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Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8

Тема: Live 8 (2005)

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Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: BeatloManьka   Дата: 25.07.05 13:24:35   
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Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8 53
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: BeatloManьka   Дата: 25.07.05 13:25:57   
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Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8 54
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: BeatloManьka   Дата: 25.07.05 13:26:12   
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Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8 55
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: BeatloManьka   Дата: 25.07.05 13:26:58   
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Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8 56
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: BeatloManьka   Дата: 25.07.05 13:27:11   
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Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8 57
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: BeatloManьka   Дата: 25.07.05 13:27:31   
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58 Все :)58 Все :)
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: BeatloManьka   Дата: 25.07.05 17:25:56   
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Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.07.05 07:20:57   
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The International Version will include 4 DVDS:
The first 3 DVD's will have the Philadelphia and London performances..
The fourth DVD will include performances from the rest of the concerts, plus rehearsals, documentarys, etc.

EMI Europe will release the German, Italian and France shows.

EMI CANADA will release the Canadian concert.

The date of release will be announced soon.

BOX SET release for the International version: similar to the original LIVE AID box, with a 24-page booklet.

New NOKIA cell phones available in November will have ONE hour of Live 8.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 27.07.05 18:56:37   
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Capitol Records/EMI will release a DVD of the Live 8 concert on November 8th. It will be a 4-disc set covering the London and Philadelphia concerts, along with bonus material.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.07.05 17:52:16   
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Beatle buzz for brothers at Live 8Beatle buzz for brothers at Live 8

Adam and Joe in their costumes with Sir Paul McCartney

SGT Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band came to life for two brothers when they joined Sir Paul McCartney on stage at Live 8.

Professional musicians Adam, 32, and Joe Walters, 28, were two of the four horn players dressed in the famous Beatles Sgt Pepper costumes and performed with Sir Paul and U2 during the opening and last set of Live 8.

The brothers, who were brought up in Avon Road, Walthamstow, played in front of an estimated audience of two billion people, 200,000 of whom were in Hyde Park and the rest watching the show on televisions across the world on July 2.

Adam said: "It was an amazing experience and a great honour to play with Sir Paul McCartney.

"It was incredible. We are both big Beatles fans. Sir Paul was such a nice guy and when we came off the stage at the end of the concert he gave us a hug and told us we had all just made history.

"He even talked to us about performing with the Beatles at the old Granada in Hoe Street, which is now the EMD Cinema."

The brothers, who started learning their instruments through the council-run Waltham Forest Music Service, were asked to take part in the concert by a friend of Adam's.

He is a fixer for Sir Paul, which means he books musicians for concerts and album recordings.

Adam and Joe cleared their diaries and made sure they were free for the concert.

Joe, who is also in bands called Stereolab and The Local Show, said: "We had three rehearsals of the song before the big event. My mouth was pretty dry before we went on and when we were on stage all we could see was a sea of people.

"We had access-all-areas passes for backstage and saw so many celebrities including Robbie Williams and U2. It was a great atmosphere and strange to see everyone mixing. We saw Sir Bob Geldof talking to Kofi Annan, Seretary General of the United Nations.

"There was even an impromptu sing-a-long with Sir Paul and his band behind the scenes. When you think back to what we were a part of, it is almost like a dream."
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.07.05 18:25:06   
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British rockers STATUS QUO have slammed SIR PAUL McCARTNEY's behaviour at the London Live 8 concert earlier this month (02JUL05) - because they believe he was determined to hog the limelight.

The ROCKIN' ALL OVER THE WORLD hitmakers played at 1985's Live Aid show and their request to play a song at the historic gig was snubbed by organiser SIR BOB GELDOF

Singer FRANCIS ROSSI blames the egocentric actions of other stars for knocking Status Quo off the bill.

He says, "They all wanted to cherry pick when they could play. McCartney wasn't even satisfied with opening Live 8 with U2. He had to come back on later once he heard PINK FLOYD were doing it because he didn't want to be upstaged.

"So playing with U2 obviously wasn't good enough for him. Add to that the lot of them onstage, including McCartney, at the end and he's been hogging the stage."

Rossi goes on to play down the impact of Geldof's initiatives to tackle famine, disease and poverty: "They could hold another Live Aid in 20 years and things will be the same.

"I don't know the answers to the problems of the world, but I know that playing a gig such as Live 8 isn't it. There was something off about the whole thing and what Bob Geldof was doing singing onstage if we couldn't play there, I'll never know."

Не в себе  
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.07.05 19:05:27   
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Для одних Маккартни ангел, для других - бес.
А вы знаете, что...  
Автор: Pit Best   Дата: 01.08.05 11:09:56   
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На каком-то из форумов или медиа-архивов можно было скачать Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band с Live 8, где Пол спел её вместе с U2. Дайте ссылочку, пожалуйста

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Помогите!".
Re: Помогите!
Автор: Grigory   Дата: 01.08.05 11:09:56   
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Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Помогите!".
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 02.08.05 16:06:07   
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1st August sees the publication of the only official Live 8 book. Coming just under a month after the worldwide concerts, the book itself was put together in just seven days, to ensure that it would be ready so soon after the event.

