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Ringo Starr news

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Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: маклен   Дата: 19.04.09 14:26:11   
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душа битлз.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: маклен   Дата: 19.04.09 22:49:41   
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как вам последний альбом ринго???
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Maureen Zhuk   Дата: 20.04.09 06:41:35   
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>как вам последний альбом ринго???

Это про Liverpool,8 ? Честно? Да ни так, чтоб я на люстре от восторга висела :(. А хотелось бы :)...
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: gloster   Дата: 15.10.09 14:20:41   
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Из всего его сольного творчества мне наиболее известен уже упоминавшийся "Rotogravure". Маккартниевская "Pure Gold" с него - очень ничего, хотя в одном музыкальном издании прочитал, что песня не соответствует его исполнительской манере. Почему? Очень даже соответствует!
А теперь насчет милейшего создания человечества. Кто-нибудь слышал, как это "милейшее создание человечества" вело себя в августе 1998 г. во время гастролей "All Stars Band" в Питере? Об этом говорится в книге "МacCartney. День за днем". Автора не помню - книги под рукой нет.То-ли Трофимов, то-ли как то еще... Короче, вел себя отвратительно.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: V-A-N The Beatles Forever   Дата: 15.10.09 20:24:09   
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Ринго первый ударник который доказал, что барабанщик имеет большое значение для группы. Он был и остаётся для остальных из Битлов хорошим другом. Ринго был стабилизатором в группе во время конфликтов, а после распада вспомните его отношения с остальными? Ринго неотъемлимая часть THE BEATLES.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: маклен   Дата: 16.10.09 00:13:37   
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2V-A-N The Beatles Forever:

Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 27.10.09 19:28:33   
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Ringo Starr news:)
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Paully McCartney   Дата: 27.10.09 21:25:19   
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просто Ринго в Битлз был там душа компании.........просто весельчак
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Igor 63   Дата: 27.10.09 21:57:05   
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А мне очень понравилась песня про Ливэпул! И весь альбом! Ринго один был у Леннона, ходил к Полу, тот его выпнул, первым был в нашей страничке, собрав битломанов, было дело - Джон говорил - ну ка Ричи - сгоняй за пивком! Самое странное - без Ринго - нет Битлз, а как он играл на первом Ленноне! Плэстике!
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Dr. Robert!   Дата: 06.02.10 10:47:32   
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А вот скажите, чего это Ринго почти всегда в тёмных очках? Трудно его увидеть без очков. Какое сему объяснение?
Добрый профессор  
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Alisa5White   Дата: 06.02.10 12:49:50   
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светлые глаза очень восприимчивы к свету
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: senegalka   Дата: 10.02.10 00:45:49   
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Ринго постоянно шутил. Я прочитала интервью Битлс, самые смешные реплики- у Ринго.

А почему никто не пишет- буквально на прошлой неделе Ринго вручал награды "Грэмми" в Лос Анжелесе, и открыл свою звезду где то там же, в Америке.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Dr. Robert!   Дата: 10.02.10 01:09:59   
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Кажется, этого не было в новостях:

2010-02-04 11:15:00
Ринго Старр признается, что, наконец, нашел Бога

Лондон. 4 февраля. ИНТЕРФАКС - Легендарный музыкант и бывший ударник
группы "Beatles" Ринго Старр утверждает, что "нашел Бога".

Р.Cтарр, которому в июле исполнится 70 лет, признался, что в молодости сбился с истинного пути: сначала, будучи среди "битлов", он экспериментировал с ЛСД и марихуаной, а после распада группы в 1970-е годы приобрел зависимость от алкоголя и кокаина, пишет британская газета "Дейли телеграф".

В своем недавнем интервью американской газете "Лос-Анджелес таймс" Р.Старр, который к настоящему времени бросил пить и покончил с многолетней привычкой выкуривать по 60 сигарет в день, признался, что религия играет очень важную роль в его жизни.

"Чувствую, что, чем старше становлюсь, тем больше учусь управлять своей жизнью", - сказал музыкант, добавив, что искал себя на протяжении многих лет.

"Бог присутствует в моей жизни. И я не прячусь от этого... Думаю, что мои поиски начались с шестидесятых годов. Я на много лет сбился с верного пути, но, слава Богу, нашел дорогу обратно", - сказал музыкант.

