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Re: Motown
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 31.07.03 15:20:18   
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Точно, точно... Меня это шокирует.
Re: Motown
Автор: Pacific   Дата: 31.07.03 17:26:35   
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А покойная Арета Франклин на Мотауне писАлась?
Re: Motown
Автор: Mux. Бирюков (nECKAPb)   Дата: 31.07.03 18:55:26   
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Во-первых, не спешите хоронить волшебницу Арету. Почему это она вдруг покойная??
Во-вторых нет; она писалась на Коламбии, Атлантике и Аристе, если не ошибаюсь в последнем случае.
Re: Motown
Автор: Theodor   Дата: 31.07.03 19:15:50   
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Тут нужно заметить, что помимо Motown был еще один замечательный соул-лейбл, Stax.
Кстати кое-чего из сегодняшнего r&b звучит неплохо - Alicia Keys например.
Re: Motown
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 31.07.03 19:50:41   
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В тему. Может кто вспомнит эти песни и группы. Продается в Боксе на 11 сидюках:
1. Peppermint Stick - The Elchords
2. Hong Kong - The Quinns
3. Doom-Lang - The Tokens
4. The Mope-ltty Mope - The Boss-Tones
5. Closer You Are, The - The Magnificent Four
6. You Baby You - The Excellents
7. Hot Dog Dooly Wah - The Pyramids
8. Now - The Veltones
9. Let's 60 For A Ride - The Collegians
10. Roaches - The Court Jesters
11. Bila - The Versatones
12. Poor Rock And Roil - Nicky & The Nobles
13. Shombalor - Sheriff & The Revels
14. Babalu's Wedding Day - The Eternals
15. There's A Moon Out Tonight - The Capris
16. Come On Baby - The Cordovans
17. Lullaby Of The Bells - The Deltairs
18. My Heart's Desire - The Wheels
19. Pretty Little Girl - The Monarchs
20. Ankle Bracelet - The Pyramids
21. Cora Lee - The Hemlocks
22. Baby Oh Baby - The Shells
23. Church Bells May Ring - The Willows
24. See A Star - The Roulettes
25. The Wind-The Jesters
26. Teenager's Dream - The Kodaks
27. Mexico - The Rocketones
28. Goodnight Baby - The Imaginations
29. Trickle Trickle - The Videos
30. Congratulations - The Turbans
31. Cinderella - The Classics
32. Little Boy And Girl - The Kodaks
33. Moonlight - The Vanguards
34. Honey Honey - The Teenchords
35. My Love For You Will Never Die - The Channels
36. Mary Lee - The Rainbows
37. Lost Love - The Superiors
38. Fine Little Girt - The Arcades
39. Paradise Hill - The Embers
40. Darling - The Debonairs
41. Let's Start All Over Again - The Paragons
42. I'll Never Fall In Love Again - The Legends
43. Zoom Zoom Zoom - The Collegians
44. Love Call - The Ebonairs
45. Teenager's Life - The Visions
46. My Diane - The Charts
47. Come Dance With Me - The Tokens
48. Dear Lord - The Continentals
49. God Only Knows - The Capris
50. Twilight - The Paragons
51. Comin’ Home - The Nutmegs
52. Secret Love - The Moonglows
53. Bye Bye Baby - The Channels
54. Try The Impossible - Lee Andrews & The Hearts
55. I'm Not Too Young To Fall In Love - The Teenchords
56. My Heart's Desire - The Avalons
57. Oh Gee Oh Gosh - The Kodaks
58. Life Can Be Beautiful - The Cineramas
59. I Love My Baby - The Tokens
60. The Plea - The Jesters
61. You're The Reason - The Charts
62. All Night Long - The Du Mauriers
63. Golden Teardrops - The Flamingos
