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Дети битлов

Тема: Битлз - окружение

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Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Патти Бойд   Дата: 21.11.08 12:14:20   
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2Inga M
Да я знаю))) Согласна))))
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Expert   Дата: 21.12.08 12:26:44   
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Very niceVery nice
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Arrow   Дата: 21.12.08 18:47:53   
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Интервью со старшей дочерью Пола и Линды. Давнишнее, но всё равно интересно почитать.

She's made it in her own right now, but Heather McCartney knows all the
drawbacks of being a superstar's daughter. Interview by Noreen Taylor

The next famous McCartney

A pale, slim young woman looks out from the cool cream and mahogany
interior of the air-conditioned building on to the packed, steamy
streets of lunch-time Soho.

"Oh, I don't like all those crowds," she says. "Really freak me out,
they do. Do you mind if we don't go out after all?"

She seems fearful of the outside, yet is not entirely comfortable in
these stylish confines either. Being Heather McCartney, you imagine she
could take both in her stride. After all, the man she calls "my dad"
owns the building. And she did choose this, the headquarters of Paul
McCartney's company MPL, to talk for the first time about her own work
as a potter.

Without any publicity fanfare she has, it appears, been doing rather
well. Her vases are on sale in Selfridges. There have been exhibitions
in New York and Phoenix, Arizona, and more are planned for Tokyo, Paris
and Sydney. The British Council in Los Angeles has selected her to head
a showcase launch, to be opened by Princess Anne in October. Wedgwood
has hailed her as "one of Britain's most exciting new talents".

Such recognition would be gratifying for anyone, but Heather is
particularly eager to stress just how welcome it is. "It's very
important for me. Important for my own individuality, for what I need
for myself in the world. I've always felt I had to be something for
other people. And that led to trouble because it wasn't me I was doing
it for. So it took me a long time to get to the point where I am now."

This is said with a vibrating, nervous intensity. As she looks out of
the window again, she says, "This isn't my scene at all. I'm used to my
own little world", and shivers with distaste.

"London and a lot of people make me feel insecure. I'm a country person,
a roll-your-own kind of girl. I live alone in the countryside with my
Airedale puppy, my two cats, my garden - where I grow all my own organic
vegetables - and my pots. My workshop is two miles down the road.
Everything in my environment is recycled.

"All I need in order to work is a lump of clay. I only use the best,
pure Staffordshire, a kiln and some water. So when you drink from one of
my cups you are drinking in the earth.

Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Arrow   Дата: 21.12.08 18:49:33   
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"I work in silence. I can't say that music plays a big part in my life
any more. There aren't any new bands around like the Clash, Led Zeppelin
or my dad's music.

"And I'm really not into hard-core girl bands with tattoos selling soul
who allow themselves to be backed by big drink companies. We won't say
who we mean, will we, Geoff?" she calls to the MPL press man.

"No, there's no man in my life. Can't imagine I'd meet one who fits in
with me. And I'm not the sort who can adapt. I mean, that's what women
do, isn't it? They fit into a man's life. People have a hard time
working me out. What did you expect?"

A touch of the Tamara Airheads, I suggest. Nothing like you are. "Thank
you, oh, thank you," she rocks on her chair. "Means a lot to me, you
saying that."

She is wearing cowboy boots, silver rings and bracelets bought in
Arizona, and the kind of filmy dress her sister Stella has made her name
designing. "This isn't one of Stella's dresses. A kind of barter
arrangement between us would be good. My pots for her clothes. Yeah,
gotta get that one sorted," she laughs.

Her accent, speech patterns and rock argot are pure Sixties, punctuated
by the odd northern vowel. She gives the impression of being troubled.
Or is that just a legacy of past troubles? Eight years ago, Heather
admitted herself to a Sussex clinic seeking treatment for an emotional
disorder brought on by what was described at the time as a personality
identity crisis.

"I'm fine now, sorted myself, had to empty what was inside my head and
focus on a higher energy. I was on a quest to find my own individuality.
It's not something you can go into a shop and ask for, and I needed to
know. Living up to other people's expectations can cause such stresses.
You wonder, 'Am I doing this for me or because it's expected of me?'

"As a child, I was always the quiet one sitting in the corner,
questioning everything. When I toured with my parents I'd be aware that
there were some people who could just pick up the phone and demand a
backstage pass, while others, the kids, queued all night for tickets. It
was their energy that fired me, interested me."

Heather, 34, the daughter of Paul's wife, Linda, and her first husband,
the American geologist Melville See, was born in Arizona and brought up
in England. When she was five her mother met and married Paul, who
subsequently adopted Heather.

Paul and Linda then had three children of their own, all of whom have
found success in their various niches. Mary, 27, has followed her mother
into photography and has already enjoyed the distinction of having a
picture accepted by the National Portrait Gallery; Stella, 24, is now
based in Paris as head designer of Chlo, and James, 20, has made his
debut as lead guitarist on his father's latest album, Flaming Pie.

Heather's unworldly lack of cynicism doesn't mean she hasn't been fitted
with that essential protective device that keeps her on the alert when
questions touch on family matters, although she does confirm that her
mother has made a full recovery from breast cancer.

"She's all right now," she says. "Like a plague, isn't it? Affects
everyone in the family."

