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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 29.07.06 13:00:40   
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В последнем HELLO фотографии Хизер со своим другом на великах!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 31.07.06 21:41:11   
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То жеТо же
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 01.08.06 20:28:10   
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2Primal Scream:

>То же

не обратили ли Вы внимание, что за белые браслеты у него на левой руке? да истчо и с надписями какими-то. Что это такое?

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Maria (MJ) MacKenzie   Дата: 01.08.06 20:36:09   
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Он эти браслеты уже давно носит - "Peace & Love"
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.08.06 09:32:06   
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August 2, 2006 -- Contact Music


Heather Mills McCartney will have to drop her title of 'Lady' when she divorces former husband Sir Paul McCartney.

The former model, who is being divorced by the ex-Beatle on grounds of "unreasonable behaviour", is reportedly planning to revert to her maiden name after the split is final. But the move will see her lose the title she was given when she married McCartney, who was knighted for services to music in 1997. The only way she can hang on to the honour is by keeping her estranged husband's name.

A Cabinet spokeswoman says, "When a Sir divorces his wife she is allowed to use the title Lady but only if it is in the middle of her name.

"So Lady Heather will be called Heather Lady Mills McCartney.

"But if she reverts back to her maiden name or remarries then she will not be allowed to use Lady at all."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.08.06 09:32:42   
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Стелла снова беременна?

August 2, 2006 -- Contact Music


Sir Paul McCartney is reportedly set to become a grandfather - because his fashion designer daughter Stella is pregnant, according to British newspaper reports.

The former Beatle, who has been going through the rigours of divorce with estranged wife Heather Mills, is said to be thrilled by the happy news.

A pal of Stella tells British newspaper the Daily Mirror, "She couldn't wait to tell her dad. "After everything he's been through recently, she knew it would really cheer him up.

"She's been talking to him a lot since his marriage broke down - they've grown closer than ever." Stella's representatives refused to comment.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: KateVP   Дата: 02.08.06 23:37:20   
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Paul McCartney To Release New Classical Work ‘Ecce Cor Meum’

Release Date: 25th September 2006

Paul McCartney releases his new full-length work of classical music Ecce Cor Meum through EMI Classics on 25th September 2006. Ecce Cor Meum (Behold My Heart) is Paul’s fourth classical album since his first released in 1991, The Liverpool Oratorio.

Ecce Cor Meum has been more than eight years in the making and its origins follow in the historic tradition of composers that have been commissioned to write music for the world-renowned Magdalen College Oxford. Paul was specially invited by Anthony Smith (President of Magdalen College 1998 – 2005) to compose something to set the seal on a new concert hall for the college. His hope was for ‘a choral piece which could be sung by young people the world over in the same way that Handel’s Messiah is’.

Ecce Cor Meum, an Oratorio in four movements, is scored for choir and orchestra. The text combines both English and to a lesser degree, Latin. Paul’s knowledge of Latin comes from his classical education at The Liverpool Institute High School for Boys, where he had learnt three languages by the time he was 12. Paul says: “Not all of this has been retained over the years as my path went in other directions, but my love of language remains, and as Latin is known and sung by choirs all over the world, I felt it would be appropriate to use at times during the piece.”

Like many great composers Paul, started with the music and then looked for a subject that fits. Several ideas for lyrics occurred to him, but they only gelled when he took part in a concert of John Tavener’s music in the Church of St Ignatius Loyola in New York. “While I was waiting to do my bit, I was looking around the church and I saw a statue, and underneath it was written ‘Ecce Cor Meum’. I had done some Latin at school and I always had a fondness for it. So I worked it out. I believe it means Behold My Heart”.

In November 2001, the first version of Ecce Cor Meum was given its first preview performance by the Magdalen College Choir, which was conducted by Bill Ives at the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford. This was a great learning experience for Paul. “Eventually I made it all come together through correcting a lot of misapprehensions – a lot was learned before the Sheldonian performance, but a lot of it was learned afterwards. An experienced choral composer knows that children can’t be given huge sustained passages; they don’t have the energy and the stamina. At the Sheldonian there was some quite hard stuff that I didn’t realise because I’d done it on the synthesiser (which has endless stamina!), but during that first performance, the solo treble couldn’t come on for the second half – I think I’d used him up in the first half! These are things that people either learn because they are taught them immediately at the first lesson or you learn through the years, so it was good to go through the piece a lot of times, and we took out huge choral sections and gave them to the orchestra. If it had been a Beatles song I would have known how to do it. But this was a completely different ball game.”

