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Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes

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Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: SkyElevator   Дата: 10.05.05 07:24:31
Люблю я в последнее время послушать поп конца 60-х-начала 70-х. Это из той же серии.

At the time of its 1970 release, the album met with a warm response from the critics and listeners. A few radio DJs lent the album a bit of mystique and notoriety by implying (or blatantly claiming) that it was a new Beatles record. (the Miscellaneous section of this site has a great example of a DJ doing this very thing. Click here to hear it.) And it did sound very much like White Album-era McCartney, didn't it? Certainly, "Martha, My Dear" and "She's Such A Beauty" could have been written by the same hand. Whether anyone was fooled or not, the album began rising up the charts along with the first single from the album, "Fresh As A Daisy." Everything seemed to be going well for Emitt. He had made the music he wanted to make and people were liking it. People were buying it. The album and single continued to rise, but then the first of the previously mentioned setbacks arrived.

Matthew Greewald, a reviewer for All Music Guide, had this to say:

"Following the critical success of his debut solo album, Emitt Rhodes, the one man Beatles, entered his home studio for the follow-up, and he did not disappoint. Although not as cohesive as his last record, Mirror is home to some of his finest material. 'Birthday Lady' and 'Really Wanted You' are almost Stones-like in their attack, aggression, and feel, and Rhodes pulls them off with fantastic results. 'Golden Child of God' is also one of his finest compositions — it also would have easily been at home on Paul McCartney's Ram. All in all, this album is not a disappointment, coming off his self-titled debut, Emitt Rhodes, which can easily be described as one of the classics of the period."

Despite the album's undeniable gems, it only managed to crawl to #182. Emitt suggests that the album's poor showing was possibly due to the fact that his label was more interested in his breach of contract than they were in promoting the record.

Things got even worse when his third album, Farewell To Paradise, failed to chart at all. This aptly titled album had its share of decent songs, but Emitt's musical focus had understandably shifted. Indeed, it seemed as if he had undergone a sort of transformation. Gone was the clean cut youth of days past; he had been replaced a more hirsute and moody-looking Emitt, as the album cover showed us.

The album showcases a wider range of sounds and influences, incorporating at various times mellotron, saxophone, banjo and mandolin into its tracks and finds Emitt experimentig more with time changes and rhythmical devices. While virtually every song on his debut, Emitt Rhodes, would have been perfectly at home on The White Album, Emitt had always maintained that his influences were not limited to the Beatles, and he backs that up on Farewell. The album has a few "McCartney moments" (in particular "Only Lovers Decide" and the title track), but it reaches well beyond them. Farewell To Paradise finds Emitt taking a more hard-nosed, blues/rock-based approach to music, distancing himself from the Sixties-pop mentality he had so skillfully mastered, and, unfortunately, at times sacrificing much of the wonderfully developed melody and endearing pop quality of his previous work. However, this makes those tracks on which he does venture beyond standard blues/rock progressions and arrangements stand out even more brightly.

This album saw the return of the talented Curt Boettcher as mixdown engineer and, perhaps as a result, sounds brighter and cleaner than Mirror, on which Boettcher was absent. Emitt himself was also clearly learning to get better sound with what he had and, by his own admission, was working with better equipment than he had been previously. All of this lends Farewell a slightly more modern and slicker sound than the previous albums. One can definitely hear the "Seventies" seeping from the songs, in both recording quality and content (maybe it's just the inclusion of that ubiquitous Seventies saxophone in many of the tracks.) While I suppose cleaner recording quality should generally be regarded as a good thing, I personally prefer the slightly more lo-fi, homey pop quality of Emitt Rhodes and Mirror. To these ears, the songs have a more organic and warm quality than those on Farewell and, indeed, much of the music that was released by the recording industry in the Seventies. A clear example of the change in recording quality that occurred during the Seventies can be had by comparing "Somebody Made For Me" from the first album in 1970 to the unreleased 1980 Emitt track "Isn't It So" from the Listen, Listen compilation. While it's always nice to hear a new tune from Emitt, there is no question as to which of these songs is superior, even though the latter track was recorded on a twenty-four track machine with session musicians in a proper studio. It's so slick and polished — nearly perfect — and a bit soulless as a result (though I have to admit, that chorus gets stuck in my head sometimes!) On the other hand, the 1970 song is perfect in its imperfection — perfect in spite of its imperfection.
Фрагметы истории, целиком опубликованной
Корвин, у меня есть Mp3 его Long Time No See, могу выслать, если нужно.
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 10.05.05 15:19:46   
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>Корвин, у меня есть Mp3 его Long Time No See,
>могу выслать, если нужно.

