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Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.

Тема: Битлз - концерты

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Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 27.09.04 12:12:17   
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Из интересного там есть кадры с предыдущего концерта в Сан=Франциско 64 года (кажется) где копы успокаивают девушку, лежащую у сцены с трусиками (своими?) в руках, и где на сцену выскакивает поклонница и прыгает на Пола. Именно из-за проблем с секьюрити в 66 году Битлы путешесвовали по Фриско в броневике (натуральный броневик!)
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 29.09.04 11:51:02   
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Полное видео концертов 65 и 64г. врядли ли есть,а где вы достали это ДВД?
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 29.09.04 12:02:37   
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В каком-то музыкальном журнале зарубежном было объявление
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 29.09.04 12:04:39   
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Barry Hood
Box 1118
Cottage Grove OR
97424 USA
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 29.09.04 12:56:28   
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Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 01.10.04 17:04:00   
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Монстр66:скажите,а как вы заказали эту кассету? Как долго она шла,каков механизм оплаты?
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 01.10.04 17:34:31   
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Написал ему письмо и заказал, потом отправил деньги (спрятал кэш в коробочку с сидюком До него шло дней 7 и от него дней 7, вот и все. А на видеобит тот же дивидюк, но лучше у самого Барри заказывать, он шлет диски с автографом (своим), невесть что, но приятно
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.06.05 19:36:05   
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
Flashback: The Beatles begin final tour

It was on June 24, 39 years ago, that the Beatles kicked off their final tour in Munich, West Germany. The tour, which saw the group performing in Germany, Japan, the Philippines and the US, was plagued with controversy. In the Philippines, the Beatles, who had politely declined an invitation to attend a banquet with then-President Ferdinand Marcos, were virtually run out of the country for what the Filipinos believed to be a snub towards the first family.

Meanwhile, in the US, trouble was brewing after a statement John Lennon had made the previous spring during a philosophical discussion about religion during an interview with The London Evening Standard, was taken out of context and printed in the US teen magazine Datebook. The magazine, which printed Lennon's quote that, "Christianity will go it will vanish and shrink... Jesus was alright, but his disciples were thick and ordinary... We're more popular than Jesus now," ignited protests, including record burnings all over the "bible belt" and southern US states.

The Beatles held a press conference on August 11 in Chicago, the night before they started the US leg, where, after trying to explain exactly what he meant in the interview, Lennon essentially apologized - not for the statement itself - but for how it may have been interpreted. Death threats plagued the Beatles throughout the 14-date tour. Prior to the group's August 19 show in Memphis - their only show in the south - Lennon and the Beatles' manager Brian Epstein went to Elvis Presley's Graceland mansion seeking advice from Presley as to how to resolve the "bigger than Jesus" crisis. Presley, however, wasn't home that day; he was in Los Angeles shooting a movie.

The tour dragged on through the States to less-than-sellout crowds, where the group, already long bored with performing for screaming fans, lazily ran through a set which showed no sign of the experimentation heard on their Revolver album, which was released days before the tour began. The group performed approximately a 30-minute set every night, featuring 11 songs: "Rock And Roll Music," "She's A Woman," "If I Needed Someone," "Day Tripper," "Baby's In Black," "I Feel Fine," "Yesterday," "I Wanna Be Your Man," "Nowhere Man," "Paperback Writer," and "I'm Down."

The Beatles did their last public performance on August 29, 1966 at San Francisco's Candlestick Park. Paul McCartney, knowing that the show was to be the Beatles' last, captured the show on a portable tape recorder, which eventually has made the rounds of bootleg collectors. Rather than close with "I'm Down," McCartney instead launched into their longtime set closer, Little Richard's "Long Tall Sally." Afterward, George Harrison broke into a few notes of "In My Life" from the group's 1965 Rubber Soul album, and the group was whisked away in an armored truck.

