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Eric Clapton and his music

Тема: Eric Clapton (Эрик Клэптон)

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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 22.09.06 21:33:11   
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2john lee hooker:
Одна? Спасиб большой!
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 22.09.06 21:34:36   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.09.06 00:42:39   
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Eric Clapton and his music
Clapton, crack band sizzle at arena
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.09.06 21:12:29   
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Friday, September 22, 2006
By John Sinkevics
The Grand Rapids Press
If there are defining moments in a career, guitarist Eric Clapton has had too many to count, from groundbreaking work with the Yardbirds and Cream to a kaleidoscopic, Grammy-filled solo career.

If there are defining moments in a live show, Thursday's long overdue Grand Rapids debut by Clapton and his extraordinary band in Van Andel Arena also had too many to count.

Take the show's second song, "I Shot the Sheriff," with its familiar refrain and that familiar voice quickly energizing a sellout crowd of 12,000-plus before seamlessly upping the ante with brilliantly understated guitar leads that still showed enough flash to send an electrifying jolt down your spine.

Or consider the interplay between three virtuoso guitarmeisters -- Clapton, Derek Trucks and Doyle Bramhall II -- on just about any of the evening's 17 songs, but mostly the gems "Little Queen of Spades," "Cocaine" and "Old Love," which also featured opening act Robert Cray, not exactly a guitar slouch himself.

Then throw in the four-song acoustic segment, with Trucks adding gorgeous slide accents to "I Am Yours" and the blistering "Crossroads" encore that spotlighted all four guitarists, plus keyboard whizzes Chris Stainton and Tim Carmon, drummer Steve Jordan, bassist Willie Weeks and backup singers Michelle John and Sharon White.

Every time the adoring audience figured the band had reached the top of the musical mountain, the 61-year-old Clapton and his cohorts broke out the pickaxes and climbed a bit higher on the next tune. Shoot, even the rhythm guitar-playing was eye-popping ... in a refined, tasteful sort of way.

"There's that fine line of having this edge and being understated at the same time," Trucks told me recently when asked about Clapton.

Well, there was plenty of understatement and even more musical edginess to go around Thursday for what surely qualifies as the most guitar talent to grace a Van Andel stage on a single night in its 10-year history, making it the perfect kickoff for the arena's 10-year anniversary celebration.

Cray and his band -- Jim Pugh on keyboards, Karl Sevareid on bass and Kevin Hayes on drums -- warmed up the late-arriving crowd with a disappointingly brief 34-minute set (Cray made up for it by returning later to play with Clapton on "Old Love" and "Crossroads") that nonetheless displayed Cray's one-of-a-kind blues-guitar stylings. His smooth, strong and wide-reaching voice enhanced engaging renditions of "Phone Booth" "Poor Johnny," "Twenty" and "I'm Walkin'," which closed out his set.

From the opening strains of "Pretending," Clapton, dressed in a short-sleeved denim shirt and comfy jeans, made a convincing case that his new touring band is as tight as any on the road.

At various times, the three guitarists made their instruments wail, whine, purr, squawk and weep. Maybe with ex-bandmates like Duane Allman and Jimmy Page, Clapton has just grown accustomed to being around greatness on stage, because the young Trucks and Bramhall certainly looked and sounded like rock's newest guitar superheroes, trading riffs with their mentor on "Motherless Children," "After Midnight" and "Layla."

No hero, however, proved more powerful or nimble-fingered than Clapton, who obviously has plenty of fuel left in his tank, instrumentally and vocally. On slow blues shuffles and ballads, he was exquisitely expressive; on rockers, effortlessly dynamic. "Cocaine," in particular, had an urgency matching the candid lyrics of J.J. Cale, with whom Clapton will release a new album next month.

In the liner notes for 1975's "History of Eric Clapton" compilation, music critic Jean-Charles Costa suggested the introspective Clapton has always sought bandmates who allow him to make "as few compromises as possible, without appearing to be on a monstrous ego trip. ... Only his guitar can let him release the pent-up emotions inside."

Surrounded by his talented chums, Clapton unleashed a bevy of sweet and compelling emotions Thursday night.

For more than two hours, Van Andel Arena resonated with something beyond the usual rock 'n roll fare, something truly enduring. It was the kind of show some fans will likely tell their friends and kids about for years to come and wish they could have brought 'em all along for the ride.

