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Cat Stevens

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Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Oleg   Дата: 26.09.04 14:54:53   
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Кстати,первое его почти за двадцать лет выступление было в Сараево в 1997-м году.Кстати,первое его почти за двадцать лет выступление было в Сараево в 1997-м году.
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.10.04 13:44:45   
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Yusef's musical comeback still onYusef's musical comeback still on

Rocker-turned-Muslim convert Yusuf Islam is planning a musical comeback after teaching his son to play guitar.

Islam, who was formerly known as Cat Stevens before giving up his name and his music in 1977, was on his way to Nashville, Tennessee, for career negotiations last month when he was denied entry into the US.

But, despite the controversy, which thwarted his plans, he's determined to press on with his musical plans after admitting he has only picked up the guitar again in the past four years after refusing to play a musical instrument for 23 years.

He says: "My son's got a guitar and I have played a few things and you know what, it sounds very good. I've written some really nice songs."
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.11.04 20:44:55   
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Gorbachev Gives Prize to Cat Stevens Gorbachev Gives Prize to Cat Stevens

ROME - Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev honored the singer once known as Cat Stevens with a peace prize on Wednesday, praising him for charity work and for standing by his convictions despite personal hardships.

Yusuf Islam was awarded the "Man for Peace" prize in Rome at the opening of a meeting of Nobel Peace Prize laureates. He last made headlines in September, when he turned up on Washington's no-fly list for having suspected ties to terrorists — a claim he has strongly denied.

The "Peace Train" singer, who largely gave up music after converting to Islam in the late 1970s, mused about the strangeness of being barred from one country while being honored in another.

"Perhaps it's part of the irony that sometimes you have to go through a test in order to achieve a prize," he told reporters. "So maybe that's a symbol. Today I'm receiving a prize for peace, which is actually, I would say, a bit more descriptive of my ideas and my aims in life."

The British musician was expelled from the United States in September after authorities diverted his London-to-Washington flight to Maine to remove him, saying he was suspected of ties to terrorism.

Islam criticized what he called an "unjust and arbitrary system," and that he has denounced terrorism. He also pointed out that just a few months earlier, he had met with officials of the White House's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives to talk about philanthropy.

Lawyers for the singer have asked American officials to remove his name from the "no fly" list and British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has complained to American officials about their treatment of him.

Gorbachev's foundation and Rome Mayor Walter Veltroni's office, which presented the award, praised Islam for promoting peace and "for having condemned terrorism."

The former Soviet leader alluded to the musician's troubles.

"Cat Stevens' life has not been simple," Gorbachev said. "Every person who takes a critical stance to make the world a better place ... has a difficult life."

The two men kissed each other on the cheek as Gorbachev handed over the prize.

Islam is the founder of Small Kindness, a charity to raise money for children and families suffering from poverty and war in the Balkans and Middle East. It also donated money to victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and to the fight against AIDS in South Africa.

Islam has largely shunned music in recent years, although he did record a new version of his 1971 hit "Peace Train" last year for the album "Hope," which raised money for Iraqi children.

The meeting of Nobel laureates, which ends Friday, is organized every year in Rome by the Gorbachev Foundation. Besides Gorbachev, other Nobel winners present included Lech Walesa, the founder of Poland's Solidarity democracy movement; Rigoberta Menchu Tum, who fought government oppression in Guatemala; and former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung.

Islam said he was honored to be attending — "not as a rock 'n' roller, but as someone who is sharing a platform with these noble examples."

Other recipients of the "Man for Peace" award included Italian actor-director Roberto Benigni, who won in 2002. Benigni directed and starred in the Oscar-winning film "Life is Beautiful."
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.11.04 20:46:49   
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Cat Stevens Says Many Americans Apologized to HimCat Stevens Says Many Americans Apologized to Him

ROME (Reuters) - Yusuf Islam, the pop star formerly known as Cat Stevens (news), says he has received "more apologies than you can count" from Americans embarrassed after their government deported him over potential terrorism links.

In an interview with Reuters on Wednesday before he received a peace award from a group of Nobel Prize winners, Islam said he would be making more music soon but did not think September's episode would figure in the new songs.

Islam, who changed his name after converting to Islam in the 1970s, was traveling on a commercial plane from London to Washington when it was diverted to Bangor, Maine.

