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На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"

Тема: Битлз - Magical Mystery Tour (1967)

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Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 18.05.06 15:17:10   
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Голубяка: может быть и яблоко... Давно не смотрел тот эпизод с Полом.
Это было снято уже после съмок фильма?
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Игорь Цалер   Дата: 18.05.06 15:28:01   
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Да яблоко-яблоко. Я вчера смотрел. Желтенькое такое, гладенькое...
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 18.05.06 15:33:40   
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2Воробьёв Александр:2Воробьёв Александр:

>Это было снято уже после съмок фильма?

Съёмки дурачка проходили в Ницце 30 октября, и кадры Пола с жёлтым фруктом (может, это вообще - айва?) были сделаны в тот же день. Судя по боковому освещению - ближе к вечеру. А в кадрах на холме солнце садится ещё ниже, стало быть, сначала была прогулка по городским улицам, а потом - съёмки на холмах.

Но это не самые последние кадры, сделанные для фильма "MMT": они ещё в ноябре кое-что снимали.
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Andrey   Дата: 18.05.06 15:42:45   
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>Да и откуда ему быть, этому "нормальному качественному ремастерингу",
>коли исходники - не фонтан? Даже в "Антологии" кадры из архива ММТ в
>подавляющем большинстве страшные: изображение несфокусированное, цвета
>блеклые, царапины на плёнке, пылинки, обильно засорившие объективы
>кинокамер: сразу видно, что снимали любители. Местами встречаются частично
>засвеченные кадры.

Ну, насчет откуда им взятся, трудно сказать - наверное есть места...
Сравните для примера любой вариант записи концерта Shea (здесь я привел не самы худший) c вариантом на Антологии. :-)
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 19.05.06 12:17:24   
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Andrey, но фото вверху определённо не исходник, это ж не более чем скверная копия, причём, явно не с LD даже, а с ленты на ленту. Это же видно по засветке и по нечёткой картинке. А если так отпечатали с негатива, значит, аппаратура или химикаты (что там?) подкачали. И потом, вряд ли при первом издании фильма ("Shea") на видео использовались исходники: в 70-80-е копировали с того, что было проще достать, а это как правило была какая-нибудь завалящая поблекшая фильмокопия. Повторюсь: в "Антологии" кадры из ММТ выглядят не лучшим образом, тогда как некоторые другие архивные материалы (тот же "Shea") реально "ожили".

Впрочем, возможны любые чудеса. Подождём официального релиза от "Apple". Может, туда ещё оригинальную моно-дорожку зафигачат, как на недавнем DVD "Yellow Submarine"? - вот было бы здорово!
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Игорь Цалер   Дата: 19.05.06 12:28:47   
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>> в "Антологии" кадры из ММТ выглядят не лучшим образом

И все-таки когда я их увидел, по-новому оценил фильм. Раньше смотрел вообще в фиговом качестве, а в "Антологии" как-то получше... Хором ждем официального релиза!
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 01.06.06 18:52:32   
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Вчера в ПРОсвете Дибров встречался с каким-то китайцем - организатором фестиваля Cinemasports. В общем, это фестиваль коротких фильмов (3 минуты), снятых без сценария. Задаются какие-то самые общие задания, которые участникам предлагается реализовать в короткий срок. Можно пользоваться чем угодно, осуществлять какие угодно идеи, снимать кого угодно. Вчера в ПРОсвете Дибров встречался с каким-то китайцем - организатором фестиваля Cinemasports. В общем, это фестиваль коротких фильмов (3 минуты), снятых без сценария. Задаются какие-то самые общие задания, которые участникам предлагается реализовать в короткий срок. Можно пользоваться чем угодно, осуществлять какие угодно идеи, снимать кого угодно.

В силу жестких временных рамок настоятельно рекомендуется командное участие в фестивале. Такая команда может быть собрана из коллег или друзей, для поиска участников команды и необходимого оборудования вы также можете воспользоваться форумом на сайте по этой ссылке:

Для участников без команды в 9:00 в холле кинотеатра 35ММ также произойдет встреча, которая дает возможность объединиться и зарегистрироваться как команда.

Фильмы снимаются на собственном оборудовании и за счет собственных ресурсов. Если у вас нет своего оборудования (камера, компьютер и т.д.), все равно приходите на утреннюю встречу. У вас будет шанс объединиться с другими участниками в команду.

Готовые фильмы должны быть переданы организаторам до 19:30 по местному времени.

Материалы принимаются на VHS, CD, DVD и кассетах miniDV, перемотанных на начало. Если фильм предоставляется в любом другом формате, приносите с собой оригинальное оборудование и кабели для подключения.

