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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters

Тема: Roger Waters

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Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 24.07.05 06:22:11   
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Вот некоторые интересные цитаты с отчёта


"Уикэнд в Амстердаме пролетел настолько незаметно, что у меня оставался один день для отдыха, перед тем как мне предстояло встретиться ещё с некоторыми крайне особыми персонами.

До того как я собрался уезжать в Великобританию, я получил приглашение встретиться с Шуки из менеджмента Пинк Флойд. Чтобы сделать это ещё более особенным, Мэтт Джоунс, [веб-мастер] из Brain Damage, побратима нашего сайта, был также приглашён, и было довольно волнующе для меня встретиться с Мэттом, немного поболтать с ним и выпить до того, как мы встретились с Шуки.

По приезду к офисам, нам представили привлекательную женщину, которая и была Шуки. Её такая же привлекательная ассистентка была там также некоторое время, но ушла через несколько минут.

Мэтта и меня провели по офисам, но я был поражён сильнее, чем Мэтт, ибо он уже был здесь до этого.

Офисы были покрашены в приятный белый цвет, это был приятный тёплый вечер, и солнце всё ещё сияло в окна. На стенах висели 3 большие распечатки Сторма Торгесона, и на столе стояла орхидея унылого вида...

Я осмотрел полки вокруг, что были уложены дисками. При ближайшем рассмотрении многие из них оказались пиратскими записями, которые, я полагаю, были конфискованы за многие годы.

Затем нам предоставил возможность посидеть за компьютером, в котором мы поглазели в благоговении на некоторые кадры с репетиций Live 8. Они были сделаны за неделю до самого события, и если кто-нибудь думал, что примирение было недействительным, сразу поверяли бы, увидев лица ребят, особенно Роджера, который сиял почти на всех фотографиях! Это была действительно редкое удовольствие удовольствие [видеть эти кадры]!

Пока мы смотрели фотографии, Шуки разговаривала ни с кем иным как с Джеймсом Гатри! <...>

(Дальше зашёл вопрос о релизе DVD Live 8 и предстоящем выпуске DVD группы пинк флойд в версии Гилмора Pulse - Пер.)

Затем был звонок от Сторма Торгесона, и становилось всё более и более интересно!


Во время вечера мы обсуждали многие вещи и собрали следующую информацию.

The Wish You Were Here 5.1 hybrid CD/SACD is a definite, and should be out later this year. It seems at one stage, "Animals' was also being considered for 5.1 treatment, but this idea had been shelved.

Выпуск гибридного CD/SACD Wish You Were Here уже определён, и в скором времени в этом году должен быть издан. Также рассматривался выпуск Animals в формате звука 5.1, но эту идею отложили на потом.

По поводу первой встречи четвёрки Пинк Флойд после подтверждения выступления на Live 8. Нам рассказали, как ребята почти сразу собрались, и дружба, раскол которой был многие годы, вскоре возобновилась, и все четверо встретились как хорошие друзья. Все рассказы об их ссорах были выдуты из пальца прессой.

Ребята репетировали 3 дня для выступления в Live 8, и каждый из дней репетиция проходила по 6 часов. Я спросил репетировали ли они Free Four, как было сказано во многих источниках. Как бы то ни было, нам сказали, что нав вряд ли, так как время было ограничено, и они репетировали лишь то, что собирались исполнить на Live 8, возможно с некоторыми исключениями.

(Дальше зашла речь о работе Дэвида Гилмора над альбомом и возможно предстоящем туре - Пер.)

Мы говорили также о возможности турне Пинк флойд, или новом альбоме, но как ни странно, нам сказали, что планов на этот счёт не было. Все члены группы постепенно отходят после Live 8, и занимаются своими обычными делами."

Дальше Кол рассказывает о встрече с Робином Хидлии, менеджером Сторма Торгесона. Распрашивает о выставке работ Сторма, Робин говорит, что она имела большой успех и что они собираются продлить выставку и роехать по миру с ней.

Затем он рассказывает о посещённых импамятных мест, в числе коих была улица Tottenham Court Road, на которой некогда находился легендарный андеграундныйм клуб UFO, в котором давала первый концерты группа.

(Затем с ним созвонился Энди Джексон, звукорежиссёр почти всех альбомов Пинк Флойд, и предложил устроить экскурсию по студиям, где они некогда записывались. К сожалению в этот раз не сложилось))

ps на фото изображено то самое место, где стоял клуб UFO.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 24.07.05 06:41:39   
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на фото изображено то самое место, где стоял клуб UFO. на фото изображено то самое место, где стоял клуб UFO.