64. Hey You - The Imaginations
65. All Mine - The Five Satins
66. Never Let You Go - The Five Discs
67. Lonely Room - Lee Andrews & The Hearts
68. Always Be Faithful - The Monarchs
69. Coney Island Baby - The Excellents
70. Valerie - Jackie & The Starlites
71. Let It Please Be You - The Desires
72. Darling Can't You Tell - The Clusters
73. Don't Leave Me - The Magnificents
74. Dear Diary - The Smoothtones
75. Life Is But A Dream - The Classics
76. Darling I'm Sorry - The Ambassadors
77. Everyone's Laughing - The Spaniels
78. Vengeance - The Matadors
79. Bermuda Shorts - The Delroys
80. The Girl Next Door - The Channels
81. Lamplight - The Deltas
82. Pain In My Heart - The Dells
83. I'm So Happy - The Ducanes
84. Fountain Of Love - The Starlarks
85. Rip Van Winkle - The Devotions
86. Heavenly Night - The Collegians
87. Dreams Of Contentment - The Dells
88. Shirley - The Rainbows
89. Evening Shadows Falling - The Seniors
90. Dreaming Of You - The Fashions
91. You Painted Pictures - The Spaniels
92. True True Love - The Corvairs
93. Bells Of Love - The Mint Juleps
94. Told You So - The Charts
95. MoongiowYou Know -The Videos
96. At My Front Door - The Eldorados
97. When I Woke Up This Morning - The Bop Chords
98. My Reverie - The Larks
99. Fires Burn No More, The - The Chesters
100. Chapel On The Hill - The Charmers
101. Oh What A Night-The Dells
102. Tormented - The Heartbeats
103. Fat Fat Fat Mom-Mi-O - The Chalets
104. Thrill Of Romance - The Gay Tunes
105. Alphabet Of Love - The Suburbans
106. Tina - The Spaniels
107. Fine Fine Frame - The Continentals
108. I Found Out Too Late - Jackie & The Starlites
109. Counting The Stars - The Ladders
110. If f Can't Have You - The Flamingos
111. Legend Of Love - The Legends
112. School Bells - Nicky & The Nobels
113. The Stars Are Out Tonight - The Teardrops
114. Bing Bong - The Silhouettes
115. The Bells Bing Out - The Spaniels
116. Rendezvous With You - The Desires
117. My Heart's Desire - The Opals
118. Cruise To The Moon - The Chaperones
119. There Goes My Girl - The Chancellors
120. Missing You - The Starlites
121. Tell The World - The Dells
122. So In Love - The Classics
123. Castles In The Sky - The Bop Chords
124. Again - The Universals
125. Little Did I Know - The Ducanes
126. I'll Be Forever Loving You - The Eldorados
127. Rang Tang Ding Dong - The Cellos
128. You're Daddy's Little Girl - Roger & The Travelers
129. Judy - The Prodigals
130. Wedding Bells - Tiny Tim & The Hits
131. Puppy Love - Little Jimmy Rivers & The Tops
132. Florence - The Paragons
133. Baby It's You - The Spaniels
134. Angel Face - The Neons
135. I - The Velvets
136. Ding Dong - The Echoes
137. Just Suppose - Lee Andrews & The Hearts
138. If You Want To - The Carousels
139. Stars In The Sky - The Channels
140. Why Do You Have To Go - The Dells
141. Picture In My Wallet - Darreli & The Oxfords
142. Jeannie - The Unique Teens
143. I Lost You - The Spaniels
144. Picture Of Love - The Continentals
145. If I Knew - The Cruisers
146. Angel Of Love - The Schoolboys
147. Darling - The Vocaftones
148. Up On The Mountain - The Magnificents
149. Dear One - The Scarlets
150. Laughed - The Jesters
151. Know I Know - The Keynotes
152. Bluebird Of Happiness - Lee Andrews & The Hearts
153. Teenage Vows Of Love - The Dreamers
154. My Love Is Gone - The Ladders