Носитель не должен содержать ничего, кроме фильма. Максимальная длина фильма – 4 минуты, включая титры. Все фильмы должны начинаться после 5 секундной паузы. Не забудьте указать на материалах контактную информацию (дата, название команды и контактную информацию) и включить в титры имена участников.

Вывод: Для экспериментального кино ММТ - очень даже и неплох (собственно, с битловским бюджетом) и вполне бы подошел для подобных фестивалей. Для показа же на Рождество в общей программе он идет вне формата. Битлз сами виноваты, что не предупредили зрителя о специфики данного творения.
При этом идея спонтанного, немедленного кинематографа очевидно во все времена витает в воздухе.
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.06.06 22:16:10   
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IVOR CUTLER Looking For The Truth With A PinIVOR CUTLER Looking For The Truth With A Pin
(2006 DVD omprising of 'Looking For Truth With A Pin' - a fascinating documentary broadcast on BBC TV in 2005 and features rare archive footage, personal photographs, interviews with Ivor and contributors including Paul McCartney & Billy Connolly; and extra interview & photo footage [not featured in the TV broadcast] plus 'Cutler's Last Stand' - his farewell performance at London's Queen Elizabeth Hall in February 2004 infront of an adoring crowd and including songs and poems spanning his career!).
released 03 July 2006

A fascinating documentary featuring poet, songwriter, performer, painter and writer Ivor Cutler.
Includes rare archive footage, personal photographs, interviews with Ivor and contributors including Paul McCartney, Billy Connolly, Neil Innes and Alex Kapranos [Franz Ferdinand]. This film was shown on BBC TV last year and includes extra interview and photo footage not featured in the TV broadcast!

Ivor's Cutler's farewell performance at London's Queen Elizabeth Hall in February 2004 infront of an adoring crowd and including songs and poems spanning his career. Cutler is on sparkling form for his last ever stage appearance.
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 02.07.06 01:16:30   
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September 11 September 11

The coach for the Magical Mystery Tour was still being painted with its psychedelic livery and was delayed for two hours in leaving Allsop Place, where rock'n'roll package tours always started. Paul went in search of a cup of tea in the nearby London Transport canteen above Baker Street station. There he signed a few autographs and chatted until the bus arrived. Discovering that there were no uniforms for the bus driver and courier to wear, Paul walked down to Soho with Mal Evans to buy some appropriate clothing.

Barry Miles
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 02.07.06 10:32:43   
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Классное фото, Expert, спасибо!Классное фото, Expert, спасибо!

Пожалуй, есть смысл продолжить постить тематические фотографии. На этот раз - не конкретно со съёмок ММТ, но того же периода. Итак, 18 октября 1967 года, премьера фильма "How I Won The War". Добро пожаловать, Ринго и Морин Старки!
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 02.07.06 10:34:44   
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Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 02.07.06 13:10:17   
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0/18/1967-London, England- Beatle John Lennon arrives at the London Pavilion with his wife Cynthia, for the premiere of How I Won the War, in which he stars, in his first acting role.0/18/1967-London, England- Beatle John Lennon arrives at the London Pavilion with his wife Cynthia, for the premiere of "How I Won the War," in which he stars, in his first acting role.
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 02.07.06 13:32:06   
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Битлз видимо сидели в первом ряду.Битлз видимо сидели в первом ряду.
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 02.07.06 13:34:18   
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Пол едет на премьеру.Пол едет на премьеру.
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 02.07.06 13:40:14   
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За день до премьеры Битлз посетили поминальную службу по Брайану. За день до премьеры Битлз посетили поминальную службу по Брайану.
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 02.07.06 13:44:51   
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17 октября, Лондонская синагога. Рядом со студией Эбби Роуд.  Фоты из книжки про Ансины.17 октября, Лондонская синагога. Рядом со студией Эбби Роуд.
Фоты из книжки про Ансины.
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 02.07.06 13:54:18   
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К сожалению не знаю даты этого замечательного кадра Джона. То ли сессия Моржа, то ли другой какой день... К сожалению не знаю даты этого замечательного кадра Джона. То ли сессия "Моржа", то ли другой какой день...
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 02.07.06 13:58:54   
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Николы вроде еще не было.Николы вроде еще не было.
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 02.07.06 23:54:53   
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Статья и фото из Beatles Monthly Book, взятая с диска-приложения к книге Джон Леннон - моя история смиренная и правдивая. Автор статьи и идеи Тони Бароу. Статья и фото из Beatles Monthly Book, взятая с диска-приложения к книге "Джон Леннон - моя история смиренная и правдивая". Автор статьи и идеи Тони Бароу.


