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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.01.08 11:11:49   
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McCartney, looking shipshape after his surgeryMcCartney, looking shipshape after his surgery
Last updated at 20:26pm on 6th January 2008

It wasn't a yellow submarine. But it was all Sir Paul McCartney needed to show that he is in good health after his heart operation.

A friend revealed he had had the surgery in September but said fans have nothing to worry about - as this picture proves.

After a tumultuous year in which he has battled his ex-wife Heather Mills for a divorce settlement, had heart surgery, and continued to perform around the world, the former Beatle has finally found some peace and quiet.

The 65-year-old has taken a holiday in the Caribbean to get away from it all, having a sail over the tropical waters.

<-- All his troubles seem so far away: Paul McCartney finally gets some peace and quiet in the Caribbean

Wearing red flowery shorts and a black t-Shirt, he seemed relaxed as he concentrated on controlling the boat during his stay at a luxury resort in Jamaica.

The holiday is a welcome break from his bitter divorce with Heather Mills, with whom he has been locked in a custody battle over their four-year-old daughter, Beatrice.

The couple split 18 months ago but have yet to agree what sum of Sir Paul's £800million fortune Ms Mills will receive.

She made numerous uncomfortable appearances on TV last year unleashing her anger on Sir Paul and the media.

The 39-year-old said she had been driven to the brink of suicide by how she has been perceived by the public because of their failed relationship.

Meanwhile, Sir Paul McCartney had heart surgery in September to open the arteries of his heart.

He had been complained of feeling unwell and doctors advised he have the coronary angioplasty - symptons of which can be brought on by stress.

Despite his health and stressful private life, the musician has also not wanted to disappoint his fans, continuing to perform around the world.

No wonder he wanted to sail away.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.01.08 12:41:00   
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I am sailing, I am sailing  ...I am sailing, I am sailing ...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.01.08 11:12:55   
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McCartney Dr: Stop boozingMcCartney Dr: Stop boozing

DOCTORS ordered SIR PAUL MCCARTNEY to quit boozing over heart fears, it was claimed yesterday.

But the Beatle, 65, who recently underwent surgery to clear his arteries, allegedly IGNORED them in 2005 - sparking huge rows with estranged wife Heather Mills.

A source told the New York Post newspaper he has had electric shock treatment since to alleviate the problem.

The insider added: “It’s not a threatening condition, he just needs to take better care of himself. This was a major source of problems between him and Heather Mills.


He was receiving electrical shocks over the two years on his chest to help with his heart and was under strict instructions to stop drinking completely, which he didn’t do.”

The paper also claims Sir Paul has been prescribed the anti-clotting drug Warfarin.

McCartney had secret surgery at a private London hospital in September to open the arteries of his heart.

He felt unwell and doctors advised he have the coronary angioplasty.

Last week he was pictured looking well as he holidayed in Jamaica.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sveta_Maccarock   Дата: 08.01.08 11:23:34   
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2Primal Scream:

>This was a major source of problems between him
>and Heather Mills.

Правда? А я думала, что "мейджа сос оф проблемс" между ними заключался в том, что Хиззи подлая тварь.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.01.08 11:37:18   
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Тише. Сейчас придут поклонники и заступники ее таланта.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sveta_Maccarock   Дата: 08.01.08 12:14:00   
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Честно говоря, слабо верится, что он настолько злоупотребляет алкоголем.
Вот что-то похожее на опровержение:

A source close to Sir Paul yesterday attacked the claims, suggesting they were stories planted by Miss Mills or her LA-based publicist Michele Elyzabeth in the run-up to the couple's divorce proceedings in the High Court in London next month.
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.01.08 12:19:46   
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Любой, кто видел м-м Элизабет, сразу поймет все.
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sveta_Maccarock   Дата: 08.01.08 12:44:01   
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Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 10.01.08 10:43:43   
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Heather Mills was reportedly “furious” when her estranged husband Paul McCartney began flirting with singer Kylie Minogue. The former ‘Beatles’ star sang a “sexy” duet with Minouge for a New Years TV special and Mills allegedly believes McCartney did it to humiliate her.

