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Eric Clapton and his music

Тема: Eric Clapton (Эрик Клэптон)

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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 11.11.07 20:54:19   
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...Как сообщает еженедельник «SmartMoney», премьера мюзикла пройдет на сценах Государственного Кремлевского дворца, лондонского Уэст-Энда и Бродвея...

Не выписываю данный еженедельник.
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: Elicaster   Дата: 11.11.07 22:38:57   
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To: SergeK
> еженедельник SmartMoney
а что за еженедельник SmartMoney? в вышеуказанной ссылке ведь нет упамянания про него, там говорится про АиФ.
я что-то не уловил...
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 11.11.07 22:46:32   
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Открой Аиф и прочитай.

Что-то я ничего в англоязычном инете не нашел на эту тему. На этом предлагаю АиФлуд закончить.
Crossroads 2007 DVD - U.S. Exclusive Editions
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 12.11.07 13:03:06   
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The double DVD from July's Crossroads Guitar festival arrives in stores around the world on 20 November. Filmed in HD, the set features performances and collaborations by Eric Clapton, B.B. King, Buddy Guy, John Mayer, Sheryl Crow, Willie Nelson, Robbie Robertson and many more. In the United States, "exclusive editions" featuring additional tracks will be sold by retailers Best Buy and Target.

Although the tracks have not yet been announced for the Target Stores version, Best Buy's Exclusive Edition will feature two extra tracks according to their website: "Things Get Better" and "Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad."
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: Elicaster   Дата: 12.11.07 15:07:43   
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To: SergeK
> Открой Аиф и прочитай.
Не выписываю данное издание. Доступ на сайт АиФ закрыт. Есть только вышеприведенная мною ссылка. Если есть какая-то дополнительная инфа? буду признателен если поделишься.

> Что-то я ничего в англоязычном инете не нашел на эту тему. На этом предлагаю АиФлуд закончить.
Дык, вопрос-то так и не прояснён. Может сначала проясним туфта это или нет, а потом будем решать что флуд, а что нет?
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 12.11.07 15:14:02   
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Я тебе уже говорил, для "таких" вопросов создана спец тема, пиши туда. Хорош здесь мусорить.
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 12.11.07 22:28:27   
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1. Outside Woman Blues - Blind Joe Reynolds1. Outside Woman Blues - Blind Joe Reynolds
2. Spoonful Blues, A - Charly Patton
3. Walkin' Blues - Son House
4. Ramblin' On My Mind - Robert Johnson
5. Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out - Bessie Smith
6. Cross Road Blues - Robert Johnson
7. I'm So Glad - Skip James
8. Sittin' On Top Of The World - Mississippi Sheiks
9. Key To The Highway - Big Bill Broonzy
10. Mean Ol' Frisco - Arthur Crudup
11. Worried Life Blues - Big Maceo
12. Blues Before Sunrise - Leroy Carr
13. Motherless Chile - Barbecue Bob
14. Floating Bridge - Sleepy John Estes
15. Cross Cut Saw - Tommy McClennan
16. Alberta Blues - Mississippi Sheiks
17. Going Down Slow - St. Louis Jimmy Oden
18. Jesus Is Coming Soon - Blind Willie Johnson
19. Stormy Monday - T-Bone Walker
20. It Hurts Me Too - Tampa Red
Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood keep Blind Faith for New York shows
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 15.11.07 13:15:34   
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After a rare on-stage reunion at the Crossroads Guitar Festival in July, former Blind Faith members Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood will team for three shows early next year at Madison Square Garden.

The pair will play the New York arena on February 25, 26 and 28. Blind Faith, rounded out by Clapton's former Cream bandmate Ginger Baker, and late bassist Rick Grech, played MSG July 12, 1969 during its sole tour.

According to a statement, plans are not yet set for the show's set list, which will be determined after Clapton and Winwood rehearse.

