been a constant search for Pearl since then."

Joplin first landed in San Francisco in 1963 but moved back to Texas after her career did not take off amid drug abuse. Big Brother's manager lured Joplin back in 1966 by sending a charming emissary to convince her to audition.

Joplin departed Big Brother after the 1968 hit record "Cheap Thrills" but kept working with Andrew until shortly before her 1969 Woodstock performance.

Despite the hippie mantra of "turn on, tune in, drop out" Joplin and the band worked hard to succeed. "We were asking people to drop out and express themselves and all that and we had a full-time job that we worked really hard," he said. "It was that built-in contradiction."

Big Brother faltered and collapsed soon after Joplin's 1970 death, and Andrew said he was addicted to heroin for the next five years. The band -- reunited in 1987 -- embarks on a month-long European concert tour in April.

Over the years Big Brother has gone through about 10 singers. Andrew said he even once auditioned for porn star Marilyn Chambers, who wanted to form a band in 1971; she performed Joplin's "Down On Me."

Nowadays the guitarist's appearance does not suggest a wild rock past. He wears his hear short and is clean shaven; books and his paintings rather than rock memorabilia dominate his living room.


Laura Joplin, who oversees her sister's estate, said the "Search for Pearl" could provide a fitting tribute.

"We're not really looking for Janis or a Janis clone. It's really trying to have a vehicle to introduce her to a whole new generation of people," Joplin said in a telephone interview. "We're certainly not looking for any 'American Idol'-like thing; we're looking at something that's more a celebration."

Since Big Brother's promoters announced the "Search for Pearl" last month, they have yet to find a network or cable sponsor. "In some cases you're dealing with 28-year-old programing executives who don't have a clue," said promoter Jamie Watson.

Yet Watson remained confident the idea would get under way by late summer or early fall with a superstar tribute concert with 1960s icons such as Pete Townshend of the Who, Mick Jagger and Paul McCartney as well contemporary music stars. Then the reality show would follow.

"Supposedly it's going to be us, at our age -- I can't even imagine this -- on a bus traveling around in Mississippi or something stopping at these little juke joints and hoping this girl was going to be there," said Andrew.

As for the sex and drugs part of rock 'n' roll, Andrew says he goes to bed early these days. "For one thing we're all too old for that," he said.

And as for band camaraderie, well, Andrew and his two Big Brother band mates are not really friends. "No one got along all that well back then," Andrew said. "Still don't. We were grumpy young men; now we're grumpy old men."

For all the difficulties, Andrew is excited about the "Search for Pearl" project.

"The best ending to this whole thing would be if we found someone and she were her own self and she became famous," he said. "It would be like Janis kind of launched us and we are launching this girl, we are paying her back. That would be a great ending to the whole story."
Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 31.03.05 22:43:49   
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Гитарист Big Brother and the Holding Company Сэм Эндрю смотрит на фото группы, когда у них пеля Дженис. Группа собирается снимать телевизионное реалити-шоу В поисках Жемчужины, чтобы найти замену великой певице.Гитарист Big Brother and the Holding Company Сэм Эндрю смотрит на фото группы, когда у них пеля Дженис. Группа собирается снимать телевизионное реалити-шоу "В поисках Жемчужины", чтобы найти замену великой певице.
Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.05.05 14:45:04   
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Janis Joplin's highest charting and arguably most artistically successful album gets the deluxe, expanded treatment on this 2005 reissue. Already re-released once with four extra live tunes, this edition moves those to the second disc, adds nine more (six previously unavailable) from the same summer 1970 tour that predated the original album's January 1971 posthumous release and pads the studio disc with six additional tracks. Those sides--three are inferior, if moderately interesting alternate takes, one is a band jam without Joplin contributing--don't bring much to the table other than to prove that producer Paul A. Rothchild used the correct versions for the final album. But Pearl holds up tremendously well, with Janis focused on some terrific rocking material, yet widening her scope to include a soulful folksy reading of Kris Kristofferson's "Me and Bobby McGee," the album's only major hit.

The real meat of this version consists of the thirteen concert recordings, plucked from the Canadian leg of Joplin's only tour with Full Tilt Boogie. It finds her and the band chugging through ragged but emotionally charged versions of her classics, along with a few tunes from the forthcoming Pearl. Sequenced to mirror her set list, it's a roaring example of Joplin in her prime, comfortable with her band and confident in her astounding abilities to tear into the soul of blues and R&B with vocals that come straight from the heart.
Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.06.05 16:45:47   
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Music Promoter Who Launched Joplin Dies Sun Jun 26Music Promoter Who Launched Joplin Dies Sun Jun 26

SAN FRANCISCO - Chet Helms, the revered father of the 1967 Summer of Love and a music promoter who launched the career of singer Janis Joplin, has died of complications from a stroke. He was 62.