Some artists are that important, some performances are that unforgettable.
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.09.06 21:17:36   
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ERIC CLAPTON's ex-wife LORI DEL SANTO is writing a book about the loss of their son CONOR. Four-year-old son Conor tragically fell to his death from the 53rd floor of a New York City skyscraper in 1990. The couple were so traumatised by the loss of their child, they separated not long afterwards. And now Del Santo is determined to write a book about the events following Conor's death, after discovering a diary she kept at the time. Del Santo says, The autobiography will be about what my life has really been like. It involved love and passion and my own version of what really happened that day. When the tragedy happened, I wrote 200 pages that I locked away in a safety deposit box, alongside some video footage of Conor, which I recently showed during an ABC interview with journalist DAPHNE BARAK. It has been interesting to see how I was feeling at the time - it's a sign that I'm ready to tell the story. And Del Santo refuses to worry about what Clapton might think of her decision. She adds, I don't care if he is happy with it or not, because he will tell his story and I will tell mine.ERIC CLAPTON's ex-wife LORI DEL SANTO is writing a book about the loss of their son CONOR. Four-year-old son Conor tragically fell to his death from the 53rd floor of a New York City skyscraper in 1990. The couple were so traumatised by the loss of their child, they separated not long afterwards. And now Del Santo is determined to write a book about the events following Conor's death, after discovering a diary she kept at the time. Del Santo says, "The autobiography will be about what my life has really been like. It involved love and passion and my own version of what really happened that day. When the tragedy happened, I wrote 200 pages that I locked away in a safety deposit box, alongside some video footage of Conor, which I recently showed during an ABC interview with journalist DAPHNE BARAK. "It has been interesting to see how I was feeling at the time - it's a sign that I'm ready to tell the story." And Del Santo refuses to worry about what Clapton might think of her decision. She adds, "I don't care if he is happy with it or not, because he will tell his story and I will tell mine."
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: Mikhail   Дата: 23.09.06 21:47:07   
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>ERIC CLAPTON's ex-wife LORI DEL SANTO is writing
"...женщины - как бешеные кони:
на дыбы, закусив удила..."(с)
но бабок наверно срубит
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.09.06 09:39:54   
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Clapton sore throat scuttles Mich. show Sat Sep 23, 4:32 PM ETClapton sore throat scuttles Mich. show Sat Sep 23, 4:32 PM ET

AUBURN HILLS, Mich. - Eric Clapton's concert scheduled for Saturday night at The Palace of Auburn Hills was postponed because the three-time Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee has a sore throat.

No additional shows on the North American tour, which kicked off last weekend, are affected at this time, tour publicist Kristen Foster said Saturday in an e-mail. His next scheduled concert is Sunday in Toronto.

"He is indeed under the weather with a sore throat," Foster said.

A rescheduled date for the show in suburban Detroit will be announced next week, The Palace said.

The tour of the U.S. and Canada includes stops in 20 cities, including concerts at Madison Square Garden. Clapton, 61, then travels for shows in Japan, New Zealand and Australia.;_ylt=AhoFWkM2PJCywboDNctxR3...
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 24.09.06 20:57:11   
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George Harrison - Give Me Love (Live in Japan)
George Harrison - Give Me Love (Live in Japan)
From his late 80s/early 90s tour of Japan with Eric Clapton. Video released with the rerelease of "Living in the Material World" on remastered CD.

ACC, Toronto - Sept. 24, 2006
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 25.09.06 10:31:21   
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Live Review: Eric Clapton in T.O.

TORONTO - Apparently the difference between Eric Clapton with a sore throat and Eric Clapton without a sore throat is subtle.

The guitar legend "sucked it up" last night -- both attitudinally and in terms of cold, hard cough drops -- and delivered a solid two-hour set at the Air Canada Centre.

Clapton was so sick on Saturday that he postponed a show at the Palace in Auburn Hills, Mich., citing a sore throat.

Now, the raspy voiced Clapton would be the first to admit he is a guitar player first and a singer second -- make that a distant second. But despite his condition, he actually sounded quite good as a vocalist last night, supposedly thanks to an extra 24 hours of rest.

Detroit's loss was Toronto's gain. If only hockey worked that way.

During the acoustic set that made up the middle portion of the show, Clapton could be seen motioning to a stagehand for some throat medication. Then, between songs, after barking "thank you" -- those words basically were the only ones he said to the audience all night -- he put his head down and aggressively sucked on the cough drop, looking for some form of relief from that horrible feeling we all know too well.

Of course, it's safe to say the majority of patrons at any Eric Clapton show aren't there for the vocal histrionics, but rather to hear him make his Fender sing. And sing it did, proving that even at 61 years old, the man they call "Slow Hand" has not become the man they call "Arthritic Hand."