Paul McCartney told us that the Beatles always felt that quitting the road would be major turning point for the group: "I remember thinking a bit like Army buddies. One of the songs we used to love was 'Wedding Bells.' And this idea that you'd been army buddies but one day you'd have to kiss the army goodbye and get married and act like normal people - it was a bit like that. We knew that day would come."
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Expert   Дата: 26.06.05 22:24:03   
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Замечание Пола по поводу песенки Wedding Bells в Антологии адресовалось распаду группы - у битлов был такой двойной "дембель" - один раз оставили сцену, на другой раз распались. По своей сути это одно и то же. Но Битлз оставили массовые мероприятия и перестали интересоваться живым и непосредственным шоу-бизнесом, на формат которого они всегда ориентировались и творчески и образом своей жизни, перестав выступать в роли "денежных мешков".
Интересно, что какой-то возможный пафос, с которым мы готовы говорить о последнем концерте группы, на самом деле к нему самому не имеет никакого отношения - рядовое выступление. Предельно рядовое. Интересно, что Битлз ни в коей мере не собирались делать из этого шумиху - "Последнее выступление группы". И заявление о прекращении сделали только после окончания последнего тура. Вот здесь-то все и поняли, что "закончилась эпоха" :))
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Expert   Дата: 27.06.05 01:53:20   
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Статья 2-летней давности


On August 29, 1966, 15-year-old Barry Hood rode 450 miles on a Greyhound bus to San Francisco, California. His journey wasn't to visit friends or relatives, but to see the Beatles play in what turned out to be their last public performance at Candlestick Park. Little did he realize this would be their last show ever. And what proved even more amazing was that the Kodachrome motion picture film he shot of the event would be the only color movie film of The Beatles Last Concert!

Now, 38 years later, Hood has released a special collector's edition of the event. But only the first 250 copies will be signed and numbered for Beatles collectors, and only this version will contain 2 different documentaries of The Beatles in San Francisco, both featuring the only existing footage of the Candlestick Park last concert event.

In 1986, during the 20th anniversary of the show, together with The San Francisco Giants' "Giantsvision Television," Hood released a 50-minute video, "One Last Time." This was marketed in VHS format through fan clubs and magazines. This was a limited edition in 1987.

Later, in 1991, when San Francisco radio station KYA, the Candlestick show's sponsor, held a big celebration at the Hard Rock Cafe, Hood decided to use the event to release some new footage he had uncovered of the Candlestick show. Working in cooperation with KYA he created a new 60-minute VHS documentary, "The Beatles Live In San Francisco."

Both of the documentaries are very different. This year, Hood decided to give Beatles Fans an extra bonus by putting both limited edition documentaries on one DVD, and limit this special release to 250 copies which he has hand-signed and numbered.

The 1986 and 1987 videos were carefully transferred to digital format using the most modern equipment. "It's everything you wanted to know about The Beatles in San Francisco," Hood says. "But it's more than just their last concert. We look at The Beatles and their effect on the San Francisco music scene, as well as the psychedelic San Francisco and its effect on the Beatles."

Hood continues, "I knew that the DVD format was coming and so I decided to assemble both of these films directly from the master using digital technology to create something really special for my collector friends. I've even seen the older VHS documentaries turn up in the bootleg market, and decided that real fans deserve something better." I am a collector myself, and we all know what those bootlegs floating around out there look like. You can get "Shea" or "Let It Be" five generations from the
original source on eBay for $20, but true Beatles collectors, like myself, deserve something much better."

The programs both include rare footage of The Beatles early days in 1964 and 1965 at the San Francisco Cow Palace. There is rare footage of Ringo's stopover at the airport when he rejoined the band in Australia after coming down with tonsillitis. There is even rare color footage of Paul's girlfriend, Jane Asher in her role as Juliet in the Bristol Old Vic Company's performance at San Francisco's Curran Theatre in 1967.

In 1964 watch the girls attempting to slip past the police as The Beatles limos approach the Cow Palace. Then there's that famous San Francisco Press Conference, which was carefully edited from three sources to recreate the event in its entirety. Watch the fans quite literally attack the stage and the ensuing total chaotic mob scene, as The Fabs play the relatively small Cow Palace arena.

1966 was a completely different story. This time the foursome itself was being attacked by the press due to John's statement about Jesus Christ. At every city, the press had a field day, and the headlines reflected a tired and somewhat bewildered group. It's no wonder that they flew in and out, and rode around in armored cars. Their only official meeting with the press at San Francisco was a brief stop at the airport.

Barry Hood arrived at Candlestick Park early that day at about two in the afternoon. The fog was just lifting, and he openly began to film as the stage was being erected on second base. Two sets of chain-link fence surrounded the plywood stage. Fans had also gathered early in the afternoon to put up posters around the infield.