Linda is resuming her role as high priestess of the veggie burger. She
has launched her own meatless meals company and published a series of
best-selling cookbooks. Before that, there was a career as a rock
photographer, which spawned a series of glossy coffee-table studies of
rock icons.

Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Arrow   Дата: 21.12.08 18:50:26   
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And what greater rock icon is there than former Beatle Paul, one of the
world's most famous men? "Oh, I'm very proud of my folks," Heather says.
"They're all exceptionally talented people. My brother, James, is a very
special person, a gentle soul, and a brilliant guitarist. He's going to
have problems, like I have.

"Being a McCartney can be a blessing. I mean, you wouldn't be sitting
here talking to me if I came from an ordinary family. On the other hand,
there are all those expectations, those standards.

"I thought once of changing my name, but that would have been arrogant
after what my parents have done for me, being my patrons and everything.
Great names have been handed down to generations before, so I guess we
just have to be careful and treat it with respect.

"The great burden that used to screw me up, make me insecure, was
people's reaction to my name. I mean, they'd hear Heather, and nothing.
Then someone would say McCartney and really emphasise it and I'd just
watch their faces change.

"I mean, what do they think's going on? That I've got it made? That I
just ring home for the next 10,000 once a week? Well, I've got what
I've got and I have to live within my own budget.

"I've washed up in kitchens, worked in a pub. We were sent to state
schools, so it's all very real in our family. 'Course, my folks would
help me out if I was in real trouble. From what I can gather, even
ordinary, working-class people do that anyway, give their children their
last fiver."

Heather admits her own exploits have tested her parents' faith. "Seven
years ago, I spent a year in Arizona and Mexico, staying with relatives.
I met these amazing young people living on the streets, supporting
themselves by stringing beads and playing the flute. They had nothing,
and I really respected their values. They were happy even though they
had nothing.

"Through them, I met what I call the First Nation people of America, the
Tarahumara and Huichol people. They've become my major project, because
their culture is in danger of extinction. I lived with them, learnt from
them, got inspired by their pottery, their vulnerability. They're being
bulldozed out of their lands. Now I want to do whatever's possible to
save them, to help them survive the modern world.

"I'm really serious about the Huichol tribes. I'm not on some whim, it's
not as though I'm going through this week's craze. People might have a
certain picture of me because of my name, would not imagine some of the
heavy situations I got out of in Mexico. Lord knows how I made it out in
one piece. I guess I owe my common sense to my parents. They're the
people who put me on the right road, otherwise I could have ended up in
God knows where.

"I mean, in Mexico it wasn't a case of ringing my parents and asking for
an air ticket. I know people find that hard to believe, but I made it
through without once picking up a phone and asking my folks to help me

Clearly, Heather has inherited Linda's evangelistic fervour. Hunting
through a flowery cotton bag, she announces she wants to read from the
journal she kept during her Mexican travels.

"Won't take long," she insists. "I just want you to hear some of the
things I wrote down. This will explain my interest in pagan ways and
nature's cycles."

Caring desperately that I honour her discovery of these native
Americans, and her commitment to them, she leans across to plead: "They
are my project. Do you understand? They're standing on the edge of
extinction and it's something I found out on my own. It's what I did by
myself." She pauses. "You listened to me. I'm so grateful."

Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Arrow   Дата: 22.12.08 00:31:47   
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Пол и маленький Джеймс.
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 23.12.08 00:30:38   
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Спасибо за это видео, редкое. Оно относится к 1987 году.
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Птица Алконост   Дата: 23.12.08 04:42:31   
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2Горностаев Алексей:

>2Holy Roller:
>>Francesca McKnight Donatella Romana Gregorini
>>de Savingniano di Romagnia
>Ой, просветите пожалйста, это кто на фото, какого
>битла ребеночек, или кто иной??

Это падчерица Ринго, дочь Барбары:))
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Юлька Битломанка   Дата: 30.12.08 23:40:44   
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Похож на ДжОНика сынок ДжОНика)Похож на ДжОНика сынок ДжОНика)
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: rinn   Дата: 30.12.08 23:51:37   
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2Юлька Битломанка:

>Похож на ДжОНика сынок ДжОНика)

Ну да, ну да. Тоже в очках)
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Юлька Битломанка   Дата: 31.12.08 10:59:41   
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а ВОТ УВАЖАЕМЫЙ МИстер Зак Старки0а ВОТ УВАЖАЕМЫЙ МИстер Зак Старки0
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 15.01.09 17:17:44   
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 2 января 2 января
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 15.01.09 17:18:01   
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Дети битлов
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 15.01.09 17:18:19   
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Дети битлов
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Юлька Битломанка   Дата: 15.01.09 21:55:54   
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Какая очаровашка)
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Paha   Дата: 16.01.09 13:20:46   
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вся в мамочку! (посл. фота) ;)
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Юлька Битломанка   Дата: 16.01.09 17:33:43   
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Джулиан)))))Моя тёскаДжулиан)))))Моя тёска
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Юлька Битломанка   Дата: 16.01.09 17:37:49   
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Красавица доченька Полика)Красавица доченька Полика)
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Appletree   Дата: 16.01.09 18:41:47   
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2Юлька Битломанка:

>Джулиан)))))Моя тёска
Вообще-то это Джеймс Маккартни :)))
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Юлька Битломанка   Дата: 16.01.09 18:52:38   
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2Appletree:  ОООО! исправляюсь2Appletree:

ОООО! исправляюсь
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