Clapton and J.J. Cale have partnered on a CD called The Road To Escondido, which is scheduled to be in stores this November. But last night Clapton played most of the songs an average fan would want him to play: Layla, Cocaine, Wonderful Tonight, etc.

The overall musicianship was stellar, with Clapton displaying an admirable tendency to let the other musicians in his band shine.

One nit-picky complaint, though: As good as the other two guitarists and the organist and the piano player were, there perhaps were a few too many extended solos by people who were not named Eric Clapton or Robert Cray.

Cray, a virtuoso guitarist himself, and his band provided way-above-average opening-act support. Then Cray joined the Clapton combo on stage for one song during the main set and the encore, which consisted of an extended version of Crossroads.

There was an amusing moment during Crossroads, when Cray and Clapton gathered around one microphone to sing a verse. For some reason -- maybe his voice was starting to give out -- Clapton cupped his hand around the side of his mouth, supposedly to direct the sound into the mike more impactfully. Then Cray started to do the same thing, and the two shared a laugh.

Hopefully the close proximity doesn't mean Cray will catch whatever bug Clapton has. Then again, last night showed that great guitar players can wail away in sickness and in health.
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 25.09.06 10:32:41   
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EC on new Jerry Lee Lewis CD: Hear the track now!

Windows Media: Trouble In Mind
Real Player: Trouble In Mind
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 26.09.06 21:48:36   
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Documentary makers are urging ERIC CLAPTON fans to send in bootleg footage of the prolific musician. The footage will be used in a new DVD anthology of the LAYLA guitarist, and the producers are promising fans will be well-compensated for footage of Clapton performing in the 1960s and 1970s. A source says, "There's all kinds of film footage of Eric out there that he simply wasn't aware of. People who have illegal bootlegged footage of Clapton in action all those years ago could now make (some money) out of it."
Live Review: Eric Clapton in Ottawa
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 27.09.06 21:44:41   
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OTTAWA - With an album out last year and another not due until later this fall, right now Eric Clapton is that rarest of breeds: A superstar without a product to promote.

The knowledge made Clapton's stop at Scotiabank Place in front of 13,000 fans last night all that much sweeter.

Clapton has always seemed like a guy without much in the way of pretension, and when he strolled out on stage without any fuss or bother -- aside from cheers below and above him -- it just seemed confirmed.

Like Toronto before us, Ottawa was lucky the sore throat that caused Clapton to postpone his Saturday show in Auburn Hills, Mich., last weekend seemed to be all but remedied by last night.

Clapton was on top of his game, tossing out trademark rasps and the odd throaty growl as easily as the masterful guitar work he has used to build a 40-year music career that is rivalled by only a select few.

That prowess was in play from the get-go, when Clapton walked out to the opening chords of Pretending off 1989's Journeyman only to later launch into crowd favourite I Shot the Sheriff from 1974's 461 Ocean Boulevard.

Clapton, 61, donned a hot pink dress shirt and jeans for his gig, hair cropped short, spectacles in place.

He was all business too, closing his eyes to soak up his bluesiest moments, rolling up his right strumming sleeve, joking with his six-piece band in between songs, saying little to the crowd.

There was lots of time to showcase the band, with generous intervals devoted to guitar, bass, drum and keyboard solos.

One of those featured was young Derek Trucks, who is still in his 20s, but has already played with his own band and the Allman Brothers, before joining Clapton.

Trucks is one spectacular slide guitarist as was evident when he was highlighted during Further Up the Road.

Trucks and Clapton also sat down on a couple of chairs mid-show for a three-song acoustic set starting out with last year's album title track Back Home, the beautiful Running on Faith and Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out, which inspired a clap-a-long.

Clapton also invited his friend, opening act and fellow guitar virtuoso Robert Cray, out for a couple of tunes.

I wouldn't have minded hearing a little Whiteroom, Sunshine of Your Love, or even Cream's cover of I'm So Glad last night, but you can't have it all.

It was a solid night of blues featuring some outstanding musicians.

There was lots to soak in from throughout Clapton's career during the nearly two-hour show, including After Midnight, the rollicking Top 40 hit from his debut album, the still-awesome Cocaine from 1977's famous Slowhand, and sappy crowd favourite Wonderful Tonight, which rolled right into 1970's indefatigable Layla.