Конечно нужно. Спасибо!
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 31.05.05 12:22:00   
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+ Long Time No See
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 31.05.05 12:25:07   
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Кстати пойдя по этой ссылке: ... можно выкачать практически все синглы и альбомы Emitt Rhodes!
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: SkyElevator   Дата: 11.06.05 04:06:21   
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Не советую, все, как обычно у буржуев, по минуте-полторы.
Emitt Rhodes - битловский привет из 60-ых
Автор: Manwe   Дата: 04.06.06 19:32:09   
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Кто-нибудь слушает человека по имени Emitt Rhodes? Он начинал в группе Merry-Go-Round в 60-ые, потом переключился на сольное творчество. Его записи в чём-то похожи на первый сольник Макартни, он тоже играл сам на всех инструментах. Вообще, его часто сравнивают с Макартни и говорят, что он целиком и полностью попал в тень от Пола, поэтому тогда его никто не заметил, что печально сказалось на творческой мотивации. Но сейчас, когда я уже знаю всего Макартни наизусть, меня очень порадовало открытие этого музыканта. Ещё занятно, что он поёт то голосом с интонациями Хариссона, то Леннона.
В общем, рекомендую:
Там в разделе the music лежат MP3.
Мне особенно "битловскими" показались песни "Listen, Listen", "Lullabye", "Really Wanted You" (на неё клип есть, кстати - клёвая песня), "Birthday Lady" (тоже клип есть), "Shoot The Moon".

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Emitt Rhodes - битловский привет из 60-ых".
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: Игорь Цалер   Дата: 03.05.09 20:56:07   
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Отличный музыкант! Слушаю сборник "Daisy-Fresh From Hawthorne, California (The Best Of The Dunhill Years)" - это будто потерянные песни Пола Маккартни 70-х. Сам на всем играл, записывал дома... Настоящее сокровище!
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: dannymass   Дата: 03.05.09 22:14:05   
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Да, потрясающие вещи у Родса, согласен. Всем, кто его еще не слушал - обязательно послушайте!
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: Walrus   Дата: 10.10.09 16:28:13   
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Да, хороший мужик! слушайте!
Ты мне нравишься!  
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: dannymass   Дата: 15.11.10 01:26:52   
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Оказывается, по весне фильм про него вышел. Посмотреть бы...Оказывается, по весне фильм про него вышел. Посмотреть бы...

In 1970 The Beatles split up. The world mourned and the internal war that raged between the members became public knowledge when Paul McCartney released his solo album, McCartney, with a press release announcing the split and his side of the story. There was a mixture of horror and excitement, The Beatles were no more but McCartney had a solo album. Was it the album everyone expected? Was it full of McCartney-style whimsy and wit? No. It was a bit of a disappointment. The stand out songs aside (Maybe I’m Amazed, Junk) it was a bit of a damp squib. An acoustic set of ideas and melodies. It almost sounds unfinished.

Thousands of miles away, at around the same time, a 20 year old pop star in America released his own debut solo album in exactly the same vein. He had written it himself, played every instrument and produced it in his own make-shift studio. The man, and the album, were called Emitt Rhodes and it is often referred to as the album McCartney should have released.

In 1970, Rhodes’ situation was no different to McCartney’s. Rhodes was better known as a member of moderately successful pop band Merry Go Round.

The band split up in 1969, but the record company were owed another album. So, to honour the band’s commitment, Rhodes set about recording his own album. When he submitted it however, the record company (A&M Records) shelved it. Unperterbed, Rhodes then retired to his garage with his four-track recorder and set about making a classic album.

ABC/Dunhill Records heard this new solo album and loved it. He intended on calling it Home Cooking; the record company went with his name instead, but included a banner on the front cover advising that it was ‘Recorded at home!’ as, in 1970, this was a rarity. The album reached number 29 in the Billboard chart. Billboard were later to refer to the album as ‘One of the best albums of the decade’.

