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Today In The Beatles History

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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 12:09:20   
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Этот день в истории Битлз:

"Mersey Beat" front page: "Beatles Top Poll!". Issue almost completely dedicated to the Beatles.

With The Beatles number 1, 5th week (UK Record Retailer).

"Beatles Christmas Show", at the Astoria Cinema, Finsbury Park, London.

Indifferent reaction of US critics after "The Jack Paar Show" transmision of a fragment of a Beatles concert.

"Another Beatles Christmas Show" at the Hammersmith Odeon, London (two performances).

Brian flies to New York to negotiate the next tour.

Studio 2. 7:00pm-2:45am. Recording: "Penny Lane" (overdub onto take 7). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick; 2nd Engineer: Phil McDonald.

The club Speakeasy opens at 48 Margaret Street, London.

The Beatles number 1, fifth week (UK Record Retailer.)
The Beatles number 1, second week (US Billboard).

"Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" number 1 for Marmalade (UK Record Retailer).

UK music weekly "Disc and Music Echo" reported that the Beatles were to release five new albums. One would be their first ever live album plus four separate LPs, each one the choice of Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and Starr.

Studio 2. 2:30pm-4:00am. Recording: "Let It Be" (overdub onto take 27, tape reduction edit of take 27 into takes 28-30 with simultaneous overdub, overdub onto take 30). Stereo mixing: "Let It Be" (remixes 1, 2, from take 30). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Phil McDonald; 2nd Engineer: Richard Langham.

Recording of brasses and second guitar solo for "Let It Be" (included on the LP version).

Last recording session of Paul, George and George Martin.

Last recording session of the Beatles as a band.

At the Kolnischer Kunstverein in Cologne, West Germany, the exhibition of Yoko's work "Happening And Fluxus" is shown.

"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" number 1 for Elton John (US Billboard).

Mal Evans dies in Los Angeles, in an unfortunate incident. In a drunken stupor, he had become uncontrollably violent. The recent divorce procedings of his marriage may have contributed to his mental state. The Los Angeles Police shoots him in self defense.

In Los Angeles, an exhibition of Linda's photographs is on display at the Jan Baum and Iris Silverman Gallery.

Start of sessions for London Town at Abbey Road Studios (second period).

The ITV network airs the presentation of highlights from the Kampuchea concerts, entitled "Rock For Kampuchea".

BBC1 shows a documentary called "Beatlemania", which takes a look at the past and present Beatles fans.

In Los Angeles, the Linda exhibition "Photographs" is displayed at the Molly Barnes Gallery.

Due to the Gulf War, Yoko, Sean and Lenny Kravitz update John's song "Give Peace A Chance" with twenty other recording artists.

At the Museum of Modern Art in Oxford, Yoko's art exhibition "Have You Seen The Horizon Lately" is on display.

The ITV network broadcasts the documentary "The Story Of Abbey Road", a program that looked into the conception and history of the now-famous recording studio. Among the interviews for this show are with Paul, George Martin and Pink Floyd, it also featured former Beatle Pete Best, returning to the studio for the first time in 34 years.

In Washington, D.C., an exhibition of Beatles photographs taken by Harry Benson is on display at the Govinda Gallery.

In Tampa, Florida, the exhibition of Linda's pictures entitled "Sixties" is on display at the Tampa Museum of Art.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 12:13:23   
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4 января4 января
Этот день в истории Битлз

1970: Запись: Let It Be - Последняя сессия звукозаписи Битлз как группы

1968: Пол и Джейн присутствуют на лондонской премьере фильма "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush" по сценарию Хантера Дэвиса

1967: Запись: Penny Lane

1965: Концерт Битлз: Another Beatles Christmas Show

1964: Концерт Битлз: The Beatles' Christmas Show

1964: Радио: различные интервью

1963: Концерт Битлз: Town Hall, Dingwall, Scotland(фото)
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 12:15:59   
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4 января 1963:4 января 1963:

Концерт Битлз: Town Hall(фото),Дингуолл,Шотландия
18.00, пятница

Это был второй концерт Битлз во время пятидневного шотландского тура группы в январе 1963 года.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 12:20:40   
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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 14:22:15   
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4 января 19624 января 1962
"Mersey Beat" front page: "Beatles Top Poll!". Issue almost completely dedicated to the Beatles.

