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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters

Тема: Roger Waters

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Обширный материал по Floyd с инт. Уотерса и Гилмора в новом 'Guitar World'!
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 10.03.06 17:01:00   
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Вышел новый номер журнала Guitar World с обширным материалом по Floyd. В нём есть эксклюзивные интервью с Уотерсом и Гилмором.Вышел новый номер журнала Guitar World с обширным материалом по Floyd. В нём есть эксклюзивные интервью с Уотерсом и Гилмором.

Также есть подробный пошаговый анализ и урок игры гит.соло Comfortably Numb и Another Brick In the Wall, Pt. II!


Подробнее см. на сайте журнала


Full Production Ca Ira in Poznan
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 10.03.06 17:39:14   
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Скан билета на полноценную постановку Са Иры в Познани, Польша 7 Июля Скан билета на полноценную постановку Са Иры в Познани, Польша 7 Июля

Также подробно об этом событии и о самой опере описывается на сайте


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А вы знаете, что...  
Waters ASked to Boycott Israel
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 10.03.06 18:02:57   
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Ещё по поводу просьбы Уотерсу отменить его выступление в Израиле, билеты на которое уже во всю продаются на сайтах (инфу см. выше) Ещё по поводу просьбы Уотерсу отменить его выступление в Израиле, билеты на которое уже во всю продаются на сайтах (инфу см. выше)

Гриша уже разместил с ленты.ру в новостях ( ) об этом, поэтому позволю себе оставить это без перевода :)


Floyd star told to boycott Israel

BBC: A group of artists has called on Roger Waters of Pink Floyd to back a

campaign against Israeli barriers in the West Bank by dropping a concert in


Bassist Waters was asked to cancel the show in Tel Aviv by the Palestinian

Association for Contemporary Art.

He told the Guardian he would "not rule out" going to Israel even though he

disapproved of its "foreign policy".

Waters has previously criticised the barriers, which Israel said are needed

to stop would-be suicide bombers.

Waters, who wrote the hit song Another Brick in the Wall, said: "I would
rule out going to Israel because I disapprove of the foreign policy any
than I would refuse to play in the UK because I disapprove of Tony Blair's

foreign policy."

He added that his fans in Israel included "many refuseniks".

The network of fences and concrete barricades is a temporary measure
intended to prevent Palestinian militants entering Israel to carry out
attacks, Israel's government has said.


The Palestinians are angered by the effects of the barrier, which restricts

tens of thousands of people's access to schools, hospitals and agricultural


They also argue that the barrier is an attempt to grab West Bank land.

Association member Sliman Manour, who signed the letter, criticised Waters

for agreeing to perform in Israel.

He said: "How can someone who wants to look like a leftist in the world -
fighting against the Berlin Wall, for open borders, and for love between
people - come to Israel while they are still building their wall and hold a

musical event?"

Mr Manour called on Waters to cancel the concert or put on a separate
performance for Palestinians.

Concert promoter Shuki Weiss said Waters was persuaded to come to Israel
after it quit the Gaza Strip territory, on which Palestinians want to build

a state, last year.

"His message is about peace and coexistence, that walls should be replaced

by bridges," said Mr Weiss.

Palestinians claim all of the West Bank for a future state, with East
Jerusalem as its capital.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ...The Race of Legends
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 10.03.06 20:16:51   
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Статья про знаменитостей, которые будут в гонках...в том числе и Ник Мэйсон


The Race of Legends What do you get when you take one of the world’s most technologically advanced race tracks and you add the raw power of 16 Chevrolet V8 SS Luminas, the global appeal of 16 international and regional celebrities and the talents of 16 professional drivers from around the world? The answer - The Bahrain Gulf Air Grand Prix Pro Celebrity Race.
Famous faces from the worlds of sport, entertainment and media are set to make their racing debuts in front of a record crowd at the Bahrain International Circuit at the Grand Prix, March 10th-12th.

An anticipated televised audience of 400 million global viewers will tune in to watch the likes of five time Olympic Gold medallist, rowing icon Sir Steve Redgrave, three time Grammy award winning US musician John Legend and world famous rhythmic guitarist Status Quo’s Rick Parfitt fight it out on the track.

Commenting on his impending race debut, Sir Steve Redgrave said: “I’m really excited. The race represents a new sporting challenge for me and I’m keen to see I can perform as well on the track as I do off it. Of course it will be fun but I have a very competitive nature and I don’t enjoy losing so I will be giving it my all out in Bahrain!”

Sir Steve isn’t the only Olympic gold medallist competing in the race, as British hero Redgrave will be joined by legendary American sprinter Michael Johnson. Four time gold medallist Johnson, famed for his gold running shoes, is widely perceived as one of the greatest sprinters of all time having won nine world championship titles.

It won’t just be testosterone that will rule on the race track, the fairer sex will be well represented with a strong line up including British motoring journalist Emma Parker Bowles, stepdaughter of the future King of England, and Egyptian singing and acting sensation Anoushka. Persian-born Laleh Seddigh, motor sport’s answer to Angelina Jolie, will be adding to the line-up of pro drivers supporting the celebrities.

There will be two races: one on the Saturday and one on Sunday before the start of the opening round of the 2006 FIA Formula One World Championship. Each ten-lap race will consist of 16 cars with the professional drivers starting and completing the first five laps of the track before a pit stop swap with their celebrity partners for the remainder of the race.

Joining the all-star line up at the Bahrain International Circuit is Pink Floyd drummer and founding member Nick Mason. Mason, an avid classic car fanatic, perhaps has the upper hand on some of his fellow celebrities being no stranger to racing having competed previously at Le Mans.