This compilation © 2000 Colleetables Records Corp.
Golleetables® is registered In the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, All Flights Reserved. Distributed By Collectables Records, Box 35, Narberth, PA 19072. Printed in U.SA

Дед с "приветом"!
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Motown
Автор: Theodor   Дата: 31.07.03 20:18:27   
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Вот хорошая статья А. Козлова ("Козел на саксе") о классическом периоде соул:

Re: Motown
Автор: Pacific   Дата: 01.08.03 09:40:48   
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Мих. Бирюков
Действительно, соврал. Не знаю, откуда взялась эта информация, но в голове у меня засела. Так вот и распространяются всяческие непроверенные слухи :((((( Прости меня, Арета....
Re: Motown
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 01.08.03 09:44:43   
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Сегодня отправил тебе бандероль. А скачать то, что тебе нужно, можно на этом сайте:
Re: Motown
Автор: Theodor   Дата: 01.08.03 12:02:49   
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Ничего, долго жить будет :)
Re: Motown
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 02.08.03 23:35:28   
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Кстати, вот вам интересное пересечение Битлусов и Моутаун, диск неплохой, это я вам, как дилетант говорю. Еще там же в комментариях почитайте примечание вашего покорного слуги
Sweet Soul Music
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.08.03 12:28:51   
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Вот перечень соул-альбомов, которые, по словам журнала Mojo, "каждый должен иметь".

Ray Charles – The Genius Of Ray Charles – 1959
Ray Charles – In Person – 1960
James Brown And The Famous Flames – Live At The Apollo – 1962
Bobby Blue Bland – Two Steps From The Blues – 1962
Sam Cook – Live At The Harlem Square Club – 1963
Sam Cook – Ain’t That Good News – 1964
Jackie Wilson – The Jackie Wilson Story – 1964
Solomon Burke – Rock ‘N Soul – 1964
Garnet Mimms And The Enchaners – Cry Baby – 1964
The Drifters – Our Biggest Hits – 1964
Dion Warwick – Make Way For – 1964
Otis Redding – The Great Otis Redding Sings Soul Ballads – 1964
Otis Redding – Otis Blue – 1965
Smokey Robinson And The Miracles – Going To A Go Go – 1965
Diana Ross And The Supreams – Anthology 1962 – 1969 – 1974
The Temptations – The Temptations Sing Smokey – 1965
The Four Tops – Reach Out – 1966
Sam And Dave – Double Dynamite – 1966
Mitty Collier – Shades Of A Genius – 1966
Aretha Franklin – I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You) – 1967
Howard Tate – Get It While You Can – 1967
James Carr – You’ve Got My Mind Messed Up – 1967
Etta James – Tell Mama – 1968
Aretha Franklin – Lady Soul – 1968
Jerry Butler – The Ice Man Cometh – 1969
Dusty Springfield – Dusty In Memphis – 1969
Booker T. And The Mg’s – The Best Of.. 1969
Sly And The Family Stone – Stand! – 1969
Candi Staton – I’d Rather Be A Prisoner – 1969
The Impressions – The Young Mod’s Forgotten Story – 1969
Johnnie Taylor – Who’s Making Love – 1969
The Temptations – Cloud Nine – 1969
Isaac Hayes – Hot Buttered Soul – 1969
Doris Duke – I’m A Loser – 1970
Aretha Franklin – Sprit In The Dark – 1970
Curtis Mayfield – Roots – 1970
Lee Dorsey – Yes We Can – 1970