почти на том месте, где идёт женщина...
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 24.07.05 06:45:42   
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Pink Floyd At MalvernPink Floyd At Malvern

Here's an early flyer from 1967 that was sent to us by the promoters, the super cool Bannisters.

Недавно найденный флаер на раннее шоу группы.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 24.07.05 07:48:51   
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репетиции в январе 1967репетиции в январе 1967
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Tonic   Дата: 24.07.05 17:24:28   
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Ты вообще спишь? =)
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 24.07.05 18:09:21   
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>Ты вообще спишь? =)

Да бывает...)))

Ещё с репетиций янв. 67

Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 24.07.05 18:10:04   
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И ещё...И ещё...
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 24.07.05 18:20:51   
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PINK FLOYD Official DownloadsPINK FLOYD Official Downloads
Currently there are a few really cool downloads available, and they are official as well!

We are now hosting local versions of all these files (apart from the soundboard) as on too many occasions, the external sites were unavailable. These items of software are provided free of charge, on an "as is" basis - we offer no warranty on how well they work, and all software is downloaded and installed at your own risk. We did not create any of this software. We cannot offer support on these items, or be held responsible for any problems you might experience. As with any software install, you should back up any critical work beforehand.

К примеру...

Echoes Screensaver

This consists of a country scene, lighting appropriate to the time on your computer (in other words, if you are looking at it in the evening, it shows the countryside at night), with a pig gently floating over the scenery. Pastoral sounds also feature...

Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 24.07.05 23:30:22   
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Стенка в электронном виде!!!
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 24.07.05 23:35:41   
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На сайте есть также электронные версии WYWH и DSOTM.На сайте есть также электронные версии WYWH и DSOTM.

треки представлены фрагментарно.

Have A Cigar супер!
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 25.07.05 13:36:17   
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Таинственный Джон Карин!  Таинственный Джон Карин!

Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.07.05 07:29:02   
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Pink Floyd's Waters previews Fr. Revolution opera

NEW YORK (Reuters) - It was a far cry from "we don't need no education" on Monday when Pink Floyd's Roger Waters presented excerpts for the first time from "Ca Ira," his new three-act opera about the French Revolution.

Rogers told an enthusiastic audience, which was to all appearances made up more of Pink Floyd fans than opera buffs, that the ambitious project first came to him back in 1989, when French songwriter Etienne Roda-Gil brought him a libretto for the French revolution-inspired piece.

Saying that the concerns of both the French and American Revolutions and their foundations in the then-new concept of human rights had always resonated with him, Rogers recalled that he quickly agreed to write a score after first rejecting Roda-Gil's "rather odd" idea of recycling old Pink Floyd songs.

"It's really about revolution in the broadest sense," Waters said. "It's about change, and personal change; we each have within us the potential for republic." The work will be released by Sony BMG Masterworks/Columbia Records on Sept. 27.

Despite being set in the Revolution's early days of 1789, "Ca Ira 'There is Hope"' exudes a timeliness that Rogers said should appeal to modern audiences, including people who have neither seen nor heard an opera.

In the face of the modern world's extremes of wealth and poverty, from America to Africa, Waters noted that "not a great deal has changed. But we stand at a crossroads. And I refuse to fall into this cloud of cynicism and accept that there's nothing we can do about it," he said to applause.


The rocker also conceded that "I'm sort of reiterating 'The Wall' (the seminal Pink Floyd work)" and its themes of "powerlessness in the face of loss." And that empathy for human loss led him to draw a more sympathetic portrait of both Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette than has been the tradition.

Waters said he was moved by Marie Antoinette's lament of the loss of her children in a letter to her sister on the eve of her execution, which, she wrote, was her sole regret. Humanity, whether of the masses or the royals, is omnipresent, and accordingly he wrote "The Last Night on Earth," an aria that was one of some half-dozen selections presented during the evening.

Nonetheless, he admitted to taking some liberties with history while adapting a literal translation of the original French libretto. "Reality," he mused wryly, "was mildly inadequate."

Asked why he thought opera was off-putting and intimidating to many, Rogers said it could be because most people think it's not meant for them, but only for the wealthy or the elite. But he noted the irony in that, given that opera was originally the art form of the masses. The same, he added, could be said of Shakespeare.

"The point of music is for human beings to connect with one another," Waters said.

He also held that he has "always loved the sound of big orchestras," and indeed both "The Wall" and "Dark Side of the Moon" had their share of ambitious, conceptual and visionary segments, especially for works within the rock arena.

Themes of humanity stretch across art forms, he said in conclusion.

