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Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!

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Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Leobax   Дата: 24.08.06 16:14:53   
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Тогда уж напомни фамилии еще двух. Одна, вроде бы, Мерилл Стрип, а вторая?
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.08.06 16:19:30   
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Может ты "Ведьм" перепутал с фильмом "Смерть ей к лицу", в которм играла Стрип с Голди Хон? А главных героинь в "Ведьмах" играли Мишель Пфайффер, Сюзан Сарандон и Шер.
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.09.06 21:09:00   
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This Fashion Rocks Magazine is a supplement to GQ September, 2006This Fashion Rocks Magazine is a supplement to GQ September, 2006

А также видео Scissor Sisters on Fashion
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.09.06 21:13:02   
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Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!Q1
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.09.06 21:14:03   
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Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!Q2
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.09.06 21:15:27   
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Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!Q3
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.09.06 21:16:20   
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Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!Q4
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.09.06 21:17:44   
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Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!Q5
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.09.06 21:18:42   
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Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!Q6
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.09.06 21:19:37   
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Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!Q7
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.09.06 21:29:50   
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Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!Q8
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.09.06 10:59:27   
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September 02, 2006September 02, 2006

SCISSOR SISTERS did their own MTV show in London while the awards were going on in New York — and it was every bit as Filthy and Gorgeous.

ANA MATRONIC made a few very risque gags about MICHAEL JACKSON which won’t make the edited TV show, I’m sure.

She and frontman JAKE SHEARS did a Filthy simulated sex scene dressed in Gorgeous gold outfits

The set list included old favourites including Take Your Mama Out and Comfortably Numb and showcased tracks from their new album Ta-Dah.,,4-2006400665,00.html

2 September 2006
MTV Video Music Awards Live! - Scissor Sisters Koko Club, London
Eva Simpson & Caroline Hedley

FANS of the Scissor Sisters expect more than just songs at the outrageous band's gigs - and they generally get it.

Covered from head to toe in gold sparkles, singer Ana Matronic told filthy jokes about the Jackson family at a showcase for their new album in London on Thursday.

She laughed at Janet Jackson's fashion sense, saying: "I was with friends in San Francisco when we saw her walking towards us in leggings and a T-shirt. She was all up in our faces. I believe the term is crack whore."

And that's polite compared to the joke she told about Wacko! Then she tried to make amends by saying: "But we do love the Jackson family though." Ana, Jake Shears and co burst on stage at the Koko club in Camden with their hit Take Your Mama, to rapturous applause.

The American glam rockers had the crowd in a frenzy with oldies Laura and Comfortably Numb.

Tracks from album Ta-Dah - out on September 18 - included the touching ballad She's My Man about Hurricane Katrina. Filthy Gorgeous was the climax as Ana dedicated it "to all the trannies out there". The set, on MTV on September 24, proves the Scissors still cut it.
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.09.06 14:47:08   
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Scissor Sisters star lashes out at Pink Floyd legendScissor Sisters star lashes out at Pink Floyd legend

Jake Shears calls David Gilmour a 'bastard'

Scissor Sisters frontman Jake Shears has called Pink Floyd legend David Gilmour a "bastard" after he withdrew an offer for the pair to duet on the Floyd classic 'Comfortably Numb'.

Shears revealed in this month's Uncut magazine that he was asked to perform guest vocals on the song, from the Floyd's 1979 album 'The Wall', when Gilmour brought his solo tour to New York earlier this year.

Shears' band famously covered the track in 2004 - it was their first UK hit single, and also appeared on their massive-selling eponymous debut album.

He said: "Pink Floyd helped us make it. We me them at Live8, and they were nice about it."

But the singer was ultimately left disappointed by his hero.

He revealed: "Earlier this year, David Gilmour told my manager that he wanted me to sing 'Comfortably Numb' with him at Radio City Music Hall for two shows.

"So of course I'm emotionally fragile and weeping - a mess. I was so over the moon because I can sing the hell out of that song - I've been singing it for the latter half of my life.

"So I was practising it and doing my vocal exercises to it, but the day before the gig they decided not to have any guests. They canned me. Bastards! It was one of the worst things you can do to anybody. I kind of hate him for it.

"It was like taking candy away from a kid. My mom was getting on a plane to come and see me."

Scissor Sisters release new album 'Ta-Dah' on September 18.
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.09.06 14:48:53   
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Uncut 1Uncut 1
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.09.06 14:50:14   
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Uncut 2Uncut 2
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.09.06 21:09:50   
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Uncut 1Uncut 1
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.09.06 21:10:50   
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Uncut 2                Uncut 2
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.09.06 21:12:09   
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Uncut 3Uncut 3
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.09.06 21:13:14   
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Uncut 4Uncut 4
Re: Scissor Sisters. Magnifique! Fantastique!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.09.06 21:14:03   
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Uncut 5Uncut 5
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