Clapton is one laid-back, unassuming rock star. And that's a good thing, because I doubt those who have loved him for this long would have it any other way.
Concert Details: Scotiabank Place, Ottawa, Canada
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 28.09.06 21:42:55   
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Eric Clapton and his band rocked the Scotiabank Place in Ottawa on Tuesday evening. As with previous shows, the 26 September set list was made up of songs from Eric's back catalog like "After Midnight," "Layla" "Motherless Children", and "Everybody Oughta Make A Change" and more recent material. Blistering guitar work from Eric, Doyle Bramhall II and Derek Trucks thrilled concert-goers particularly on "I Shot The Sheriff". A short acoustic set featured the title track to EC's most recent CD, "Back Home", "Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out" and "I Am Yours." Band members Steve Jordan (drums), Willie Weeks (bass), Chris Stainton (keyboards), Tim Carmon (keyboards), Michelle John (backing vocals) and Sharon White (backing vocals) also deserve kudos. This band keeps getting hotter!

The full set list was:

I Shot The Sheriff
Got To Get Better In A Little While
Old Love (with Robert Cray)
Everybody Oughta Make A Change
Motherless Children

sit down set
Back Home
I Am Yours
Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out
Running On Faith

After Midnight
Little Queen Of Spades
Further On Up The Road
Wonderful Tonight

Crossroads (with Robert Cray)
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 28.09.06 21:47:07   
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Review #2

Eric Clapton and his band played The Scotia Bank Place in Ottawa, Ontario last night, and to say he didn't disappoint would be a very, very big understatement. Eric and his band strode on stage soon after Robert Cray played an excellent set that was warmly recieved by the audience of 14,000. Simply put, Eric's band was unbelievable. The rock-steady rhythm section Steve Jordan and Willie Weeks pushed the band to full tilt for the entire show, leaving Eric, Derek Trucks and Doyle Bramhall II to absolutely let
loose. There were 3 moments that were particularly incredible: Eric's solo in "I Shot The Sheriff", "I Am Yours" during the acoustic set, and, finally, a jaw-dropping solo from Derek Trucks during "Little Queen of Spades". The entire band went whisper quite and let Derek rivet you with very note he played from start to finish. Overall, Eric seems to have more energy on stage than he has for a long time and his band was nothing but top-notch.

Review #2

After the news that he'd cancelled in Detroit due to illness we were concerned he may do the same here, or that his voice wouldn't hold up. But he gave a great show- highlights included I Shot the Sheriff, After Midnight, Little Queen of Spades, the encore Crossroads (with EC, Robert Cray, Doyle Bramhall II and Derek Trucks trading guitar solos!) and my all-time favourite, Layla, which was fantastic! Seeing Eric playing with two guitarists 25 years younger than him was a real treat! He had a real top notch band- the young guitarists, great rhythm section and keyboards including Chris Stainton's excellent piano work on the 2nd half of Layla!. Great teamwork and camaraderie displayed by the band- they really seemed to be enjoying themselves! Eric barely said a word all night, not even acknowledging the crowd (I would have been so hard to say "hello Ottawa" or "Thank You" or even to introduce the band?) Maybe he was saving his energy for two non stop hours of great songs! I was amazed that the band segued into Cocaine after ending Layla with no perceivable break between them. Where does he get the energy? I've never seen Eric live before, but I was far from disappointed! Keep it up, Eric!

Review #3

The only word to describe this show is "phenominal". Have never heard Clapton live before and hearing him any other way does him no justice, amazing performance by Clapton, Cray and other band members. Can't wait for him to come back to town!!!
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 28.09.06 21:47:34   
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Review #4

I just came back from Eric Clapton concert in Ottawa and boy that was A BLAST! I can't really compare it with other shows because it's my first time being in a Clapton's concert. Two days after being ill, Eric was in REALLY GREAT shape for tonight's show.
Here's my review song by song.

Pretending (Journeyman, 1989): Robert Cray just finished his set and the lights opened. We see the technicians setting the stage for Eric Clapton. After a while the lights closed...we knew what was to come. I hear Chris Stainton doing the piano intro and Steve Jordan starting the drum beat. The crowd went instantly mad! Eric was in great voice for this song. The solo was really good even thought it started a bit boring.

I Shot The Sheriff (461 Ocean Boulevard, 1974): Right after Pretending, they went into I Shot The Sheriff! It's a great song...but hey...wait a second...where's So Tired from Back Home???? It disappointed me a bit to have I Shot The Sheriff instead of So Tired but still, it's best version I've heard!!! Clapton was in key all the way and did a really kickass solo!

