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Альбом со своей полки.

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Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 14:08:54   
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Sampled pipes herald the ten-minute opener “Perfumed River”. It starts with a brooding atmospheric opening combining electronica and spidery acoustic guitar to accompany Fish's half-sung, half-spoken vocal, before exploding into the full-blown rock in the second half of the song. It's an epic combining many of the best aspects of Fish's recent music in one song, and makes a perfect opening to the album.
Sampled pipes herald the ten-minute opener “Perfumed River”. It starts with a brooding atmospheric opening combining electronica and spidery acoustic guitar to accompany Fish's half-sung, half-spoken vocal, before exploding into the full-blown rock in the second half of the song. It's an epic combining many of the best aspects of Fish's recent music in one song, and makes a perfect opening to the album.

The Gathering

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 14:24:24   
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The next two numbers are more straightforward. “All Loved Up” is a hard rocker reminiscent of The Rolling Stones, with lyrics taking aim at the vacuity of the X-Factor celebrity culture. In contrast “Blind to the Beautiful” is a stripped-down acoustic number in the style of the unplugged trio tour from a couple of years, enhanced by some superb violin from Aidan O'Rourke.
The next two numbers are more straightforward. “All Loved Up” is a hard rocker reminiscent of The Rolling Stones, with lyrics taking aim at the vacuity of the X-Factor celebrity culture. In contrast “Blind to the Beautiful” is a stripped-down acoustic number in the style of the unplugged trio tour from a couple of years, enhanced by some superb violin from Aidan O'Rourke.

Thistle Alley

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 14:57:09   
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It's an old joke that if you play a Country and Western record backwards, you get your woman, your dog and your truck back. Not that he's in any way a Country artist, but it wouldn't be Fish album without at least one bitter song about a break-up, and the angrily rocking title track is one of several such numbers on the album.
It's an old joke that if you play a Country and Western record backwards, you get your woman, your dog and your truck back. Not that he's in any way a Country artist, but it wouldn't be Fish album without at least one bitter song about a break-up, and the angrily rocking title track is one of several such numbers on the album.

The Leaving

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 15:10:54   
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But the heart of the album is the five part “High Wood Suite”, the first extended concept piece since “Plague of Ghosts” back in the 90s. It's inspired by the World War One battle in which both his grandfathers fought. It starts with a picture of the battlefield in the present-day, with the sounds of birds and agricultural machinery, before taking us back to terrible human stories of the men who fought and died almost a century ago.
But the heart of the album is the five part “High Wood Suite”, the first extended concept piece since “Plague of Ghosts” back in the 90s. It's inspired by the World War One battle in which both his grandfathers fought. It starts with a picture of the battlefield in the present-day, with the sounds of birds and agricultural machinery, before taking us back to terrible human stories of the men who fought and died almost a century ago.

The Other Side of Me

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 15:31:58   
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 The twists and turns of the music through Celtic atmospherics and angry jagged riffs reflect the initial enthusiasm of the recruits dashed against the horrors of war and the ultimate futility of it all. Both musically and lyrically it's one of the most powerfully moving things Fish has ever done.
The twists and turns of the music through Celtic atmospherics and angry jagged riffs reflect the initial enthusiasm of the recruits dashed against the horrors of war and the ultimate futility of it all. Both musically and lyrically it's one of the most powerfully moving things Fish has ever done.
After the intensity of the “High Wood”, the final two songs are something of a coda, returning to the more personal heart-on-sleeve territory of the title track. The reflective ballad “The Other Half of Me” wouldn't have sounded out of place on “13th Star”, and the closing “The Great Unravelling” makes a fitting end, with some fantastic call-and-response vocals from Liz Antwi.

A Feast of Consequences

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 16:04:40   
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As with 13th Star, the album is produced by Calum Malcolm, and his production captures the sort of intensity and energy levels more often associated with the best live albums. Robin Boult in particular plays some great raw-sounding guitar; not that much in the way of showboating solos but some powerful riffs and rhythm parts, especially on heavier parts of the High Wood suite. Guests Liz Antwi and Andy O'Rourke both leave strong marks.
As with 13th Star, the album is produced by Calum Malcolm, and his production captures the sort of intensity and energy levels more often associated with the best live albums. Robin Boult in particular plays some great raw-sounding guitar; not that much in the way of showboating solos but some powerful riffs and rhythm parts, especially on heavier parts of the High Wood suite. Guests Liz Antwi and Andy O'Rourke both leave strong marks.

