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Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008

Тема: Пол Маккартни - тур '2008

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Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: arkryab   Дата: 01.10.08 13:49:39   
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Друзья! а где же можно найти видео самого концерта?
Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: Вад   Дата: 03.10.08 09:43:27   
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Видео существует только любительское.
Зато на официальном сайте Брайана Рэя можно посмотреть несколько фотографий сделанных в Тель-Авиве.
Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 03.10.08 19:28:08   
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The Long And Winding Road To Israel

By Laura Ben-David
Published on Friday, October 03, 2008 - COMMENTS (0)

Forty-three years ago Israelis missed the opportunity of a lifetime. A planned Beatles concert in Israel was canceled when authorities determined that Beatles performances caused hysteria and mass disorder among young people, not to mention that they had “no artistic merit.” Of course this was not only decades before I moved to Israel, it was years before I was even born. Somehow, it always felt like the whole country had experienced a collective lost opportunity.

Then the unimaginable occurred: we heard the incredible news that Sir Paul McCartney was planning on coming to Israel to perform. A long-standing Beatles’ fan, I flipped out! I tried not to get my hopes up, for who knew what would really end up happening? But nothing, short of a canceled concert, was going to stop me from going; this was my dream come true! Maybe we would even take the whole family! Then I heard the price: 490 shekels for the cheapest tickets. My plans evaporated like a puff of smoke—I was devastated. But I felt I was making the responsible decision, and I tried desperately not to dwell on it.

A few days before the concert, my friend Dani posted a message on Facebook that he was going to see McCartney. I was terribly jealous, but happy for him and messaged him in kind. It didn’t take him much to convince me that this was the chance of a lifetime, and how could I miss it? He was right. My husband, Lawrence, didn’t feel as strongly as I did, but didn’t mind if I went without him. Suddenly, a light bulb went on over my head: if I buy one ticket, instead of two (or more!) it kind of feels like I’m paying half price for the concert. I made a spontaneous decision, and ordered my one ticket. I felt as good as if I’d won a million bucks! Then I posted my own excitement on Facebook, and my friends Dudy and Shamai were inspired and bought tickets as well. It seems that as it got down to the wire, people just realized that this was really the chance of a lifetime—it was now or never!

We left Neve Daniel four hours before the event, hoping to beat the traffic, and knowing we would have to get there early enough to find and lay claim to our own patch of grass at this open-air concert. Luckily, our friends Oran and Yehudit beat us there and saved space for us. Finding them among the throngs of thousands was another story, but luckily we did, and got ourselves settled about an hour before the concert.

I always said that when we made aliyah on the very first Nefesh B’Nefesh charter flight, back in 2002, the arrival was reminiscent of when the Beatles arrived in North America. 400 olim were disembarking from the plane, while 1,000 people, including media and dignitaries, were cheering and greeting us on the tarmac. Hah! That’s what I thought. At this concert which was only 1/4 of the Beatles in Israel for the very first time, he was ‘greeted’ by a crowd 50,000 strong. Now that’s an arrival!

The anticipation was palpable. We sat on the grass and watched the teeming multitudes arrive, as we munched on snacks, patiently waiting. Clouds of cigarette smoke hovered over the ever-increasing crowds—often smelling a bit more suspicious than your typical tobacco—as people killed time while they waited for the historic concert to begin. Many were speculating on just which of the long list of incredible songs Paul might choose to sing.

At 8:00 p.m. precisely, the concert’s scheduled starting time, the entire crowd spontaneously stood up, apparently all thinking that if they were sitting they would risk missing a glimpse of Paul the very moment he showed up on the stage. I know because I was thinking the very same thing. As if he wasn’t about to remain on stage for a two hour concert! Once everyone stood, we never sat again. We barely noticed.

At just about 8:30—no warm-up act, no announcers—Paul just got on stage. The crowd went wild as he immediately began the Beatles’ classic Hello, Goodbye, playing bass guitar. I hadn’t realized just quite how excited I was, until the moment I saw him onstage, and I became so emotional that tears sprang into my eyes.

For the next half hour Paul alternated between popular Beatles hits, and some of his more obscure, later music. Then he announced in Hebrew, “Hashir hazeh mukdash l’Linda” (“this song is dedicated to Linda”—referring to Paul’s beloved wife of 29 years who died of cancer in 1998) and then broke into the old Wings song, My Love, which he actually did write for Linda, 35 years ago. The whole crowd was incredibly moved. It was the first of three emotional dedications.

A consummate musician and entertainer, Paul alternated between numerous guitars, piano, and other instruments. But it took us all completely by surprise when he pulled out a ukulele—an instrument that George was very fond of playing—to use for his dedication of the Beatle’s song Something—a huge hit penned by George Harrison—to George. As he played, nostalgic images of George, Paul, and the rest of the Beatles flitted across the screen. People were absolutely moved to tears.