It was ironic that Paul McCartney should miss the first of the two private pre-Christmas parties which the Beatles hosted in London at the end of 1967, to celebrate the completion of Magical Mystery Tour. The whole whacky film venture had been Paul's own idea in the first place, something which he had designed personally with a view to helping him realise his great unpublicised ambition to become the future Beatles' movie producer. At the same time, Paul reasoned, the project would give the Fab Four a good reason to stay together and get back to work in the wake of Brian Epstein's death that summer.
In the event, when 40 of the Beatles' most faithful Fan Club area secretaries came to the capital on Sunday December 17 as guests of the group for a private premiere of Magical Mystery Tour, only two of the boys, John and George, were able to be present in person at the party. Ringo and Maureen were on their way back from the Incom Film Studios, Rome, where Ringo had spent the past fortnight on location, shooting his cameo role as Emmanuel the Mexican gardener for an all-star, X-rated comedy film called Candy.
Meanwhile, Paul was on a romantic little magical mystery tour of his own about 400 miles north of London, showing the current love of his life, actress Jane Asher, the sights of Scotland and, in particular, his hideaway farm at Campbeltown.
When I first suggested the idea of a small Magical Mystery Tour party to the four boys, one of them said something like: "The whole film looks like one mad party!" Indeed, the production process had been informal, to say the least — no scriptwriter, no proper planning and a lot of totally impromptu humour added in along the way as scenes were shot.
Once all the filming was finished and they'd had the chance to reflect on the hastily prepared production, there were mixed feelings within the foursome over whether it had been a wise move to make Magical Mystery Tour at all in such a great rush, and without a great deal of professional help from outside experts. I remember someone saying blatantly in the privacy of the group's inner circle: "We shouldn't have let Paul talk us into it." Another confessed to me that he thought a proper script should have been written by a qualified professional instead of so much ad-libbing of the slapstick comedy scenes. John stuck up for Paul through all the various postmortem debates which took place within the group that autumn. John declared simply that he had enjoyed the casual style of the filming and was well pleased with his own contributions.


I explained the rest of my party idea to the boys, saying I felt the Fan Club secretaries in different regions all around the country had done a tremendous (unpaid) job for the Beatles and deserved a decent opportunity to meet their favourite band and, at the same time, get a sneak preview of Magical Mystery Tour before it went on telly at Christmas.
To be honest, I was also keen on the party idea from my viewpoint as the Beatles' publicist — I felt it was good for the group's image for them to host a Christmas Fan Club get-together, an occasion from which I could promise to get some positive press exposure.
Paul's first reaction was to make it a bigger 'do', hold the screening in some vast central London venue and invite thousands of Fan Club members rather than simply dozens of area secretaries. One of the others suggested the Finsbury Park Astoria, a massive North London cinema. But Paul realised there was too little time to fix an event of that sort and he settled for a smaller-scale affair instead.
It was John's suggestion that we should also get hold of the marvellously exciting colour film of their appearance at New York's Shea Stadium and show that as well.
We booked the Hanover Grand, a suite of dining and conference rooms in Hanover Street, close to Oxford Circus. It wasn't my first choice, but finding somewhere central, suitable, and still available for such a function on the Sunday before Christmas, wasn't easy!
After watching Magical Mystery Tour, the Beatles' excited young guests were given tea and the chance to chat with John and George. Several of the area secretaries had actually travelled with us on the tour bus to the West Country and taken part in the filming. They had tales of their own to tell colleagues — and questions to ask the Beatles about how different scenes had been edited together to make the final film. Londoner Jeni Crowley recalled how Paul had told her before filming began that everybody would have to wear exactly the same clothing throughout the tour because scenes would not be shown in the same sequence in which they were shot. She summed up her experience on the road with the Beatles as "a fabulous week!". Freda Kelly said, "The professional actors and actresses mixed in with all us 'amateur passengers' and we had a great time. When the film cameras were not rolling, I found lots of opportunities to talk to each of the Beatles. They were particularly interested to hear the reactions of members to the Sgt. Pepper album. It was a marvellous week, one I wouldn't have missed for anything."
Sussex area secretary Sylvia Nightingale recalled how she had worn her hippy gear for the filming trip down to Devon and Cornwall: "The Beatles constantly reminded me of the fact — they referred to me as 'Zippy-Hippy' and 'Miss Freak-Out'. As I was eating lunch to the jingle of my bells, John turned to me and said, "You younger generation with all your bells!' On the bus I pointed out to Ringo that his trousers were splitting in an embarrassing place. 'Can you sew them up for me?' he said to my surprise. I did so — to the astonishment offans peering in through the coach windows.”
Area secretary Barbara King from Essex remembered: "Freda, Jeni, Sylvia and I sat at a table next to John, Paul, George and Ringo for lunch in Plymouth. I remember how rude people were, persistently bothering the four lads while they were trying to eat. I had the experience of my life, a week I will never forget."
Although many media critics gave Magical Mystery Tour bad reviews, the Fan Club people thought it was a terrific show and said so in no uncertain terms. To say that nobody at the Hanover Grand party missed Paul or Ringo would be unfair, but John and George were so friendly to the fans that they made up for the unavoidable absence of their two colleagues.
Re: На съёмках фильма "Magical Mystery Tour"
Автор: Expert   Дата: 02.07.06 23:55:52   
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One area secretary told me at the end of the party: "I can't believe that I've spent so many hours under the same roof as the Beatles today — not only that, but drinking tea with them and asking them anything we liked. They may be huge stars but they're also very nice, very ordinary people who haven't let success spoil them at all."
What few of their guests realised was that John and George had actually raced back from a UNICEF gala in Paris specially to be at the Hanover Grand — a gesture few such famous artists would have bothered to make for the sake of pleasing 40 Fan Club secretaries.
The second Magical Mystery Tour party was a totally different affair, held at the Royal Lancaster Hotel, near Marble Arch, four days later, on Thursday December 21. This was actually two functions conveniently combined into one — a lavish pre-Christmas night out on the town for the Beatles' staff at the new Apple offices, plus a get-together of everyone who had worked on Magical Mystery Tour. I can't remember who suggested making it a fancy dress 'do', but I know the idea came from one of the Beatles themselves. The group's brief to aides was: "Hire the biggest and best banquet suite the hotel has to offer, bring in professional designers to do the decor, and make this the best party the Beatles have ever thrown!"
A highlight of the night's entertainment was provided by the McPeake Family, a phemonenal Irish band that Paul happened to see on television and came into the office raving about the next morning: "They're fantastic, too much. There's an old guy, two younger guys and a girl. They play this incredible fairy music on some weird pipes. I've never heard anything like it, it just blew my mind." Alistair Taylor, the Beatles' 'Mr. Fixit', was given the job of booking the group; and although he'd never heard of them before, he discovered they were a well-known act in traditional folk music circles and had won prizes and trophies at festivals around the world. On the night, John was so impressed by the group's surprise performance that he said: "Alistair, I've got to have a set of those Irish bagpipes."