U.S. Homeland Security said he was deported after his name turned up on U.S. "no fly" lists because of activities they said could be potentially linked to terrorism.

"I have got more apologies from Americans since that time than you can count," he said in the interview in a frescoed waiting room of Rome's city hall as Nobel laureates gathered.

"So, I'm quite satisfied with the spirit of most people and probably it was a mistake. But let's hope it will be solved soon. The lawyers are looking into it," he said.

The softly spoken Islam, 57, asked that the interview be interrupted for a moment when former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev entered the room to greet him.

In a public ceremony later, Gorbachev and other Nobel Peace Prize winners attending a fifth annual gathering of laureates gave Islam their 2004 "Man for Peace" award.

The citation commended Islam "for having condemned terrorism" and contributing to charities that helped victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.


Asked if he saw the award as vindication after his deportation two months ago, Islam said: "It is a useful antidote, a useful message at this moment to underline who I am."

The deportation angered Muslims in Britain and the United States. British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw raised the issue with Secretary of State Colin Powell.

Born Steven Demeter Georgiou in July 1947 to a Swedish mother and a Greek Cypriot father, he changed his name to Cat Stevens when he entered the music world.

He had a string of hits in the early 1970s including "Peace Train," "Moonshadow," "Morning has Broken," and "Wild World" before converting to Islam in 1977.

Islam said the binding powers of religions were essential in a post 9/11 world.

"Probably one of the biggest imperatives at this time would be for a greater understanding of the Islamic faith because of the tensions which have built up over the years due to the absence of any accurate information of where true beliefs unite humanity rather than divide," he said.

"I broke through many barriers in order to get through to Islam, and looking back I can see that there are problems in perception.

"But once you reach the great shores of wisdom there are so many beautiful approaches to the one uniting message of religions, which is peace and loving your brother, who you love as yourself," he added.

Islam, who cut his last pop album in 1978, said he was ready to write more songs to promote peace.

"Music is also a great cure and a great healer and I think the time has come probably to re-invest some more time in exploring my creative ideas and that's what I'm doing right now," he said.

"I've got a little tape recorder in my top pocket and I keep it with me. Ideas are flowing."
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.03.05 14:36:07   
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Yusuf Islam Preps for Year of the Cat
Fri Mar 18

LONDON (Billboard) - Yusuf Islam, the singer-songwriter formerly known as Cat Stevens, releases his first new song in 27 years on Monday (March 21).

"Indian Ocean" will be available only as a download from "I started writing it on holiday a year ago," he says. "Then I was moved to finish it by the tragedy of the tsunami."

The song was recorded in London with Indian composer/producer A.R. Rahman, A-ha keyboard player Magne Furuholmen and Travis drummer Neil Primrose. All proceeds will go to charity.

Islam retired from music in 1978 after becoming a Muslim but says "Indian Ocean" is the first of a batch of new songs for a potential album.

He also is developing a musical based on his old songs. "I've come to realize that being a Muslim and an artist can exist side by side," he says. The artist is not signed to a label.
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Geka Genesis   Дата: 20.03.05 02:54:13   
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Хороший дядька был(в смысле, когда пел)
Есть у меня немножко его дисочков, очень нравится Будда,наверное больше всех остальных..
ДВД диск 1976 года просто замечательный

Просьба ЗНАТОКАМ сообщить, каких именно дисков у меня нет в наличии..
STEVENS CAT Tea For the Tillerman 1970
STEVENS CAT Mona Bone Jakon 1971
STEVENS CAT Teaser And The Firecat 1972
STEVENS CAT Catch Bull Four 1972
STEVENS CAT Matthew & Son 1972
STEVENS CAT Budha and The Chocolate Box 1974

STEVENS CAT Back To earth 1978
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.03.06 14:48:30   
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Юсуф Ислам записывает новый поп-альбом
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.05.06 09:49:30   
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Юсуф Ислам пишет поп-альбом

Известный в прошлом британский поп-исполнитель, а ныне общественный деятель Юсуф Ислам (aka Кэт Стивенс) возвращается в шоу-бизнес. Сообщается, что в настоящее время музыкант работает в студии над своим новым коммерческим альбомом - первым с 1979-го года.