Despite the speed of production, this book is a wonderful, quality record of the day. With a foreword by Bob Geldof and over 300 colour photographs, this charts one of the most momentous days the world has seen in decades. From Geldof's initial reluctance to stage another Band Aid concert, to the lead up to the shows around the world, and the day itself, this book is a unique record of an event witnessed by over 85 per cent of the world's population.

The book also contains backstage images, exclusive photographs from the concerts around the world, reflections and quotes from the many performers.

The paperback, with a UK list price of Ј15.99, is being sold in aid of Live 8, with Ј5 from every copy sold going to the charity. So, another good reason to snap up a copy!

The book can be ordered through the following special links: Amazon UK, Canada, France, or Germany.


Date news posted: 1 August 2005
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.08.05 12:34:29   
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Campaigning rocker SIR BOB GELDOF's public-speaking fees have rocketed from $54,000 (GBP30,000) to $90,000 (GBP50,000) per talk - following his worldwide exposure at last month's (JUL05) star-studded Live 8 concert.

The Kruger Crowe agency reassessed Geldof's fees after the historic gig, which the former BOOMTOWN RAT organised to persuade G8 leaders to cancel debt in the developing world, double the aid budget and rewrite global trade laws.

And agency bosses are negotiating huge fees for a lecture tour Geldof plans to make across America.

Marketing director MARK KRUGER says, "We reassessed his fees after Live 8. We have about 20 people on our books, including GORDON RAMSAY, RUBY WAX and JOHN SIMPSON but Geldof is absolutely the most in demand. Everyone wants him.

"We upped his fees to GBP50,000 and now we are in New York arranging a talk tour for him across America."

Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.08.05 19:01:13   
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Elton calls Live 8 'anti-climax' Elton calls Live 8 'anti-climax'

Sir Elton John has called last month's Live 8 concert "an anti-climax" that lacked many highlights.

Speaking to the Telegraph newspaper, Sir Elton said the concert in London's Hyde Park lacked "a sense of occasion".

"I was very pleased to be a part of it, but I didn't think it was anywhere near as good as the first one. How could it be?" he said.

Sir Elton sang a duet at Live 8 with Babyshambles singer Pete Doherty, which failed to impress critics.

Doherty 'a mess'

Sir Elton said they had rehearsed their rendition of Children of the Revolution to "tip-top" perfection.

But he said on the day he thought Doherty was "really nervous", which affected the performance.

Sir Elton said Doherty was "a mess" and added: "I don't the people around him set a good example, which is a shame."

Speaking about Live 8, Sir Elton said: "The thought behind it was fantastic but Hyde Park is a charisma-free zone.

"There was no sense of occasion and from a musical point, I didn't think there were too many highlights."

London's Live 8 concert was one of a series of global gigs organised by Bob Geldof to highlight poverty in Africa and third world debt.

Among those who performed were Robbie Williams, Coldplay, Sir Paul McCartney and Madonna.

Sir Elton also admitted that he had a tendency to upset people with his outspoken views, including Madonna and George Michael.

He said he had made amends with George Michael but that Madonna had not forgiven him for his public claim that she mimed on stage in 2004.

"I did send her two Christmas cards and they both came back," Sir Elton said.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: LUCYinTheSKYwithDIAMONDS   Дата: 05.08.05 18:58:01   
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ИЩУ БИТЛОВСКУЮ ПЕСНЮ!!! HELP!!! Она звучит в The Beatles - Off The Record 1964-1966. Вот примерный текст, написанный по слуху: you look into my eyes like a window wherever it takes me - i will know in spite of all the danger i will go you know just what i'll find ??? as long as you're with me i don't care coz in spite of all the danger i'll be there you're the only one that keeps me satisfy you're the only love that makes the wealthy right sometimes it never ????? and then you pretend you don't know me but in spite of all the danger you show me you're the only one that keeps me satisfy you're the only love that makes the wealthy right you look into my eyes like a window wherever it takes me - i will know in spite of all the danger i will go in spite of all the danger i will go ИЩУ БИТЛОВСКУЮ ПЕСНЮ!!! HELP!!! Она звучит в The Beatles - Off The Record 1964-1966. Вот примерный текст, написанный по слуху: you look into my eyes like a window wherever it takes me - i will know in spite of all the danger i will go you know just what i'll find ??? as long as you're with me i don't care coz in spite of all the danger i'll be there you're the only one that keeps me satisfy you're the only love that makes the wealthy right sometimes it never ????? and then you pretend you don't know me but in spite of all the danger you show me you're the only one that keeps me satisfy you're the only love that makes the wealthy right you look into my eyes like a window wherever it takes me - i will know in spite of all the danger i will go in spite of all the danger i will go
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Alfred E. Neuman   Дата: 05.08.05 21:06:05   
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>The Beatles - Off The Record 1964-1966.

Вообще-то это оффтоп, но так уж и быть отвечу - песня эта не битловская (хотя сам долгое время считал, что это что-то из невыпущенного), а авторства кавер-группы The Overtures, которая собственно и делает всю озвучку к этому фильму. Для справки рекомендую посмотреть титры в конце.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 11.08.05 12:21:47   
Цитата | Сообщить модераторам | Ссылка - здесь можно скачать многое из разных выступлений Live8.

Есть как видео, так и аудио файлы.
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