The International celebrities will be joined by regional celebrity drivers from Bahrain and the Middle East. Lebanese favourite Ragheb Alama, a man firmly established as one of the Middle East’s top singers and personalities will also take to the wheel in front of a legion of fans at the Grand Prix.

Alama will have regional competition from local sporting hero Rashid Ramzi. Ramzi became the first man to complete the 800m/1,500m double at the world athletics championships in Helsinki last year when he stormed down the finishing straight to hold off the late rush from the Olympic champion, Yuri Borzakovski, in a flying finish in the 800m final.

The race will be the first of its kind in Bahrain and compliments the curtain-raiser to the 2006 FIA Formula One World Championship. Commenting on the event Martin Whitaker, General Manager of the BIC, said: “I’m so delighted at the reaction and willingness of the stars to take part in the Pro-Celebrity race. It’s great to have so many high-calibre personalities taking time out of their schedules to participate in this event. I am in no doubt that the two races will prove to be very entertaining for the crowds and the viewers at home.”

The 16 identical Chevrolet V8 SS Luminas have 380bhp and a top speed of 280km/h, creating a sound and spectacle perfectly in keeping with the Grand Prix weekend. The cars aren’t the easiest to drive and as such the calibre of the professional racers is first class, with the line up including ex-Formula One stars Martin Brundle, Johnny Herbert and Christian Danner. TV presenter and former Le Mans racer Tiff Needell will also be lending his considerable expertise to the event. India’s first Formula One driver, Narain Karthikeyan will be taking time out from his Williams F1 testing commitments to compete in the event and guide his celebrity partner around the track.

Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 10.03.06 21:42:14   
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выступление 1972г.выступление 1972г.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ... new pix
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 10.03.06 22:57:21   
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Выступление 1973г.  1Выступление 1973г.

А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ... new pix
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 10.03.06 23:54:35   
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Выступление 1973г.  2Выступление 1973г.

Re: Roger Waters & pix
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 11.03.06 00:20:11   
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Выступление 1973г.  3Выступление 1973г.

Re: Roger Waters & pix
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 11.03.06 00:29:11   
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Выступление 1973г.  4Выступление 1973г.

Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 11.03.06 01:34:33   
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Выступление 1973г.  5Выступление 1973г.

Что Они Говорят
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 11.03.06 01:40:39   
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"Я очень доволен, что мы сейчас на стадии общения, что можем разговаривать [друг с другом]." звезда Pink Floyd Дэвид Гилмор о своих постоянно сложных отношениях с бывшим согруппником Роджером Уотерсом.
10/03/2006 09:51
Добрый профессор  
Roger Waters will not cancel Israeli show
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 11.03.06 02:46:55   
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Роджер не собирается отменить Израильское шоу, несмотря на предложения израильских артитовРоджер не собирается отменить Израильское шоу, несмотря на предложения израильских артитов
Roger Waters will not cancel Israeli show
LONDON, March 9 (UPI) -- Pink Floyd's Roger Waters says Palestinian opposition to his June 22 concert in Israel will have no effect on his decision to play there.

The Palestinian Association for Contemporary Art and the League of Palestinian Artists sent a letter to the writer of "Another Brick in the Wall," asking him to reconsider playing in Israel, The Guardian reported Thursday.

"Palestinian as well as several international artists asked in shock: how can the artist whose name around the world was for many years associated with breaking walls of injustice be in any way complicit with the monstrosity of Israel's wall, declared illegal by the international court of justice?" the letter said.

Although he has been a vocal opponent of the West Bank barrier being constructed by Israel, Waters said many of his Israeli fans are "refusniks" and added: "I would not rule out going to Israel because I disapprove of the foreign policy any more than I would refuse to play in the U.K. because I disapprove of Tony Blair's foreign policy."

© Copyright 2006 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Сильная злость  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: K_A_O_S   Дата: 11.03.06 12:07:50   
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Уотерс у нас будет !!! а арабские животные отдыхают .
Everybody else is just green
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 11.03.06 19:18:33   
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Have you seen the charts?Have you seen the charts?
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 11.03.06 19:30:23   
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>Уотерс у нас будет !!!

Пойдёшь на Уотерса?

Или уже неинтересен?..
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: K_A_O_S   Дата: 11.03.06 20:39:59   
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пойду конечно.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 11.03.06 20:48:20   
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>пойду конечно.

к нам вот только что-то не едет..
Ян Ритчи - флейта-выручалочка семьи Уотерсов
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 11.03.06 23:12:37   
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Вопрос: Так когда же Вы встретились с Уотерсом?

Ian Ritchie: " Первый раз я столкнулся с Роджером во время совместной работы над "Radio KAOS",
затем в Royal Albert Hall на концерте "Countryside Alliance" 2002 года (whip craik).
Ему нужен был кто-то, кто сыграл бы на флейте в песне ' Flickering Flame' играет,
ведь Norbert Stachel не имелся в распоряжении.
Несколько неделями раньше я встретил на вечеринке Эндрю Цвека (Andrew Zweck) (его Tour Manager),
где я играл с группой на саксофоне, и он записал мое имя.
Итак первым разом, когда я играл с Роджером после времён "Radio KAOS" стало выступление на сцене в Royal Albert Hall.
С тех пор я играл при случае в Jazzformation Харри Уотера.
Я действительно уже очень радуюсь не в последнюю очередь турне,
так как мы будем исполнять альбом "Dark Side of the Moon", и он - любимый лично мной альбом всех времен! "
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Тёма Стоунз   Дата: 12.03.06 00:08:14   
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>Уотерс у нас будет !!!
Что простите???
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 12.03.06 01:18:20   
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2Тёма Стоунз:

>>Уотерс у нас будет !!!
>Что простите???

Уотерс приезжает в Тель Авив с концертом в конце Июня!
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