Produced by John Fraser, Ecce Cor Meum was recorded this year at the legendary Abbey Road Studios between March 13th and 17th. It was performed by EMI artist Kate Royal (soprano); The Boys of King’s College Choir, Cambridge; The Boys Of Magdalen College Choir, Oxford and The Academy Of St Martin In The Fields conducted by Gavin Greenaway.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.08.06 15:19:23   
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August 3, 2006 -- The SunAugust 3, 2006 -- The Sun

Mucca's to the manor barn

Shamed Heather Mills has started her single life - in this £550,000 ($1 million) barn.

The estranged wife of Beatles legend Sir Paul McCartney moved into her new home yesterday with only her DOG for company.

Heather, 38 - dubbed Lady Mucca over her porn career past - bought the five-bedroom converted barn without mortgage in May - nine days after her split with Sir Paul, 64.

The former model did not move in until building work was completed.

Heather arrived at the property in a black 4x4 with her dog.

She strolled into the house calling for the pooch to follow her and gave a brief smile.

The property is just 15 minutes drive from Sir Paul's estate in Peasmarsh, East Sussex.

Heather plans to make a home with Beatrice, her two-year-old daughter with Sir Paul.

A neighbour said: "We were amazed to learn Heather bought the place. It is lovely."

The house was visited by Heather AND Sir Paul.

Heather also owns a £2 million ($3.7 million) seafront home in Hove, East Sussex, bought in her name in 2001 - two years after the couple's six-year love affair began.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Expert   Дата: 04.08.06 20:25:53   
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Журналист Пирз Морган, познакомивший Пола с Хитер сегодня называет себя "Купидоном". Неблагодарная работа сводника:


THE man who introduced Paul McCartney to Heather Mills claims Macca called him to say: "You've just cost me $250million." Former newsman Piers Morgan told US chat host Jay Leno how he set them up at an awards ceremony in 1999. The couple later wed but are now divorcing. Leno said: "I know you introduced Heather to Paul McCartney, right?" Morgan, 41, joked: "Yeah, he's really grateful. "I'm Mr Cupid to a Beatle. Paul came and sat next to me and Heather Mills gets on stage and they'd never met before. She made a really feisty speech and I remember him nudging me and saying, 'Who's that girl?' I said, 'It's Heather Mills, she's really feisty and a lovely girl - you should meet.' I introduced them.'" The former Daily Mirror editor said he got an unexpected call from the 64-year-old ex- Beatle last week. He said: "He rang me and says, 'Cheers pal you just cost me a quarter-of-a-billion dollars.' "I said, 'Anytime, Paul.'

Неужели Полу так жалко несчастные 250 мильонов, как будто они не будут все потрачены на благотворительность.

And in the middle of negotiations you break down.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: KateVP   Дата: 04.08.06 22:23:29   
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Деньги Пола всегда волновали. Теперь, когда решение принято, можно и убытки подсчитывать. Естественная реакция. А женушка домики приобретает. Тоже наверное хочет доказать что-то экс-супругу своему.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.08.06 11:36:59   
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August 5, 2006 -- The MirrorAugust 5, 2006 -- The Mirror


Troubled Heather Mills cuts a lonely figure as she admits her split with Sir Paul McCartney has left her feeling abandoned.

Lady McCartney - looking thin and drawn at a Madonna concert - has told close friends the pain of her marriage break-up just won't go away.

She said: "I have never felt more alone in my life. It's like I've been abandoned. I can't pretend it doesn't hurt. It's like a physical pain. It just goes on and on."

Gaunt Heather, 38, shocked onlookers at Madonna's Wembley Arena gig on Thursday. It was her first public outing since her split with Sir Paul, 64, right.

One said: "She is so thin. The stress is taking its toll."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.08.06 20:55:51   
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McCartney angry with 'abandoned' Heather

Sir Paul McCartney is furious with his estranged wife for claiming that she feels "abandoned" after their split.

The former Beatle admitted his anger to friends after Heather Mills's words were published in a newspaper yesterday alongside pictures of her looking thin at a concert.