Meanwhile, Winwood is now signed to Columbia and will release an as-yet-untitled new album early next year. The project will be his first solo release since 2003's "About Time," released on his own Wincraft Music imprint. He was previously with Virgin.
2007 Crossroads Guitar Festival on Great Performances
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 15.11.07 13:17:32   
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This past July, a spectacular gathering of guitar greats gathered at Eric Clapton's Crossroads Guitar Festival in Chicago. Great Performances, a PBS-TV show in the US, will air highlights from the day-long event at Toyota Park.

PBS will launch a web companion for the show on 21 November 2007, like they did for the 2004 Festival which was also broadcast as an episode of Great Performances. As a preview for the show, PBS has also released a short and long promo clips which can be viewed online:

Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.11.07 09:36:43   
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Ultimate Grammy Collection: Contemporary PopUltimate Grammy Collection: Contemporary Pop
Release Date: 11/27/2007

In a grand celebration of the 50th anniversary of the GRAMMY® Awards, Shout! Factory, in association with NARAS, announces the Ultimate GRAMMY® Collection, an electrifying 7-CD series encompassing winners from the genres of Pop, R&B, Country and Rock. Featuring the best songs from throughout the history of the GRAMMYs®, the collection is a sumptuous ode to the biggest hits in music history and a must-have for music lovers and collectors alike.

1. k.d. lang “Constant Craving”
2. Seal “Kiss From A Rose”
3. Annie Lennox “No More I Love You’s”
4. Eric Clapton “Change The World”
5. Shawn Colvin “Sunny Came Home”
6. Sarah McLachlan “Building A Mystery”
7. Jamiroquai “Virtual Insanity”
8. The Brian Setzer Orchestra “Jump Jive An’ Wail”
9. Madonna “Ray Of Light”
10. Macy Gray “I Try”
11. Nelly Furtado “I’m Like A Bird”
12. Norah Jones “Don’t Know Why”
13. Justin Timberlake “Cry Me A River”
14. Los Lonely Boys “Heaven”
15. Kelly Clarkson “Since U Been Gone”
16. John Mayer “Gravity”
Clapton autobiography only skims off the Cream
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 19.11.07 01:26:55   
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IT'S A PIVOTAL era not just in Eric Clapton's life, but in rock'n'roll history.
George Harrison starts hanging out at Clapton's house in 1969. Stymied and frustrated by the horrendous recording sessions for "Let It Be," he skips the studio one day and hangs out with Clapton. He picks up a guitar and begins writing a chorus of what eventually becomes "Here Comes the Sun," one of the finest songs in the Beatles canon.

Clapton loves hanging with Harrison, but over time realizes he's becoming attracted to Pattie (Boyd) Harrison, the woman for whom Harrison wrote "Something" and for whom Clapton would later write "Layla," "Bell Bottom Blues" and "Wonderful Tonight."

What are these events worth in his new book, "Clapton: The Autobiography" (Broadway, $26)? A whole section? Two chapters? One?

Nope. Clapton manages to trace that bit of his life in a single paragraph on page 106.

The book isn't about his life. It's really a book about his journey to sobriety and his keeping it, which is very inspiring, noble and admirable. However, fans looking for the inside story (Why did Cream break up? Why didn't the reunion a few years ago take off? What made him write this or that lyric?) won't find it here.

Yes, Clapton does confirm all the dirt — the years of hiding away with heroin and vodka, the endless women, the misogynistic behavior. Dirt is just dirt without the insight of what made him this way and how it affected the music he wrote.

He does go into more detail with the former Pattie Harrison, whom he later married, as they had a dysfunctional relationship and codependency that went on for decades. But it's all very clinical storytelling: I did this. Then I went there. Then I said this. Then I did that.
He comes off as a lout and a spoiled child, turning one wedding cake into a food fight, coming across the true love of his life every few years (each one seems to be a young brunette, including his current wife).

Clapton's fame and wealth allowed him to pretty much run amok for as long as he wanted, with people unable or unwilling to tell him what a jackass he was being. Even in sobriety he comes off as self-absorbed, insecure and generally a pain to be around.

