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Chip Madinger "Eight Arms To Hold You"!

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Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: Вад   Дата: 29.07.04 22:56:02   
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Вот тебе твоя 378-я страничка

Paul McCartney


After a year that was as busy professionally as any Paul had ever experienced, he declared a self-enforced sabbatical in 1994. Of course, in Macca terms, it was a break; in anyone else's terms, it was business as usual. After a trip in early January with Linda to visit Fairmont, Minnesota (the home of Fairmont Foods, manufacturer of Linda's line of veggie frozen entries), the first order of business was to induct John Lennon into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame at the annual ceremony in New York on January 19th. Paul is never particularly good at giving speeches, usually appearing extremely nervous, dancing and flashing the mighty thumbs-aloft. but he did a reasonable job this time. He did not perform in the obligatory jam session at the end of the evening, but did do something slightly more important: ceremonially "picked up" the John demo tapes from Yoko that he, George and Ringo would overdub to create some new "Beatles" songs. These rather historic sessions would begin in February at Hog Hill, lasting for a week before Paul and Linda took another holiday to the US.

Much of the rest of the year v/as spent doing Beatles work for Anthology, filming interviews alone and with George and Ringo (including an impromptu version of 'Blue Moon Of Kentucky' filmed at George's Friar Park estate on June 23rd. This brief performance was shown on ABC's Good Morning America two and a half years later on December 4. 1996). He also assisted in promoting Linda's line of frozen foods for its US launch in May. A three-city promotional tour (a fourth date in Minneapolis was cancelled) consisting of press conferences and meet-and-greets in Chicago (10th). St. Louis (11th), Denver (12th) featured Paul in a "surprise" walk-on appearance at each stop. He strolled out a third of the way into the press conference (which would begin with Linda and Larry McGuire. the head of Fairmont Foods) to answer questions regarding vegetarianism, the contents of the frozen food, and other primarily non-musical topics. A second round of press conferences began in early October, with stops in Detroit (4th). Seattle (5th) and Los Angeles (7th). Promptly upon returning to the UK. Paul filmed a forty second commercial on the 11* for LIPA that would premiere in German cinemas the following month.

Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: Вад   Дата: 29.07.04 22:56:37   
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Paul was also writing songs for the next album, composing 'Somedays' in March and 'Young Boy1 in August, and began to assemble material for his next classical piece. The work, lo be entitled Standing Stone, was commissioned by EMI to commemorate the company's 100'" anniversary in 1997. Work on the various movements began in May with a piano demo of the basic melody of the piece, and continued throughout September, November and December. At some point during the year, Paul also recorded the unavailable demos 'Higgy Baggers Guitar Course1 and 'Someone Rocking My...'.

'drive my car' session
c. 1994

1 Drive My Car
a. 1 Promotional Version * R.A.D.D. Awareness Message Project, Volume 3 (Tr. 41)

On March 4, 1994 ABC's In Concert aired the recently produced video for 'Drive My Car' by RADD (Rockers Against Drunk Driving). The film was produced by Gary Legon and Marcy Gensic and featured numerous musical celebrities (including Paul. Ringo and Julian Lennon) singing single lines of the song. A portion of the track appears (in mono) from an unknown television broadcast on We'd Go On For Hours (No Label Records NLR 9902). The 3’38 track was released promotional^ on the R.A.D.D. Awareness Message Project (along with a collection of public service announcements that encouraged listeners not to drink and drive) and does not appear to have been pirated to date.

Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: Вад   Дата: 29.07.04 22:57:01   
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Paul and Linda's standard January retreat to Jamaica once again resulted in a number of new compositions. Three tracks which would eventually see release on Flaming Pie were written during the retreat: The Song We Were Singing' (known at this stage as "We Always Came Back To The Song We Were Singing"), 'Souvenir* (titled "I Will Come To You") and 'Little Willow'. One month later, a compilation tape of Paul's most recent demos was assembled which included these three songs, along with four other tunes which would eventually end up on the forthcoming LP: 'Somedays', 'Young Bo/ ("He's Just A Poor Boy"), 'If You Wanna* ("Make Arrangements For The Trip"), and The World Tonight' ("I Saw You Sitting"). Twelve additional songs were included as well which have yet to see the light of day: 'Chemical Soup1. 'Angel In Disguise'. While Away The Hours', 'You Don't Have Nothing", 'Another Idea', 'Give Me The Right To Freedom1. 'If You Ever', 'Jack Be Nimble'. 'Check It Out", 'Can't Get Through To You', "I Got Love', and Wait In The Dark'.