Напомним, что музыкант, пик карьеры которого пришелся на 70-е годы, принял ислам в 1977-м и с тех пор посвятил себя «религиозной» музыке. Как рассказывают коллеги исполнителя, вернуться в лоно поп-культуры Юсуфа Ислама подтолкнул нынешний кризис, возникший между христианским и мусульманским миром. Музыкант надеется перекинуть культурный мостик между двумя религиями. Новый альбом исполнителя продюсирует Рик Ноуэлс.

Юсуф Ислам, кстати, давно занимается этим «наведением мостов». В последние годы он принял участие в нескольких благотворительных акциях - в том числе и грандиозном концерте 46664 в Южной Африке, проводимом в честь Нельсона Мандела, в 2004-м был награжден премией организации Gorbachev Foundation, а в 2005-м году получил почетную степень доктора Глочестерского Университета за свою гуманитарную деятельность. Несмотря на это, музыкант до сих пор находится в списке «нежелательных гостей США» из-за подозрений в связях с терротистами.
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.06.06 21:24:34   
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CAT STEVENS Cat Stevens Box SetCAT STEVENS Cat Stevens Box Set
(2006 4-CD album Box Set compiling the ultimate collection of the work of a man who last released a new pop record in 1978 and comprises 79 digitally remastered tracks from his first demo in 1965 through to a 1997 collaboration recorded under his Muslim name, Yusuf Islam including 11 tracks previously unavailable plus rarities including Demos, Outtakes, Soundtrack Contributions, B-Sides and more..., presented in deluxe packaging complete with 96-page picture booklet containing extensive sleevenotes written by Yusuf himself,
released 26-Jun-2006

CD One - The City:
1. Back To The Good Old Times
2. I Love My Dog
3. Portobello Road
4. Here Comes My Baby
5. Matthew & Son
6. The Tramp
7. I'm Gonna Get Me A Gun
8. School Is Out
9. A Bad Night
10. The Laughing Apple
11. Kitty
12. Blackness of the Night
13. The First Cut Is The Deepest
14. Northern Wind
15. Moonstone
16. Come On Baby (Shift That Log)
17. Lovely City (When Do You Laugh?)
18. Here Comes My Wife
19. The View From The Top
20. Where Are You
21. If Only Mother Could See Me Now
22. Honey Man
23. The Joke

CD Two - The Search:
1. Time/ Fill My Eyes
2. Lady D'Arbanville
3. Trouble
4. Pop Star
5. Katmandu
6. Lilywhite
7. I've Got A Thing About Seeing My Grandson Grow Old
8. Where Do The Children Play?
9. Wild World
10. Sad Lisa
11. On The Road To Find Out
12. Father And Son
13. Love Lives In The Sky
14. Don't Be Shy
15. If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out
16. The Day They Make Me Tsar
17. The Wind
18. Moonshadow
19. Morning Has Broken
20. How Can I Tell You
21. Peace Train
22. I Want To Live In A Wigwam

CD Three - The Hurt:
1. Crab Dance
2. Sitting
3. Silent Sunlight
4. Angelsea
5. Can't Keep It In
6. 18th Avenue (Kansas City Nightmare)
7. The Hurt
8. Foreigner Suite
9. Oh Very Young
10. Music
11. Sun / C79
12. King Of Trees
13. Bad Penny
14. Lady D'Arbanville
15. Another Saturday Night

CD Four - The Last:
1. Whistlestar
2. Novim's Nightmare
3. Majik Of Majiks
4. Banapple Gas
5. Blue Monday
6. Doves (Majikat Earth Tour Theme Song)
7. Hard Headed Woman
8. Tuesday's Dead
9. Ruins
10. (Remember The Days Of The) Old Schoolyard
11. Life
12. (I Never Wanted) To Be A Star
13. Child For A Day
14. Just Another Night
15. Daytime
16. Last Love Song
17. Never
18. Father And Son
19. God Is Light
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.09.06 14:57:38   
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Atlantic To Issue New Yusuf Islam AlbumAtlantic To Issue New Yusuf Islam Album
September 07, 2006

Atlantic Records is eyeing a November release for Yusuf Islam's first album of pop music in 28 years in tandem with his own Ya imprint. As previously reported, "An Other Cup" will be issued internationally by Polydor in time to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the former Cat Stevens' first release, "I Love My Dog."

Produced by Rick Nowells (Dido, Madonna), the set features contributions from former Cat Stevens guitarist Alun Davies and keyboardist Jean Roussel, plus African vocalist Youssou N'Dour. Islam played guitar, piano and keyboard.

