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Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол

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Re: Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол
Автор: Gugo   Дата: 14.08.09 13:59:35   
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Re: Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол
Автор: Johnny_beatle   Дата: 14.08.09 15:59:59   
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Re: Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол
Автор: drwind   Дата: 14.08.09 17:09:24   
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Светлая память
Обсуждение новости: "Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол"
Автор: Zhenya   Дата: 14.08.09 22:21:54   
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All Things Must Pass...
Обсуждение новости: "Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол"
Автор: Alisa5White   Дата: 15.08.09 06:02:31   
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Он создал не просто гитару, а шедеврррррррр... Les Paul Gibson 300 модель вообще на мой взгляд самая лучшая гитара в мире - и по звуку, и по дизайну....Just because i'm also play on this model
Re: Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол
Автор: Обеспеченный Ездок   Дата: 15.08.09 10:48:56   
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Re: Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол
Автор: Bzeg   Дата: 15.08.09 12:20:32   
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Только на днях вспоминал этого Великого Человека.. И все думал как он в свои 94 ещё умудрялся выступать..
Очень жаль.. Тяжелая потеря..
Re: Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол
Автор: Just W   Дата: 17.08.09 16:34:57   
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Les Paul, the "father of the electric guitar", has died aged 94
Re: Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол
Автор: Just W   Дата: 17.08.09 16:36:24   
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Tributes were paid to Paul from many musicians who used his guitar design that became one of the most widely used in the music industryTributes were paid to Paul from many musicians who used his guitar design that became one of the most widely used in the music industry

Re: Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол
Автор: Just W   Дата: 17.08.09 16:38:17   
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The musician, who was still performing regularly in Manhattan not long before his death, created the Gibson Les Paul guitar in 1952, the instrument was used by an array of artistsThe musician, who was still performing regularly in Manhattan not long before his death, created the Gibson Les Paul guitar in 1952, the instrument was used by an array of artists
Re: Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол
Автор: Just W   Дата: 17.08.09 16:39:18   
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Northern Irish guitarist Gary Moore plays at the 42nd Montreux Jazz Festival on July 7, 2008Northern Irish guitarist Gary Moore plays at the 42nd Montreux Jazz Festival on July 7, 2008
Re: Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол
Автор: Just W   Дата: 17.08.09 16:41:16   
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Led Zeppelin guitarist, Jimmy Page, performing during the closing ceremony for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games at the National Stadium on August 24, 2008Led Zeppelin guitarist, Jimmy Page, performing during the closing ceremony for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games at the National Stadium on August 24, 2008
Re: Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол
Автор: Just W   Дата: 17.08.09 16:44:04   
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Re: Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол
Автор: anmo-222   Дата: 19.08.09 04:00:36   
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светлая память... молодец что жил так долго и творил..
Re: Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 15.10.09 03:15:25   
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Фото: Queen's Brian May, left, jams with Les Paul, right, inventor of the electric guitar, at Fat Tuesday's, a jazz club in New York City.
Фото: Queen's Brian May, left, jams with Les Paul, right, inventor of the electric guitar, at Fat Tuesday's, a jazz club in New York City.

Les Paul frequently welcomed fellow musicians, of all styles, to his stage. Besides Brian May, other guests have included Jimmy Page, Steve Miller, Eddie Van Halen and Keith Richards.
(Photo © 1992 by Jim O'Donnell)

Панегерик от Брайана Мэя

I'd like to add my tribute to the great man, Les Paul, who died this week.

The world would be significantly different today without the input of this man's life's work. As a kid, I heard rumours of a great guitarist .. only rumours, because the music scene was ruled by Rock and Roll as I was growing up ... which at a stroke had swept away (temporarily) the visibility of more mellow forms of music. So I never heard Les Paul on the radio ... but I went to my favourite mystical magical place, the record shop Waldren's in Hounslow .... and bought the only Les Paul record I could find. It was an EP - extended play 45 vinyl disc, in a colour sleeve, showing Les and his wife, Mary Ford. I spent hours just looking at the cover trying to figure out what was happening on the guitar which Les had in his lap! The record included "Johnny is the Boy for Me" sung by Mary - very appealing and old-fashioned, I thought, with rippling accompaniment from Les on his guitar. And three instrumentals ... including "Little Rock Getaway". It was this track which grabbed me most . The guitar was multitracked but also speeded up to various degrees ... it was a very futuristic production. Les had played the tracks with quite a lot of finger-damping, making a sort of pizzicato effect, and there was a multi-return echo on it too ... a set of tape delays which lifted the sound into an 'unworldly' place. All this stuff was Les's invention. I still have the record, and when I met Les in New York a lifetime later, I talked about it to him. I told him I had tried to play it, as a kid, but without complete succes!

I only discovered yesterday that there is a clip on YouTube of me playing with Les. I had no idea. If you watch it - it's only a fragment - you'll see that I'm mostly singing, not playing, like most guitarists did when they were guests at this, his "Fat Tuesday's" club. The reason was I didn't feel worthy of competing! I was a guest along with two other players, both of whom could trade flurries of Jazz notes with Les - and did, to great effect. It was not my thing ... so I played and sang an old Blind Blake blues song which I have always held dear ... "Early Morning Blues". Listening to this, I realise for the first time what lovely counterpoint and detail Les was adding to the song ... at the time I was too busy wondering if I could remember all the words, probably!!

It was my only time of meeting with the venerable Mr. Paul. I don't think he was particularly impressed with me, except for the fact that I too had invented a guitar ... but I don't think he welcomed that thought with much pleasure either!! Les Paul will always have my greatest respect - an innovator, a wonderful distinctive player, and an essential pillar in the foundations of modern rock. God bless 'im!!

RIP Les Paul



Re: Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол
Автор: ledzep   Дата: 12.08.10 17:07:09   
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Год прошёл как умер Лес Пол.
У нас принято справлять 9 дней, 40 дней и год; пришло время.
(Понимаю что в Москве было уже 13-е число, но лично с ним это произошло 12-го)
А за 41 год ровно до этого впервые собрались поиграть будущие ЛедЗеп.
Re: Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 12.08.10 21:46:54   
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Помним Лес Пола!И гитару его ,благодаря Джими Пейджу, в самом начале 70-х я тоже запомнил!
Re: Умер гитарист-виртуоз Лес Пол
Автор: Грибушин Сергей Иванович   Дата: 07.06.12 17:46:22   
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Лес Пол, Gibson Les PaulЛес Пол, Gibson Les Paul

Обладающий характерным «жирным», столь любимым рок-гитаристами звуком инструмент Лес Пол производил совместно с компанией Gibson долгие годы. В просторечии музыканты величали эту гитару «the log» («бревно») из-за того, что датчики и струны крепились к толстому центральному монолитному куску дерева, к которому доклеивались нижняя и верхняя части корпуса.
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