While compositional work on Paul's next LP was proceeding and plans were being made for another round of sessions with George and Ringo, another "historic" session took place...
Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: Вад   Дата: 29.07.04 22:57:55   
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“hiroshima sky is always blue” session
The Mill - Sussex. England January 28.1995 Broadcast NHK (Japan): August 6,1995

1 Hiroshima Sky Is Always Blue
a. 1 Unreleased Studio Recording * We'd Go On For Hours (No Label Records NLR 9902)

In an unprecedented show of familial unity, Yoko and Sean were invited to stay at Paul's during a visit to the UK in January of 1995. During this trip, the whole of the Lenono and Macca camps descended on the Mill to record a bit of "music", which turned out to be a Yoko composition, but one that sounds more like an improvisation. That personnel in full: Yoko - vocal / Paul - backing vocal, standup
Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: Вад   Дата: 29.07.04 23:04:33   
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Последовал совету Xmastime. Даже табличка получилась. В Ворд все перенеслось отлично, но здесь все исчезло - буквы стали одного размера, исчез наклон, форматирование справа, степень... И это понятно. Тут в форуме передать это все невозможно.
Ты мне нравишься!  
Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: BeatSister   Дата: 30.07.04 07:03:15   
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Вад, спасибо огромное!
Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: oea   Дата: 30.07.04 14:09:32   
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Я выложил книгу у себя, но не знаю как долго могу держать ее там. Все зависит от траффика. Если ее один или двое возьмут, то можно это удовольствие и продлить. А вот если запросов будет много, то мне придется прикрыть это. Я ограничен обратным траффиком. Сами понимаете, где бывает бесплатный сыр... Но, тем не менее. Лучше начать качать с августа. Начало месяца и все такое. Если будут вопросы, то обращайтесь

Желаю плодотворной работы.
P. S. Книга на сервере занимает 460 Mb
Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: илюха   Дата: 30.07.04 14:38:46   
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Я могу попробовать обработать часть, если мне спецы объяснят, как грамотно обрабатывать. У меня шестой Файнридер, но могу и седьмой достать, если надо. Из Файнридера я в Ворд сохраняю. Не гарантирую, правда, что все один в один получится, но мне кажется, так, как у Вада - вполне приемлемо.
Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: Xmastime   Дата: 30.07.04 16:00:51   
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Версия ридера здесь роли не играет.
Рецептура Вада.
В Фотошопе файл сначала переводим в 300 точек, зачем осветляем (убираем серый фон). Лучше это делать, играя уровнями, т е по Ctrl+L
Потом файл сохраняем, той же самой jpg-шкой. Кидаем в ридер, распознаем. Если на странице присутствуют табличные данные, лучше ручками указать ридеру что этот фрагмент следует распознавать именно так. А то он таблицу понимает только тогда когда она разграфленая. Потом очень рекомендуется начальная корректура прямо в ридере, поскольку умная прога сама помечает цветом те места в тексте, в правильности распознания которых она не уверена. Следите чтобы переносы на конце строки были мягкими, иначе черточки в середине слов останутся при переводе в Ворд.
Дальше из ридера переводим все распознанные страницы в Ворд, ну и видимо еще подкорректировать.
Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: илюха   Дата: 30.07.04 16:09:24   
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Спасибо, все очень даже понятно. Я единственно никогда не пробовал 72 в 300 переводить, а все остальное делать умею. Попробую сейчас страничку на пробочку сделать, если все пуком, тогда со следующей недели начну с сайта ОЕА все это вытягивать...я так понял, если Телепорт на 1 канал запустить, он все это аккуратно и особо ненапряжно и вытянет. Я сейчас на работе особо не загружен, так что попробую.
Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: илюха   Дата: 30.07.04 17:05:42   
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Ну что ж, я пока повторил результаты Вада по той пробной страничке, любезно выложенной Xmastime. Мне понравилось. Никакой головной боли с опциями, выглядит (см. ниже) очень даже прилично.