The special featured McCartney and Minogue singing his hit ‘Dance Tonight’ while she lay on top of a grand piano.

“She’s really mad about the way Paul got close to Kylie. She reckons he did it on purpose and feels it was a deliberate public dig at her,” a friend claims. “She thinks he’s just trying to prove a point that he’s moved on and is comfortable around other women. She was so hurt she burst into tears.”

рожденная в "аду" - :-))))))))))))

Mills is also said to be furious over other women that McCartney has recently been linked to including Rosanna Arquette and Nancy Shevell.

“Heather was seething, seeing his flirting as an attempt to humiliate her. She thinks he’s kidding himself is he thinks he’s stand a chance with Kylie anyway,” added another friend.

Meanwhile, the former model has threatened to move to the

United States with her and McCartney’s daughter Beatrice is he doesn’t agree to a divorce settlement.

Wed 9 Jan 2008

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 10.01.08 10:48:54   
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Kylie Minogue & Paul McCartney - Dance Tonight

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 10.01.08 14:40:44   
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Тонкости семейной жизни Пола Маккартни

Как известно, бракоразводный процесс сэра Пола Маккартни и его супруги Хизер Миллз был одним из самых громких судебных процессов в мире шоу-бизнеса в ушедшем году. Однако тема развода экс-битла до сих пор не угасает, а друзья и близкие бывшего семейства то и дело подливают масла в огонь, рассказывая журналистам подробности их совместной жизни.

Напомним, что некоторое время назад Пол Маккартни пережил сердечный приступ, после которого врачи настоятельно рекомендовали певцу избавиться от вредной привычки столь часто употреблять алкоголь. Чуть позднее выяснилось, что Пол предупреждение проигнорировал.

Оказалось, что этот приступ у Маккартни далеко не первый. Ещё в самом начале семейной жизни с Хизер Миллз известный артист перенёс инфаркт, после которого жена настойчиво просила Пола позаботиться о своём здоровье и бросить пить.

Эта тема стала одной из главных причин постоянных скандалов между супругами. Хизер упрекала Пола, что он не заботится о себе, а Пол предпочитал регулярно запускать в сердце электрические разряды, дабы заставлять его биться, и продолжать употреблять алкоголь.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.01.08 15:00:19   
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>Тонкости семейной жизни Пола Маккартни

Все переврали, блин, козлы.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: JPM   Дата: 10.01.08 15:54:45   
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Думаю, вся эта затея с разводом была специально затеяна Маккартни дабы привлеч к себе внимание перед выходом нового альбома. Герой, ничего не скажешь...
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Витя Кипербаум   Дата: 10.01.08 16:02:01   
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>Думаю, вся эта затея с разводом была специально
>затеяна Маккартни дабы привлеч к себе внимание
>перед выходом нового альбома. Герой, ничего не скажешь...

И он сделал это!!
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sveta_Maccarock   Дата: 10.01.08 17:58:09   
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>Думаю, вся эта затея с разводом была специально
>затеяна Маккартни дабы привлеч к себе внимание
>перед выходом нового альбома. Герой, ничего не скажешь...

Да он тогда прямо-таки, как Данко(не певец!), готов вырвать свое сердце и вести народ за собой :)))))))

О, тут сразу же ассоциации с "Ecce Cor Meum"... :))))
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sveta_Maccarock   Дата: 10.01.08 18:47:32   
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Говорят, Пол дедушкой стал!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.01.08 00:00:09   
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McCartney writes song about ex-wife

Sir Paul McCartney poses at the Grosvenor Hotel on October 8, 2007 in London, England. (Dave Hogan, Getty Images) Sir Paul McCartney has written a song about his ongoing divorce battle with Heather Mills.

The Beatles legend has consistently refused to comment about the former couple's current legal wranglings but is now set to reveal his true feelings about his estranged wife in a collaboration with a British musician.