"The idea of republic is to discover within ourselves the freedom to choose a more humane way of empathizing with each other" he said. "It's a point I make again and again, but I feel it's true for everybody. The promise of republic lies within.";_ylt=AmAbL1wYq2Xm...
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 26.07.05 12:49:36   
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А теперь хотел бы услышать кто был на этом вечере;)!
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 26.07.05 13:25:13   
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Вот одно из мнений посетивших:

Re: off to the opera
Posted by Wyatt Ben Bernstein on 7/26/2005, 5:17 am, in reply to "off to the opera"

It was a thrill to meet him. I was there as well. The beginning of the first piece sounded alot like Atom Heart Mother with ambient sound effects and then the music slowly fading in.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 26.07.05 13:29:16   
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Last night (25th July) Roger Waters and Sony Music, in what could have easily been billed as a "coming-out party" for his long-awaited and much-anticipated opera CA IRA (There Is Hope), premiered 8 tracks from the album to a small, intimate audience at New York City's Florence Gould Hall.

CA IRA - A Classical Opera In Three Acts, is set for release on 27 September (more details here). The album, for those of you who may not already know this, is based on the French Revolution and written by Etienne Roda-Gil. The Hall, with a seating capacity of 400 people, had in attendance, Sony executives, members of the press corp, 100 radio station contest winners (Q104.3FM), and 47 hand-picked fans. Brain Damage's US Correspondent, Elliot Tayman, was amongst those fortunate 47 fans...

At 6:30PM EST the house lights were darkened and a short film, commonly called an E.P.K. (Electronic Press Kit), was shown on the backdrop video screen. At first, it was just a black background with red letters emblazened "Roger Waters CA IRA." This lasted for aproximately 5 minutes while some of the album was playing in the background.

Shortly thereafter the actual EPK began with Waters talking about the album and its long road to release. Once the EPK ended, the house lights came back on to reveal the evening's narrator David Silver. He introduced himself, and proceeded to take us through a short synopsis of the forthcoming album.

Roger then came on stage about 7pm. Once Silver had introduced him, he had everyone give Roger more applause for his Live8 appearance with the rest of Floyd...

The audience took to its feet and gave them both a standing ovation. Soon after, they both took comfortable chairs on the stage and entered into a 'discussion' of the album, opera in general, and even managed to toss in a bit of humour centering around today's political turmoil throughout the world. It would seem that these days Waters can easily spend a lot of time discussing world events through his own eyes and feelings on the subject. He's got a lot to say!

The interviewer basically asked Roger some prepared questions to which Roger would answer -- some musical, some political, some about the history of the French Revolution. These questions were intermingled with excerpts of music (and video) from the album.

The acoustics for the music were good, but during the interviews, whilst you could clearly hear the interviewer, Roger was a little difficult for some of the audience to hear (and that included those in the 7th row!)

Throughout the course of the next two hours, the topics were many and varied. First, they discussed why opera isn't very popular. Waters' answer to this was simple - "opera is for the rich" although he noted the irony in this, as opera was originally for the masses. Then, moving on to how Waters became involved with the project, he simply stated, "I was approached to do it and I grabbed the opportunity with both hands!"

Вот это да!!!  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 26.07.05 13:32:54   
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Before long we were being introduced to the album's first track - Honest Bird, Simple Bird. Located behing Waters and the narrator was a large video screen where we watched videos of what appeared to be drawings from the CA IRA storyboard. These drawings are very beautiful and intertwine quite well with the music. We watched these to the accompanying music from the album. Each time a track ended, both Waters and the narrator would re-enter the discussion . I myself could not figure out wether or not the audience was more interested in what Waters had to say, or the music itself with its spectacular accompanying backdrop films.Before long we were being introduced to the album's first track - Honest Bird, Simple Bird. Located behing Waters and the narrator was a large video screen where we watched videos of what appeared to be drawings from the CA IRA storyboard. These drawings are very beautiful and intertwine quite well with the music. We watched these to the accompanying music from the album. Each time a track ended, both Waters and the narrator would re-enter the discussion . I myself could not figure out wether or not the audience was more interested in what Waters had to say, or the music itself with its spectacular accompanying backdrop films.

Saying that the concerns of both the French and American Revolutions and their foundations in the then-new concept of human rights had always resonated with him, Rogers recalled that he quickly agreed to write a score after first rejecting Etienne Roda-Gil's "rather odd" idea of recycling old Pink Floyd songs. "It's really about revolution in the broadest sense," Waters said. "It's about change, and personal change; we each have within us the potential for republic."

With an eye on the modern world's extremes of wealth and poverty, from America to Africa, Waters said that "not a great deal has changed. But we stand at a crossroads. And I refuse to fall into this cloud of cynicism and accept that there's nothing we can do about it," he said to applause.