Crucifix Corner

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 17:22:29   
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Despite his much publicized vocal problems of the recent past, Fish is on fine form vocally throughout, as ought to have been obvious to anyone who's seen him live recently. It's true that he doesn't have power or the upper register from his early days, but with songs arranged to fit his current range he's still a very evocative singer. Lyrically he's long moved on from the overcooked style of early Marillion albums, with a more direct but poetic style that deserves recognition in the wider rock world as one of British music's finest lyricists.Despite his much publicized vocal problems of the recent past, Fish is on fine form vocally throughout, as ought to have been obvious to anyone who's seen him live recently. It's true that he doesn't have power or the upper register from his early days, but with songs arranged to fit his current range he's still a very evocative singer. Lyrically he's long moved on from the overcooked style of early Marillion albums, with a more direct but poetic style that deserves recognition in the wider rock world as one of British music's finest lyricists.

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 17:41:19   
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It all amounts to an album that's well worth the six year wait. Fish's extensive post-Marillion career has seen some ups and downs, with strong albums interspersed with patchier and sometimes flawed works. “Feast of Consequences” is one of his best works for many years. In some ways it comes over as a combination of the strongest elements of his last few albums without any of those album's weaknesses.
It all amounts to an album that's well worth the six year wait. Fish's extensive post-Marillion career has seen some ups and downs, with strong albums interspersed with patchier and sometimes flawed works. “Feast of Consequences” is one of his best works for many years. In some ways it comes over as a combination of the strongest elements of his last few albums without any of those album's weaknesses.

Line-up / Musicians

Fish (vocals)
Robin Boult (guitar)
Foss Paterson (keyboards)
Steve Vantsis (bass)
Gavin Griffiths (drums)
Liz Antwi - backing vocals,
Aidan O'Rourke - violin, string and brass sections

The Great Unravelling

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 19:07:12   
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The Best of Enya: “Paint Sky With Stars” 1997
The Best of Enya: “Paint Sky With Stars” 1997

Прекрасный вечер, прекрасная музыка.

Paint the Sky with Stars — сборник лучших произведений ирландской певицы Enya, выпущенный в 1997 году. Сборник также включает 2 новых трека “Paint the Sky with Stars” и “Only If...”.

Paint the Sky With Stars
Enya / Roma Ryan

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 19:11:21   
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Paint the Sky with Stars: The Best of Enya is an excellent 16-song overview of Enya 's career, containing 14 selections from The Celts , Watermark , Shepherd Moon , and The Memory of Trees -- including Caribbean Blue, Anywhere Is, Marble Halls, Book of Days, and, of course, Orinoco Flow -- as well as two previously unreleased songs (Only If..., Paint the Sky with Stars) that fit comfortably with her past work.
Paint the Sky with Stars: The Best of Enya is an excellent 16-song overview of Enya 's career, containing 14 selections from The Celts , Watermark , Shepherd Moon , and The Memory of Trees -- including "Caribbean Blue," "Anywhere Is," "Marble Halls," "Book of Days," and, of course, "Orinoco Flow" -- as well as two previously unreleased songs ("Only If...," "Paint the Sky with Stars") that fit comfortably with her past work.

Only If
Enya / Roma Ryan

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 19:28:00   
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 Although Enya is, in many ways, an album artist that creates a mood and sustains it through the course of one disc, this is a fine sampler for listeners who only want the hits and highlights.
Although Enya is, in many ways, an album artist that creates a mood and sustains it through the course of one disc, this is a fine sampler for listeners who only want the hits and highlights.

The Celts
Enya / Roma Ryan

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 19:36:08   
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Эния (Enya, полное имя — Энья Патриша Ни Бреннан, ирл. Eithne Pádraigín Ní Bhraonáin;) — ирландская певица, автор музыки к фильмам. Проживает в замке Мандерли в Дублине, Ирландия. Младшая сестра певицы Мойи Бреннан.
Эния (Enya, полное имя — Энья Патриша Ни Бреннан, ирл. Eithne Pádraigín Ní Bhraonáin;) — ирландская певица, автор музыки к фильмам. Проживает в замке Мандерли в Дублине, Ирландия. Младшая сестра певицы Мойи Бреннан.