Я так понял, Ворд создает интервал между позициями текста за счет ширины интервала. Что мне понравилось, таблицы организовались сами собой, без моего участия...но если есть рамки, они исчезают.
Tokyo, Japan - Tokyo Dome - Friday, March 2,1990
A very distant audience recording of today's soundcheck. running roughly fifty-six minutes consists of the following: 'Figure Of Eight', 'Got To Get You Into My Life'. We Got Married1, 'Let 'Em In'. The Fcol On The Hill'. 'Can't Buy Me Love', 'Put It There', Things We Said Today1, 'My Brave Face', 'I Saw Her Standing There'. 'Live And Let Die'. 'Get Back1, and 'P.S. Love Me Do'.
Tokyo, Japan - Tokyo Dome - Saturday, March 3,1990
This evening's fakeout was 'If I Were Not Upon The Stage". 'Coming Up' from this evening's performance appears on Tripping The L'we Fantastic but was subjected to some editing beforehand, namely the removal of both the "Hear the drummer ge(..." sample at the song's opening and part of the drum break in the middle.
Tokyo, Japan - Tokyo Dome - Monday, March 5.1990
'Back In The U.S.S.R." from tonight's show appears on Tripping The Live Fantastic, while 'Let 'Em In1 appears as a B-Side on the
'Birthday* 12" and CD EP. Tonight's fakeout before 'Hey Jude' was The Hustle1.
Tokyo, Japan - Tokyo Dome - Wednesday, March 7,1990
Reportedly taped as a test run for the closed circuit broadcast the following evening, a pro-shot video of the entire performance circulates among video collectors in acceptable quality. The in-line soundtrack of this video was lifted by Golden Walrus and issued on the 2CD set Safe In Japan 1990. For reasons unknown, 'Let It Be' appears out of sequence on the Golden Walrus set. where it was placed at the end of disc two. The fakeout this evening was 'If I Were Not Upon The Stage1. The backing tape to the 'Fool On The Hill1 was noticeably out of sync this evening. Three tracks (Things We Said Today1. 'Figure Of Eight' and 'Ain't That A Shame') were excerpted from the pro-shot footage and screened in the US on the October 25. 1991 edition of In Concert '91 to promote the Get Back film.
Tokyo, Japan - Tokyo Dome - Friday, March 9,1990
This performance was broadcast live to venues in ten cities via closed circuit television. Attendees were given a promo pack containing a 3" CD ('Ou Est Le Soleil1. 'Party Party and 'Rough Ride1). Part of this broadcast ("Figure Of Eight' through 'Let It Be') prefaced by a half hour pre-show circulates among video collectors in very good quality, while an acceptable inline audio dub of the complete performance is available. 'P.S. Love Me Do' is added to the set list this evening, where it would remain through the end of April. The fakeout this evening was once again 'If I Were Not Upon The Stage1. 'Ain't That A Shame1 (minus a keyboard solo and chorus) appears from this fourth Tokyo show on Tripping The Live Fantastic. The complete concert is reportedly available on the Japanese 2CD set Like The Flower 1990 (PMS-1260/1261}. but as its existence has not been verified, it does not appear in the performance matrix.
Tokyo, Japan -Tokyo Dome - Sunday, March 11,1990
The March 11'" performance has been bootlegged from a very good audience tape on the two disc set Friends Of The Earth. The title
was professionally edited to remove all references to the venue. The fakeout this evening was The Hustle".
Tokyo, Japan -Tokyo Dome • Tuesday, March 13,1990
The fakeout this evening was 'If I Were Not Upon The Stage'. 'Get Back' from tonight's performance appears on Tripping The Live Fantastic. The performance is available as a good audience recording; however, both 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' and 'Eleanor Rigby" are incomplete.
1990 us / south american tour
March-April 1990
March 29.1990 Seattle, WA Kingdome
March 31,1990 Berkeley, CA Berkeley Memorial Stadium
April 1, 1990 Berkeley, CA Berkeley Memorial Stadium
April 4, 1990 Tempe, AZ Sun Devil Stadium