Sly And The Family Stone – There’s A Riot Going On – 1971
Gladys Knight And The Pips – Standing Ovation – 1971
Donny Hathaway – Donny Hathaway – 1971
Bill Withers – Just As I Am – 1971
Marvin Gaye – What’s Going On – 1971
Bobby Womack – Communication - 1971
James Brown – Get On The Good Foot – 1972
Denise Lasalle – Trapped By A Thing Called Love – 1972
Al Green – I’m Still In Love With You – 1972
The Staple Singers – Bealtitude: Respect Yourself – 1972
Stevie Wonder – Talking Book – 1972
War – The World Is A Ghetto – 1972
O.V. Wright – Memphis Unlimited – 1973
The Isley Brothers – 3+3 – 1973
Marvin Gaye – Let’s Get It On – 1973
Millie Jackson – Caught Up – 1973
Al Green – Call Me – 1973
Stevie Wonder – Innervisions – 1973
Gladys Knight And The Pips – Imagination – 1973
The Meters – Rejuvenation – 1974
The O’Jays – Ship Ahoy – 1974
Johnny Bristol – Hang On In There Baby – 1974
Betty Wright – Danger High Voltage – 1974
The Soul Children – Friction – 1974
Sly And The Family Stone – Fresh – 1973
Ann Peebles – I Can’t Stand The Rain – 1974
Little Beaver – Party Down – 1974
Harold Melvin And The Bluenotes – Wake Up Everybody – 1975
Sam Dees – The Show Must Go On – 1975
D.J. Rogers – On The Road Again – 1976
Stairsteps – 2nd Resurrection – 1976
Stevie Wonder – Songs In The Key Of Life – 1976
Parliament – Mothership Connection – 1976
Bootsy’s Rubber Band – Stretchin’ Out In – 1976
Al Green – The Belle Album – 1977
Eddie Hinton – Very Extremely Dangerous – 1977
Donna Summer – Once Upon A Time – 1977
Funkadellic – One Nation Under A Groove – 1978
Earth Wind And Fire – I Am – 1979
Marvin Gaye – Here, My Dear – 1978
Michael Jackson – Off The Wall – 1979
Chic – Risquй – 1979
Prince – Dirty Mind – 1980
Smoky Robinson – Warm Thoughts – 1980
Rick James – Street Songs – 1981
Bobby Womack – The Poet II – 1984
Anita Baker – Rapture – 1986
Prince – Sign ‘O’ The Times – 1987
Alexander O’ Neal – Hearsay – 1987
Eric B. And Rakim – Paid In Full – 1987
Luther Vandross – Any Love – 1988
Guy – Guy – 1988
Neville Brothers – Yellow Moon – 1989
Queen Latifah – All Hail The Queen – 1989
TLC – Ooooooooohhh…On The TLC Tip – 1992
Tony Toni Tone – Sounds Of Soul 1993
D’angelo – Brown Sugar – 1995
Fugees – The Score – 1996
Missy Elliott – Supa Dupa Fly – 1997
Lauryn Hill – The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill – 1998
Mary J. Bilge – What’s The 411? – 1992
Erykah Badu – Baduizm – 1997
Jill Scott – Who Is Jill Scott – 2000
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: Motown
Автор: Mary J Holly   Дата: 24.03.04 12:08:33   
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Вчиталась.... Дико забавный список - например, чем обидел его создателей Смоки, пардон, Робинсон, что они включили в данное соборное уложение 1 (один) его альбом 60-х годов и один же - 80 года? А Марту Ривз вообще не сочли достойной упоминания. ОДНАКО... Такое ощущение, что сий документ составляли, зайдя в первый попавшийся магазин и переписавши все, что на тот момент лежало в разделе "соул" :)) В общем, long live journalism.......
Re: Motown
Автор: SF Sorrow   Дата: 24.03.04 12:24:27   
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список может и вправду забавный - но уж кого-кого, а людей из MOJO в незнании материала и некомпетентности обвинять беспочвенно - это не sun и не монгольский козломоец
с удовольствием подписался бы на сие издание ...