Got To Get Better In A Little While (Crossroads Box Set, 1990): Then they went into a little Derek & The Dominos gem. I've never heard this song live but now I did and it was soooo much better than the studio version. They played a really funky version of it but Clapton didn't play some Wah-Wah pedal during his solo but oh well, it was good enough without a wah-wah!

Old Love (Journeyman, 1989): This version was good, but it won't beat the one Clapton played on Hyde Park and I thought that the keyboard solo that Tim Carmon played was kind of boring.
Everybody Oughta Make A Change (Money and Cigarettes, 1983): I didn't know this song (If you did...think that I'm only 17 so...) until this concert but it was kinda good, I can't say much about it.

Motherless Children (461 Ocean Boulevard, 1974): I was hoping to see Eric play some slide guitar and it happened! Eric switched guitar and played slide on Motherless Children. He sang really great on this one and everybody seemed to have fun except Doyle Bramhall II.

Back Home (Back Home, 2005) : The only track from his new album. The song is really good but this is one of my deceptions of the show. The tour is supposed to kinda promote the Back Home album but my opinion is that only one song won't do it. Yeah, he played So Tired, Lost And Found, Revolution (once), Run Home To Me (once) but why did he stopped??? Anyway, Back Home was just beautiful as always and he seemed a bit down when he was singing it.

I Am Yours (Layla & Other Assorted Love Songs, 1970): The pure gem of the show...I expected every Dominos song except this one. Eric sung it with a lot of emotion, as if he'd still want to be with Patty Boyd. Great playing by Derek Trucks too! God this guy can play slide!

Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out (Layla, 1970 and Unplugged, 1992): I have nothing much to say about this song except that it was very similar to the Unplugged version but this is the one that got people in the show. We heard the first notes and then everybody was clapping their hands to the beat of the song.

Running On Faith (Journeyman, 1989): Such a beautiful song. It reminds me of the unplugged version but with some electric guitar fill by Derek Trucks and Doyle Bramhall. Clapton sung it with a lot of emotion too.

After Midnight (Eric Clapton, 1970): I wasn't expecting this one at all since it's not one of his well-known songs but god this was good! Clapton's solos was much like the original song though.

Little Queen Of Spades (Me & Mr.Johnson, 2004): The song is good...but this is were my big deception is. The song was good until Doyle started his solo. First of all, his guitar was freakin' loud for a slow song and it was waaaaay too crunchy the only thing that made me forget this terrible guitar solo was Chris Stainton's piano solo. This guy can seriously do everything he wants with a keyboard.

Further Up On The Road (Crossroads Box Set, 1990): This song never got to me but tonight, they played a really good version of it but it's not one of my highlights...I think I've heard it too many times.

Wonderful Tonight (Slowhand, 1977): This is my highlight of the was a song that me and my ex use to dance on to but now...I danced on it with my new girlfriend and I forgot everything about my ex. I felt like Eric was singing it for all the couples in the house tonight. If it wasn't his intention, well thank you anyway, Eric!

Layla (Layla & Other Assorted Love Songs, 1970): When I heard Wonderful Tonight, I knew that the show was going to be over soon so I said to myself: ''Like each tour...he can't leave without doing Layla''. So here's when the legendary riff rang from E.C's guitar. The crowd was just blown away and stood on their feet dancing. E.C nailed the song from the beginning to the end and with a lot of power too. Now the ending part comes and all the couples are dancing but the end slowed down and surprise!

Cocaine (Slowhand, 1977) : They started playing Cocaine right after this beautiful end of Layla. Steve Jordan did an EXCELLENT job on this one. He added a snare drum hit in his drum bars and it changed all of the song for good! They were too great solos by E.C and Derek Trucks and once again, Doyle seemed pretty bored to play it. COME ON DOYLE! DON'T YOU REALIZE THAT YOU'RE PLAYING WITH GOD?!? At the end, Eric sanged She Don't Lie She Don't Lie She Don't Lie, and the crowd shouted Cocaine.

Crossroads (Robert Johnson Cover): They played it as an encore but they did such a great job on it. The solo were amazing and Robert Cray's voice was soooooo great but there was a little deception. I knew that after this song...the show was over, that I'd be back from heaven, but after it finished I was so blown out by this performance that I said to myself: ''Now I can die in peace''

For the show overall, I'm giving it 5 stars on 5 without a doubt! Waiting for another tour...
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 28.09.06 21:48:20   
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Review #5

I have seen Eric three times before this show but I can honestly say that this was the best of the three shows I have seen. The set list was perfect, giving everyone a taste of his long and illustrious career. Eric once again proved that he is the master of his craft and is still on top of his game. The band that he assembled for this tour was nothing short of amazing with Derek Trucks and Eric pushing each other all night. The Robert Cray Band was a wonderful treat to open the show and it was great to see Robert join Eric on stage, especially for the Crossroads encore.