Apnl 7, 1990 Irving, TX Texas Stadium
April 9,1990 Lexington. KY Rupp Arena
April 12. 1990 Tampa, FL Tampa Stadium
April 14. 1990 Miami, FL Joe Robbie Stadium
Apnl 15, 1990 Miami, FL Joe Robbie Stadium
Apnl 20, 1990 Rio de Janeiro. Brazil Maracana Stadium
April 21. 1990 Rio de Janeiro. Brazil Maracana Stadium
The set list for this third US leg was the same as the Japanese tour with the added 'P.S. Love Me Do*. A few shows from this leg have made it to disc as well as a pair of superb soundboard recordings of soundchecks from Tempe and Tampa.
Seattle, WA - Kingdome - Thursday, March 29.1990
Paul arrived in town on Wednesday the 28* and held a press conference on the day of the show. The complete performance circulates on an average audience recording. The fakeout this evening was 'If I Were Not Upon The Stage*.
Berkeley, CA • Berkeley Memorial Stadium - Saturday, March 31,1990 Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Memorial Stadium - Sunday, April 1, 1990
Both of the Berkeley performances circulate among collectors from a soundboard source. The soundboard recording of the first show is incomplete {'Figure Of Eight*. 'Jet1, 'Rough Ride' and part of the Abbey Road medley are missing) and was included on Yellow Cat's 6CD set. The 1990 World Tour Collection, where it was erroneously labeled as being the April 1" show. Portions of the Saturday show also
Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: илюха   Дата: 30.07.04 17:06:51   
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В моей телеге этого не видно, но в текстовом файле между ячейками таблицы есть разделитель, табулятор.
Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: Вад   Дата: 30.07.04 17:09:15   
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Для закачки советую воспользоваться прогой Download Master Это очень хорошая местная (то есть украинская программка). Она бесплатная. Скачать ее можно здесь
Необходимо лишь кликнуть на правой клавише мышки и выбрать «закачать все при помощи Download Master». При этом нет необходимости добавлять каждый раз новую закачку. Программка заберет все закачки в себя, которые находятся на открытой вами страничке. А уж в самих установках по желанию можно регулировать количество одновременно закачиваемых файлов.
Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: илюха   Дата: 30.07.04 17:15:15   
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Спасибо, я обычно неплохо Телепортом или на крайняк Оффлайн Эксплорером Про справляюсь...но как-нибудь и эту на досуге попробую!
Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: илюха   Дата: 30.07.04 18:18:48   
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Я посмотрел материал на сайте ОЕА...с понедельника вытяну и начну окучивать (с Ленноновского раздела). Не знаю, насколько меня хватит, может, я и все потихоньку окучу - все свои результаты скину ОЕА.
Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: Кирилл Егоров   Дата: 10.08.04 16:39:02   
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2 Илюха
Ну что, как дела продвигаются?
Я вот уже Джона "окучил" - 200 страниц в Word'е получилось.
Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: илюха   Дата: 10.08.04 16:45:32   
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Ваах...ты круто забацал! Я пока сделал только всякие введения-содержания и из Леннона 20 страниц...
Я тащусь!  
Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: Кирилл Егоров   Дата: 10.08.04 17:13:28   
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Ну тогда ты можешь расслабиться: я собираюсь всю книжку за пару месяцев осилить.
Я тащусь!  
Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: илюха   Дата: 10.08.04 17:19:20   
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Молодец, Кирилл!
Re: "Eight Arms To Hold You"!
Автор: Кирилл Егоров   Дата: 10.08.04 17:27:30   
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