By the date of this second party, Paul and Jane had returned home to London from Campbeltown and Ringo was back from Italy. What guests at the party failed to learn that evening was that Jane and Paul had come to an important decision during their break in Scotland — they announced their engagement on Christmas Day!
The Beatles rose to the occasion superbly by turning up at the Royal Lancaster in highly colourful fancy dress costumes. Paul and Jane came as Cockney Pearly King and Queen, he with a three-piece suit and traditional costermonger's cap, she with a flamboyant head-dress of feathers. Ringo arrived as a Regency buck (the papers called it a circus ringmaster's outfit!), while Maureen wore a skimpy mini-skirt as part of her Indian squaw get-up. John decided to appear as a Teddy Boy rocker with a leather jacket dripping chains, tight drainpipe-style jeans, sneakers and greased wavy hair (which fitted in with his long curly sideburns), while Суп settled for a full and flowing lilac dress and large hat. George had the heroic look with swashbucklin' cavalier's tights and gleaming sword, while Patti looked full of promise as an Eastern princess.
Traditional Christmas dinner, complete with turkey plum pud and all the festive trimmings, was served around nine o'clock, as soon as most of the 200 guests had arrived. While people were eating, a Palm Court Orchestra played gently in the background. After the meal, the music became more lively and more appropriate for dancing. Apart from the McPeake Family, there was a surprise cabaret appearance by the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band (who had starred in a nightclub sequence in Magical Mystery Tour). Famous friends of the boys joined in the fun, including two of the Beach Boys on a one-night stop-over en route for Los Angeles from Paris, Cilia Black dressed as Charlie Chaplin and Lulu as Shirley Temple. Actor Robert Morley was Father Christmas for the night, and John's father, Freddie Lennon (staying with him at Weybridge that Christmas), provided a little unexpected entertainment.
Paul and Jane, clearly delighted by the McPeake Family's appearance, chatted with the group's members at great length after they came off. After midnight, the 'live' sets gave way to a disco, the volume was pumped up and the guests got down to some serious dancing. The Beatles were among the last to leave and as one of them said afterwards: "I think it really was one of the best parties we ever gave!"

by Tony Barrow
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