He writes about firing a longtime manager, a friend who stuck with him through the darkest days, rehabilitated his career and got him sober. "I haven't set eyes on Roger since that day, and that saddens me," he writes. "We had an incredible journey together and he had successfully restarted a career that was as good as over. Maybe we will meet again and laugh at our memories one day. I hope so."

Hey, Eric, did you ever think of picking up the phone instead of writing such a passive-aggressive passage?

A nanny is an absolute necessity, Clapton writes. "Although we wanted as much direct involvement as possible, we would clearly need to have someone standing by if one of us got sick or if I had to go off to work."

Because you simply can't raise kids if one of the parents has to go to work, can you?

His "close friend" Harrison died of cancer in November 2001, but Clapton hadn't visited since 1999, keeping tabs on Harrison's condition through a mutual friend. He then threw himself into doing the Concert for George a year later, creating "the perfect sendoff for a man we all loved."

Just not enough to visit.

Key people and events in his life are glossed over or ignored, while he pays huge tribute to people who just don't matter: "Tommy Chung was the man in Shanghai; he ran the only store to stock Visvim, my favorite shoe, and I thank him for his great hospitality while we were in his town."

The Cream reunion went sour because "the heart had gone out of it and also a certain amount of animosity had crept back in." So what was it? What's the conflict?

Clapton's music is some of the finest made in the rock era. But his book simply reinforces the notion that you should never confuse the artist with the art.

Yes, Clapton does confirm all the dirt — the years of hiding away with heroin and vodka, the endless women, the misogynistic behavior. But dirt is just dirt without the insight of what made him this way

and how it affected his music.
Eric Clapton's autobiography: Sex, drugs and boredom
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 19.11.07 01:28:12   
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So who knew that Eric Clapton was such a bore? OK, maybe everybody who bought his last few albums or saw him on his last world tour, which had all the fire and spontaneity of a Fred Thompson interview.

But even that couldn't prepare us for the snooze that is "Clapton: The Autobiography" (Broadway, $26), now on bookstore shelves.

The best thing that could be said about "Clapton" is that it's tasteful, which one might expect from a chap who claims Giorgio Armani as one of his best friends.

Clapton apparently wrote the book himself. It, however, has the unmistakable cadence of dictation, the sort of repetition one often finds in anecdotes recalled on the private jet between gigs.

It has the same distant feel of Miles Davis' as-told-to autobiography, which turned out to be primarily a rehash of stories well known from another biography, sometimes word-for-word.

As a rule, I don't read showbiz autobiographies. Where once they were sanitized beyond recognition, in the style of Billie Holiday's "Lady Sings the Blues," they now have been smutted up and strutted out like rap videos. How many groupies, how many drugs, how many rehabs before one finds inner light?

Ironically, Clapton's life could make that of any Motley Crue member look like that of a Unitarian minister.

For starters, his supposed mother was really his grandmother, and his older brother was really his uncle. He lived in relative poverty before acquiring a cheap guitar and learning to play blues by listening to old Muddy Waters records.

By 14, he was earning spending money in a band, and while still in his teens he joined the Yardbirds. He quit after one album because the group released a single, "For Your Love," that he thought wasn't authentic enough.

Months later, he was holding down the lead chair in John Mayall's Bluesbreakers and was called into the studio to record with Bob Dylan, a session he barely remembers that yielded no music.

Then came Cream, Blind Faith, superstardom and a crush on his friend George Harrison's wife, Pattie Boyd, that produced the love song "Layla." At that time he was an unrepentant junkie, but he won her away (he and George had a friendly chat, the substance of which is not revealed here) and he wrote her the beautiful (if slightly nauseating) "Wonderful Tonight."

The lyric was not written because, as the song says, she looked stunning at a party they attended, but because she would try on dozens of outfits before they went out, making him so crazy he told her she looked wonderful in all of them.

We haven't gotten to the crazed two-bottle-a-day alcoholism and the death of the son he barely knew, Conor, whom he immortalized in a song first given to a movie about junkies.

By the end of the book, he can barely be bothered to recall the last names of all the supermodels he squired before settling down with a wonderful wife and three daughters.