"I feel betrayed. All I ever did was love her," Paul told one pal. "But now she wants to hurt me. This is very upsetting for me and my family."

A source close to the star told the News of the World, "How can she be abandoned? Those pictures were taken of her all made up and swigging lager at a Madonna concert, for goodness sake!

"This was just her having another go at trying to make Paul look the bad guy. But how can he be? As Paul says, all he ever did was love her and now she's playing the victim."

"She claims she's going through a stressful time because of the stories about her past. But they're true.

"She lives in a fantasy land and has created a new past for herself. But it doesn't wash.

"Heather thinks we're all stupid and she can pull the wool over our eyes.

"I'm afraid those days are long gone. All we care about now is Paul and their daughter Beatrice.

"She can spin whatever story she likes, we all know the truth and Paul is hurting right now.

"And to think he defended Heather immediately after they announced their split. That's what you call a man of honour."

Despite the war of words, Paul has made a series of secret late-night visits to the new home he bought for Heather just three miles from his sprawling Sussex mansion—to see two-year-old daughter Bea.

The multi-millionaire Beatles legend travelled under cover of darkness to the converted barn for the discreet meetings. Local farmworker Ben Price told us: "Paul's been spotted at Heather's new place a couple of times, but he doesn't hang around outside much."

A pal of Macca confirmed: "He's been round to see his daughter a few times this week. He waits till it's late so he can do it quietly."

The new house, known as Pandora's Barn, cost ?650,000 but Heather, who turned down a ?30million quickie divorce, is still needled about it.

Ben told us: "She's made no secret of it to her staff that she's not happy with the place because it's right on the corner of a busy lane and open to prying eyes.

"For that sort of money they could have got somewhere tucked away with more privacy and better security. Heather feels Paul is responsible, and that in some way he bought it to wind her up. It's been getting to her and she spends very little time there."

Paul is upset, too. A worker on his Peasmarsh estate admitted: "He looks so low. He's aged ten years all of a sudden. It seems this divorce has really taken it out of him.

"And we hardly ever see him. He's kept himself locked away, trying to deal with things his own way."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: zand   Дата: 06.08.06 23:41:04   
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Вот двуличная стерва! Сначала довела мужика до того,что он от нее сбежал-при том,что он ее,кажется,действительно очень сильно любил-а теперь еще изображает из себя невинную жертву. Мне такая порода баб знакома. Да уж,нарвался Пол на старости лет.
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Кукумалу   Дата: 07.08.06 00:06:55   
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Сдается мне, что теперь Пол до конца жизни будет холостяком.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: irishka.beat   Дата: 07.08.06 00:09:48   
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>Сдается мне, что теперь Пол до конца жизни будет холостяком.

Кто знает... Кто знает... Может, и нет...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Expert   Дата: 07.08.06 00:21:44   
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Найдем Полу невесту? Без прошлого, обеспеченную, чтобы никакого там голд-диггерства. Найдем Полу невесту? Без прошлого, обеспеченную, чтобы никакого там голд-диггерства.
Предлагаю Дженнифер - битломанка. С детских лет без ума от Пола.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 07.08.06 00:25:17   
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Мамочки, какая откровенная поза! :)))
Ну я из сауны вернулся, поэтому у меня ассоциации соответствующие, уж извините :)))
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Olga Palna   Дата: 07.08.06 00:31:38   
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"All I ever did was love her" - так говорит Макка (если не выдумывают), но то же самое могла бы сказать и Хизер.
Как оно на самом деле, газетчики точно не знают - они просто деньги зарабатывают, перепечатывая сплетни. Во всяком случае, Daily Mirror - это таблоид, т.е. желтая пресса, сами понимаете, что это значит...

Эту тему, похоже, давно уже пора переименовать в "Сплетни о Поле и Хезер". :(
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Expert   Дата: 07.08.06 00:45:19   
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Почему же "сплетни", Olga Palna? Последнее сообщение почти целиком состоит из заявлений Пола. Пусть Mirror и сплетни, но на них предпочел реагировать все тот же Маккартни. И где сайт "объективно о разводе Пола"?
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Olga Palna   Дата: 07.08.06 02:13:20   
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2 Expert:
"заявление" - это когда человек сам что-то говорит журналистам.
А тут - Paul told one pal (c)
У нас это называется "служба ОБС"...
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