As The Beatles bus arrived at the ballpark, Hood ran to that end of the stadium to see what all the commotion was about. Just then, The Beatles' bus rolled directly under him, as George raised his own camera to shoot a picture of Barry Hood! John was seated immediately behind George. The group was quickly hustled downstairs where the Giants locker room became their dressing room, and they met some teen press members, a few ph11/11/03>
Finally, after the warm-up acts, The Beatles emerged from the Giants dugout to take the stage. "They walked out right in front of me, as my camera was rolling. I was seated in the box seats and probably was the closest person filming the event," Hood says. "At that time there was absolutely nobody concerned about a 15-year-old with a movie camera. I was probably the most fortunate kid there."

The video shows footage and photos of the concert from 5 sources. "I really could actually hear the concert," Hood added. "I was seated about 20 feet from the park's P.A. system. Most of the kids weren't nearly as lucky. In less than a half-hour, it was all over. They got into an armored car and were gone."

"For The Beatles, this is what touring had become," Hood says. "And seeing this DVD, you will be left with no question why they stopped touring forever."

Hood had almost decided to retire the earlier production, "One Last Time." But luckily for Beatles fans, Hood has decided to release the footage onto this special DVD. 250 copies are being numbered and autographed by him, and the production is called "The Beatles At Candlestick Park." This is the only time you will see both of these early productions in one place, signed and numbered, and with good quality. "Some Beatles Fans would give anything just to have an autograph of one of The Beatles," Hood says. But for me, I would give anything to have a copy of that photo George shot of me filming him that day in 1966." As the bus rolls under the stadium, you can clearly see a smiling George Harrison shooting the picture.
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 02.07.05 19:32:13   
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у МЕНЯ И СТАРЫЙ И новый эти фильмы есть, практически одно и тоже, ерунда полная, концертом там и не пахнет, как я уже говорил, минут 7 любительской сьемки издали, все... Осталось ощущение, что я был mistreated...

То есть, по всей видимости, не существует полной версии в природе
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Тёма Стоунз   Дата: 02.07.05 22:58:27   
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Я гутарю только по москальски..Видкиль москальский нема ?
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.08.05 22:19:21   
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It was on this date (August 29th) in 1966 that the Beatles performed their last official concert in San Francisco at Candlestick Park. The tour, which had already hit Germany, Japan and the Philippines, was dogged by controversy -- protests greeted the group in Tokyo prior to their performance at the Budokan Arena, which until then had been reserved strictly for the martial arts. In the Philippines the group fled the country after being accused of snubbing the infamous President and First Lady Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos, after they politely declined to attend an official state luncheon.

By the time the group landed in the U.S. to kick off the tour on August 12th, a furor was brewing over John Lennon's remarks about religion made months before during a British interview, which had been reprinted in a teen magazine, which ran part of the discussion out of context printing: "Christianity will go it will vanish and shrink... Jesus was alright, but his disciples were thick and ordinary... We're more popular than Jesus now." Lennon's statements, which were ignored in Britain, ignited protests, including record burnings all over the "bible belt" and southern U.S. states.

The Beatles held a press conference on August 11th in Chicago, the night before they were due to perform, with Lennon trying to explain exactly what he meant in the interview. In lieu of an actual apology this quelled the Beatle bonfires, but the controversy cast a shadow over the tour which proved to be lackluster -- both in the Beatles' performances and ticket sales.

Beatlefan magazine's executive editor Al Sussman told us that it was clear that by the summer of '66 "Beatlemania" was on the wane: "There were rumors at the time that the tour might be cancelled. And indeed a number of the shows including Shea Stadium were not sellouts, and that upper deck was pretty empty."

On August 29th, 1966 at 8:00 PM the group took the stage set on the second base line at Candlestick Park, and ran through what many recall as one of the better shows from the tour. During the 33-minute show the Beatles performed 11 songs: Chuck Berry's "Rock And Roll Music," "She's A Woman," "If I Needed Someone," "Day Tripper," "Baby's In Black," "I Feel Fine," "Yesterday," "I Wanna Be Your Man," "Nowhere Man," "Paperback Writer," and Little Richard's "Long Tall Sally" -- their first performance of the song in nearly a year.