The last chapter is given to a year on the road, which sounds even less interesting than the junkie year spent watching TV and waiting for the Man.

It could be that the only passion Clapton ever had was expended in a handful of live shows and recordings -- the Bluesbreakers record, Derek and the Dominos' "Layla."

At one point in "Clapton" he does sidestep into his immense talent briefly to explain to us what a blue note is, that bending sound that takes us somewhere deep and true.

Maybe in the second edition, he'll catch that and take it
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 20.11.07 11:43:32   
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Eric Clapton at the Crossroads again
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
In blues lore, the crossroads have a mythic meaning -- the place where the ordinary bluesman sells his soul to the devil to make his fingers play angelic music.

It's unlikely that Eric Clapton ever had to make such a deal, since he is the guitarman formerly known as God. But he took the music and made it his, and he took the name and gave it to the Crossroads Centre, a facility he founded in 1998 on the island of Antigua as an addiction treatment center.

A few years ago, in Texas, where outsize things somehow seem more normal, he held a Crossroads Guitar Festival and invited a few dozen guitar players he seemed to think highly of to benefit the treatment center.

The resulting DVD set was an amazing collection of music and musicians assembled in one place. This was, of course BBN (before BlueNotes), and while I had a chance to say a few things, I didn't really do the music justice.

Fortunately for all of us, Clapton has seen fit to give me a chance to make amends.

Crossroads Guitar Festival 2007 was held this summer in Chicago, with another all-star cast of guitarists, with another two-disc DVD set released today.

With 38 tracks, and almost as many musicians, it's hard to describe everything, so I'll touch on a few of my favorites, and give you a complete list of tracks and artists at the end.

First, the master of ceremonies. The unlikely Bill Murray, of course, who introduces himself first and plays a few riffs to get things started. But he does a nice, unobtrusive, enthisiastic job.

Here are some musical spots that I especially enjoyed. It shouldn't be hard to find some of your own in this (mostly) blues guitar lovefest.

• Johnny Winter and Derek Trucks cranking out a tough and bluesy version of Dylan's "Highway 61 Revisited."

• Susan Tedeschi, sexy in heels and blues party dress and guitar, with a sensual blues vocal -- "Little by Little." (Sexist? I dunno -- she was a fashion plate compared to all the bluesmen in short pants on this hot afternoon. Sure, B.B. King's "Rock Me Baby" is a gutteral, driving piece of double-entendre, and his guitar gently weeps, but I'm not sure about his sex appeal. Sue me.)

• Vince Gill introduced with a call for a NASCAR moment, urging guys to take their shirts off and run around in a big oval. Gill himself was cool gittar-able with "Sweet Thing" (pronounced sweet thang).

• Sheryl Crow with Albert Lee, Vince Gill and Clapton trading effortlessly expressive solos on the slinky, bluesy country "Tulsa Time." Followed by Willie Nelson with "Blue Eyes Cryin in the Rain," then all the aforementioned players in a spirited "On the Road Again."

• Two words: Los Lobos.

• Jeff Beck, with amazing bass player Tal Wilkenfeld, who got almost as much musical attention tending to the bottom of his riffs as did the still-magnificent Beck.

• With a dramatic sunset in the background, Clapton's set was filled with elegant fire and ice on "Tell the Truth," "Isn't It a Pity" and "Little Queen of Spades." I don't know if I've heard his vocals sound better. With backup singers, too. With Doyle Bramhall II and Derek Trucks. And he plays guitar pretty good. He admits to being spurred to greater heights with this kind of a band ... and he gets there, without Sherpas. Seriously, it's simply a dazzling blues guitar jam. All three are at their fiery, painful bluesy best. It's fascinating to hear him sing the blues, then slip into the British in his intros.

• Robbie Robertson and Clapton on the raucous Bo Diddley tune, "Who Do You Love." It was great to see Robertson, who captured my attention with The Band, and again in the magnificent film, "Last Waltz." He looks a lot different than the rogue he once was, but plays like he always did.