Once again Eric Clapton has shown everyone why he is a legendary guitar player and musician.

Review #6

Well last night I was in company of greatness

This was my first Clapton concert and what a treat it was. The crowd was pretty quiet and listening to every note that came off that stage. Eric's band played wonderfully all night the crowed went nuts as soon as he came on stage and started playing Pretending and sat back on there chairs only after I shot the sheriff. At this point everybody was in a trance looking at the greatest guitar god ever. The crowd came back on there feet as soon as Wonderful Tonight started and the next time anybody sat down was in there cars going home.

In the last 14 months I was lucky to see Paul McCartney, The Rolling Stones, The Who & Eric Clapton. What year is this? Eric Clapton had to be the best show after McCartney. I can't wait for him to come back to Ottawa so I can see how a guitar is supposed to be played again and again and again...

My highlight of the night had to be Motherless Childreen "WOW” Everybody knew he was going to play Layla or Cocaine but Motherless Children what a treat.

Review #7

My family and I had been looking forward for months to see and hear the peerless Eric Clapton. My son (19) and daughter (15) love his music and were blown away by his standard, virtuoso performance. My wife would have liked to hear more of his ballads, but it's tough to include everyone's favourites from his extensive song book. Layla, his signature tune, was fantastic. I last saw Eric in Toronto in the 1970s and have the same minor criticism that I had then. His sound engineer needs to cut the volume by ten percent. Less would definitely have been more, as at times the wall of sound was almost painful. Overall though, a concert that you want your children to share so they can say that they saw the great Eric Clapton.
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 28.09.06 21:48:46   
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Review #8

Tonight, Ottawa, Canada's National Capital, welcomed Sir Eric after a 8 year absence and quickly embraced a renewed passion in Slowhand. While this is my 12th concert since '87, many tonightsaw Eric for the first time including my friends Patrick, Crystal and Steven and Eric's blistering performance not only impressed, but left them speechless.

Highlights - ripping into "I Shot the Sherrif" off the mark and solos with the faint touch of a loyalty to Marley, "Got to Get Better"....simply a gem that prevails with the rythym and focus. "Old Love" has never been a favourite for me, but the absolutely amazing solos from Eric, Robert Cray and Carmon are incredible. This is 20 minutes of adventure where Eric beams in pride for his he should.

The acoustic set is next and we're all singing along to "Nobody" and "Faith" as we tap our feet lovingly to the beat. These tunes are spot on with the players all in synch. There is a realism for us to comprehend in "Back Home" and the soul is there in a glory not seen since the '01 tour and "Tears in Heaven" when we were rapted with the innocence of what loss truely is.

The latter part of the concert takes us and even for a political town, people are standing and dancing for "After Midnight" - well before they need to for standards like "Layla" and "Cocaine". Congrats, mate - you have made a difference ! The crowd is very much grooving with Sir Eric and his faded jeans, pink shirt and cool tone. Then we hear "Queenie" and it becomes a standard unto itself as the new "Have You Ever...". Please be ready for this as Derek Trucks and, our old friend, Chris Stainton take the piece to new levels. Trucks is simply a treasure - through many songs tonight like this and "Further".

Eric Clapton is showing Ottawa and the world he is the man. The choices of songs tell a story of a happy soul - finally. The crowd senses this romance and joy and his confronting the crossroads and passing through it with a spirited and passionate attitude. After 8 years here in Ottawa, we see a new man complete with confidence and aspiring vision. Several times he completes solos with his back to us and it is a tribute to his band to enable them to be a part of us.

Eric - thanks for dropping in and you have 3 new fans tonight who will cherish your talent. Thanks for doing me proud and sorry I missed you at the Hall in May.
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 29.09.06 02:29:31   
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Eric Clapton - Behind The Mask (Top of the Pops)
Top Of The Pops, 14th January 1987

Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 29.09.06 11:52:45   
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Eric Clapton performs at Madison Square Garden in New York, Thursday, Sept. 28, 2006Eric Clapton performs at Madison Square Garden in New York, Thursday, Sept. 28, 2006
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 29.09.06 11:53:03   
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Eric Clapton and his music
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