The original historic Mersey Beat newspaper, issued on January 4th, 1962. This issue announced the results of its popularity poll in bold headlines on the front page: Beatles Top Poll! Just three days earlier the Beatles had auditioned for Decca Records, and after hearing news of the poll John, Paul, George, and Pete were elated. They knew that this public endorsement could not be ignored by co-producer Mike Smith at Decca and they would soon sign their names to a contract.
The next day, on January 5thm, Polydor Records released the UK recording of My Bonnie / The Saints by Tony Sheridan and the Beatles (Polydor NH 66833). This was the FIRST record with the name of the Beatles on the label. Also the same month, on January 13 they were mentioned in print for the first time in America by Cashbox magazine, who announced the release of their UK My Bonnie single in their International section. On January 22, a six-week contract was signed by Brian Epstein and Manfred Weissleder, owner of the Star-Club in Hamburg.

Dick Rowe at Decca eventually called Brian Epstein and informed him that Decca would not be offering a contract. Mr Rowe stated that "...groups with guitars are on their way out."

There are three known copies of this Mersey Beat newspaper. A copy recently sold for $2,500.00.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 14:34:52   
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In 1962, Mersey Beat held a poll to find out who was the most popular Merseyside group. The results were announced on 4 January 1962:In 1962, Mersey Beat held a poll to find out who was the most popular Merseyside group. The results were announced on 4 January 1962:
1. The Beatles
2. Gerry and the Pacemakers
3. The Remo Four
4. Rory Storm and the Hurricanes
5. Johnny Sandon and The Searchers
6. Kingsize Taylor and the Dominoes
7. The Big Three
8. The Strangers
9. Faron & The Flamingos
10. The Four Jays
11. Ian and the Zodiacs
12. The Undertakers
13. Earl Preston & The TTs
14. Mark Peters and the Cyclones
15. Karl Terry and the Cruisers
16. Derry and the Seniors
17. Steve and the Syndicate
18. Dee Fenton and the Silhouettes
19. Billy Kramer and the Coasters
20. Dale Roberts and the Jaywalkers
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 15:56:16   
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4 января 1965: 4 января 1965:
Концерт Битлз: Another Beatles Christmas Show

Photo:preparing for another Beatles christmas show 1965
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 15:56:49   
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preparing for another Beatles christmas show 1965preparing for another Beatles christmas show 1965
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 15:57:08   
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preparing for another Beatles christmas show 1965preparing for another Beatles christmas show 1965
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 16:00:28   
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4 января 19674 января 1967
Запись: Penny Lane

Studio 2. 7:00pm-2:45am. Recording: "Penny Lane" (overdub onto take 7).
Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick; 2nd Engineer: Phil McDonald.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 16:26:09   
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4 января 1968, 4 января 1968,
Пол и Джейн на лондонской премьере фильма "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush" по сценарию Хантера Дэвиса (того самого).
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 16:27:05   
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4 января 1968,  Пол и Джейн на лондонской премьере фильма Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush4 января 1968,
Пол и Джейн на лондонской премьере фильма "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush"
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 16:27:59   
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4 января 1968,  Пол и Джейн на лондонской премьере фильма Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush4 января 1968,
Пол и Джейн на лондонской премьере фильма "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush"
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 16:30:16   
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Paul and Jane at the London Pavilion on 4 January 1968 for the premiere of Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.Paul and Jane at the London Pavilion on 4 January 1968 for the premiere of Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 16:58:12   
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Paul and Jane at the London Pavilion on 4 January 1968 for the premiere of Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.Paul and Jane at the London Pavilion on 4 January 1968 for the premiere of Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 17:00:23   
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Paul and Jane at the London Pavilion on 4 January 1968 for the premiere of Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush, the book of which was written by Beatles biographer Hunter Davies. The Pavilion had hosted the premieres of both A Hard Day’s Night and Help. Photo by John Howard.Paul and Jane at the London Pavilion on 4 January 1968 for the premiere of Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush, the book of which was written by Beatles biographer Hunter Davies. The Pavilion had hosted the premieres of both A Hard Day’s Night and Help. Photo by John Howard.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 17:21:20   
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Paul and Jane at the London Pavilion on 4 January 1968 for the premiere of Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush, the book of which was written by Beatles biographer Hunter Davies. The Pavilion had hosted the premieres of both A Hard Day’s Night and Help. Paul and Jane at the London Pavilion on 4 January 1968 for the premiere of Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush, the book of which was written by Beatles biographer Hunter Davies. The Pavilion had hosted the premieres of both A Hard Day’s Night and Help.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 18:14:46   
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4 января 1969  The Beatles number 1, fifth week (UK Record Retailer.) 4 января 1969

The Beatles number 1, fifth week (UK Record Retailer.)
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 18:41:13   
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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 04.01.16 19:12:55   
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4 января 1969 Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da number 1 for Marmalade (UK Record Retailer).4 января 1969
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" number 1 for Marmalade (UK Record Retailer).
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