• Steve Winwood (the most sensual organ) and Clapton together again. Blind Faith. "Presence of the Lord" and "Can't Find My Way Home," "Had to Cry Today." Enough said. Not too mention another stinging version of "Crossroads."

• An exuberantly bluesy Buddy Guy (he's really on fire here, living up to the competition from the old days of cutting Chicago bands), and a great finale of "Sweet Home Chicago" with Clapton and Guy and the whole gang and blues that defies the laws of human understanding.

I know I haven't mentioned a lot very, very good performances here -- great blues guitar from Hubert Sumlin, B.B. King, Sonny Landreth, Jimmy Vaughan, Robert Cray and more. But they are there for the watching.

If you love Eric Clapton, if you love great guitar music, if you love the mother's milk of the blues, save a few hours to take in these marvelous performances.

Even though it's Clapton's gig, he's almost just another guest here, fitting into the lineup, looking more and more like an English prof at some trendy little college. But his fingers still fly, belying the slowhand years.

Do I sound like I enjoyed all this? Good. You will too.
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 20.11.07 11:43:52   
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Now here's that list of performers and performances:

Disc 1
UBERESSO Sonny Landreth
HELL AT HOME Sonny Landreth with Eric Clapton
MAHARINA John McLaughlin
ROSIE Doyle Bramhall II
LITTLE BY LITTLE Susan Tedeschi with The Derek Trucks Band
ANYDAY The Derek Trucks Band
HIGHWAY 61 REVISITED - Johnny Winter with The Derek Trucks Band
NOBODYSOUL Robert Randolph & The Family Band
POOR JOHNNY The Robert Cray Band
DIRTY WORK AT THE CROSSROADS Jimmie Vaughan with The Robert Cray Band
SITTING ON TOP OF THE WORLD - Hubert Sumlin with The Robert Cray Band & Jimmie Vaughan
PAYING THE COST TO BE THE BOSS B.B. King with The Robert Cray Band with Jimmie Vaughan & Hubert Sumlin
ROCK ME BABY - B.B. King with The Robert Cray Band with Jimmie Vaughan & Hubert Sumlin
COUNTRY BOY Albert Lee with Vince Gill
IF IT MAKES YOU HAPPY - Sheryl Crow with Vince Gill & Albert Lee
TULSA TIME - Sheryl Crow with Eric Clapton, Vince Gill & Albert Lee
BLUE EYES CRYING IN THE RAIN - Willie Nelson with Vince Gill & Albert Lee
ON THE ROAD AGAIN - Willie Nelson with Sheryl Crow, Vince Gill & Albert Lee

Disc 2
BELIEF John Mayer
GRAVITY John Mayer
MAS Y MAS Los Lobos
ISN T IT A PITY Eric Clapton
WHO DO YOU LOVE Robbie Robertson with Eric Clapton
PRESENCE OF THE LORD Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton
CAN T FIND MY WAY HOME Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton
HAD TO CRY TODAY Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton
DEAR MR. FANTASY Steve Winwood
CROSSROADS Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood
SWEET HOME CHICAGO Buddy Guy with Eric Clapton, Robert Cray, John Mayer, Hubert Sumlin, Jimmie Vaughan & Johnny Winter
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.11.07 10:45:36   
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Просто фотка пондравиласьПросто фотка пондравилась

Joni Mitchell, David Crosby, Eric Clapton and fan in the Los Angeles hills.
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 22.11.07 12:00:22   
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Eric Clapton and his music
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 22.11.07 12:00:42   
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Eric Clapton and his music
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 22.11.07 12:01:19   
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2Primal Scream: >фотка пондравилась  А мне, эта.2Primal Scream:
>фотка пондравилась

А мне, эта.
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.11.07 01:20:47   
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Eric Clapton and his music
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: realife   Дата: 23.11.07 01:59:43   
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>2Primal Scream:
>>фотка пондравилась
>А мне, эта.

как волосаты и молоды мы были
гибсон на страт еще не заменили...
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