Сейчас Ринго вегетарианец. Он женат на 62-летней актрисе Барбаре Бах, сыгравшей девушку Бонда, и имеет три дома - в Лос-Анджелесе, Лондоне и Монако.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: koderr   Дата: 10.02.10 04:01:26   
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а я вообщзе похож на Ринго!
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Crochard   Дата: 10.02.10 13:46:04   
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Да что там еще гутарить! Ринго - самый лучший (внимание на фото: рекламщики - продвигайте только яблоки от Ринго!!!)Да что там еще гутарить! Ринго - самый лучший (внимание на фото: рекламщики - продвигайте только яблоки от Ринго!!!)
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Dr. Robert!   Дата: 10.02.10 15:30:21   
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А "Ринго" на японском языке и означает, вроде бы, "Яблоко". Есть даже такой японский напиток "Ринго Сутарр". С этим напитком связан был вопрос на конкурсе, на который смог ответить Андрей Луканин, в результате чего получил личную встречу с Ринго.

Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: senegalka   Дата: 13.02.10 01:16:20   
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Ринго -молодчага!

Курить по 60 сигарет в день и так хорошо сохраниться - по видимому сказывается его веселый, добрый нрав.

2Dr. Robert!:

>Андрей Луканин, в результате чего получил личную
>встречу с Ринго

Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 13.04.10 22:03:03   
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‘Scouse The Mouse’ 1977
Scouse - Ringo Starr
Bonce - Adam Faith
Molly Jolly - Barbara Dickson
Mr Jolly/Captain - Michael Golden
Holly Jolly - Miranda Pleasence (Sung by Lucy Pleasence)
Olly Jolly - Ben Chatterly
Little Boy/Geoffrey The Cat - Henry Wolfe
American Lady - Ruby Wax
Louey The Gull - Rick Jones
Narrator - Donald Pleasence
Polly Jolly - Polly Pleasence
Story By - Donald Pleasence
1. Living In A Pet Shop
Roger Brown
I got up today and I took a look around,
I was living in a pet shop.
Living this life is really getting me down,
Living in a pet shop.
All of this noise and all of this clatter,
All day long we just chat, chat, chatter.
Oh, what a life, will it ever stop?
Living in a pet shop.
Aum -
I've been here, it's all I ever have known,
Living in a pet shop.
All I ever wanted was a home of my own
But i'm living in a pet shop.
You might say we're a little overcrowded, (meow-)
Chock-a-bloc bunnies, there's no doubt about it.
Oh, what a life, will it ever stop?
Living in a pet shop.
Come on, people, won't somebody try me?
I'm a nice fellow, won't somebody buy me?
Aum -
Aum - (animal scat sing)
I got up today and I took a look around,
I was living in a pet shop.
Living this life is really getting me down,
Living in a pet shop.
(meow -)
If I stay here my heart is gonna break me, (meo -)
If you're going my way, won't you, please, take me?
Oh, what a life, will it ever stop?
Living in a pet shop,
Living in a pet shop.
(Oh, what a life will it ever stop - aum-meow-)
"I shall be bought by someone rich and famous. I shall live in a golden cage in a great house." said the with mouse to a budgerigar. they were sitting in a window of a pet shop in Liverpool. they spoke a language called animo which no human being can understand. all the dogs and cats, birds and fish spoke animo.

A little boy came into the shop.
"I'm looking for a mouse." The boy bought the mouse.
The mouse opened his eyes in a house in Liverpool. He was in a cage. People were talking about him. He couldn't' understand them. At this time he could speak only animo.
"I must learn this language," thought the mouse, "if I'm to get anywhere at all."
"Hey, you lot! come and get your scouse!" shouted mother. scouse is a kind of stew made in Liverpool. "Here you are, mouse, have a bit of scouse, you're a Liverpool mouse so you should eat scouse. Hey! that's what I'll call him, Scouse the Mouse!"
The father switched on the television.