Another awesome dedication and incredible performance was A Day in the Life, dedicated to John Lennon. I think the audience really appreciated the homage paid to those members of the Beatles who would never have this incredible opportunity.

Paul really connected with the multi-generational, multi-cultural audience which sang every song along with him, whether or not they knew the words. He sang, played, joked, and even reminisced a bit, like about jamming with George in his house when they were teenagers. Somehow what he did up there on stage made him feel so real and yet so much larger-than-life at the same time! Of course the two massive screens flanking the stage helped a lot with that larger-than-life image…

As someone who missed the opportunity to ever go to a Beatles’ concert because I was born too late, and now living in a country that missed the same opportunity for having come to their senses too late, this concert made amends for everything. Viewing the many nostalgic Beatles clips that played simultaneously on the screen, while this music icon—adorable in the Beatles’ prime, yet every bit the brilliant artist he always was at 66—was just unbelievable. Two encores after the end of the show, and I think the audience could have gone for hours longer. I know I could have. But did the 50,000 of us who took advantage of this opportunity feel satisfaction? Guaranteed.

Laura Ben-David began writing when she made aliyah in 2002, and hasn’t stopped. She is the author of MOVING UP: An Aliyah Journal (Mazo Publishers).
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.10.08 11:59:11   
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Фрагменты оригинальной записи концерта.
Звук в стерео!


Вот исходный flv-файл с (25 мб).
Может кому пригодится.
Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: Crackerbox Palace   Дата: 15.10.08 18:47:04   
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Поправьте меня, если я неправ, но... впечатление, что звук здесь не с этого концерта. Может быть, с Back in the World?
Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: zeta   Дата: 15.10.08 19:09:52   
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2Crackerbox Palace:
>Может быть, с Back in the World?

Мне кажется, что с него.
Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.10.08 22:04:53   
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А откуда такое впечатление?
Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: Crackerbox Palace   Дата: 15.10.08 22:19:12   
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Да хотя бы даже в первой фразе Hello Goodbye расходится артикуляция со словами. Да и достаточно послушать "Back in the US" - именно его я имел ввиду. Однозначно звук оттуда.
Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: sasha m   Дата: 25.10.08 01:24:10   
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а торрент есть у кого нибудь  по концертуа торрент есть у кого нибудь по концерту
Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.11.08 00:32:52   
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Запись концерта. Говорят, качество ужасное. Но это пока все, что есть.
Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: miramis   Дата: 15.11.08 00:55:53   
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скачать пока не удалось, что то сайт глючит.
но на ютубе очень много роликов разного качества...
Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.11.08 01:02:29   
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Скачал. Если бы не треск при перегрузках, было бы даже и неплохо.
Параметры записи:


16 bit PCM
1 Channel(s)
16000 Hz
Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: miramis   Дата: 16.11.08 08:54:48   
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это ж аудио, не видео, да?
Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 16.11.08 21:52:35   
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>это ж аудио, не видео, да?

Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: miramis   Дата: 16.11.08 22:48:15   
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прикольно. Как бы теперь почистить запись от треска этого...
Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: miramis   Дата: 18.11.08 08:26:58   
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Вот. Почистили мне запись от треска, насколько это возможно, а я порезала на песни.
Весь концерт сначала до последнего "увидимся" :)
Скачайте кто-нибудь, скажите, как оно:)
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 18.11.08 11:42:35   
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>Вот. Почистили мне запись от треска, насколько
>это возможно, а я порезала на песни.
>Весь концерт сначала до последнего "увидимся"
>Скачайте кто-нибудь, скажите, как оно:)

Вполне можно слушать, большое спасибо!
Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: miramis   Дата: 18.11.08 12:00:15   
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Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: Paulis2   Дата: 11.12.08 16:53:34   
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Former Beatles singer/song writer Sir Paul McCartney at the opening his Friendship First concert in a Tel Aviv park, Israel, 25 September 2008. EPA/JIM HOLLANDERFormer Beatles singer/song writer Sir Paul McCartney at the opening his Friendship First concert in a Tel Aviv park, Israel, 25 September 2008. EPA/JIM HOLLANDER
Re: Маккартни в Израиле 25/09/2008
Автор: Paulis2   Дата: 11.12.08 16:54:50   
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Former Beatles singer/song writer Sir Paul McCartney at the opening his Friendship First concert in a Tel Aviv park, Israel, 25 September 2008. EPA/JIM HOLLANDERFormer Beatles singer/song writer Sir Paul McCartney at the opening his Friendship First concert in a Tel Aviv park, Israel, 25 September 2008. EPA/JIM HOLLANDER
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