"An Other Cup" will include a cover of the Animals-popularized "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" and "Heaven/Where True Love Goes," which has been tapped as the first single.

Born Steven Georgiou in London in 1947, the artist scored hits as Cat Stevens with "Morning Has Broken," "Lady D'Arbanville," "Wild World," "The First Cut is the Deepest" and "Moon Shadow." He converted to Islam and changed his name in 1977, and two years later, retired from the music business.

In 1981, Islam began writing religious material, and he has released 10 albums of drum-and-vocal performances to date on his own U.K.-based label Mountain of Light. That material compiled on the recent album "Footsteps in the Light." His first secular recording since 1977 came in early 2005 with a new self-penned song, "Indian Ocean." Proceeds from the download-only track were donated to victims of the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean.

Here is the track list for "An Other Cup":

"Heaven/Where True Love Goes"
"Maybe There's a World"
"One Day at a Time"
"When Butterflies Leave"
"In the End"
"Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood"
"I Think I See the Light"
"Whispers From a Spiritual Garden"
"The Beloved"
"Green Fields, Golden Sands"
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: zappa2000   Дата: 03.10.06 10:48:15   
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>«Естественно, что определенные музыкальные стили и тексты песен являются харам (запрещенными для мусульманина), однако это не относится к музыке и песням в целом», - говорится в статье.

Он также напомнил о том, что власти Ирана даже признали ряд песен, которые были созданы Исламом еще в бытность его Стивенсом, положительным примером для молодежи.<

Сомневаюсь, что с такими взглядами сейчас он может создать что-либо приличное в музыке. А жаль. Очень люблю раннее творчество Стивенсона (практически все альбомы) и даже постоянно их переслушиваю, в отличие от мнегих других его современников, которые пылятся на полках.
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: SAM (ex-SamStarr)   Дата: 03.10.06 12:46:00   
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У меня тройной номерник на золоте - люблю!
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.10.06 13:49:38   
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Yusuf - An Other CupYusuf - An Other Cup

1. Midday
2. Heaven/Where True Love Goes
3. Maybe There's A World
4. One Day At A Time
5. when Butterflies Leave
6. In The End
7. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
8. I Think I See The Light
9. Whispers From A Spiritual Garden
10. The Beloved
11. Green Fields, Golden Sands

Yusuf's (formerly Cat Stevens) first album of modern pop songs wisnce 1978's Back To Earth. On his return to music, Yusuf says "I feel right about making music and singing about life in this fragile world again. It is important for me to help bridge the cultural gaps others are sometimes frightened to cross."
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Gene   Дата: 07.11.06 21:07:20   
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послушал An Other Cup - очень мелодично, очень красиво, почти полностью акустика, почти все очень медленно, много оркестра. Голос звучит изумительно. Этнических мотивов немного, все вполне традиционно. Великолепная подборка баллад. Любителям классического Cat Stevens'a must have! Уверенная 4 (из 5)
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.11.06 17:01:59   
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В этом месяце выходит дебютный альбом сына Кэта Стивенса Йорийоса В этом месяце выходит дебютный альбом сына Кэта Стивенса Йорийоса
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.12.06 11:02:07   
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Юсуф таки выступил во вторник в Америке впервые за последние почти 30 лет. Юсуф таки выступил во вторник в Америке впервые за последние почти 30 лет.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Old Bluesman   Дата: 20.12.06 12:32:36   
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2Кот Котофеич:

>Что-то у нас An Other Cup не видно в продаже.
Попробуйте спросить не Кэта Стивенса, а диск Yusuf-а, он его под своим мусульманским именем выпустил, и на обложке именно оно значится...
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Виктор Ф   Дата: 25.01.07 08:04:58   
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Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 07.07.08 19:14:24   
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слышал Wild world. Понравилось, надо еще послушать что-нибудь. В Classic Rock большая статья о нем была.
Re: Cat Stevens
Автор: Обеспеченный Ездок   Дата: 07.07.08 20:15:40   
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Дима Билан и Яна Рудковская получили «Серебряную калошу» за плагиат

По традиции самая долгожданная номинация, посвященная плагиату «Синхронное пение». Калошу присудили Диме Билану с евровидийным хитом «Believe», очень сильно напоминающим мелодию песни Кэта Стивенса. А калошу вышла получать за Диму Яна Рудковская.

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