Paul McCartney, knowing that the show was to be the Beatles' last, captured the show on a portable tape recorder, which eventually has made the rounds of bootleg collectors. Rather than end with "I'm Down," their usual set-closer for the tour, McCartney surprised the rest of the group by launching into their original set closer, Little Richard's "Long Tall Sally," as a nod to the music that originally inspired them. Afterward, George Harrison broke into a few notes of "In My Life" from the group's 1965 Rubber Soul album. The group then turned their backs on the 25,000 screaming fans and posed for a picture set on an automatic timer to symbolically cap off their performing career. They were then were whisked out of the stadium by armored van.

Beatlefan's Al Sussman says that in hindsight it was obvious that the tour would be their last: "They knew. That's why they recorded the last show. Because it had gotten so awful... They were really looking toward it as the last tour anyway, but especially after the Christ thing they said 'We're done.'"

George Harrison talked about the final concert in The Beatles Anthology, saying that: "We'd done about 1,400 live shows and I certainly felt that was it. I was thinking 'This is going to be such a relief -- not having to go through that madness anymore'... It was a unanimous decision."

Although the Beatles performed in public one more time -- with keyboardist Billy Preston -- on January 30th, 1969 on the London rooftop of their Apple headquarters, during the finale of their Let It Be movie, the group's Candlestick Park performance was their last officially advertised and ticketed concert.

Upon reaching London on August 31st, 1966 the Beatles all went their separate ways, with John Lennon heading to Spain to star in the film How I Won The War and George Harrison going to India to study the sitar. McCartney and Ringo Starr stayed based in London, with McCartney composing the score for the movie The Family Way and Starr tending to his growing family.

On November 24th, 1966 all four Beatles regrouped at Abbey Road Studios to begin recording "Strawberry Fields Forever" -- which was the first track recorded for the album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, even though it was removed from the project early on and released as a single.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 30.08.05 17:01:46   
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Можно зарегистрироваться и посмотреть фоты с концерта(микроскопические) или послушать 10 сек. Long tall Sally:)
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 10.11.05 12:41:04   
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Наконец-то удалось посмотреть видео с концертов в Сан-Францисско 65г. и 66г.
Из первого есть отрывки Twist&shout,A hard day's night, Can't buy my love, I wanna be your man.
Второй, т.е. 66г. имеет качество любительской съемки, но в цвете. Песни сняты не полностью и не все.
Естественно, в фильме есть прилет Битлз, интервью, съемки backstage, рассказы очевидцев тех шоу.
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.08.06 08:48:00   
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40th anniversary celebration of last Beatles concert 40th anniversary celebration of last Beatles concert

San Francisco, CA - August 26-27, 2006 - Bay Area Film Events (BAFE) and the Castro Theatre present a 40th anniversary appreciation of those FAB days of Beatlemania for two days of Beatles films, guests, memorabilia and music!

Forty years ago, on August 29, 1966, the Beatles came to the Bay Area on the last day of their 1966 concert tour. Though it was in their minds, no one knew that this concert would be a historic occasion. It was after this concert that The Beatles announced that they would quit touring and concentrate on studio recordings, starting a period in their careers which would forever shape the landscape of popular music for generations to come.

And so, August 29, 1966 would be the final public concert for the most popular band in the history of music.

Now, on August 26-27, 2006, Bay Area Film Events and the Castro Theatre present a 40th anniversary appreciation of those FAB days of Beatlemania! Join BAFE for two days of Beatles films, guests, memorabilia and music! Guests are being contacted now and will be announced soon!

Planned events include:

Beatles Week! The city of San Francisco will be officially proclaiming the week of Bay Area Film Events' Beatles: 40 Years Ago Today as "Beatles Week" in San Francisco! Join us on Friday, August 25 in front of The Hard Rock Cafй at Pier 39 for a proclamation ceremony and live music by The Sun Kings.

A Weekend of Beatles Movies! Hard Days Night, Yellow Submarine and more! Even solo rarities like How I Won the War featuring John Lennon.

The Sun Kings! Hear amazing Beatles tribute band The Sun Kings recreate the Beatles' Candlestick concert live, playing a full set of Beatles hits and classics Saturday night and lead singer Drew Harrison provides a solo, acoustic tribute to John Lennon Sunday night!

John Lennon Tribute! Sunday night will feature a special tribute to John Lennon and also give the audience a special preview of the new Lionsgate film, THE U.S. VS. JOHN LENNON, set for a San Francisco premier on September 29. Bay Area Film Events brings you clips from the film as well as special prize give-aways!