Scouse the Mouse had discovered television. He watched everything. He watched the rock groups. Scouse's favorite group was called The Jollies. They were a musical family.
2. Sing A Song For The Tragopan
Roger Brown and Donald Pleasence
When I spoke to him in china, the Tragopan said,
I don't wanna niggle, but I think I'll soon be dead.
If they chop down the trees I'll have nowhere to hide,
Along will come a hunter and he'll take me by surprise.
Let's sing a song for the Tragopan,
The pheasant who can't live without ease.
Don't let them chop down the trees that he'll need,
The tragopan can't live without leaves.
Last seen in China, the Tragopan said,
How would you feel if they took away your bed,
Closed up your garage and pulled out the phone,
Took away the deep freeze and left you all alone?
Let's sing a song for the Tragopan,
The pheasant who can't live without ease.
Don't let them chop down the trees that he'll need,
The Tragopan can't live without leaves.
Let's sing a song for the Tragopan,
The pheasant who can't live without ease.
Don't let them chop down the trees that he'll need,
The Tragopan can't live without leaves.
Don't let them chop down the trees that he'll need,
The Tragopan can't live without leaves.
Don't let them chop down the trees that he'll need,
The Tragopan can't live without leaves.
Scouse was learning English. He was learning English from the television. At night, when the family had gone to bed, he pretended to be a singer. He imagined he was with the Jolly family on the television screen. He wrote a song.
As he sang his song, he pretended the Jollies were with him, playing his music.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 13.04.10 22:03:36   
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3. Scouse's Dream
Roger Brown
I sit and watch while others sing and dance,
But I know some day I will have my chance.
I'm down today, it's true,
My chances have been few,
But I'm not discouraged 'cause I know what I can do.
I may be a tiny mouse and in a cage,
But I know I belong upon the stage.
And some day I will be
A personality
And then the one I'm watching on the TV will be me.
Now people tend to treat a mouse
With simple conversations,
But I am like no mouse you've ever seen.
So if you think of me that way,
Then maybe I should mention,
I'm scouse the mouse and I have got a dream.
So look out, world, 'cause here I come,
If you want someone special, I'm the one.
Although I may be small,
It doesn't bother me at all,
'Cause I know in my heart that some day I'll be ten feet tall.
Nobody heard this mouse singing in the night as he dreamed of the famous life on the television.
Christmas came.
On Christmas morning the boy ran in, chewing a mince pie.
"Here you are, mister Scouse, it's a christmas present for you." It was a tiny rope ladder.
"See if you can run up that!" the boy turned his back. the boy had left the door open!
Scouse sees the rope ladder and swung like Tarzan out into space.
"Hey! come back!"
There was a tiny hole in the wall. Scouse disappeared. Through the mousehole he could see his beloved telly. He felt something. Looked. A brown mouse was staring at him.
"Hello, Whitie!" said the brown mouse. in animo, of course.
"What? who's that? who are you?"
"I'm a mouse. I live here. I was watching you doing all those funny noises."
"That's speaking! that's English! I learnt it from the telly. I could teach you English. oh, sorry, I forgot, I leave tonight."
"Where you going?"
"Into the world! the world needs me! Why don't you join me, we could be a group?"
"I'll think about it."
"What's your name?"
"Bonce, because I've got a big head. My father called me that. he was a London mouse."
All that day, Scouse and Bonce watched through their peephole. People laughed and children played. The smell of the Christmas dinner. The mice were very hungry.
The Jollies were on the television. Bonce and Scouse watched.