Each track has that same feeling of silky-slick song-smithery that Paul McCartney had become synonymous for on each Beatles album. The gentle and assured craft is undeniably addictive on the ear, with this and the subsequent albums that followed.

Lullaby was featured in the Wes Anderson film The Royal Tenenbaums.

On the next album, Mirror, Rhodes played all of the instruments once again. He opted for a slightly rockier feel on this album and although good, is now where near as good as the first. Though this video perfectly demonstrates his versatility.

In response to the success of Rhodes’ first two albums, his previous record label (A&M) released the previously shelved album recorded in 1969 entitled The American Dream. It is a placid album, mainly dealing with issues of loss (Someone Died, Till the Day After, The Man He Was) or love (Pardon Me, You’re a Very Lovely Woman, Mary Will You Take My Hand).

His last studio album, Farewell to Paradise, followed in 1973.This album is the most laid back of the four. Very acoustic and emotionally charged, it really wears its heart on its sleeve and by the end you genuinely feel sorry for the author. It even included a protest song to the Vietnam War (Tame the Lion).

Sadly, after much hassle and meddling from record companies, Rhodes quit the business and he became a producer for Elektra Records and runs a recording studio. A great waste of a great talent, which leads me to ask, how many times have record companies put the brakes on a great career by being ignorant?

Emitt Rhodes turned 60 on the 25th February this year and rumours persist that he may be re-entering the recording studios with a new band and all new material. Fingers crossed on that one.

In 2009 a documentary was made called The One Man Beatles all about Emitt. It was selected for the International Rome Film Festival 2009, and received standing ovations.

Happy 60th Emitt and thanks again for the music.
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: dannymass   Дата: 15.11.10 01:31:32   
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Еще и трибьют вышел.Еще и трибьют вышел.
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: dannymass   Дата: 15.11.10 02:13:29   
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Жив, курилка! Правда, больше на Санту стал похож, но все такой же обаятельный. Фото этого года.Жив, курилка! Правда, больше на Санту стал похож, но все такой же обаятельный. Фото этого года.
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: Игорь Цалер   Дата: 16.11.10 21:11:48   
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Выглядит круто! :)
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: dannymass   Дата: 04.09.11 22:23:03   
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11 ноября на Эхе Москвы все вместе слушаем Эмитта Родса. Времени до эфира еще много, я пока попробую связаться с ним - вдруг он тоже захочет принять участие в эфире.11 ноября на "Эхе Москвы" все вместе слушаем Эмитта Родса. Времени до эфира еще много, я пока попробую связаться с ним - вдруг он тоже захочет принять участие в эфире.
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: Andr McCull   Дата: 06.09.11 08:55:05   
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Вот ещё отличный альбомВот ещё отличный альбом
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: Andr McCull   Дата: 06.09.11 08:57:53   
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Сорри вот фронтСорри вот фронт
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: Andr McCull   Дата: 06.09.11 08:58:33   
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Сорри вот фронтСорри вот фронт
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: Andr McCull   Дата: 12.09.11 14:53:49   
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ещё отличный альбомещё отличный альбом
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: dannymass   Дата: 13.09.11 19:39:17   
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Да он, в принципе, весь отличный. Мне и ранние его вещи в Merry-Go-Round очень нравятся.Да он, в принципе, весь отличный. Мне и ранние его вещи в Merry-Go-Round очень нравятся.
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: dannymass   Дата: 13.09.11 19:39:43   
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Очень "пробитловская" пластинка. Все фишечки соблюдены, даже гитарное соло задом наперед, как в Taxman, присутствует.
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 35. Emitt Rhodes
Автор: dannymass   Дата: 16.10.11 04:17:24   
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Вчера получил винил The American Dream - обложка со стеной, но на лейбле - миспринт. Красных букв A&M с одной стороны нет. Такой вариант мне встречался куда реже обложки с рамой.Вчера получил винил The American Dream - обложка со стеной, но на лейбле - миспринт. Красных букв A&M с одной стороны нет. Такой вариант мне встречался куда реже обложки с рамой.
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