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Let It Be на DVD

Тема: Битлз - Let It Be (1970)

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Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: loshchev   Дата: 28.02.05 12:43:15   
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Подскажите пожалуйста, что это такое. Издание на ДВД только в этом году ожидается, или это только России касается?Подскажите пожалуйста, что это такое. Издание на ДВД только в этом году ожидается, или это только России касается?
Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 05.04.05 00:04:30   
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Прошло 3 года с момента создания этой темы, а воз и ныне там. По слухам, издание Let It Be на ДВД ожидается не раньше весны 2006...
Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 05.04.05 12:14:02   
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Ну давайте тогда надеяться, что издание будет хотя бы двойным, с разными дополнениями, снято ведь очень много.
Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: BLANDEST   Дата: 05.04.05 12:53:48   
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и с титрами бы еще хорошо, а то я пару моментов как ни старался, не понял!
Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 10.04.05 21:09:55   
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Россия 4 года назад... Дед.Россия 4 года назад...
Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 10.04.05 21:14:11   
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Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: Вад   Дата: 14.04.05 01:59:40   
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Еще одно Российское издание. Система – NTSC. Информация на этот ДВД была перенесена с японского лазерного диска 1985 года издания. Причем, перенесена неудачно – звук отстает от изображения.Еще одно Российское издание. Система – NTSC. Информация на этот ДВД была перенесена с японского лазерного диска 1985 года издания. Причем, перенесена неудачно – звук отстает от изображения.
Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: Вад   Дата: 14.04.05 02:02:08   
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Германия. Очень хорошая картинка, но вот только немецкие титры отключить нельзя.Германия. Очень хорошая картинка, но вот только немецкие титры отключить нельзя.
Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 14.04.05 22:55:10   
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У меня по России по звуку все нормально, брали же с лазерки!
Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: Вад   Дата: 14.04.05 23:09:04   
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На диске от Деваля (где русский текст на обложке), действительно все нормально. Я имею ввиду издание, где на полиграфии все прописано на английском.
Кстати звук отстает не на всем протяжении фильма. Даже догадываюсь, что могло произойти. Я как-то добавил в начале программы 1 секунду темного экрана, когда монтировал диск. И у меня точно также «съехал» звук. Очевидно, когда перешли на вторую сторону лазерного диска, то ничего не меняли. Диск этот имел несколько тиражей. У меня самый первый. Не буду отрицать, что позже этот дефект могли устранить, но у меня именно такое издание с отстованием.
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Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.06.05 21:29:40   
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If you're wondering about "Let It Be," it's status is uncertain, though it's still in the pipeline. It may be released this year, but our source said next year is more likely.
Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.06.05 08:57:28   
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June 29, 2005

The restored version of the Beatles' "Let It Be" film will be released on DVD in September 2005.

Director Bob Smeaton told Archer of 99.5 The Mountain's "Breakfast With The Beatles" that the delay in restoring the movie was related to the sheer volume of film that had been shot.

Before he could tackle the project, which began last year, Smeaton was involved with painstakingly restoring footage of the film documenting the famous "Festival Express," which featured Janis Joplin, the Band and the Grateful Dead on a bus tour of Canada.

The DVD version of "Let It Be" has required an immense amount of film cleaning and color restoration, and Smeaton says viewers will be amazed with the results.

"It will also feature some remarkable bonus material," Smeaton added.
Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.07.05 16:15:53   
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Beatles breakup film due on DVDBeatles breakup film due on DVD
By TERRY OTT - Special to The Sun

Could the end of the long, long winding road to the release on DVD of the Beatles' 1970 breakup flick, Let It Be, actually be in sight?

According to Beatles Anthology director Bob Smeaton, the Let It Be DVD, punched up with "remarkable bonus material," will be released in September. Smeaton told a Denver, Colo., radio station that the DVD release had been delayed due to the sheer volume of film stock shot, and colour restoration issues.

Although Smeaton did not identify any of the extra material, Beatles fans are clamoring for a 5.1 surround sound mix, and the inclusion of what's known as the complete rooftop gig. That's the Jan. 30, 1969, 35-minute show played by the Fab Four on the roof of their London headquarters, but which was only partially shown in the film.

Good quality audio-only bootlegs of the complete show are in circulation, but film of the mini concert has remained secure in Apple Corps vaults.