4. Snow Up Your Nose For Christmas
Donald Pleasence and Meira Pleasence
Snow up your nose for Christmas,
Ice on your paws and your claws.
Ting-a-ling, ting-a-ling, ting-a-ling, learn to sing,
An animal's Christmas fit for a king.
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling,
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling-a-ling,
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling.
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling,
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling-a-ling,
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling.
It's not the best day of the year
For a duck or a goose or a deer.
Little chicks can get killed,
Father geese, I am told,
Hate the sight of the snow
And the rich Christmas chill.
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling-a-ling...
"Look! look! the Jollies' on TV! There's Molly Jolly and there's Holly Jolly and the electric guitar, and Mister Wally Jolly standing on his head and playing the trombone at the same time!"
"Who's the girl?"
"Polly Jolly!"
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling-a-ling,
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling.
Snow up your nose for Christmas,
Snow for a fat Santa Claus.
There is snow up your nose,
There is ice on his toes,
People gets presents wherever he goes.
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling-a-ling,
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling,
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling-a-ling,
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling.
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling-a-ling,
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling,
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling-a-ling,
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling.
Snow up your nose, wind on your face,
Snow up your nose on the whole human race.
Midnight, the family went to bed.
"I'm out! come on, Bonce, food!"
They ate Christmas cake, mints pies, cheese.
"Can't we pull one?"
"A cracker?"
"Well, they're all asleep, listen!"
The two mice pulled, the cracker parted with a bang. there was silence above them. Quiet as chocolate mice. the mice listened.
"Let's see what's inside."
"Little bag!"
"British Airways! just the thing for our survival kit."
He filled the toy bag with cheese and cake and jumped to the floor.
"We're away!"
Bonce nosed his way through the front door like an electric drill.
"After you, Scouse."
Scouse put his nose into the outside world.
"Oh, oh, it's, it's, it's cold out there! and there's white stuff, snow, I think."
"Oh, Scouse, I think I'll stay home."
"You call this home? Listen, you can always join me. Watch the telly. I'll be there."
"I'll be famous! famous people are always on the telly."
"Well, good luck then. bye."
"Eh... right!"
He went. Scouse the Mouse was free.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 13.04.10 22:05:22   
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5. Running Free
Roger Brown
I don't know how long I'll last,
But I've gotta get movin' and movin' fast.
I gotta break through to the other side,
I've got to run, I've got to fly.
Free, free, running free,
That's the way I was meant to be.
Free, free, running free,
Freedom looks pretty good to me.
Now i'm in a hurry and I can't stand still,
If I don't go now, you know, I never will.
I wanna be foot loose and free to roam,
I wanna call the whole wide world my home.
Free, free, running free,
That's the way I was meant to be.
Free, free, running free,
Freedom looks pretty good to me.
Living in a cage never really was my style.
Now I've got the chance, I'm a-runnin' every mile.
(Meow - meow - meow - meow - meow)
(Meow - meow - meow - meow)
I've got a plan, I've been waiting for the day
When I can get the chance to make my get away.
All I ever needed was an open door,
And now I'm gonna be away and that's for sure.
Free, free, running free,
That's the way I was meant to be.
Free, free, running free,
Freedom looks pretty good to me.
Run, run, run down the road. Where are you going, mouse, in the cold, in the freezing snow? Anywhere to be away from the cage, anywhere that will take me to life, to adventure. What's that in front of you? a ship!
"A ship! look at... lit up like a Christmas tree! What's that writing on the side?
The Queen ell... the Q.E.2!"
Scouse the mouse leapt onto the ship. sailors were pulling in the gang-plank.
"Next stop, New York!"
"America! A mouse's dream!"
Scouse seemed to hear the voice of his new cockney mouse friend, Bonce, singing to him, in animo.
6. America (A Mouse's Dream)
Roger Brown
If you're gonna be famous,
I know just where you should be.
Steppin' out on a stage somewhere
In the land of opportunity.
And if you're gonna be big time,
Bigger than any mouse short size.
You ought to be in America
And I am gonna tell you why.
In America you can steal the hearts,
See sights that's yet unseen.
They'll make you famous overnight
In America, a mouse's dream.
Me father learned a lot in London,
And one day he told me, "Son,
If you wanna know where the stars are born,
Well, I, I can tell you where it's done."
Now I'm simply ordinary,
So I may be where I may be.
But there's just one place in the whole wide world
I know for a mouse like you to be.
And that's America where you will find
The grass of greener green.
The fine you'll find is super fine
In America, a mouse's dream.
Just imagine New York City,
Just imagine old Broadway.
Don't you wish that you were there right now?
Don't you wish that you were on your way?
To america where the streets are of gold,
Although I've never been
I'm sure it's true, 'cause i've been told,
America's a mouse's dream.
A waiter in a white jacket came hurtling towards him, He was about to tread on Scouse when Scouse noticed that the door beside him was slightly open. He dodged inside and stood still in the room for a moment.
"That was a narrow squeak!"
In a large bed, covered by a silk quilt, propped up against satin pillows, surrounded by crayons and pieces of paper, dolls, stuffed animals, sat a small girl.
"Oh, good! you can talk!"
"Doesn't it surprise you?"
"No, all the animals in my dreams speak."
"I'm not a dream, I'm Scouse the mouse. I'm going to be famous! I can talk, I can sing, I learnt it from the telly."
"You're a dream! You're a dream! You're a dream!"
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