кстати, статьи про Motown и Stax были в журнале Звукоежиссёр за 2002 год - соотв номера 10 и 9
Re: Motown
Автор: Евгений Глухов   Дата: 24.03.04 12:26:58   
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Мне как музыканту Motown удивительны тем, что по сути это - фабрика хитов, имеющая в своих волшебных цехах массу талантливейшего народу: аранжировщики, музыканты (влияние басиста Motown на Маккартни помните?) и так далее. Причем такая икренняя, такая живая музыка...
Re: Motown
Автор: Lenka   Дата: 24.03.04 12:29:19   
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у меня всего два, и оба - Ареты Франклин (I've Never... & Lady Soul)
Я тащусь!  
Re: Motown
Автор: Mary J Holly   Дата: 24.03.04 13:10:44   
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2 SF Sorrow: эээ... да я, в общем, никого ни в чем не обвиняю...
Может, просто автор статьи Мотаун не любил. Или ему Смоки нахамил на старости лет, я не знаю... там, интервью не дал, пластинку не подписал... вот только Going To A Go-Go подписал, а на Away We Are Go-Go уже терпения не хватило... :)) Однако забавная подборка же, согласись.

2 Евгений: ежели интересна душевная музыка :) то могу посодействовать.
У меня, кстати, телефон тоже не всегда занят :)))
Re: Motown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.03.04 22:28:35   
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2 Lenka
А что-нибудь конкретно интересует?
Re: Motown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 31.03.04 07:55:31   
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Motown Spruces Up Supremes/Temptations Duets

Motown has set an April 27 release for "Joined Together: The Complete Studio Duets," compiling two discs worth of collaborations between Diana Ross & the Supremes and the Temptations. Some of the tracks were originally released on the late '60s albums "Diana Ross & the Supremes Join the Temptations" and "Together" and are augmented here with a variety of bonus cuts.

"Join the Temptations" featured the smash hit single "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me," plus covers of such Motown staples as "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" and Marvin Gaye's "Try It Baby." The new edition begins with a medley of five songs, including the Supremes' "Stop! In the Name of Love" and also sports previously unreleased covers of the Beatles' "Got To Get You Into My Life" and the Burt Bacharach/Hal David-penned "A House Is Not a Home."

"Together" is loaded with unreleased single and mono mixes of tracks like the Band's "The Weight," Smokey Robinson's "I'll Try Something New" and Gaye's "Stubborn Kind of Fellow." Rounding out the album is a Mary Wilson solo version of "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" and an extended version of "Not Now, I'll Tell You Later," which first appeared on the Temptations' 1966 album "Get Ready."

The packaging for "Joined Together" sports new interviews with Supremes members Ross, Wilson and Cindy Birdsong, plus the Temptations' Otis Williams. The set will be issued a week after the compilation "Motown 1's," featuring the biggest hits from the label's storied past.
Re: Motown
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.04.04 00:12:32   
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Duets Highlight 'Motown 45' Celebration

Gladys Knight's searing version of "Neither One of Us" and Smokey Robinson and newcomer Joss Stone's cover of the Miracles R&B/pop classic "I Second That Emotion" are among the highlights of the upcoming ABC television special "Motown 45." Taped Sunday night at Los Angeles' Shrine Auditorium, the special celebrates Motown Records' hit-filled legacy, pairing the label's original artists and contemporary singers with timeless Motown songs.

Co-hosted by Lionel Richie and Cedric the Entertainer, the event sported such notables as Dick Clark, the Backstreet Boys, comedian George Lopez and 'N Sync's Joey Fatone introducing the various segments.

Though such key Motown players as Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder and Rick James were missing, the taping still managed to serve as a mini-family reunion. Acts such as Martha Reeves & the Vandellas and Thelma Houston were able to catch up with former labelmates the Four Tops, Commodores and original Supremes Mary Wilson and Cindy Birdsong, as well as formidable backing band the Funk Brothers.

Performances taped on Sunday included Destiny's Child's Kelly Rowland teaming with Wilson and Birdsong on a Supremes medley and with Richie on "Endless Love" and Michael McDonald covering Wonder's "Signed, Sealed, Delivered." Nick Lachey and Jermaine Jackson dueted on "I'll Be There" and the Funk Brothers supported "American Idol" finalist Kimberley Locke on "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted" and Gerald Levert on "Do You Love Me."

Brian McKnight and Macy Gray were on hand to celebrate Marvin Gaye, with the former performing "What's Going On" and the latter interpreting "Let's Get It On." Ashford & Simpson took part in the grand finale, joining McDonald, Knight, Robinson and Stone to perform "Ain't No Mountain High Enough."

"I was there from day one," Robinson said backstage. "To be here celebrating the 45th anniversary of Motown goes beyond all our wildest dreams." ABC plans to air "Motown 45" in May.
Re: Motown
Автор: yellow submarine   Дата: 08.04.04 10:45:33   
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Лично для меня соул кончился в середине 70-х. Нынешний "соул", переболевший фанком во второй половине 70-х,- это нечто совсем другое, ничем не напоминающее стиль Supremes, Soul Brothers Six, Sweet Inspirations, Temptations, Aretha Franklin, Percy Sledge, Al Green и многих других из того времени.

2 Pacific: прошедшей зимой был неплохой форум на тему соул, где говорилось о его истории и характерных признаках, там найдете много интересной информации.

2 Дед_Alex: Ваш список просто восхищает. Я коллекционирую имена групп и солистов без малого 40 лет и насобирал их тысяч двенадцать, но большинство приведенных в нем исполнителей для меня в новинку. Гран мерси!
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