The original 80-minute Let It Be film, unavailable on home video for over 20 years, is expected on DVD to be fleshed out with original Nagra audio recordings that went missing from Apple in the early '70s, but which were recovered in a police raid on bootleggers in the Netherlands in January 2003.

The recovered tapes would allow some film footage that was without original sound to be used for the DVD, including many Beatles takes of old time rock 'n' roll and jam sessions.
Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.07.05 12:39:53   
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The Beatles Let It Be Heads to DVDThe Beatles Let It Be Heads to DVD
20 July 2005

The Beatles documentary Let It Be is finally going to be released on DVD.

Apple Records, the company started by The Beatles to produce their music, will release the Let It Be DVD in September.

The disc will also include bonus footage not seen in the movie.

The Let It Be documentary was meant to track the recording of The Beatles in the studio but instead captured the disintegration of the band.

However, the footage is legendary.

The now classic Beatles rooftop appearance was part of the movie. The scene was recently recreated by U2 and was also sent up in the Simpson's Barbershop episode.

Let It Be was produced by Neil Aspinall and directed by Michael Lindsey-Hogg.

It features songs such as Don't Let Me Down, Maxwell's Silver Hammer, Two Of Us, I've Got A Feeling, Oh Darling, One After 909, Across The Universe, Dig A Pony, I Me Mine, For You Blue, Besame Mucho, Dig It, Get Back and Let It Be.
Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 18.10.05 11:38:09   
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From Abbeyroad beatles news page:

A bunch of conflicting rumors are flying about LIB. First, the Detroit Free Press ( ) in a little gray graphic in the web layout of the main story about Paul (they're called "sidebars" in the industry) says "Let It Be" will be released in November.

Then Barry Delve sent us a note saying the latest issue of Record Collector in the UK reports 'Let it Be' is down for a December 6th release. He says, "It is described thus: Widescreen; Out take footage; BBC radio interviews with John & Yoko; A tribute to John Lennon: the man the music the memories; An unissued performance of Imagine from New York's Apollo Theatre in December 1971." It appears, as several people have pointed out in emails Monday morning, that Record Collector has LIB confused with "Imagine: the Movie."

Then, Allen Stearns sends us this:

As a long time abbeyrd web site visitor, I've been watching for info on the Let It Be DVD. I order from several companies in the UK, and just got an intersting mailing today. The company Key Mail Order in Surrey UK sent me an order form for upcoming Beatles releases. They are taking orders for the Let It BE DVD, with a release date (they say) of December 6th. No word in the mailing if it is PAL or an all region DVD. Could this be correct?

Finally, Steve Dirkx sends this:

In the current issue of Mojo (Bob Dylan on cover) there's a blurb that Let it be will be released "next month", but the issue is dated Sept., and this is already October...

So what is true? According to Apple -- who would know, don't you think? -- none of it. For an upcoming article in ICE Magazine, , Matt Hurwitz says he spoke with Apple's Jonathan Clyde, who noted an incredible amount of work still needs to be done on "Let it Be," and that it is still nowhere near completion.
Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.11.05 12:14:35   
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Очередной слух. На этот раз о том, что выпуск ДВД будет отложен до 2007 года.
Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 21.11.05 13:13:45   
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Ну вааще, целый год мурыжили, и здрассти.
Буду надеятся, что все же только слух.
Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 31.05.10 16:17:25   
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If you don't catch BBC Radio's 40th anniversary tribute special about Let It Be before it goes offline in the next few days, you'll miss a possible ray of hope for anyone wishing for the movie to get re-released or finally come out on DVD.If you don't catch BBC Radio's 40th anniversary tribute special about "Let It Be" before it goes offline in the next few days, you'll miss a possible ray of hope for anyone wishing for the movie to get re-released or finally come out on DVD.

At the very end of the hourlong broadcast, announcer Guy Garvey says "The word is from Apple is that work has begun on the restoration of the film with a future re-release at a future date still to be determined."
Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: twasini   Дата: 31.05.10 22:13:01   
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Дааа, ray of hope, боюсь мне лично не светит! Если работа над реставрацией только-только началась, то банально не доживу до ее окончания... А жаль!
Re: Let It Be на DVD
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 01.06.10 08:43:05   
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>At the very end of the hourlong broadcast, announcer Guy Garvey says...

Задрали уже обещаниями, уж лучше бы молчали в тряпочку до самого релиза.
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