China Roses
Enya / Roma Ryan

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 19:52:40   
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Эния родилась 17 мая 1961 года на северо-западе Ирландии, в маленькой деревне Дор-Бартли (ирл. Dore Bartley) в области Гуидор в графстве Донегол (ирл. Donegal). Она была средним ребёнком в семье — у неё четверо братьев и четыре сестры. Её отец Лео был владельцем местного паба. Её мать преподавала музыку в местной школе. Детей поощряли, если они занимались музыкой. Эния стала брать уроки фортепиано и изучать классическую музыку.
Эния родилась 17 мая 1961 года на северо-западе Ирландии, в маленькой деревне Дор-Бартли (ирл. Dore Bartley) в области Гуидор в графстве Донегол (ирл. Donegal). Она была средним ребёнком в семье — у неё четверо братьев и четыре сестры. Её отец Лео был владельцем местного паба. Её мать преподавала музыку в местной школе. Детей поощряли, если они занимались музыкой. Эния стала брать уроки фортепиано и изучать классическую музыку.

Storms in Africa
Enya / Roma Ryan

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 23:41:18   
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Всё это происходило в небольшом ирландском городке Dore Bartley, где многие говорили только на своём родном кельтском языке. И я слушала музыку, любые направления традиционной кельтской музыки. Мои родители были музыкантами. Папа, когда ему было 14, стал заниматься церковной музыкой, а потом и сам взялся за сочинение кельтских баллад. Мама была учительницей музыки в моей школе, и я росла в атмосфере, когда тебя окружает только прекрасная музыка.
Всё это происходило в небольшом ирландском городке Dore Bartley, где многие говорили только на своём родном кельтском языке. И я слушала музыку, любые направления традиционной кельтской музыки. Мои родители были музыкантами. Папа, когда ему было 14, стал заниматься церковной музыкой, а потом и сам взялся за сочинение кельтских баллад. Мама была учительницей музыки в моей школе, и я росла в атмосфере, когда тебя окружает только прекрасная музыка.

Shepherd Moons
Enya / Roma Ryan

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 23:49:46   
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•Продюсер: Ники Райан
•Аранжировка: Эния, Ники Райан
•Тексты: Рома Райан
•Аранжировка Marble Halls: Эния, Ники Райан
•Все треки выпущены EMI Songs Ltd
•Фотографии: Давид Шайнманн
•Каллиграфия и дизайн: Броди Нойеншвандер
•Мастеринг: Арун

Enya / Roma Ryan

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 02.02.14 23:53:03   
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Au revoir!  Mes couhaits.  A bientôt.  Salut!Au revoir!

Mes couhaits.

A bientôt.

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 07.02.14 18:17:09   
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Various Artists: “Jazz and Floyd” The coolest and sexiest songbook of Pink Floyd 2012
Various Artists: “Jazz and Floyd” The coolest and sexiest songbook of Pink Floyd 2012

Очень лёгкий и приятный трибьют на флойдовские вещи в джазовом стиле.

Celso Mendes & Mayra Montero: Wish You Were Here

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 07.02.14 18:37:59   
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Сборник Jazz and Floyd, как ещё один кирпич в стену, продолжает серию Jazz and ..., выходящую на Аргентинском лейбле Music Brokers.
Сборник Jazz and Floyd, как ещё один кирпич в стену, продолжает серию Jazz and ..., выходящую на Аргентинском лейбле Music Brokers.

Stella Starlight Trio: Another Brick In The Wall, Part 2

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 07.02.14 18:50:12   
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2013 release, the newest volume in the ongoing saga of outstanding Jazz stylings synonymous with good taste and elegance.
2013 release, the newest volume in the ongoing saga of outstanding Jazz stylings synonymous with good taste and elegance.

Michelle Simonal: Time

Re: Альбом со своей полки.
Автор: fin   Дата: 07.02.14 19:08:03   
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 Jazz and Floyd brings you the songs made famous by the creators of The Wall in new Jazz versions, with all the sophistication of the New York Jazz club scene.
Jazz and Floyd brings you the songs made famous by the creators of The Wall in new Jazz versions, with all the sophistication of the New York Jazz club scene.

George White Group & Elizabeth Sparks: Money

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