Candlestick Anniversary Beatles Party at the Hard Rock Cafe! Join BAFE and The Sun Kings for a special Beatles event on Tuesday, August 29 as we celebrate the official anniversary day of their final concert. Additional details are coming!

Beatles Bazaar! Bring your dollars or pounds and shop for rare Beatles items in our upstairs Beatles Bazaar. Find that elusive Beatles record, toy, lunch box or that mop-top Beatles wig you've been looking for!

Escape with The Beatles! Raffle for a one-night stay at the Cabana Hotel's Beatles Room in Palo Alto and a special Beatles prize package! Other prizes will be given away. Details and online raffle ticket sales will be coming soon! Raffle to benefit Little Kids Rock, an organization providing free musical instruments to schools in San Francisco!

Prizes, Merchandise, Give-Aways and More Surprises! A splendid time is guaranteed for all! About Bay Area Film Events

Bay Area Film Events is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to preserving the movie-going experience.

Going to the movies used to be an event, an experience never to be forgotten. This is the movie-going adventure BAFE brings to a whole new generation of moviegoers and brings back for the generations that grew up with that experience.

Bay Area Film Events screens the classic and cult films from yesterday and the limited release, independent and hard to see films of today. Anyone can screen a film, but BAFE makes it an event! Through the use of guests, displays, on-stage talent and multi-media support, BAFE presents movies as a complete show and not just a movie screening.

BAFE provides the live support, promotions and extra, added showmanship that will excite audiences and get them out of their living rooms and back in the theaters where movies were meant to be seen!

About the Castro Theatre

Built in 1922, the Castro Theatre is a city landmark in San Francisco and the premier movie house in the San Francisco Bay Area. Described as an acre of seats in a palace of dreams, the Castro Theatre is home to some of San Francisco's most prestigious film festivals and movie screenings. It is one of the few single-screen theaters in the city and walking into the Castro Theatre is like going back in time to an age where movies were literally larger than life!
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Textpert   Дата: 03.08.06 09:46:29   
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Эта дата, для меня, что то особенное. Моё поколение, выпало из течения битломании, в прямом смысле, оно не застало это явление в живую . И что символично для меня : последний концерт, был дан за один день до моего дня рождения. Тоже символично. Но нам разметка поколений по барабану, лазим в интересах множества поколений, лишь бы интересно было :)
Недавно смотрел, какой то полулегальный фильм о Битлз, который называется "Thу Long
And Winding Road". Чувствуется некоторая желтизна этого фильма, но есть и интересные моменты, домыслы, факты. Нет ничего официального : друзья детства, приятели, соседи по общежитию, музыканты неудачники. Но как фильм, рассказывающий о маленьких, я бы даже сказал - мельчайших бытовых фактах,он познавательный.
Он на столько неофициальный, что даже лишён права использования в нём, музыки самих Битлз :))) Но всё одно, посмотрел с удовольствием. Был в этом фильме и рассказ об этом концерте, его организато Сида Бернстайна - накакой музыки и слышно не было, одни вопли :) В те времена не было культа фанеры, в тот вечер спокойно можно было её включать :)
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 03.08.06 14:45:18   
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Шикарный концерт! Благодаря Andrey наконец-то удалось его услышать. Исполнение просто потрясающее - другие доступные концертные исполнения Битлз 1966 года по сравнению с этим - что-то кошмарное. Сразу видно, музыканты выложились и выдали качественный добросовестный дембельский аккорд!
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 03.08.06 17:44:14   
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Я о нем читал в журнале From me to you в одном из первых выпусков. Там все о концерте, вплоть до того, что говорили битлы представляя очередную песню. По сету и по всему прочему нельзя сказать, что шоу получилось необычным.
Но тем не менее...
Я где-то писал, что смотрел любительскую запись сего концерта. Она цветная, но картинка нечеткая - снято с большого расстояния и звук так себе. Да и песен: Rock and roll music, She's a woman, If I needed someon, и они не полностью.
Все что осталось или есть более полная версия шоу?
Re: Последний концерт Битлз 1966г. Сан-Францисско.
Автор: Andrey Malkin   Дата: 03.08.06 19:38:47   
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А где то мелькал слух, что после исполнения Лонг Толл Сэлли Леннон перед уходом спел несколько тактов Ин Май Лайф.
К сожалению, запись оборвалась на середине Лонг Толл Сэлли.
Кто-нибудь может уточнить, можно этому верить?
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