McCartney, 65, has teamed up with Nitin Sawhney for a track on Sawhney's forthcoming album London Undersound which is due for release later this year.

And Sawhney insists the song will be a shock to McCartney's fans.

Sawhney says, "Paul has done a track about how he feels about Heather and what was going on with the paparazzi because no one has heard his side of it at all - so this will be the first time anyone hears a song relating to that subject."

"It's very emotional and a very powerful song - not like anything that people are used to Paul McCartney doing."

Mills and McCartney, who split in May 2006, are due to appear in court to continue negotiations over their divorce settlement in February.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.01.08 11:47:28   
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Macca sends Mucca £8k birthday gifts and friendly note...Macca sends Mucca £8k birthday gifts and friendly note...
while she hires spies to get dirt on him
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.01.08 09:38:21   
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Макка сделал косметическую операцию вокруг глаз Макка сделал косметическую операцию вокруг глаз

Eye feel fine: Macca has cosmetic surgery to remove crow's-feet from around his eyes
Last updated at 22:26pm on 14th January 2008

After all he's been through in recent times, Sir Paul McCartney could be forgiven a few worry lines.

It seems, however, that the 65-year-old singer may not have been happy with his looks.

Friends have claimed that shortly before an operation in London to correct a heart murmur, he had cosmetic surgery in New York to rejuvenate his face.

<-- A wrinkly looking Sir Paul McCartney in the spring compared to the wrinkle-free rocker at a concert last month

The work, they say, was to remove crow's-feet from around his eyes, and also sagging skin from beneath and above them.

The result is a face that appears much younger and stress-free.

Photos taken earlier last year showed how his divorce from Heather Mills was taking its toll.

Sir Paul frequently looked worn down, with excessive wrinkling around his eyes.

While the operation to increase blood flow to his heart in September will undoubtedly have helped with the movement of blood around his face, giving him a rosier complexion, that would not explain the disappearance of the saggy skin.

Some cosmetic surgery experts have said he appeared to have the tell-tale signs of work to improve his looks. London plastic surgeon Alex Karidis said: "His lower eyelids look different. On the newer pictures, that area is a lot clearer."

He added that the pictures "would suggest that there has been some surgery to take some of the excess skin away from the eyelids.

"He definitely has less skin above both eyes than before."

But plastic surgeon Dr Lucy Clancey was more cautious, saying: "There is an ever so slight improvement.

"I would also say that he has lost a lot of weight in between the two pictures."

Sir Paul's spokesman rubbished the notion that he may have had surgery.

As the singer's divorce edges closer to a potentially ruinous court case next month, his relationship with Miss Mills has never been more fraught.

The pair had a series of rows over Christmas.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.01.08 09:09:59   
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January 17, 2008 --

Message from Paul

Hi everybody,

Happy New Year!

I hope it's a great one for all of us.

There's been a lot of stuff in the newspapers over the past few months and as most of it is completely inaccurate, I have not bothered to deny any of it.

There is one report though, that is causing concern amongst many friends of mine which was a recent report about a heart operation that I was supposed to have had.

People are ringing and texting me saying "are you ok?" and I hadn't seen the report so I was puzzled by so many enquiries about my health. So I think it's a good time to put this rumour to rest. What happened was, over a year ago during a routine medical examination, there was a minor irregularity which I needed to have tests for and which I have now been assured is completely fine. The media have only just recently reported an exaggerated version of this and that is why people have been asking me if I am ok. So this is where the story has come from. The media reports have, as usual, completely distorted the story, calling it an angioplasty, which is entirely untrue, and this is why so many friends have been concerned about my health.

I'm happy to say that I feel great and I have passed my most recent medical with flying colours.

I would like to thank all of you and my friends and relatives for your concern and I'm very happy to put your minds at rest, although I have secretly been enjoying all the sympathy I've been getting!

Once again, happy new year and remember don't believe everything you read in the media.

I look forward to a rocking 2008!


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