Helms, who once stood at the center of the 1960s Bay Area music scene, died Saturday surrounded by friends and family at San Francisco's California Pacific Medical Center.

"It was a beautiful death," said his wife Judy Davis. "It was a goodbye party. We all sang to him and told stories. He died as he lived — surrounded by love."

Helms was the founder and manager of Big Brother and the Holding Company with Joplin as its lead singer. He was a rock-'n'-roll impresario who helped stage free concerts and "Human Be-ins" at Golden Gate Park that became the backdrop for what became known as San Francisco's Summer of Love in 1967 at the height of anti-Vietnam War sentiment.

Helms was instrumental in helping to develop bands that delivered what became known as the San Francisco Sound.

"Without Chet, there would be no Grateful Dead, no Big Brother and the Holding Company, no Jefferson Airplane, no Country Joe & the Fish, no Quicksilver Messenger Service," said Barry Melton, the lead guitarist for Country Joe & the Fish.

Helms hooked Joplin up with Big Brother for jam sessions in a basement in the Haight Ashbury neighborhood. They debuted in June 1966 at the Avalon, officially launching the bluesy rock-'n'-roll diva's short career.

Helms eventually dropped out of the concert business for a time in 1970.

"Chet was a hippie," said Mickey Hart, drummer for the Grateful Dead. "We were all hippies. He hated to charge for the music.";_ylt=ArVXk7mlzyQqwhB3ZWx...
Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: Ram On The Run   Дата: 26.06.05 16:51:26   
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~> Primal Scream:
В очередной раз, СПАСИБО!!!
Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.06.05 16:59:28   
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Чет Хелмс и JHEЧет Хелмс и JHE
Re: Janis Joplin
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.09.05 23:05:37   
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Это переиздание или что?Это переиздание или что?

1. Bye Bye Baby
2. Easy Rider
3. Intruder
4. Light Is Faster Than Sound
5. Call On Me
6. Women Is Losers
7. Blindman
8. Down On Me
9. Caterpillar
10. All Is Loneliness
11. Coo Coo - Single - Bonus Track
12. The Last Time - Single - Bonus Track
13. Call On Me - Alternate Take - Previously Unreleased - Bonus Track
14. Bye, Bye Baby - Alternate Take - Previously Unreleased - Bonus Track

1. Combination Of The Two
2. I Need A Man To Love
3. Summertime
4. Piece Of My Heart
5. Turtle Blues
6. Oh Sweet Mary
7. Ball And Chain
8. Roadblock - Session Outtake - Previously Unreleased - Bonus Track
9. Flower In The Sun - Session Outtake - Previously Unreleased - Bonus Track
10. Catch Me Daddy - Live at Grande Ballroom - Previously Unreleased - Bonus Track
11. Magic Of Love - Live at Grande Ballroom - Previously Unreleased - Bonus Track

1. Try (Just A Little Bit Harder)
2. Maybe
3. One Good Man
4. As Good As You've Been In This World
5. To Love Somebody
6. Kozmic Blues
7. Little Girl Blue
8. Work Me Lord
9. Dear Landlord - Session Outtake - Bonus Track
10. Summertime - Live at Woodstock - Previously Unreleased - Bonus Track
11. Piece Of My Heart - Live at Woodstock - Previously Unreleased - Bonus Track

CD Four - PEARL:
1. Move Over
2. Cry Baby
3. Woman Left Lonely
4. Half Moon
5. Buried Alive In The Blues
6. My Baby
7. Me And Bobby McGee
8. Mercedes Benz
9. Trust Me
10. Get It While You Can
11. Tell Mama - Live from Festival Express in Calgary, July 1970 - Previously Unreleased - Bonus Track
12. Little Girl Blue - Live from Festival Express in Calgary, July 1970 - Previously Unreleased - Bonus Track
13. Try (Just A Little Bit Harder) - Live from Festival Express in Calgary, July 1970 - Previously Unreleased - Bonus Track
14. Cry Baby - Live from Festival Express in Calgary, July 1970 - Previously Unreleased - Bonus Track

1. It’s A Deal - Outtake from the “Cheap Thrills” Sessions - Previously Unreleased
2. Crazy Once You Know How - Outtake from the “Cheap Thrills” Sessions - Previously Unreleased
3. Maybe - Live in Amsterdam, April ‘69 - Previously Unreleased
4. Raise Your Hand - Live in The Fillmore, San Francisco, October ‘69 - Previously Unreleased
5. Bo Diddley - Live in The Fillmore, San Francisco, October ‘69 - Previously Unreleased
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