He drew parallels to previous work: "I'm sort of reiterating 'The Wall' and its themes of powerlessness in the face of loss." And he also admitted that taking some "liberties with history" when translating the libretto - "Reality was mildly inadequate."

As the evening progressed we heard an additional seven tracks from CA IRA: I Want To Be King, To Freeze In The Dead Of Night, So To The Streets In The Pouring Rain, My Dear Cousin Bourbon Of Spain, To The Windward Isles, The Last Night On Earth, and Liberty. Not really a fan of opera, I did however find this music rather uplifting. It's very bold and, as some might say, it's in your face. The music sounds like it has something to say.

Unfortunately, due to a time overrun, the round of Q & A's from the hand-picked fans never occurred. Both Waters, and the evening's narrator David Silver, thanked the audience for coming. Naturally the audience responded by getting up on their feet and giving them a huge round of applause. The house lights came back on and Waters left the stage.

However, for those lucky fans who lingered in the hall because they had a 'feeling' that Waters may make a reappearance from behind the curtain, were not let down! Waters indeed reappeared on the stage and took a seat at it's edge.

As quickly as he did this the remaining fans in the hall dashed to the stage area and formed a line for autographs. Standing behind Waters the whole time, keeping a close watchful eye, was his manager Mark Fenwick. Thankfully, after I introduced myself to Mr Fenwick, he gave me a few moments of his valuable time. I made use of this precious time by graciously thanking him for his recognition and continued support for the Brain Damage web site.

Once again, I had attended a rather interesting evening with Roger Waters (having previously attended the Bridgehampton Music Festival event). I must admit something to you all. The more events I attend on Waters, the more and more interesting he becomes to me. Although I've been a HUGE fan of Pink Floyd's music since 1974, it never ceases to amaze me just how interesting the members, or ex-members, are. So what's next Roger Waters, The Wall on Broadway? I can't wait!

They did hand out a CD from the even with nine tracks excerpted from the upcoming album (cover shown to the right). One track in particular, My Dear Cousin Bourbon Of Spain, was singled out by Roger, as it uses the same melody as the last track on the Pros & Cons -- 5.11am (The Moment of Clarity). It's kind of subtle, but any Floyd afficionado should recognize it.

Main report by BD's own Elliot Tayman, with additional material from Anthony Patrizio and John Pallone. Our thanks to them, for the reports and pictures, and to Mark Fenwick, Mark Feldman of Sony, and Roger himself.


Date news posted: 26 July 2005

ps на картинке - Ca Ira sampler
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 26.07.05 13:34:50   
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Роджер расписывается фэну на вчерашнем вечереРоджер расписывается фэну на вчерашнем вечере
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 26.07.05 13:39:39   
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A Personal History Of Pink Floyd
Further to our previous news stories concerning Nick Mason's book "Inside Out - A Personal History Of Pink Floyd", we have some great news for our German visitors.

"Inside Out: Pink Floyd. Eine persцnliche Geschichte von Nick Mason" is being released in September by Rockbuch Verlag, and provides a full translation of the book into the language. All pictures and layout are as other editions.

The book is also in the process of being translated into other languages too, as there is huge worldwide demand for localised versions of Nick's great book. Once these are officially announced, we will bring you news of them. With luck, Nick will also be taking his book signing tour to more countries, and as plans are finalised, we will let you know where you can meet him.

In the meantime, advance orders for the German version can be placed through this special link to Amazon Germany.


Date news posted: 26 July 2005

Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 26.07.05 13:42:57   
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Ещё одно мнение посетившего.

My seat was next to Kim. What great daughters you have.

Roger came out and signed stuff after the presentation.

There is a number in the opera that has a similar theme to the last song on Pro's And Con's. Roger acknowledged it as such.

Lyricaly I felt it was a tough pill to swallow.I attribute that to the French to English translation. I don't believe Roger wrote the words anyway, just the music. There was one piece that was kind of Gospel/Reggae-ish.

There was no audience Q and A session following the interview. They gave out sampler CD's on the way out.

It was really cool listening to Roger speak. He was very soft spoken. The host was a class act, letting Roger speak without interrupting.

Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 26.07.05 14:41:27   
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QUEEN's legendary performance at Live Aid in 1985 has topped a poll of the greatest gigs of all time - attracting 80 per cent of all votes cast.

PINK FLOYD came in at number three with their gig at the British capital's Earl's Court in 1980, while LED ZEPPELIN came fourth with their 1975 concert at the same venue.

25/07/2005 15:20
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